Joe Stoffan Tom · Seasoned Firewood You created this group You're not connected to 1 member You sent Hi Joe, I am looking for 2 full 128 cubic foot when stacked cords of wood. Delivery to 57 sunset hill drive Monroe CT. My phone is 603 459 4052 cell and my email is Joe Joe Stoffan Hi Tom I can deliver thr 2 cords one day this week in the AM if thats okay with you. Let me ask my driver what his availability is and i will get back to you later today. You sent what the hell did I do Joe Joe Stoffan You messaged me about firewood haha. Create a plan to schedule your meetup. You sent I seem never able to figure out how facebook works. Joe Joe Stoffan You are doing fine. Let me ask my driver when he can get there and I will get back to you shortly. You sent I can only handle 1 cord at a time. I have to move it around to racks and only room for 1 cord at end of driveway. You sent what is the range of wood length ? You sent I am retired so any day is usually OK and any time of day. Joe Thats not a problem. We usually like to get them done early morning. Everything is 20”. A majority of my wood ranges from 12-18”. Its cut small and easy to handle. Joe Joe Stoffan Under 20” sorry You sent Ok send a cord. tom watson You sent give me a day a and time. A text would be helpful as I have 6 browsers open on this computer each with 6 to 12 tabs and 2 windows on this computer. I usually loose the location of where is I doing whatever. 603 459 4052 Joe Joe Stoffan I will let you know what day and my drive will call you before loading the truck. You sent Sounds good. Joe removed the item from Marketplace. November 3 at 9:13 PM Nov 3, 2021, 9:13 PM Joe Joe Stoffan Hey Tom just wanted to follow up with you to see how the delivery went? Also hope you liked the wood. Let me know when you want the 2nd cord delivered. Have a good night. November 5 at 11:25 AM Nov 5, 2021, 11:25 AM You sent Joe, my boiler is out and I've been working to repair and just came back to my computer. Just figured out how to open this chat in messenger. so I have more than a 2" typiing window. Your driver AL brought his load from ???? I have his card somewhere. He arrived, I thouht his truck did not have enough volume to hold a stacked 128 ft3 cord if wood. We measured the volume of his dump bed, 88" 96" 36" 7.5ft x 8ft x 3f. on he phone he showed me 182.?? ft3 he calculated. Joe Joe Stoffan Yea we stacked a full cord and then put it in the truck and made a line so we know how much to load. You sent I started stacking the wood in my racks that are 87.5 inches. Because of the boiler I am still woring in the stacking. As to his calulation, I would use ( 8Ft X 6.5 X 2) + ( 7 X 7.5 X 1) = (104)+(48.75) = 152.75. The tail is only 2ft ih height and wood slopes down for the rear and I will give 45 degrees as the angle. My calculation is comes to .84 cord. Al told me once in the past you made a cord stack loaded it and then use that as your visual reference. Joe Joe Stoffan When stacked 4x4x8=128 sq ft Are you saying that there is less than a cord You sent the wood delevered so far has many chunks. I split them and the were not seasoned. All the wood is dirty and splattered with mud. Several pieces obviously had been siting in water for a while, they smell. I have moved the wood from the dump location and have 6 pluse cubic ft dirt macadem, and debree. Joe Joe Stoffan Give my cousin a call he handles the deliveries as well as the material. (203)395-3175 he will rectify it. You sent There is definitely far less than a cord. And what was delivered was not anything like the images posted. I have several thousand images posted on line. I am photo documenting the dumped pile, the stacking, the split unseasoned wood and the cart of dirt debree. I doubt there is 3/4 of a cord. FYI a stacked cord of 16-18" wood requires 180 cubic feet, so your cousins truck cannot deliver a cord unless it is stacked in the bed. You sent all about what a cord of wood is. Cord of Wood Dimensions: Stacked, Face, and Loose - SHTF Blog – Modern Survival Joe Joe Stoffan When stacked the length of the pieces doesn’t matter it just needs to be 128sq ft. A cord when stacked is 4’x4’x8’ Thats 128 sq ft. A cord when thrown would be 180ft square because of the gaps. I believe you measured with my cousin and it was equal to 180ft square. Just give him a call he will work it out with you. I apologize for the debris he may have grabbed some when loading. (203)395-3175 You sent this is an image of this messaging on my web server. You sent This is an image of my volume calculator. The link to the actual ODS, spread sheet is in the image. Also the vulume definition for a thrown cord of wood. 180 cubic feet for 18" logs. to make make of 128 cubic feet of stacked wood. You sent I measured and calculated a volume from my recall of the measurements, I assume you cousing calculated incorrectly. I explained how I calculated and I just saw your cousins phone with 182.?? on the screen. Joe Joe Stoffan Call my cousin we have delivered a lot of wood with no complaints on the amount and we fill it the same way every time. You sent How do I calculate a stacked volume? I stack the wood in my racks. longer at bottom and then shorter at top. Then as it makes sense I measure height in ft for various lengths. The spread sheet shows for a rack length the volume in cubic ft of a 1 foot high stack of a lenght. Joe Joe Stoffan Tom please give me cousin a call. I am at work and can’t really talk, but he should be available. P You sent Well, I am, a retired engineer and being very nerdy I check everything. If what you say is true, what does that mean if I am correct. In the conversation with you cousin he mentioned several past occasionswhere past customer has burned some of the wood or hidden the delievered wood and that was the reason for the shortage. In my particular past experience I have had to come up with tests to measure all things with extreme precision. What is some of my stuff? square:/hda4/home/watson/PASTWORK/index.html update Thu Dec 14 04:13:49 EST 2000 J oe Tom i apologize, but I can’t keep discussing this any further. You need to contact my cousin to inform him what is going on. Al (203)395-3175 Joe Joe Stoffan Please call him. You sent I am in no rush. Until I finish stacking I will hold off on contuing. My mental state is frustration, not anger. I am back to the boiler repair. Joe Joe Stoffan Okay good luck. November 14 at 2:00 PM Nov 14, 2021, 2:00 PM You sent I contacted you on facebook marketplace. Your ad shows images of wood including a dumped pile assumed as a representive of the wood i was buying. I not going to speak with or cantact your driver, cousin or whomever. i paid for a cord of split wood. got far less than a cord. Aall was mud spashed. Much was 4"by6" chunks that when I split were green. Sever pieces were wer and balck from sitting in mud. You sent I paid using discover card. I would like a refund of my payment and I will pay in cash or credit $185. I will wait 3 days and if not resolved I will dispute the charge. I have our entire mesageing and images to show exactly what was delivered. I will also look into facebook market place for their remedy or arbitraton process. Or if it is possible a partial refund to my credit card of $80 dollars is acceptable. You sent I have put together images of the wood delivered that that show how much, the 6 cubic feet of mud and debree. Images showning muddy pices and chucks. And pices of split chunks showing they were not dry or seasoned. Your other mentioned testing to 25%. I am not familiar with the details of that testing, But I know the chunks I split were no where near 25% You sent date and time of these messages. watson@xen2[1325]date Sun Nov 14 14:15:48 EST 2021 November 14 at 2:52 PM Nov 14, 2021, 2:52 PM You sent gg You sent 00page.html created by script Joe You have to deal with my cousin directly. He will contact you. Joe Joe Stoffan Have a great day. Dear Joe, in that you decided to use the dirty less than a cord of wood pile from my driveway in your ad, I am smiling as you have confirmed your switch of ads. And you hace the links ot my picks taht document clearly the less than a cord ontents of that pile. Now I have a picture of the original pile. I did not take one as I thought I had gotten a cord. And the pick shows all the dirt on the wood. but not the chunk dirt debris and macadem loaded in the bed and covered.