Sun Sep 27 08:55:59 EDT 2020 Name: MADTENNTEX Points: 76'006 Bases: 62 Charts Rank: 1214 MAP369 MADTENNTEX zerstoert DARKSOUL MAP421 MADTENNTEX zerstoert PRO40 MAP446 MADTENNTEX zerstoert LIESEL 17 4A H HH 12 The defintion of stupidy is you don't get it. Why do I conclude John27 is stupid about this game and that is why he thinks it is funny that Cassisu took a base with no permission, denying it to Toefonos. John has 105 bases and 71k poiuts. KPA is a player quality metric. 71/105 .676 Toe is 116 base amd 127k points 127/116 1.09 Cassius 59 bases and 36k points 36/59 .61 A 3rd base for toe would increase mil from 4500 to 6000, It would allow for a 4th HO to be added to Team Yankee on map 389. John you play at such a low quality level you have no clue. If you have a clue then are you deliberately sabataging NOCASH. If a leader speaks that is what goes. I do not disrespect any other leader. If I have a problem with a leader I PM them and they know it. If a leader is ON anyone with a KPA < .8 should get permission to take a team destroyed base. If no leader is on then right of refussal should be by KPA. Or Highest KPA should be defacto map leader. Team Yankee has 470 bases over 12 plus maps and 600+ points KPA 1.27 I hold in very high regard the top player in this alliance. But none seem willing to be real leaders. As I am Team Yankee and represent 4 top players as long as I am a leader I will remain in Team Yankee.