/right/sda3/ikiw/toe/389.map V1.0
/home2/tomsthrd/html/EOT/389.map on toms3dtech

Last image updated.
LATEST Img behind last few datum.. data is added to text continuously,
Most up to date from EOT's home dyndns server, written live.


RED dot, base has detector Green dot no detector
Bases annotated with Player letter and unique alpha numeric character

Legend for players below.
A record for each base was created and filled in with base details over time.

As data entry erros were found they were corrected.

At the bottom of page is of list of killed bases to date.

Image is stored on EOT home dyndns linked server http and EOT commercial server https

Latest uploaded to tome3dteck commercial server with SSL site certification.

  Enemy base count by quadrant
  NE    SE    NW     SW                           total.
  Alliance  LEGEND
  Aliance code        Allinace rank  total bases
  Player   LEGEND
  Base Intel   LEGEND
  map 234           sSD  DFnRn   D detector  F Fog   R radar  0123 .=0 _=0