this file /righ/sda3/ikiw/mycloud/wd.mycloud.html Started Sat Jul 23 09:53:12 EDT 2016

Network Drives
(855) 842-5370

I started this file to document how the nfs works within the mycloud device.  I am doing this because
this is the fifth mycloud nas being added to my system.    When I followed the same procedures to 
mount this device on a linux system like the previous 4 devices it would not mount.
I googled and there was no info, I called the support at WD and "WE DO NOT SUPPORT NFS"

So this is a my attempt to create notes for the future as once it is working I will not be setting up 
again for likely serveral months
First the ssh login to the latest cloud is still user root passwd welc0me ssh root@ip-of-cloud.device

Firmware update  09/20/2016

In my network system there are 5 mycloud devices  Each device is configured with a static IP a change from the factory default dhcp setting.

I mostly defined my device names as nas1.4thOctet.   My local network is           1968336     650624    1217720  35% /44      6T 5805876328     169200 5747169584   1% /nas1.51 6T	Serial Number 	WX31DB5L6NRE           1968336     646464    1221888  35% /nas1.48 2T Serial Number WCC4E1222484           1968336     645016    1223336  35% /nas1.50 4T Serial Number WMC4M1842419           1968336     643136    1225208  35% /nas1.49 4T Serial Number WCC4E0977770		/44		6T  		WX41D3400852

Normal install process.
Connect to network and power up.
On Window 7 system run belarc advisor and see what dhcp address was assigned to new device by the router.
In a web browser put device ip as url.

On the lastest firmware of my new 6T drive that is different from my existing 6T drive a login is required.  The login is for admin... arghhhh.. Set that up.

Then configure
Here is where marketing sales and engineering personel at WD showed the first sign of collective dumber than a bag of hammers.    How do you get to setting???

The login screen of my first four devices that are  2T 4T and 6T all have identical home html screens.

Mounting device, nfs linux.  
mount -o soft,intr,rsize=8192,wsize=8192 /nas1.51
mount -o soft,intr,rsize=8192,wsize=8192 /nas1.48   		#4T
mount -o soft,intr,rsize=8192,wsize=8192 /nas1.49		   #4T
mount -o soft,intr,rsize=8192,wsize=8192 /nas1.50	      #2T
mount -o soft,intr,rsize=8192,wsize=8192 /44   

admin passwd lost.
Did 5 seconde reset with pin.
reset passwd to no password 
and reset to default dhcp 
used belarc on win 7 to find dhcp ip,   logged in  went to settings,  set dhcp back to static,  script went though setting IP
back to
all seems OK

Mon Oct  9 10:27:09 EDT 2017  software update... WX31DB5L6NRE    2.30.165 WCC4E1222484    v04.05.00-315 WMC4M1842419    v04.05.00-315 WCC4E0977770    v04.05.00-315 WX41D3400852    v04.05.00-315 ERROR screen appeared prn [undefined] tab... title Unable to retrieve data. Make sure there are no network connectivity issues and try again. (200005) Unknown error. Retry your last operation. If the error persists, contact WD Support for assistance. (200000) settings_device_led_form_error settings_hdd_standby_time_form_error settings_hdd_standby_time_form_error settings_device_led_form_error settings_remote_access_settings_toggle_form_error settings_device_ntp_form_error settings_time_machine_form_error settings_device_timezone_form_error settings_remote_access_settings_toggle_form_error settings_remote_access_usb_settings_toggle_form_error settings_device_timezone_form_error settings_remote_access_usb_settings_toggle_form_error settings_time_machine_form_error usb_devices_form_error alert_level_form_error