this file  /right/sda3/ikiw/toe/00_contack.eot.html   tom's home webserver since 1994.
also tom's home webserver since 1994. Short cut

tom watson 1968 to 2015

I am so much more handsome today, my wife will not allow me to post my current picture. :)

cell 603 459 4052
google (203) 590-1541 txt and voice messages fowarded to 603 459 4052
NOTE every gmail accouct can have a google number but each has to be linked to Cell number.
I believe you cannot link to land lines as they cannot carry do text.
A google number is a great anonymous number.

who am I.

I take lots of pics. I do stereo images. I was Skipper of a Sea Scout Ship for a decade.
I was a youth soccer coach for a couple of decades. Boys and Girls Recreation to Oylympic development Levels.

In my mind I am a little boy who never grew up.  IS MOST USED.

These invites are set to never expire. But some may repoort not valid link. But if you contact me in game or by email or text my phone I can create a new invite and ones I just create do seem to work.

Discord on xbox one

Tom's Guide How to Use Discord on Xbox One

My discord server will have a general text channel and a rundmail channel with limited access to known player.

Discord user name will have to have a semblance of the game user name and all User game ID will be verified.

In general specific channels will all be voice channels.
A voice channel is just a text channel where those who chose can listen and or use a mike to speak. Permission to talk or listen is controled by the admin.
Automatic addmission to any channel is not a given.
There will be restricted channels. I have not worked with discord much. It is basically a voip and text confrencing app
As with all aps you learn it by doing it.
There are many online video to explain it and it seems simple.
But until you do it a few times remembering where you go to what it is you want to do is a learning experience. is an invitation to the general text chat of DISCORD client server NOCASH, admin by EOT. Link is invite to NOCASH server general text chat.

To use link, sign up at One can run discord in a browser or download the app for just about everything. windows linux android .... After signing in you past the link and you join general chat.
DXEATYH also runs as NOCASH discord server and his link did appear in rund mail.
They are diferent servers. is an invitation to the Rundmail text DISCORD c

If the discord invite links fails please email or txt. Or send a code mail in DO. is an invitation to the general VOICE chat of DISCORD client server NOCASH, admin by EOT. Created Sun Jun 7 21:33:07 EDT 2020

If this fails please email or txt.

EOT played Desertorder for several months starting in Jan of 2019 thru August of 2019.    
Then with close friends went on hiatus.    
Most of that time EOT played with an alliance MARS113 that has disolved now.
Many former MARS113 players formed Alliance STANDUP which has the same leader of former MARS113.

When I returned to play again  All I and my close friends had left were our HB spread over 4 maps.
Toe still had home base and a few bases on map 234.    So we all decide to move our HB to 234.  
EOT was delayed. 

Within 2 weeks Team Yankee had won well over 100 bases.    EOT noted  who was on the map and who their Alliances were.   
One player stood out as a good former comrad who Team Yankee had taken many bases on many different map.   
That seemed the best fit for the four.

So we joined NOCASH.     EOT and friends now play for NOCASH.  


Base battle record for Team Yankee    Thru April 13 2020.  We started Mid March with
1 home base and only Toe had 4 bases on map 234.    EOT was delayed moving Home base to
234 from 161 as he had some stealth XR1's  somewhere else and violated the 2000 pt rule.
It took several days to figure out what the problem was.   And then at time of map change EOT
clicked 224, not 234.    EOT has resources on 224 and 234 and misclicked.   So a 5 day delay.

As a group we are all retired Systems Engineers.   We are all from Connecticut USA.
So we decided to identify outselves as Team Yankee.   Eot is the usual poblic voice of
Team Yankee.   Other members remain anoymous but not silent.   

All of us multitask and belive the DO game chat sucks an is so small on 4k monitors it is not 
seen.    All of us believe the person to person 10 word player to player code mail sucks.
If you forget code or miscode the messages goes but you have to  see some mini text that flashes to 
know you sent it correctly.   And if important you may make a mistake and you do cloud the play screen 
the other player and that may be a negative distraction.   The player could be in battle on another screen.  


It is clear to WE systems engineers the entire game is designed to bleed you of gold.    But it is fun and

Team Yankee as of 4/14 2020  now has  

NOSTAW57  29
EOT       30
PAMENO    84
         208 bases

05.04.20	07:24:26	MAP234	TOEFONOS	zerstoert	STALLION6
06.04.20	01:29:19	MAP234	TOEFONOS	zerstoert	KCIRTAP
07.04.20	22:43:32	MAP234	TOEFONOS	zerstoert	QUENTIN
08.04.20	02:14:24	MAP234	TOEFONOS	zerstoert	DUDE44
09.04.20	02:40:04	MAP234	TOEFONOS	zerstoert	VGORODOK
09.04.20	06:32:11	MAP234	TOEFONOS	zerstoert	DERICHBIN
09.04.20	20:08:20	MAP234	TOEFONOS	zerstoert	DERICHBIN
10.04.20	02:49:08	MAP234	TOEFONOS	zerstoert	THEDUCK
12.04.20	07:27:20	MAP234	TOEFONOS	zerstoert	VGORODOK
12.04.20	08:22:32	MAP234	TOEFONOS	zerstoert	VGORODOK
12.04.20	09:20:44	MAP234	TOEFONOS	zerstoert	QUENTIN
12.04.20	23:40:46	MAP234	TOEFONOS	zerstoert	DERICHBIN
13.04.20	01:27:25	MAP234	TOEFONOS	zerstoert	QUENTIN
13.04.20	04:08:12	MAP234	TOEFONOS	zerstoert	DUDE44
13.04.20	07:18:50	MAP234	TOEFONOS	zerstoert	DUDE44
14.04.20	00:55:28	MAP234	TOEFONOS	zerstoert	LMS

29.03.20	20:13:20	MAP234	NOSTAW57	zerstoert	DUDE44
02.04.20	03:15:15	MAP234	NOSTAW57	zerstoert	STALLION6
02.04.20	04:50:46	MAP234	NOSTAW57	zerstoert	DUDE44
07.04.20	02:47:49	MAP234	NOSTAW57	zerstoert	DUDE44
08.04.20	05:21:29	MAP234	NOSTAW57	zerstoert	LMS
10.04.20	03:51:25	MAP234	NOSTAW57	zerstoert	THEDUCK
11.04.20	03:39:28	MAP234	NOSTAW57	zerstoert	HAN5
11.04.20	16:54:53	MAP234	NOSTAW57	zerstoert	THEDUCK
13.04.20	18:53:19	MAP234	NOSTAW57	zerstoert	DUDE44
14.04.20	03:37:02	MAP234	NOSTAW57	zerstoert	LMS
14.04.20	08:09:51	MAP234	NOSTAW57	zerstoert	DERICHBIN

01.04.20	00:45:38	MAP234	EOT	zerstoert	NINKIEBOY
12.04.20	03:46:55	MAP234	EOT	zerstoert	THEDUCK
12.04.20	06:15:00	MAP234	EOT	zerstoert	VGORODOK
12.04.20	22:22:07	MAP234	EOT	zerstoert	QUENTIN

25.03.20	19:34:41	MAP234	PAMENO	zerstoert	DUDE44
26.03.20	02:49:54	MAP234	PAMENO	zerstoert	EOT
26.03.20	03:59:06	MAP234	PAMENO	zerstoert	EOT
26.03.20	04:16:56	MAP234	PAMENO	zerstoert	EOT
26.03.20	04:24:18	MAP234	PAMENO	zerstoert	EOT
26.03.20	04:42:09	MAP234	PAMENO	zerstoert	EOT
28.03.20	02:17:30	MAP234	PAMENO	zerstoert	DERICHBIN
28.03.20	19:19:17	MAP234	PAMENO	zerstoert	EOT
30.03.20	04:11:22	MAP234	PAMENO	zerstoert	DERICHBIN
04.04.20	05:22:30	MAP234	PAMENO	zerstoert	LMS