CHARTER ONC Visager K2I AJ=. (After the Fall) 3OS YJO. (Year of the Oath) Commodore Maurice Fair lifted the uniform cap from his head and wiped at the sweat on his forehead with a handkerchief. He was standing on the liner docks on the north shore of Oathtaking's superb C-shaped harbor. Behind him were the broad quiet streets of Old Town, running out from Monument Square behind his back. There the bronze figures of the Founders stood, raised weapons in their hands—the cutlasses and flintlocks common three centuries ago. The Empire-Alliance war had ended an overwhehning Imperial victory. The first thing the Alliance refugees had done was swear a solemn oath of vengeance against those who'd broken their ambitions and slaughtered everyone of their fellows who hadn't fled the mainland. After three years in the Land of die Chosen as a naval attach^, Farr was certain of two things: their descendants still meant it, and they'd extended the future field of attack from the Empire to everyone else on the planet Visager. Perhaps to the entire universe. West and south around the bay ran the modern city of Oathtaking, built of black basalt and gray tufa from the quarries nearby. Rail sidings, shipyards, steel mills, factories, warehouses, the endless tenement blocks that housed the Protggg laborers. A cluster of huge buildings marked the commercial center; six and even eight 2 S.M. Stirling 6- David Drake stories tafl, their girder frames sheathed in granite carved in the severe columnar style of Chosen architecture. A pall of coal smoke lay over most of the town below the leafy suburbs on the hill slopes, giving the hot tropical air a sulfurous taste. A racket of shod hooves sounded on stone-block pavement, die squeal of iron on iron and a hiss of steam, the hoot of factory sirens. Ships thronged die docks and harbor, everything from old-fashioned windjammers in with cargoes of grain from the Empire to modern steel-hulled steamers of Land or Republic build. Out in die middle of the harbor a circle of islands finked by causeways marked the site of an ancient caldera and the modem navy basin. Near it moved the low hulk-log gray shape of a battlewagon, spewing black smoke from its stacks. His mind categorized it automatically: Ezerherzoe Grufan, name-ship of her class, launched last year. Twelve thousand tons displacement, four 250-mm rifles in twin turrets fore and aft, eight 175mm in four twin-tube wing turrets, eight 155mm in barbette mounts on either side, 200mm main belt, face-hardened alloy steel Four-stacker with triple expansion engines, eighteen thousand horsepower, eighteen knots. Tile biggest, baddest thing on the water, or at least it would be until the Republic launched its first of the Ifemocmt-class in eighteen months. Fair shook his head. Enough. You're going home. He raised his eyes. Snow-capped volcanoes ringed the port city of Oathtak-ing on three sides. They reared into the ha^ tropical air like perfect cones, their bases overlapping in a tangle of valleys and folds coated with rain forest like dark-green velvet. Below the forest were terraced fields; Fair remembered riding among them. Dusty gravel-surfaced lanes between rows of eucalyptus and flamboyants. A little cooler than down here on the docks; a little less humid. Certainly better smelling than the oily waters of die harbor. Pretty, in a way, the glossy green of the coffee THE CHOSEN 3 bushes and the orange orchards. He'd gone up there a couple of times, invited up to the manors of family estates by Chosen navy types eager to get to know the Republic's naval attache1. Not bad oscos, some of diem; good sailors, terrible spies, and given to asking questions that revealed much more than they intended. Also, tiiat meant he got a travel pass for die Oaditak-ing District. There were some spots where a good pair of binoculars could get you a glimpse at die base if you were quick and discreet. Nothing earthshaking, just what was in port and what was in drydock and what was building on the slipways. Confirming what Intelligence got out of its contacts among die Protege" workers in die shipyard. That was how you built up a picture of capabilities, bit by bit. He'd been here diree years now, he'd done a pretty good job—gotten die specs on die steam-turbine experiments—and it was time to go home. For more reasons than one. He dropped his eyes to die man and woman talking not far away. What did I ever see in him? Sally Hosten thought. Her husband—soon to be ex-husband—stood at parade rest, hands clasped behind his back. Karl Hosten was a tall man even for one of die Chosen, broad-shouldered and narrow-waisted, as trim at durty-five as he had been twelve years ago when they married. His face was square and so deeply tanned diat die turquoise-blue eyes glowed like jewels by contrast; his cropped hair was white-blond. He wore undress uniform: gray shorts and short-sleeved tunic and gunbelt. "This parting is not of my will," he said in crisp Chosen-accented Landisch. "No, it's mine," Sally agreed, in English. She'd spoken Landisch for a long time, her voice had been a little rusty when she went to die Santander embassy to see about getting her Republican citizenship back. She'd met Maurice mere. And she didn't intend to speak Karl's language again, if she could help it. 4 S.M. Stirling 6- David Drake "Will you not reconsider?" he said. Twelve years together had made it easy for her to read the emotions behind a Chosen mask-face. The sorrow she sensed put a bubble of anger at the back of her mouth, hard and bitter. "Will you give John back his children?" she said. A brief glance aside showed that her son John wasn't nearby anymore. Where . . . twenty feet or so, bending over a cargo net with another boy of about the same twelve years. Jeffrey Fair, Maurice's son. Karl Hosten stiffened and ran a hand over his stubbled scalp. "The law is the law; genetic defects must be—" "A clubfoOt is not a genetic defect!" Sally said with quiet deadliness. "It's a result of carriage during pregnanc/*—a spear of guilt stabbed her—"which can be, was, corrected surgically. And you didn't even tell me you were having him sterilized in the delivery room. I didn't find out until he was eleven years old!" "Would you have been happier if you knew? Would he?" "How happy would he be when he found out he couldn't be Chosen?" Karl swallowed and looked very slightly away. He is my son too, he didn't say. Aloud: "There are many fine careers open to Probationers-Emeritus. Johan is an intelligent boy. The University—" "As a Washout" Sally said, using the cruel slang term for those jvho failed the exacting Trial of Life at eighteen after being born to or selected for the training system. It was far better than Prote'ge' status, anything was, but in die Land of the Chosen . . . "We've had this conversation too many times," she said. Karl sighed. "Correct. Let us get this over with." She looked around. "John!" John Hosten felt prickly, as if his own skin were too tij^ht and belonged to somebody else. Everyone had been THE CHOSEN 5 too quiet in the steamcar, after they picked him up at the school. He'd already said good-bye to his friends— he didn't have many—and packed. Vulf, his dog, was already on board the ship. / don't ttxtnt to listen to them fight, he thought, and began drifting away from his mother and father. That put him near another boy about his own age. Johns eyes slid back to him, curiosity driving his misery away a little. The stranger was skinny and tall, red-haired and freckled. His hair was oddly cut, short at the sides and floppy on top, combed—a foreigner's style, different from both the Chosen crop and the bowl-cut of a Proti. He wore a thin fabric pullover printed in bizarre colorful patterns, baggy shorts, laced shoes with rubber soles, and a ridiculous looking billed cap. "Hi," he said, holding out a hand. Then: "Ah, guddag." "I speak English," John said, shaking with the brief hard clamp of tne Land. English and Imperial were compulsory subjects at school, and he'd practiced with his mother. The other boy flexed his fingers. "Better'n I speak Landisch," he said, grinning. "I'm Jeffrey Fair. Tliat's my dad over there." He nodded towards a tall slender man in a white uniform who was standing a careful twenty meters from the Hosten party. John recognized the uniform from familiarization lectures and slides: Republic of Santan-der Navy, officer's lightweight summer garrison version. It must be Captain Farr, the officer Mom had been seeing at the consulate about the citizenship stuff. 7 wish stie'd tell me the truth. I'm not a little kid or an idiot, he thought. That wasn't the only reason she was talking to Maurice Farr so much. "John Hosten, Probationer-hereditary," he replied aloud. A Probationer-hereditary was born to the Chosen and automatically entitled to the training and the Test of Life; only a few children of Protege's were adopted into the course. Then he flushed. He wasn't going to be a S.M. Stirling 6- David Drake Probationer long, and he could never have passed the Test, not the genetic portions. Not with his foot. He couldn't be anything but a Washout, second-class citizen. "You don't have to worry about all that crap any more," Jeffrey said cheerfully, jerking a thumb over his shoulder at the liner Pride of Bosson. "We're all going back to civilization." The Bag that fluttered from her signal mast had a blue triangle in the left field with fifteen white stars, and two broad stripes of red and white to the right. The Republic of Santander's banner. John opened his mouth in automatic reflex to defend die Land, then closed it again. He was going to Santan-der himself. To live. "Y#, we're going," he said. They both looked over towards their parents. "Your mother?" "She died when I was a baby," Jeffrey said. There was a crash behind them. The boys turned, both relieved at the distraction. One of the steam cranes on the Bosson's deck had slipped a gear while unloading a final cargo net on the dock. The Protege" foreman of the docker gang went white under his tan—he'd be held responsible—and turned to yell insults and complaints up at the liner's deck, shaking his fist. Then he turned and whipped his lead-weighted truncheon across the side of one docker's head. There was a sound like a melon dropping on pavement; the dockers face seemed to distort like a rubber mask. He fell to the cracked uneven pavement with a limp finality, as if someone had cut all his tendons. "Shit," Jeffrey whispered. The foreman made an angry gesture with his baton, and two of the dockers took their injured fellow by the arms and dragged him off towards a warehouse. His head was rolled back, eyes disappeared in the whites, bubbles of blood whistling out of his nose. The foreman turned back to the ship and called up to the seamen on the railing, calling for an officer. They looked back THE CHOSEN 7 at him for a moment, then one silently turned away and walked towards the nearest hatch . . . slowly. The gang instantly squatted on their heels when the foreman's attention went elsewhere. A few lit up stubs of cigarette; John could smell the musky scent of hemp mingled with the tobacco. A few smirked at the foreman's back, but most were expressionless in a different way from Chosen, their faces blank and doughy under sweat and stubble. They were wearing cotton overalls with broad arrows on them, labor-camp inmates' clothing. "Hey, that crate's busted," Jeffrey said. John looked. One wood-and-iron box about three meters on a side had sprung along its top. The stencils on the side read Museum of History and Nature/ Copernik. He felt a stir of curiosity. Copernik was capital of the Land, and die Museum was more than a storehouse; it was the primary research center of die most advanced nation on Visager. He'd had daydreams of working there himself, of finally figuring out some of the mysterious artifacts of the Ancestors, the star-spanning colonizers from Earth. The Federation had fallen over a thousand years ago—it was 1221 A.F. right now—and nobody could understand the enigmatic constructs of ceramic and unknown metals. Not even now, despite the way technology had been advancing in the past hundred years. They were as incomprehensible as a steam engine or a dirigible would be to one of the arctic savages. "What's inside?" he said eagerly. "C'mon, let's take a look." The laborers ignored them; John was in a Probationer's school uniform, and Jeffrey was an obvious foreigner— an upper-class boy could go where he pleased, and the Fourth Bureau would be lethally interested if they heard of Prot6g6s talking to an auzlander. Even in the camps, there was always someplace worse. The foreman was still trading cusswords with the liner's petty officer. John grabbed at the heavy Abaca hemp of the net and climbed; it was easy, compared to the obstacle courses S.M. Stirling 6- David Drake at school. Jeffrey followed in an awkward scramble, all elbows and knees. "It's just a rock," he said in disappointment, peering through the sprung panels. "No, it's a meteorite," John said. The lumpy rock was about a meter across, suspended in an elastic cradle in the center of the crate. It hadn't taken any damage when the net dropped—unlike a keg of brandy, which they could smell leaking—but then, from die slagged and pitted appearance, it had survived an incandescent journey through the atmosphere. John was surprised that it was being sent to the museum; meteorites were common. You saw dozens in the sky, any night. There must be something unusual about this one, maybe its chemical composition. He reached through and touched it. "Sort of cold," he said. Not quite icy, but not natural, either. "Feel it." Jeffrey stretched a long thin arm through the crack. "Yeah, like—" The universe vanished. Sally looked over her shoulder. Where was John? Then she saw him, scrambling over the cargo net with another boy. With Maurices son. She opened her mouth to call them back, then closed it. It's important that they get along. Maurice hadn't made a formal proposal yet, but . . . She turned back. Karl had his witnesses to either side: his legal children, Heinrich and Gerta, adopted in the fashion of the Chosen. Heinrich was the son of a friend who'd died in an expedition to the Far West Islands; they were dangerous, and the seas between, with their abundant and vicious native life, even more so. The other had been born to Protege" laborers on the Hosten estates and christened Gitana. Karl had sponsored her; she was a bright active youngster and her parents were John's nurse and attendant valet/bodyguard, respectively. THE CHOSEN 9 Maria and Angelo stood at a respectful distance; their daughter ignored them. Ex-daughter; no Chosen were as strict as those Chosen from Prote'ge' ranks. She was Gerta Hosten now, not Gitana Pesalozi, A Chosen attorney exchanged papers with the plump little Santander consul, then turned to Sarah. "Sarah Hosten, ne'e Kingman, do you hereby irrevocably renounce connubial ties with Karl Hosten, Chosen of the Land?" "I do." "Karl Hosten, do you acknowledge this renunciation?" "I do." "Do you also acknowledge Sarah Hosten as bearing full parental rights to John Hosten, issue of this union?" "Excepting that John Hosten may continue to claim my name if he wishes, I do." Karl swallowed, but his face might have been carved from the basalt of the volcanoes. "Heinrich Hosten, Gerta Hosten, Probationers-adoptee of the line of Hosten, do you witness?" "We do." "All parties will now sign, fingerprint and list their geburtsnumero on this document." Sally complied, although unlike anyone born in the Land of the Chosen she didn't have a birth-number tattooed on her right shoulderblade and memorized like her name. The ink from the fingerprinting stained her handkerchief as she wiped her hands. The consul stepped forward. "Sarah Jennings Kingman, as representative of the Republic of Santander, I hereby officially certify that your lapsed citizenship in the Republic is fully restored with all rights and duties appertaining thereunto; and that your son John Hosten as issue of your body is accordingly entitled to Santander citizenship also. . . . Where is the boy?" The universe vanished. John found himself in a ... place. It seemed to be the inside of a perfectly reflective 10 S.M. Stirling 6- David Drake sphere, like being inside a bubble made of mirror glass. He tried to scream. Nothing happened. That was when he realized that he had no throat, and no mouth. No body. No body no body nobodynobody— The hysteria damped down suddenly, as if he'd been slipped a tranquilizer. Then he became conscious of weight, breath, himself. For a moment he wanted to weep with relief. "Excuse me," a voice said behind him. He turned, and the mirrored sphere had vanished. Instead he saw a room. The furnishings were familiar, and wrong. A fireplace, rugs, deep armchairs, books, table, decanters, but none of them quite as he remembered. A man was standing by a table, in uniform, but none he knew: baggy maroon pants, a blue swallowtail jacket, a belt with a saber; a pistol was thrown on the table beside the glasses. He was dark, darker than a tan could be, with short very black hair and gray eyes. A tall man, standing like a soldier. "Where . . . what. . ." John began. "Attention!" die man said. "Sir!" John barked, bracing. Six years of Probationer schooling had made that a reflex. "At ease, son," the dark man said, and smiled. "Just helping you get a grip on yourself. First, don't worry. This is real"—he gestured around at the room—"but it isn't physical. You're still touching the meteorite in the crate. Virtually no time is passing in die . . . the outside world. When we've finished talking, you'll be back on the dock and none the worse for wear." "Am I crazy?" John blurted. "No. You've just had something very strange happen." The smile grew wry. "Pretty much the same thing happened to me, lad. A long time ago, when I wasn't all that much older than you are now. Sit." John sank gingerly into one of the chairs. It was comfortable, old leather that sighed under his weight. He THE CHOSEN 11 sat with his feet on the floor and his hands on the arms of the chair. "My names Raj Whitehall, by the way. And this"— he waved a hand at the room—"is Center. A computer." Despite the terror that boiled somewhere at the back of his mind, John shaped a silent whistle. "A computer? Like the Ancestors had, the Federation? I've read a lot about them, sir." Raj Whitehall chuckled. "Well, that's a good start. My people thought they were angels. Yes, Center's a holdover from the First Federation. Military computer, Command and Control type. Don't ask me any of the details. Where I was brought up, experts understood steam engines, a little. Look there." John turned his head to look at the mirrored surface. Instead, he was staring out into a landscape. It wasn't a picture; there was depth and texture to it. Subtly different from anything he'd ever seen, the moons in the faded blue sky were the wrong size and number, the sunlight was a different shade. It cast black shadows across eroded gullies in cream-white silt. Out of the badlands came a column of men in uniforms like Raj's. They were riding, but not on horses. On dogs, giant dogs five feet high at the shoulder. They looked a lot like Vulf, except their legs were thicker in proportion, John whistled again, this time aloud. The column of men went by, and a clumsy-looking field gun pulled by six more of the giant dogs. Then Raj Whitehall pulled up his ... well, his giant hound. A woman rode beside him, not in uniform. Her face was dusty and streaked with sweat, and beautiful. Slanted green eyes glowed out of it. The vision faded, back to the absolutely perfect mirror. John looked back to Raj. "Where was that?" he said. Then, slowly: "When was that?" Raj nodded, leaning his hips back against the table and crossing his arms. "That was Bellevue, the planet where I was born. About a hundred and fifty years ago." 12 S.M. Stirling if David Drake "You're ... a ghost?" "A ghost in a machine. A recording that thinks it's a man. It's a convincing illusion, even to me." John sat silently for what felt like a minute. "Why are you talking to me?" "Good lad," Raj said. John felt an obscure jolt of pride at the praise. Raj went on. "Now, listen carefully. You know how the Federation collapsed?" John nodded. Visager had preserved the records; he'd seen them in school. Expansion from Earth, then rivalries and civil war. Civil war that continued until the Tanaki Nets were destroyed and interstellar travel cut off, and then on Visager itself until civilization was thoroughly sjnashed. After that a long process of rebirth, slow and painful. "That happened all over the human-settled galaxy. On Bellevue, the collapse was even worse than here. Center was left in the rubble underneath the planetary governor's mansion. Center waited a long, long time for die time to be right. More than a thousand years; then it found me. Bellevue's problem was internal division. We were set to slag ourselves down again, this time right back to stone hatchets, all the more surely because we were doing it with rifles and not nukes. I was a soldier, an officer. With Center's help—and some very brave men—I reunited the planet. Bellevue's the capital of the Second Federation, now." "You want me to unite Visager?" John felt his mouth drop open. "Me?" His voice broke embarrassingly, the way it had taken to doing lately, and he flushed. Raj shook his head. "Not exactly. More to prevent it being unified, at least by the wrong people." He leaned forward slightly. "Tell me honestly, John. What do you think of the Chosen?" John opened his mouth, then closed it. Memories flickered through his mind; ending with the blank, caved-in faces of the dockers as the unconscious man was carried away. THE CHOSEN 13 "Honestly, sir—not much. Mom doesn't, either. I tried talking to Dad about it once, but..." He shrugged and looked away. Raj nodded. "Center can foresee things. Not the future always, but what will probably happen, and how probable it is. Don't ask me to explain it—I've had three lifetimes, and I still can't understand it. But I know it works." maintenance of your personality matrix is incompatible with the modifications necessary to comprehend stochastic analysis. John started and put his hands to his ears. The voice had come from everywhere and nowhere. It felt heavy, somehow, as if the words held a greater freight of meaning than any he'd ever heard. The sound of them in his head had been entirely flat and even, but there were undertones that resonated like a guitar's strings after the player's fingers left them. The voice felt . . . sad. "Center means that if I was changed that much, I wouldn't be me," Raj said. John hosten, the ancient, impersonal voice said, in the absence of exterior intervention, there is a 51% probability ±6%, that the chosen wifl establish complete dominance of visager within 34 years. observe. John looked toward the mirrored wall. An endless line of men in tattered green uniforms marched past a machine-gun nest manned by Land troops, Prote'ge' infantry, and a Chosen officer. Two plain-clothes police agents stood by, in long leather coats and wide-brimmed hats, heavy pistols in their hands. Every now and then they would flick their hands, and the soldiers would drag a man out of the line of prisoners, force him down to his knees. The Fourth Bureau men would step up and put the muzzles of their guns to the back of the kneeling man s head . . . conquest of the empire, Center said, observe: A montage followed: cities burning, with their names 14 S.M. Stirling b David Drake and locations somehow in his mind. Ships crowded with slave laborers arriving in Oathtaking and Pillars and Dorst A group of Chosen engineers talking over papers and plans, while a line of laborers that stretched beyond sight worked on a railway embankment. consolidation, further expansion. A burning warship sank, in an ocean littered with oily guttering flames, wreckage, bodies, and men who still tried to move. Hundreds of them were sucked backwards and down as the ship upended and sank like a lead pencil dropped into a pool, its huge bronze propellers still whirling as it took the final plunge. Through the smoke came a line of battlewagons, with the black-and-eold banner of the Chosen at their masts. Their main batteries were scorched and blistered with heavy firing, but silent; their secondary guns and quick-firers stabbed out into the waters. destruction of santander. Even without Centers information, he recognized the next scene. It was Republic Hall in Santander City. The ^reat red-granite dome was shattered; a man in the black frock coat and tall hat of Republican formality stood before a Chosen general and handed over the Constitution of the Republic in its glass-cased box. The general threw it down and ground the heel of his boot into it while the troops behind him cheered. consequences. A shabby tenement street in a Chosen city. Figures clustered about the steps, talking, falling silent as a strange-looking steamcar bristling with weapons hummed by. "But those are Chosen," John exclaimed. Raj spoke: "What do carnivores do when they've finished off the game?" metaphorical but correct, Center's passionless non-voice said, once consolidation is complete, die chosen lines would fall out with each other, the planet cannot support so large a lading class In THE CHOSEN 15 conditions of intense competition, not indefinitely; and the social system resulting from conquest and slavery cannot be rationally adjusted to maximize productivity, internal reorganization would lead to the creation of a noble caste and the exclusion of most chosen lines. Armies clashed, armed with strange, powerful weapons. Machines swarmed through the air, ran in sleek low-slung deadliness over the earth. Men died, Prote'ge' soldiers, civilians. the new nobility would fight among themselves, first with protege armies, rivalry would build. A long sleek shape dropped on a pillar of white fire into a desert landscape. Landing legs extended, and a hatchway opened. technological progress would continue to an interplanetary-transport level, then fossilize, none of the contending factions on visager could afford to divert sufficient resources to reestablish stardr-ive. A huge city, buildings reaching for the sun. It took a moment for John to recognize it as Oathtaking, and then only by the shape of the circular harbor and the volcanoes that ringed it. Suddenly one of the gant towers vanished in an eye-searing flash. one party among the nobility attempts to use the fallen chosen lines against die other, instead they rise against the nobility planet-wide, attempting to restore the old system, the proteges revolt, maximum entropy results. Rings of violet fire expanded over the sites of cities, rising until the fireballs spread out against the top of the atmosphere. probability 87%, ±6%, Center added. John sat, shaken. I'm just a kid, he thought. Not even good enough to make the Test of Life, a gimp. What'm I supposed to do about aU, this? "Why can't you do something?" he asked. "You came 16 S.M. Stirling 6- David Drake from the stars, you've got another Federation—land a starship and tell people what to do!" "We can't," Raj said. "First, we don't have the resources. There are only four worlds in the Federation, so far. There are thousands needing attention. And even if we could, that would just set us up for another cycle of empire, decline and war like the First Federation. The new worlds have to climb out on their own with minimal interference, and do so in the right way." correct, Center said, a true federation may achieve stability in an dynamic and mobile sense, a hegemony imposed from without could not. "You want me to ... somehow to stop the Chosen from taking things over," John said. He felt a flush of excitement. It was a little like what he'd felt last week, when the housemaid looked back over her shoulder at him as she plumped the pillows and smiled, and he knew he could right there and then if he wanted to. But it was stronger, deeper. He could affect the destiny of a whole planet. Save the whole world. He, John Hosten with a pimple on his nose and a foot that still ached when he used it too hard, despite all the surgeons could do. specifically, you will act to strengthen the republic of santander, Center said, with my advice and that of raj Whitehall, you will rise quickly and be in a position to influence policy, such intervention will drastically increase the probability of the republic emerging as the dominant factor in the cycle of wars which will begin in the next two decades. "The Republic will conquer . . . unite the world?" no. that probability is less than 12%, ±3. observe: Troops in the brown uniforms and round hats of the Republic marched out of a city: Arena, in the Sierra. Crowds lined the streets, hooting and whistling. Sometimes they threw things. santander lacks the organizational infrastructure to forcefully integrate foreign territories. THE CHOSEN 17 "No staying power," Raj amplified. "They can get into wars, and if you push them to the wall they can mobilize like hell, but when it's less vital than that, they don't like paying the butcher's bill or die money either. They'll get into wars occasionally, and piss away men and equipment and then decide it's no fun and go home." correct, santander will exercise a general hegemony, increasingly cultural and economic rather than military, this will inaugurate a period of intense competition within a framework of minimal government, such episodes are unstable but tend to rapid technological innovation. "The Republic will go into space because it gives you as much glory as war and it's less frustrating," Raj explained. observe: A cylinder taller than a building lifted into the air in a blue-white discharge. The next view was strange: a white-streaked blue disk floating in utter blackness, ringed by unwinking stars. It wasn't until John saw the outline of a continent that he realized he was seeing Visa-ger from space. From space! he thought. A construct of girders floated across the vision. Men in spacesuits flitted around it and incomprehensible machines with arms like crabs. a tanaki displacement net, Center said in this scenario, visager would enter die second federation without prior political unification, an unusual development. The visions ceased, leaving only a mirrored wall at the end of a strange study. Raj handed him a glass and sat in the chair facing him. John took a cautious sip of the sweet wine. "Lad, you can leave here with no memories of what you've seen and heard," he said calmly- "Or you can leave here as Center's agent—as I was Center's agent—to he" get this planet out of the dead-end it's trapped in ani set its people free." 18 S.M. Stirling 6 David Drake "I'll do it," John blurted, then flushed again. The words seemed to have come directly from his mouth without passing through his brain. Raj shook his head. 'This isn't a game, John. You could die. You quite probably wiU die." The mirrored wall dissolved into its impossibly real pictures. This time they were much more personal. John—an older John—lay beside a hedgerow. His face was slack, eyes unblinking in the thin gray mist of rain. One hand lay on his stomach, a blue bulge of intestine showing around the fingers. John sat stripped to the waist in a metal chair, waist and limbs and neck held by padded clamps; another device of levers and screws held his mouth open. A single bulb shone down from the ceiling. A Fourth-Bureau specialist dressed in a shiny bib apron stepped up to him with a curved tool in his hands. "Shame, Hosten, shame," he said. "You have neglected your teeth. Still, I think this nerve is still sensitive." The curved shape of stainless steel probed and then thrust. The body in the chair convulsed and screamed a fine mist of blood into the cellar's dark air. Another John stood in the dock of a courtroom. The Republic's flag stood on the wall behind the panel of judges. They whispered together, and then one of them raised his head: "John Hosten, this court finds you guilty as charged of treason and espionage. You will be taken from this place to the National Prison, and there hung by the neck until dead. May God have mercy on your soul." The visions died. John touched his tongue to his lips. "I'm not afraid to die," he whispered. Then aloud: "I'm not afraid, and I know my duty. I'll do what you ask, no matter how long ft takes, no matter what the risks." "Good lad," Raj said quietly, and gripped his shoulder. "You and your brother will both do your best." THE CHOSEN 19 Jeffrey Fair looked at the mirrored sphere. "Seems like I'm going to be in action a lot," he said. He tried to sound calm, but the quaver was in his voice again. Those scenes of himself dying—gut-shot, burned, drowned, the Chosen executioners with whips made of steel-hook chains—they were more real than anything he'd ever seen. He could feel it. ... "If you say yes," Raj said. "I'm not going to lie to you, son. Soldiering isn't a safe profession; andif you refuse, the final war between die Land and your country may not be for a generation or more, possibly two." "Yeah, and the horse might learn to sing," Jeffrey said. He was a little surprised at Raj's chuckle. "And if I had lads, they'd be around when it happened, anyway. I'll do it. Somebody's got to. A Fair does what has to be done." Unconsciously, his voice took on another tone with the last words; Raj nodded approvingly and handed him the balloon snifter. "Good lad." "There's just one thing," Jeffrey said. He looked up; the . . . computer . . . wasn't there—wasn't anywhere, specifically, while he was in its mind—but that helped. "Just one thing. If, ah, Center can predict things, and manipulate them the way you're saying, couldn't you change the Chosen? You showed me what would happen if the Chosen took over by themselves, didn't you? Left to themselves, on their own." correct. Raj nodded. "So, you could help them, and sort of twist things around so that they built a star-transport system? It'd be easy enough, with you showing all the technical stuff they had to do every step of the way, not like reinventing it, not really. And you could get whoever you picked to the top in Chosen politics, couldn't you? Make 'em next thing to a living god." Raj leaned back in bis chair. "Smart lad," he said 20 S.M. Stirling £ "Ah . . . that is ..." John said. "Ah, I was thinking calling on your father again." Pia turned to face him. "Concerning political matters?" she asked, her face calm. Aa^excuse trembled on his lips. Yes. Of course. That ;*rould be all he needed, to add cowardice to his list of | failings. A crippled soul to join the foot. No," he said. "About something personal . . . if you ; would like me to." 46 S.Af. Stirling it David Drake THE CHOSEN 47 The smile Ht up her eyes before it reached her mouth. "I would like that very much," she said, and leaned forward slightly to brush her lips against his. probability of sincerity is 92% ±3, with motivations breakdown as follows—Center began. Shut the fuck up! John thought. He could hear Raj's amusement at the back of his mind. Damned Hgto, lad. Jeff's voice: God, but that one's a looker, isn't she? He must be getting visual feed from Center, through John's eyes. WiU you aU kindly get the hell out of my love life? "Giovanni, there are times when I think you are talking to God, or the saints, or anyone but the person you are with!" John mumbled an apology. Pia's eyes were still glowing. "The only question is, will he consent?" "He'd better," John said. Pia blinked in surprise and slight alarm at the expression his face took for a moment He forced relaxation and smiled. "Why shouldn't he?" he said. "He knows I'm not a fortune hunter"—the dePCuomos were fabulously wealthy, but he'd managed to discreetly let the Count know the size of his own portfolio—"and if he didn't like me personally, he'd have forbidden me to see you." Pia nodded. "Well, I do have three younger sisters," she said with sudden hard-headed shrewdness. "It isn't seemly for them to many before me—and also, my love, I think Father thinks he can beat you down on the dowry by pretending that the marriage is impossible because you are not of the Imperial Church." John grinned. "He's right. He can beat me down." Some cold part of his mind added that Imperial properties weren't likely to be worth much in a little while. He took a deep breath. It was like diving off a high board: once you were committed, there was no point in thinking about the drop. "Pia, there is something I must tell you." She met his eyes steadily. "1 am . . . I was born with a deformity." He averted his eyes slightly. "A clubfoot." She let out her breath sharply. His glance snapped back to her face. She was smiling. "Is it nothing more than that? The surgeons must have done well, then—you dance, you ride, you play the .. . what is the name? Tennis?" She flicked a nand. "It is nothing." Breath he hadn't been conscious of holding sighed out of him. "It's why my fattier never accepted me," he said quietly. She put a hand up along his face. "And if he had, you would be in the Land, preparing to attack the Empire," die said. "Also, you would not be the man I love. I have met Chosen from their embassy here, and beneath their stiff manners they are pigs. They look at me hke a piece of kebab. You are not such a man." He took the hand and kissed it "There is more." John closed his eyes. "I cannot have children." Pia's fingers clenched over his. He looked up and found her eyes brimming, die unshed tears bright in the starlight—and realized, with a shock like cold water, that they were for him. "But—" He nodded jerkily. "Oh, I'm . . . functional. Sterile, though, and there's nothing that can be done about ft." He turned his head aside. "It was done, ah, when I was very young." *Tnen you too have reason to hate the Chosen," Pia said softly. "Look at me, Giovanni." He did. "You are the man for whom I have waited. That is all I have to say." Jeffrey Fair smiled. "You find our ships amusing?" the Imperial officer asked sharply. Hie steam launch chuffed rhythmically along the line of anchored battlewagons. He'd noticed the same 48 S.M. Stirling 6 David Drake attitude often in Imperial naval officers. Unlike the Army—or the squabbling committees in Ciano who set policy and budgets—they had to have some idea of what was going on abroad. Not that they'd admit the state their service was in, of course. It came out in a prickly defensiveness. "Quite the contrary," Fair said smoothly. "I smiled because I recently received news that my brother, my foster-brother, is going to be married. To a lady by the name of Pia del'Cuomo." And I don't think your ships are finny. I think they're pathetic, he added to himself. The Imperial officer nodded, moHified and impressed. "The eldest daughter of the Minister of War? Your brother is a lucky man." He pointed. "And there they are, the pride of die Passage Fleet." Ten of the battleships floated in the millpond-quiet bay of the military harbor, flanked by the great fortresses. Lighters were carrying out supplies, much of it coal that had to be laboriously shoveled into crane-borne buckets and hoisted again to the decks for transfer to the fuel bunkers. The ships were medium-sized, about eleven thousand tons burden, with long ram bows and a pronounced tumblehome that made them much narrower at the deck than the waterline. They each carried a heavy, stubby single 350mm gun in a round cheesebox-style turret fore and aft, and their secondary batteries in a string of smaller one-gun turrets that rose pulpit-style from the sides. Each had a string of four short smokestacks, and a wilderness upperworks of flying bridges, cranes, and signal masts. They'd been perfectly good ships in their day. The problem was that the Empire was still building them about twenty years after their day had passed. correct, Center observed, roughly equivalent to british battleships of the 1880s period. Eighteen . ., an. Center used die Christian calendar, which nobody on Visager did except for religious THE CHOSEN 49 purposes. For one thing, it was based on Earth's twelvemonth year, nearly thirty days shorter than this planet's rotation around its sun. For another, the numbers were inconveniently high. Jeffrey shivered slightly. Hie period Center named was two thousand years past Interstellar civilization had been born, spread, and fallen in the interim, and a new cycle was beginning. "You're loading coal, I see," he said to the Imperial officer . . . Commodore Bragati, that was his name. "Steam up yet?" "No, we expect to be ready in about a week," Bragati said. "Then we'll cruise down the Passage, and show those upstarts in the Land who rules those waters." Tfcco weeks to get ready far a show-the-flag cruise? Raj thought with disgust. I'd say these imbeciles deserve what's probably going to happen to them, if so many civilians weren't going to be caught tn it. "The main guns are larger than anything the Land has built," Bragati said. low-velocity weapons with black-powder propel-lant, Center noted with its usual clinical detachment. tike chosen weapons are long-barreled, high-velocity rifles using nitrocellulose powders. He thought he detected a trace of interest, though, as well. Jeffrey smiled inwardly; the sentient computer wasn't all that much different from his grandfather and (he cronies who hung around him—military history bufls and weapons fanciers to a man. Center was a hobbyist, in its way. "And the main armor belt is twelve inches thick!" laminated wrought iron and cast steel plate, Center went on. radically inferior to face-hardened aDoy. Which both the Land and the Republic were using for their major warships. None of the battleships looked ready for sea. Less excusably, neither did the scout cruisers tied up three-deep at the naval wharves, or the torpedo-boat 50 S.M. Stirling it David Drake destroyers. Or even the harbor's own torpedo boats, turtle-backed little craft. On the other hand .. . "Well, the fleet certainly looks in good fettle," Jeffrey said diplomatically. So they were, painted in black and dark blue with cream trim. Sailors were scrubbing coal dust off the latter even as he watched. He shuddered to think of the amount of labor it must take to repair the paintwork after a practice firing. If they did have practice firings; he had a strong suspicion that some Imperial captains might simply throw their quota of practice ammunition overboard to spare the trouble. "Thank you for your courtesy," he said formally to the Imperial commodore. At least he'd learned one tiling. Bragati wasn't the sort of man he wanted to recruit into the stay-behind cells he and John were setting up. Too brittle to survive, given his high rank. * "Damn, I hate dying," John said as the scene blinked back to normalcy. Or Centers idea of normalcy, which in this scenario was a street in a Chosen city—Copemik, to be specific—during the rainy season. There was no way to tell it from the real thing; every sensation was there, down to the smell of die wet rubberized rain cape over his shoulders and the slight roughness of the checked grip of the pistol he held underneath it. Watery rainy-season light probed through the dull clouds overhead, giving a pearly sheen to the granite paving blocks of the street. Buildings of brick and stone reached to the walkways on either side, shuttered and dark, frames of iron bars over their windows. John looked down for a second at his unmarked stomach. There hadn't been any way to tell the impact of the hollowpoint rifle bullet from the real thing, either— Center's neural input gave an exact duplicate of the sensation of having your spleen punched out and an exit wound the size of a woman's fist in your lower back. THE CHOSEN 51 The machine had let the scenario play through to the final blackout. His mouth still felt sour and dry. . . . "Do you have to make it quite that realistic?" he muttered, sidling down the street, eyes scanning. "For your own good, lad." Raj's voice was "audible" here. "Priceless training, really. You can't get more rigorous than this; and outside, you won't be able to get up and start again." "I still—" A sound alerted him. He whirled, drawing the pistol from the holster on his right hip and firing under his own left arm, into the planks of the door. His weight crashed into it before the ringing of die shots had died, smashing it back into the room and knocking the collapsing corpse of the Fourth Bureau agent into his companions. That gave John just enough time to snapshoot, and the secret policeman's weapon flew out of a nerveless hand as the bullet smashed his collarbone . . . . . . blackness. The street reformed. "I still really hate dying. One behind me?" correct. Center did not bother with amenities like speaking aloud, scanning to your right as you entered the room was the optimum alternative. "I hated it, too," Raj said unexpectedly. The street scene faded to the study where they'd first . . . John supposed "met" was as good a word as any. Raj puffea alight a cheroot and poured them both brandies. "Hunting accident—broke my neck putting my mount over a fence," he said. "Quick, at least. I was an old, old man by that time, and the bones get brittle. Still, I had enough time to know I'd screwed the pooch in a major way. The real surprise was waking up—" He indicated the construct. "I was expecting the afterlife, the real afterlife." He frowned. "Although this isn't precisely my soul, come to think of it. Maybe I'm in two heavens ... or hells." 52 S.M. Stirling 6- David Drake "At least you got to see your own funeral," John said. His body-image still carried the revolver. He opened the cylinder and worked the ejector to remove the spent brass, then reloaded and clicked the weapon closed with his thumb. The action was wholly automatic, after thousands of hours of Center's instruction—and Raj's, too. The personality of the general gave the training an immediacy that the machine intelligence could never quite match, one that remembered the flesh and the unpleasant realities to which it was subject. "My grandchildren were touchingly grief-stricken," Raj said, his grin white in the dark face. "And now, back to work." "This is play?" John asked. His own bedroom in the embassy complex snapped back into view; it was private, with the door locked, and big enough for his body to leap and move in puppet-obedience to what his mind perceived in Center's training program. Experience had to be ground into the nerves and muscles, as well as the mind and memory. The rest of the staff thought he had an eccentric taste for calisthenics performed in solitude. The phone rang, the distinctive two long and three short that meant it was from the ambassador. John sighed silently as he picked it up. There were times when tt was easier to deal with the Chosen; they were more straightforward. Gerta found the embassy of the Land of the Chosen in die Imperial capital of Ciano reassuringly familiar, down to die turtle helmets and gray uniforms and brand-new magazine rifles of die guards at the gate. They snapped to present as her car halted; an officer checked her papers and waved her dirough, past two outward-bound trucks. In die main courtyard, staff were setting up fuel drums and shoveling in a mixture of file folders and kerosene distillate. The smoke was rank and black, towering up into tile sly over die pollarded trees and THE CHOSEN 53 die slate-roofed buildings. The guards at die entrance gave her a more detailed going-over. "Captain Gerta Hosten, Intelligence Section, General Staff Office, geburtsnumero 77-A-II-44221," she said. "Sir," die embassy clerk said, after a moment's check of die tallysheet before him. "Colonel von Kleuron will see you immediately." / should hope so, Gerta thought with perfectly controlled anger as she walked dirough die basalt-paved lobby of die main embassy building. After dragging me out here for Fate-knows-what when the baUoon's about to go up. It was busy enough that several times she had to dodge wheeled carts full of documents being taken down to die incinerators. Not so busy that several passersby in civilian dress didn't to a slight check and double-take at her Intelligence flashes; probably die Fourth Bureau spooks were about as happy to see her here as diey would be to invite Santander Intelligence Bureau operatives in. The air was scented widi the smell of paper and cardboard burning, and witii fear-sweat. She repeated die identification procedure at die Intelligence chiefs office. This time it was a Chosen NCO who checked her against "a list. "Welcome to Ciano, Captain," he said. "No problems at die airship port?" "Walked straight through, barely looked at my passport," she said. "The colonel?" The NCO hopped up from his desk—it was covered widi files being sorted—opened tile door and spoke through it, then opened it fully and stepped aside. Gerta marched dirough, tucked her peaked cap precisely under her left arm. Her heels clicked, and her right arm shot out at shoulder-height with fist clenched "Sir!" Colonel von Kleuron turned out to be a middle-aged woman with a long face and pouches under her eyes. 54 S.M. Stirling 6- David Drake Her office, with its metal filing cabinets, table with a keyboard-style coding machine, and plain wooden desk, seemed to still be in fall operation. Ah1 in military gray, nothing personal except a photograph of several teenage children on the desk. "At ease, Captain." She looked at Gerta with a slight raise of her eyebrow. "You seem to be throttling a considerable head of steam, Hosten." "Sir, Operation Overfall is scheduled to commence shortly. My unit is tasked with an important objective, and we've been training for nearly a year. Nobody's indispensable, but I'll be missed." "We should have you back shortly, Captain," von Kleu-ron said. "Not to waste time: give me your appraisal of Johan—John—Hosten, your foster-brother." Gerta blinked in surprise. That she had not expected. Von Kleuron tapped the folder open before her; a picture of John was clipped to the front sheet. Gerta recognized it; it was a duplicate of one she'd gotten from him. She also recognized the correspondence tucked into die inner jacket of the file; of course, she'd submitted all her letters for approval before sending, and turned over copies of all his immediately. Plus, the Fourth Bureau would have their own from the censors in the postal system, but that was another department. "As in my reports, Colonel. Intelligent and resourceful, and, as I remember him as a boy, with considerable nerve and determination. Certainly he overcame his handicap well. From what he's accomplished in the Republic over the last twelve years, he's become a formidable man." "His attitude towards the Chosen?" "I think he had reservations even as a boy. Now?" She shrugged. "Impossible to say. We don't discuss politics, only family matters." "^Weaknesses?" "Sentimentality." Hie Landisch word she used could also mean "squeamishness." THE CHOSEN 55 "Are you aware that Johan Hosten has become an operative for the Republic's Foreign Intelligence Service? As well as a diplomat." The last was a little pedantic; in Landisch, diplomat and spy were related words. Gerta's eyebrows went up slightly. "No, sir, I wasn't aware of that. I'm not surprised." "It has been decided at a high level to attempt to enlist the subject as a double agent. We are authorized to waive Testing and offer Chosen status, and appropriate, rank." Gerta frowned. It smacked of an improvisation, not a good idea on the eve of a major war. On the other hand, John would be an asset if he could be turned . . . and it would be pleasant to have him on-side. If possible. It was obvious why she'd been brought in; she was the only Chosen intelligence operative with a personal link to John. Heinrich had known him as well, but he was a straight-leg, an infantry officer. And far more conspicuous in Ciano; her height and physical type was far more common in the Empire than his. On the other hand, women who could bench-press twice their own weight were not common here, and she hoped very much she wouldn't have to try looking like an Imperial belle in a low-cut dress. She didn't even know how to walk in a skirt. Behfel ist Behfel. "How am I tasked, sir?" John tapped his walking stick against the front of the cab. "Driver, pull up." The horses clattered to a halt, and the driver set the brake and jumped to the cobblestones to open the door. "Signore?" he said, looking around. They were in a district of upper-middle-class homes, about halfway between the theater district north of die main railway station and the apartment John kept near the Santander embassy. "I've changed my mind, I'm going to walk home," he said. 56 S.M. Stirling 6 David Drake Shameless sdf-indulgence, he thought. He should make up for taking an evening off at the opera with Pia by going straight home and reading files. On the other hand, he had his cover as a effete diplomat to maintain. The Santander diplomatic service was supposed to be a harmless dumping ground for wellnxmnected upper-class playboys. Many of them were, and the rest found it useful camouflage. He paid the cabbie the full value of his intended trip, and the horses clattered off through the dark. Ciano was a pleasant city to walk through, this part at least, on a warm spring night. The sidewalk was brick, with trees at four-meter intervals—oaks, he thought— and cast-iron lampstands rather less frequently. Most of the houses on either side had wrought-iron railings separating them from the street, often overgrown with climbing roses or honeysuckle. The gaslights gave a diffuse glow to the scene, soft yellow light on toe undersides of the trees; the street had a melancholy feel, like most of the Imperial capital, a dreamy sense of past glories and a long sleep filled with reverie. John twirled the walking stick and strolled, unclasping his opera cloak and throwing it over his left arm. It was very quiet, the air smelling of dew and roses. Quiet enough that he heard the footsteps not long after Centers warning. four following, the computer said, there are two more at the junction ahead. John was suddenly, acutely conscious of the feel of the brick beneath his feet, the slight touch of the wind on his face beneath the glossy black topper. Twelve years of Centers scenarios and Raj's drill had $ven him a training nobody on the planet could match, but he'd never had anyone try to kill him before. Odd, I'm not really frightened. More like being extremely alert and irritated at the same time. There was a double-edged steel blade inside his walking stick, the gold head made a very effective bludgeon, THE CHOSEN 57 and a small six-shot revolver nestled under one armpit. It didn't seem like much, right now, but it would probably be enough if these were street toughs out to roll a toff. The wall by his side was brick. John turned casually and set his back against it, like a man pausing to admire tile view toward the north and the Imperial Palace. Four men came up the sidewalk behind him. They were dressed in double-breasted jackets and bag-hats, peg-leg trousers and ankle-boots; middle-class streetwear for Ciano. Their faces were unremarkably Imperial as well, rather swarthy and blue-stubbled for the most part. There was something about the way they moved, though, the expressions on the faces—or rather the lack of them. Big men, thick-shouldered. With flat bulges under their left armpits; one of them was holding his right hand down by his side, as if something was resting in the loosely curled fingertips The hilt of a knife, perhaps, or a lead-weighted cosh. Prote'ges, he thought. Tough ones, at that. Operatives. Fourth Bureau, or Military Intelligence. correct, Center said. 97%, ±2. Well, it was some comfort to know his judgment was good. The men halted and spread out, waiting with a tense wariness. One spoke: - "Excuse, sir. You will please to come with us." A guttural accent in the Imperial, one natural to someone who'd grown up speaking Landisch. Four of them, and two more waiting close by. Not good odds. And if they'd wanted him dead, he'd be dead. A steamcar and a couple of shotguns, no problem and no fuss. Or someone waiting in his apartment, the Chosen could certainly find a good shooter when they needed one. This was a snatch team, not hitters. "AH right," he said, turning and walking ahead of them. Two closed in on either side. One quietly relieved him of the walking stick. Another leaned over, put a hand 58 S.M. Stirling 6- David Drake under his jacket and took his revolver, dropping it into his own coat pocket A few seconds later, fingers plucked the little punch-dagger out of the collar of his dress coat. There was a soundat that, something like a very quiet chuckle smothered before it began. The men closed in on either side of him—nobody in front, of course. This lot had been fairly well-trained. They all halted under the streetlight at the T-shaped intersection. The two men waiting there both threw their cigarettes into the center of the road. Seconds later a quiet hum of rubber tires sounded as a steamcar came down the road and halted—a big Santander-made four-door Wilkens in plain blue paint with wire-spoke wheels and two sofa-style seats facing each other in the rear compartment Tne head of the snatch team signaled John to enter. There was a woman sitting in the front seat, with her back to the driver's compartment. The interior of the Wilkens was fairly dark, only the reflected light of the streetlamps. That was enough to show the oily blued sheen of a weapon in her hand; it gestured him back to the rear of trie vehicle. He obeyed silently. Two of the Prote'ge' gunmen sat on either side of him, wedging him into position. The front door chunked closed. Just for insurance, the Prote'ge' beside John had a short double-edged blade in his hand, under the limp hat Hiat put the point not more than a couple of millimeters from his short ribs, John's lips quirked. They certainly weren't taking any chances with him; but then, the preferred Chosen method of dealing with ants was to drop an anvil on them. The woman leaned out die window and spoke to the other members of the team. "Report to the safe house," she said. Gray uniform tunic, Captain's rank-tabs, red General Staff flashes, Military Intelligence insignia. The motion left the light on her face for a second. She was in her late twenties, not much older than he; a dark brunette, black hair cropped to a plush sable cap, THE CHOSEN 59 black eyes, high cheekbones, and a rather full mouth. An Imperial face or Sierran, except for the hardness to it, the body beneath close-coupled and muscular but full-bosomed. He blinked, surprise tugging at his mind. "Gerta!" he blurted. probability subject identity not gerta hosten is too low to be meaningfully calculated, Center noted, overlaying the woman's face with a series of regressions that took it back to the teenager who'd said good-bye to him on the docks of Oathtaking twelve years ago. She sat back and let the pistol rest on her knee; it was a massive, chunky, squared-off thing, not a revolver. recoil-operated automatic, magazine in the grip, Center said, llmm caliber, six to eight rounds. "Hi, Johnnie," she said in Landisch. "Nice to see you again." John took a deep breath. "If you wanted to talk, you could have invited me more politely," he said in a neutral tone. "Behfel ist behfel, Johnnie." "I'm not under Chosen orders." She smiled and waggled the automatic. "All right, I grant that I presume you're not going to kill mer™ "I'd really regret having to do that, John," she said. veracity 95% *3, Center observed. A brief flash showed pupil dilation and heat patterns on Gerta's face. Of course, the way she phrased it implied that she might have to loll him anyway. Looking at her, he didn't have the least doubt she'd do it—regrets or no. "How*re the children?" he asked after a moment. "Erika's just starting school, and Johan's at the stage where his favorite word is no," she said. "We've adopted two more, as well. Prote"g6 kids, a boy and a girl. The boy's a byblow, probably one of Heinrich's." "Two?" John said, raising his eyebrows. "Policy." Which was information, of a sort The Chosen Council 60 S.M. Stirling if David Drake must be anticipating casualties . . . and not just in the upcoming war with the Empire, either. He didn't try to look out the windows as the wheels hammered over the cobblestones, then hummed on smoother main street pavement of asphalt or stone blocks. Gerta uncorked a silver flask. John took it and sipped: banana brandy, something he hadn't tasted in a long time. "Danke," he said. "Anything you can tell me?" The colonel will brief you, Johnnie. Just... be reasonable, eh?" "Reasonable depends on where you're sitting,*1 he said, returning the flask. "No it doesn't When someone else holds all the cards, reasonable is whatever they say it is." He looked at die pistol. She shook her head. "Not just this. The Chosen hold all the cards on Visa-ger; it'd be smart to keep that in mind." He was almost relieved when they pulled into a side entrance to the Chosen embassy compound. The Wilkens was as inconspicuous as a steamcar in Ciano could be— powered vehciles weren't all that common here, even now—and the rear windows were tinted. The embassy itself was fairly large, a severe block of dark granite from the outside, the only ornamentation a gilded-bronze sunburst above die ironwork gates. The area within was larger than die Santander legation, mainly because all the Land's diplomatic personnel lived on the delegation's own extraterritorial ground. It might have been some-thing out of Copernik or Oathtaking inside, boxlike buildings with tall windows and smooth columns, low-relief cataryids beside die doors. Fires were burning in iron drums in die open spaces between, while clerks dumped in more documents and stirred die ashes widi pokers and broomsticks. Christ, he tiiought. The sight hit him in die belly like a fist, more than die clanger to himself had. War was dose if die embassy was torching their classified papers. THE CHOSEN 61 He was hustled dirough a doorway, down corridors, finally into a windowless room widi a single overhead light. It shone into his eyes as he sat in the steel-frame chair beneadi it, obscuring die two figures at a table in front of him. One of them spoke in Landisch: "Let's dispose witii die tricks, shall we, Colonel?" Gerta said. "This isn't an interrogation." The overhead light dimmed. He blinked and looked at the two Chosen officers. Both women—nothing unusual widi that, in die Land's forces—in gray Army uniforms. Intelligence Section badges. A middle-aged colonel widi gray in her blond brushcut and a face like a starved houad. "Johan Hosten," the senior officer said. "We have arranged to speak widi you on a matter of some importance." John nodded. He could guess what was coming. "The Land of die Chosen has need of your services, Johan Hosten." "The Land of die Chosen rejected me radier dior-oughly when I was twelve," he pointed out. Tin a citizen of die Republic of Santander." "The Republic is a democracy with universal suffrage," the colonel said. "Hence, weak and corrupt, widi no real claim on your allegiance." She spoke in a flat, matter-of-fact tone, as if commenting on the law of gravity. "Your father is second assistant of the general staff of die Land and a member of die Council. The implications are, I think, plain." They certainly were. "I'm not Chosen and not qualified to be so," he said. Think, think. If he rolled over too quickly, they'd be suspicious. "The regulations governing admittance have been waived or modified before," the intelligence officer said. "I am audiorized to inform you that they will be again, " in your case. Full Chosen status, and appropriate rank." "You want me to defect?" he said slowly. "Of course not. You will remain as an agent in place 62 S.M. Stirling & David Drake within the Santander intelligence apparat—of course, we know that your diplomatic status is a cover—and provide us with information, and your nominal superiors with disinformation which will be furnished. We can feed you genuine data of sufficient importance so that you will rise rapidly in rank. At the appropriate moment, we will bring you in from the cold." She nodded towards Gerta. Ah. They sent Gerta along as an earnest cf good faith. The offer probably was genuine. And to the Chosen s way of looking at it, perfectly natural Perhaps if he'd never been contacted by Center, it might even have been tempting. There were times he woke up at night sweating, from dreams of the man he might have become in the Land. "Let me think," he said. "Agreed. But not for long." He dropped his head into his hands. Jeff, youfoHowing this? You bet, brother. You going to ask them for something in writing? Out of character, he answered. A Chosen officer's word is supposed to be good. I don't have much time. Although surety they knew that he knew he'd never leave the room alive if he refused. The embassy could be relied upon to have a way of disposing of bodies. He raised his head again. No problem in showing a little worry, and he could smell his own sweat, heavy with the peculiar rankness of stress. "I'm engaged to be married to an Imperial,'' he said. The colonel shrugged. "Marriage is out of the question, of course, but after the conquest, you can have your pick for pleasure. Take the bitch as you please, or a dozen others." Gerta winced and touched her superior on the sleeve, whispering in her ear. John shook his head. "Anything that applies to me, applies to Ra. Or no deal." THE CHOSEN 63 The colonel's eyes narrowed. "You have already been offered more than is customary," she warned. "No. Pia, or nothing." Gerta touched the colonel's sleeve again. "We should discuss this, sir," she said. "Agreed. Hosten, retire to the end of the room, please." He obeyed, facing away from the table. The two Chosen leaned together, speaking in whispers. Far too softly for anyone to overhear . . . anyone without Centers processing power, that was. The computer was limited to the input of John's senses, but it could do far more with them than his unaided brain. "What do you make of it, captain?" the colonel asked. "I'm not sure, sir. If he'd agreed without insisting on the woman, I'd have said we should kill him immediately—that would be an obvious fake. The woman . . . that makes it possible he's sincere . . . but he'd also know that I know him well." Thanks a lot, Gerta. "As it is, I still suspect he's lying. Immediate termination would be the low-risk option here." "I was under the impression that you thought highly of this Johan Hosten." "I do. Hemrich and I named a son after him. I respect his courage and intelligence; which is why he's too dangerous to live unless he's on our side." "He seems inclined to agree to the proposition." "He'd have to anyway, wouldn't he?" "What evidence do you have to suppose he lies?" "Gestalt. I lived with him until he was twelve and we've corresponded since. He's committed to the Repub- ; fic, absurd though that may sound. He believes. And John Hosten would never betray a cause in which he believed." A long silence. "As you say, the Republics ideology ,is absurd—and he is, from the records, not a stupid or .irrational man. Termination is always an option, but it 64 S.M. Stirling 6- David Drake is irrevocable once exercised. We will test him; his position is potentially a priceless asset. And we are offering him the ultimate reward, after all." "Colonel, please record my objection and recommendation.'' "Captain, this is noted" Aloud: "Johan Hosten, attend" When he was standing beside the chair, she continued: "We will concede this woman Probationer-Emeritus status." Second-class citizenship, but if married to one of tile Chosen her children would be automatically entitled to take the Test of Life. Although they'd know he could sire no children. He blinked, keeping his face carefully neutral. Pia had wept when he told her that, and he'd been afraid, really afraid. "This is ..." He stopped and began again. "You understand, I've been growing more and more frustrated with Santander. You must know that, if your sources inside the Foreign Office are as good as I suspect. I keep telling them the risks, and they ignore them." He shrugged. "As you said, it makes no sense to fight for those who won't fight for themselves." He stood, and gave the Chosen salute. "I agree. Command me, colonel!" The colonel returned the gesture. Gerta stared at him with cold appraisal, biting at her lip thoughtfully. Then she shook her head and made a small gesture to the senior officer, a thumb-pull, much the same as one would make to cock a pistol before shooting someone in the back of the head. Colonel von Kleuron looked at them both and then shook her head. John fought back an impulse to let out a long sigh of relief. They aren't going to Ml me now. Thanks, Gerta, thanks a lot. Although he should have expected it. He'd always known his foster-sister was smart, and she did know him well. THE CHOSEN 65 "Johan Hosten." The basset-hound face of the colonel allowed itself a slight smile. "You have made a wise decision. You will be dropped at some distance, and contacted when appropriate. May your service to the Chosen be long and successful." "Welcome back, Jonnnie," Gerta said. "I'm sure you'll make a first-class operative. You've got natural talent." Lucky bastard, Jeffrey said silently. No, it's Chosen arrogance, John replied from half a continent away. A faint overlay of the controls of a road steamer came through the link, beyond it a long dusty country road. Jeffrey smiled, imagining serious expression and the slight frown on his stepbrother's face. Have they contacted you since? he said/thought. No. It's only been three days, and they're very busy. The whole Land embassy staff left on the last (ferigi-ble. Jeffrey lifted his coffee cup. It was morning, but some of the other patrons in the streetside cafe had already made a start on something stronger. Many of them were settling in with piles of newspapers or books, or just enjoying die perennial Imperial sport of peoples-watching. The coffee was excellent, and the platter of pastries extremely tempting; you had to admit, there were some things the Imperials did very well. His contact should be showing up any minute. Give me a look at the activity in the harbor, John requested. Jeffrey turned slightly in his seat and looked downhill; Center would be supplying the visual input to John. Awjul lot of Chosen shipping still there, his stepbrother commented. They're stiU delivering coal, Jeffrey replied. To the naval stockpiles, no less. My esteemed prospective father-in-law, John thought 66 S.M. Stirling if David Drake dryly, assures me that the Imperial armed forces are ready down to the last gaiter button. Quote unquote. Is the man a natural-born damned fool? No, he just can't afford to face the truth. I think he wishes he'd died before this . . . and he's glad Pia will be safe in Santander. Speaking of which, we should— Jeffrey began. Then: Wait. A dirigible was showing over the horizon, just barely. Jeffrey was in officer's garrison dress, which included a case for a small pair of binoculars as well as a service revolver. He drew the glasses and stood, looking down the long street leading to the harbor. The airship wasn't in Land Air Service colors, just a neutral silvery shade with a Landisch Luftanza company logo on the big sharkfin control surfaces at the rear. A large model, two hundred meters in length and a quarter that in maximum diameter. One of the latest types, with the gondola built into the hull and six engines in streamlined pods held out from the sides by struts covered in wing-like farings. "That isn't a scheduled carrier," he said to himself. correct vessel is land air service heavy military transport design. A brief flash of a report he'd read several months ago. sharkwhale class. "I have a bad feeling about this," he said. "John, I'm going to be busy for a while." I suspect we all are, his brother answered. Better try and make it to the legation. CHAPTSR ROUR "Coming up on Ciano. Airspeed one hundred and four kilometers per hour, altitude one thousand four hundred. Windspeea ten KPH, north-northwest. Fifteen kilometers to target." The bridge of the war dirigible Steg was a semicircle under the bows, with slanting windows that gave a 180-degree view forward and down. Gerta Hosten was the only one present not in the blue-trimmed gray of die Landisch Air Service; she was in army combat kit, stone-gray tunic and pants, webbing gear and steel helmet. Her boots felt a little insecure on the stamped aluminum panels of the airship's decking, unlike the rubber-soled shoes the crew wore. The commanding officer, Horst Raske, stood by the crewman who held the tall wheel that controlled the vertical rudders. Another wheel at right-angles turned the horizontal control surfaces. Ballast, gas, and engines all had their own stations, although each engine pod also held two crewmen for repairs or emergencies. "Off superheat," Raske said. A muted whump went through the huge but lightly built hufl of the airship. Vents on the upper surface of the ship were opening, releasing hot air from the ballonets that hung in the center of the hydrogen cells. The dirigible felt slower and heavier under her feet, and the surface of the water began to grow closer. Land was a thick line of surf ahead, studded with tiny dofl-Bke buildings. Hie broad estuary of the Pada River lay southward, to the right; just inside it were the deep 67 68 S.M. Stirling 6- David Drake dredged-out harbors of Corona, swarming with shipping. "All engines three-quarter, come about to one-two-five.'' Ranke's voice was as calm and crisp as it had been on the practice runs on the mockup. Nobody had ever flown a dirigible into a real combat situation like this before; airships had only existed for about forty years. "Commencing final run." He turned to Gerta. 'Thirty minutes to target," he said "The observer"—in a bubble on top of the airship— "reports the rest of the air-landing force is following on schedule. Good luck." Gerta returned his salute. "And to you, Major." You'll need U, she thought. She was getting off this floating bomb; into a firefight, granted, But at least she wouldn't have a million cubic meters of hydrogen wrapped around her while she did it. The catwalk behind the bridge led down through crew quarters, past the radio shack, and into the hold. That was a huge darkened box across the belly of the Sieg, spanned with girders higher up; the only vertical members were several dozen ropes fastened to the roof supports and ending in coils on segments of floor planking. Crouched on the framework floor were her troops, three hundred of the Intelligence Service Commando, special forces, reporting directly to the general staff and tasked with the very first assault. Most of the dirigibles and surface ships following were crowded with line troops, Prote"g3 slave-soldiers under Chosen officers. The Protege" infantrymen were getting four ounces of raw cane spirit each about now. The IS Commando were all-Chosen, only one candidate in ten making the grade. The sergeant of the headquarters section handed her a Koegelmann machine-carbine. Half the commando was armed with them or pump-action shotguns rather than rifles, for close-in firepower. She slapped a flat disk drum on top of the weapon and ran the sling through the THE CHOSEN 69 epaulet strap on her right shoulder so that it would hang with the pistol grip ready to hand. "Right," she said in a voice just loud enough to cany. "This is what we've all been training for. We're the first in, because we're the best. It looks like the Imperials are sitting with their thumbs up their butts .. . but once we land, even they'll realize what's going on. Remember the training: hit hard, hold hard, and by this time tomorrow Corona will belong to the Chosen. Corona, and then the Empire. Then die world. And for a thousand years, they'll remember that we struck die first blow." A short growl rippled over the watching faces, not quite a cheer; the sort of sound a pack of dires would make, closing in on a eland herd. The company and platoon leaders grouped around her as she knelt. "No clouds, not much wind, unlimited visibility," she told them. "And no last-minute screwups from Intelligence, either." "Meaning either everything's as per, or the reports were totally fucked in the first place and nobody's found out better," Fedrika Blummer said. "Exactly. Fedrika, remember, don't get tied up in the scrimmage. Get those Haagens set up on the perimeter, or the Imperials will swamp us before the main force arrives. Kurt, Mikel, Wilhelm, all of you remember this— we're going to be heavily outnumbered. The only way we can pull this off is if we hit so hard and so fast they never suspect what's coming down. Go through them like grass through a goose and don't leave anyone standing." "Ya," Wilhelm Termot said. The others nodded. "Let's do it, then." Jeffrey Farr dumped the papers in the cast-iron bathtub and sprinkled them with lamp oil He flicked a match on his thumb and dropped it onto the surface. The mass of documents flared up in a gout of orange flame and 70 S.M. Stirling 6- David Drake black smoke and a coarse acrid smell. He retreated from the bathroom into the bedroom. Jeffrey began throwing things into a satchel — his camera, spare ammunition for his revolver — and checked the bathroom. It was full of smoke, but the papers were burning nicely. They held die details of the network he'd been setting up here in Corona — but Center was the perfect recording device, and one that couldn't be tapped. For that matter, he'd carefully refrained from memorizing them himself. What he didn't know he couldn't tell, and Center could always furnish him with the details. It put need-to-know in a whole different category. He waited until the tub held nothing but flaky ash, then quenched it with a jug of water from the basin before he jogged up to the flat roof of the apartment building. It was four stories tall, and the roof was set with chairs and planters; nothing but the best in this neighborhood. He got out the heavier pair of binoculars and focused on the dirigible. It was close now, slowing. Heading for Fort Calucci at the outer arm of the military harbor, from the looks of it. What in the hell are they going to try there? he thought. That was HQ for die whole Corona Military District. an assault with air-transported troops, Center said. probability 78%, ±3. observe: — and troops in gray Land uniforms slid down ropes on to the roof of tne HQ complex — Looks like it, Raj said. The bastardos have nerve, Ftt grant them that. "Oh, shit," he whispered a moment later. What's the matter? John's voice. "Lucretzia," he said. "I know, I know, she's not the girl you bring home to mother — but she's down by the portside." the legation would be the lowest-risk area for temporary relocation, Center hinted. THE CHOSEN 71 "Yeah, but I've got to do something about her," Jeffrey said. "It's personal, and besides, she's a good contact." Good luck, John said. And watch your back, lad, Raj added. The fabric of the Sieg groaned and shivered with a low-toned roar. Valving gas, Gerta thought. Negative buoyancy. As if to confirm it, the falling-elevator sensation grew stronger. The nose of the dirigible tilted upwards and the engines roared as the captain controlled die rate of fall with the dynamic lift of air rushing under die great hull. She tasted salt from the sweat running down her face. Any second now. "Ready for it!" The commandos were bracing themselves with loops set into the aluminum deck planking. Gerta snugged the carrying strap of the carbine tight and ran both arms and a foot dirough die braces. The engine roar died suddenly, down to idle. Into the moment of silence that followed came a grinding, tearing clangor. The ship wrenched brutally, struck, bounced, struck, flinging her body back and forth. Then it came to a queasy, rocking halt with the floor at an angle. The bellow of valv-ing gas continued. "Now! Go, go, go!" Booted feet slammed against quick-release catches. Two dozen segments of floor plating fell out of the belly carrying the coils of rope with diem; light broke into the gloom of the hold, blinding. Men and women moved despite it, in motions trained so long that they were reflex. Twenty-four jumped, wrapped arms and legs around the sisal cables, and dropped out of sight. Odiers followed them widi the regular precision of a metronome. Gerta and the headquarters section went in die third wave, precisely diirty-tive seconds after the first. Noise hit her as she slid out of die hold, into die giant 72 S.M. Stiriing 6- David Drake shadow of the huge structure overhead. The Sieg was shifting, beginning to bob up a little as the weight left it. The pavement of the tower's flat roof was only eight meters down, less than a third the distance the teams sliding down into the fortress courtyard had to cover. There were half a dozen Imperials below her, gaping and pointing at the dirigible overhead. They didn't start to move until shots and screams broke out below. There was a moment of controlled fall and she struck the ground, rolling off the segment of decking and reaching under the horizontal drum magazine of the Koegelmann to jack the slide back. The blowback weapon was new; it had a grip safety that was supposed to keep the bolt from racking forward. She'd found that the safety wasn't completely reliable. A really sharp jar could send it forward, chambering and firing a round. Not a good idea to arm it just before you jumped down a rope. Gerta came down in a perfect four-point prone position and stroked the carbine's trigger. It roared and hammered backward into her shoulder, spent brass tinkling on the painted metal surface of the tower's top. The bullets were pistol-caliber but heavy, llmm, and they were H-section wadcutters. They punched into the Imperials with the impact of so many soggy medicine balls, blasting out exit wounds the size of teaplates. The rest of the section was firing as well. Seconds later, the area was clear of living enemies. Something whirled by overhead, towards the heavy disk-shaped metal hatch that led from the rooftop down into the main section of the tower. A man was standing on the ladder below. His face was gray with shock, but he was struggling with the massive covering. The stick grenade struck his hands where they rested on the locking wheel of the hatch. He screamed and sprang backwards off the ladder, falling out of sight. The grenade hit the lip of the entryway, spun twice and then toppled out of sight down the shaft after the Imperial soldier. THE CHOSEN 73 The hatch fell, too, pulled past its balance point before the Imperial noticed the grenade. Gerta came off the ground like a spring-launched missile, diving forward to try and jam the butt of her carbine into the gap. Halfway through the movement the grenade went off below, but though dust and grit billowed out, the pressure wasn't enough to slow the several hundred kilos of mass. It whumped down into the locking collar and the butt-plate of her carbine rang against it with a dull clank. She flipped up to her knees and reached for the small close-set wheel in the top of the mushroom-cap hatch. Three others joined her, but the wheel turned irresistibly under her fingers, and she could hear the holding bars sinking into their sheaths. The locking wheel on the inside was much larger than the topside equivalent, with greater leverage. Damn, she thought, coming erect and looking around. Somebody down there must be able to find his dick without a directory. Water pattered down, thick as a Land thunderstorm in the rainy season. The great bulk of the Sieg was rising and turning, dumping ballast as she went for extra lift. The dirigible seemed to bounce upward, the shadow falling away from the fortress, turning southward for the river estuary with a roar of engines. Ropes fell away from it like writhing snakes to lie draped across walls and pavement. The tower roof held only live Chosen and dead Imperials; mostly dead, one with a chunk of skull missing was still sprattluig like a pithed frog. She duckwalked quickly to the edge of the roof, avoiding the spreading pools of blood—the last thing she needed was slippery boots— and looked down. There were a few bodies in the courtyard. Gunfire came from the buildings that ringed it: shotgun blasts, rifle fire, the distinctive burping chatter of machine carbines. Then a long ripping burst; that could only be one of the tripod-mounted, water-cooled machine guns the heavy-weapons platoon had brought in. 74 S.M. Stirling 6- David Drake Good. Fedrika must have gotten out to the perimeter. "Right, Elke, Johan, pop it." They'd come prepared. Two years after Gerta was born, construction started on a complete duplicate of this fortress in the jungles of the Kopenrungs. The Chosen believed in planning ahead. Fort Calucci had been built back when bronze smoothbore cannon were the most formidable weapons available, but it had been updated continuously since. The last building program had been fifteen years ago, after some sea skirmishes between the Empire and die Republic of Santander. The whole complex had been girdled with five- to fifteen-meter thick ferroconcrete, and the tower clad with the armor of several scrapped battleships. Even modern high-velocity naval rifles would have problems with it. Fortunately, every fortress had its weaknesses. The two Chosen trotted over to the hatchway with the charge between them. It was a cone, broadside down, supported on stubby iron legs to give an exact distance from the target. She didn't know precisely how it worked—the principle was suicide-before-reading secret—but she'd seen models tested. The bomb clanged as it dropped to the center of the hatch. "Fire in the hole!" the two commandos shouted as they triggered the fuse and dove away. All the force of the explosion went straight down, like a welding-torch jet. Or almost all. The sheathing was thin metal and would disintegrate with an almost complete lack of shrapnel. Almost was not a very comforting word, when you were on a flat steel pie plate with no cover at all. She pressed her back against the bulwark around the rim, curled her knees up against her chest, tucked her chin down to her throat and held the Koegelmann over her body. BWAAMP. Shock picked her up and slammed her down on the decking. A spatter of hot steel dropped across her; she cursed and scrabbled with a gloved hand THE CHOSEN 75 to get the gobbets off her clothing. The smell of scorched hair, uniforms, and wood added its bit to the stink; someone yelled as a droplet struck a spot too tender for self-control. Metal pinged and scattered. Before the noise died, the explosives experts were on their feet and racing towards it. Smoke was pouring out of a round melted-looking hole in the middle of the metal hatch. The wheel was frozen, either still locked from below or warped by the blast. The sappers stuffed rods of blasting explosive into the gap; it would have been futile to try it against the unbroken surface, since the force of the explosion would dissipate along the line of least resistance, into the open air. "Fire in the hole!" A flare soared up into the air from the courtyard below and popped green. Gerta looked at her watch. Five minutes. The company tasked with taking the gates and powerplant had succeeded. Good fast work. . . . The blasting sticks made the whole top of the tower flex like a giant tympanum. Hiis time a lot of metal went flying. Trapped inside the pierced hatchway the fast-moving gasses of the explosion had plenty of leverage and no place else to go. Bits and pieces went ting against the armored rooftop, or the bulwark around her. Somebody screamed once and then fell silent. The force picked her up and slammed her down painfully, items of equipment ramming themselves into her with bruising force. She blinked watering eyes. A few bent and twisted remnants of the hatch stood up, like the lid of a badly opened tin can. Two grenades arched into the gap. Three seconds later they exploded, and the Chosen commandos began dropping through the way the blasting charges had opened. "Shit," Jeffrey Fair whispered again. He ducked into the little Sherrinford and stamped repeatedly on the foot-pump, building pressure for the 76 S.M. Stirling ir David Drake fuel and water feeds. When the bell rang, he flicked the switch for the spark-starter. A muted whump sounded as the flash boiler lit, sounding a bit breathy without the force-pump draft that ran off the flywheel. Red fluid began rising in the glass columns set into the dashboard that showed steam temperature, boiler pressure, water, fuel, battery condition, and air resevoir. Plenty of fuel and the battery was new, thank God. Thirty seconds later another bell rang and the steam temperature and pressure gauges rose over the operating minimum level. He eased the engine into reverse with the engaging lever beside the wheel, backed out cautiously into traffic and headed south. There were dozens of big dirigibles coming in from the southwest, huge elongated teardrop shapes moving like clouds to a grating roar of engines. No attempt at disguise with these; they had the Land sunburst on their flanks. The first wave passed overhead at two thousand meters, heading east t^ie second slowed and began turning in formation over the harbor and defenses. Slots opened in die bottoms of the hulls. Dark objects tumbled out. Oblong shapes rained down, like torpedoes with fins. aerial bombs, Center said, not aerodynamically optimum, but functional. "I'll say," Jeffrey muttered. A large dirigible could carry tons of cargo; some of the latest models had forty or fifty tons useful lift. Crump. Crumpcmrnpcrumpcrump— They probably sailed empty from the Land, then took on their loads from ships over the horizon, Raj observed. probability 76%*4, Center said. "Damn. I'd better get to the—" A long whistling roar. Jeffrey jerked at the wheel, going up on the sidewalk with two wheels and scattering yelling pedestrians. Dust fbuntained over him through the open windows of the canvas-topped car, and the road seemed THE CHOSEN 77 to drop out from under him for a second. Coughing, he saw the apartment block three buildings down fall into the street in a slow-motion avalanche. That was bad aiming, they were probably trying for the gasworks about a kilometer away, but he supposed it didn't matter if you had enough bombs. He spat dust-colored saliva and watched as the shark-shape of the dirigible slid away overhead, explosions following it like a trail of monstrous eggs. A dozen of them, and then a huge globe of fire rising over the rooftops; they had gotten the gas-storage tanks. Time to go, lad. "No argument." He let the throttle out, up to fifty kilometers an hour—well over the speed limit, but that was purely theoretical in Corona at the best of times. There were a few people milling around, but not many. The crowds were standing and pointing, open-mouthed; a few were crowding towards the broken apartment building, but there was fire in the rubble—broken gas mains, and water spurting from severed pipes. A horse-drawn fire engine went by with clanking bells and sparks flying from its hooves. An Imperial officer with gold epaulets and a spiked wax mustache rode by in the other direction. He had his pistol in his hand and he was riding towards the harbor, although what he planned to do there was a mystery. The naval dockyards three kilometers away were a mass of fire and smoke, with columns of fire from the secondary explosions showing red through the black clouds. One mother was holding her child up to see the explosions, apparently under the impression they were some kind of fireworks. Not many seemed to be panicking as yet—which showed ignorance, not steady nerves. He could catch glances in between dodging trolley cars and pedestrians. Half a dozen Land merchantmen had beached •„ themselves by the harbor forts on either side of the 78 S.M. Stirling 6- David Drake entrance from the Pada estuary. It was too far away to see men, but the hulls were darkened in a spiderweb pattern, boarding nets dropped over the side so that embarked troops could climb down to the corniche road. Sections of their hufl sides dropped open, revealing pedestal-mounted guns. The flat whump of the cannon joined the rising chorus of small-arms fire. Something eke was firing, a little like a gatling gun but not much. Trotting out aft the novelties for the party, he thought. But they'll have to do better than this. The streets grew narrower as he got down onto the flats where there were older buildings, sometimes leaning out over the cobbles. The rough street hammered at the car's suspension, and he had to squeeze the bulb of the horn—and keep his speed up—to get through the crowds. When he stopped, it was beneath a leaning tenement where laundry flapped from lines strung across the street. The balconies were crowded with chattering tenants pointing southward. Jeffrey leaned out the window and flourished a coin. "Eh, bambino!" he called. A barefoot urchin with pants held up by a single suspender elbowed through to him. 'Tell Lucretzia Col-lossi that Jeflrey is here to see her," he said. "And tell her to bring her jewels. Another one of these if she's here in five minutes." The boy—he was about nine—grinned, showing gaps in his teeth, and disappeared in a flash of bare neels. Jeffrey got out of the car and waited tensely, one hand on the butt of his revolver. He didn't expect trouble; there were few Imperials his size, people in this neighborhood avoided uniforms, even unfamiliar ones, and it wasn't really all that rough anyway. Still, no sense in taking chances. The spectators were disappearing from the balconies. Finally mowing some sense, he thought. A trickle of traffic appeared, heading north and uphill away from the harbor. Then a woman hurried out of the tenement's THE CHOSEN 79 front doors. She was a year or two younger than him, dressed much better than the neighborhood standard, and extremely pretty in a dark full-figured way. She smiled at him, but there was a nervous wariness in her eyes; she carried her jewel box, and a small suitcase, moving like a dancer even now. Of course, she was a dancer, and quite a good one. Nice girl, even if she wasn't a nice girl, so to speak. And very useful. To recruit agents, he^had to have respect; and to an Imperial, if Jeffrey didn't have a woman, be wasn't manly enough to take seriously. It generally paid to talk to people in their own language, he'd found. Jeffrey flicked another coin to the boy and slid behind the wheel. Lucretzia kissed him as she took the passenger's seat. "Is it the war?" she said. "It is," Jeffrey replied. "With a vengeance." "Where are we going?" Her voice rose. Jeffrey did a sharp right and headed south down the alleyway. "The corniche. It's likely to be the quickest way to the consulate, and short of getting out of town, that's the safest place right now." The growing crowd parted before the bow of the Sherrinford. The bumper rapped sharply against the wheel of a pushcart full of fruit; it spun away, showering oranges and melons into the crowd, and the owner screamed curses after the car. Jeffrey slid his revolver free and held it in his lap. "Why . . ." Lucretzia licked her lips. "Why don't we do that, leave town?" "Because a big flotilla of those dirigibles went right over when this all started," Jeffrey said grimly. "One gets you nine they dropped troops right on the main roads and the railway to Ciano." probability 88%, ±2, Center said. "But that would mean . . . that would mean a real war" she said. Her voice rose a little again; Lucretzia was nobody's 80 S.M. Stirling 6- David Drake fool. She had her career path planned out, down to the dressmaking shop she intended to buy, and her previous "friend" had been a post-captain in the Imperial Navy. The Imperials had been expecting a few skirmishes in the Passage, perhaps a raid or two, followed by some diplomatic chair-polishing. That had happened before. The scenario had changed. A new series of thud sounds punctuated the thought. They came out of the narrow alleyway and onto the broad paved esplanade, and Lucretzia crossed herself. Battleship Row was plainly visible from here. Or would have been, if the warships between here and the naval docks hadn't been spewing so much black coal smoke from their sharply raked funnels. "Damn," he said mildly. "Must be two dozen of them." twenty-six, Center said, including two which are damaged beyond minimal functionality. They were all the same type, slim little craft throwing plumes of water back from their sharpry raked bows. Built for speed, with smooth turtlebacks over their forward decks to shed water; a light gun-turret behind that, and a multibarreled weapon of some sort aft. Alongside the funnels were pivot-mounted torpedo launchers, each with four U-shaped guide tubes fastened together. None of the battlewagons had managed to get their main or secondary batteries into action. The heavy guns wouldn't have done much good, anyway, since they took so much time to train and reload. Several of them had gotten their quick-firers working; four-barreled cannon firing little two-pound shells at one per second per barrel, worked by lever-actions and fed from hoppers. The light weapons were a continuous crackle of noise and red tongues of flame along the sides of the big warships, with a pall of dirty gray smoke rising to the sky. Two of the Land vessels were dead in the water, burning and listing, with quick-firer shells sending up spurts of water all around them. The others bored in like wolves THE CHOSEN 81 slashing at aurochos. Their speed was amazing, almost impossible. thirty-one knots, Center said. They must be turbine-powered, Jeffrey thought. He was vaguely conscious of driving, and of Lucretria's nails digging into his shoulder. The Chosen had been experimenting with steam turbines for more than a decade now. Santander was doing the same, as a possible way to generate electric power. It was obvious that the Land had had other applications in mind. Another Chosen destroyer was hit. This one staggered in the water, then vanished in a globe of fire that sent water and steel scrap and probably—undoubtedly—body parts up in a plume hundreds of meters higfa. The quick-firers must have hit the torpedo warheads. When the spray and smoke cleared the bow and stem of the light craft were already disappearing under the water. Now the first flotilla of destroyers was within a thousand meters of the battleships. Tney peeled off, turning, heeling for over with die momentum of their charge. As each came to a quarter off their original course the torpedoes lanced overside in a hiss of steam from the munching cylinders. Hie long shapes splashed home into the still waters of the harbor and streaked towards their targets. The muzzles of the quick-firers depressed, trying to detonate the torpedoes before they struck, but they were only a few hundred meters away, and the destroyers' own weapons were raking the open firing positions. Jeffrey saw four tin fish strike the Empress Imelda from stern to three-quarters of the way to her bow. Each of the warheads held over a hundred kilos of guncotton. Confined by the water, the explosions would punch holes big enough for two or three men to walk in abreast . . . and Imperial warships had lousy internal compartmentalization. For that matter, safe at anchor the watertight doors would be dogged open for convenience sake while they made ready for sea. He let out die throttle lever and braked to a stop. 82 S.M. Stirling b David Drake "What are you doing?" Lucretzia asked. "Taking a better look. Shut up for a second." He pulled back the fabric top of the car and stood with his binoculars, bracing his elbows against the metal rim of the frame holding the windscreen. The Empress rolled over as he watched, shedding ant-tiny men. A few managed to run up onto the bottom as the weed- and barnacle-encrusted plates came into view, but the ship was settling fast as well as capsizing. Most of the rest of the heavy warships were listing or sinking. As he watched the Emperor Umberto blew up with a violence that was stunning even at this distance. Jeffrey shook his head and ignored die ringing in his ears, letting the binoculars thump down on his chest and sliding behind the wheel. There were Land merchantmen heading in towards the docks, with uniformed figures crowding out from the holds onto the decks. He didn't want to be here when they arrived His watch read 10:00. Barely an hour after the first dirigibles arrived overhead The Republic's legation in Corona was not far from die liner docks; most of its business was linked to the maritime trade. The highway up from the corniche was mostly empty now, except for a couple of craters and gasfires. Unfortunately, one of the craters occupied the site of the legation. From the looks of it, at least two or three six-hundred-kilo bombs had landed around it in a tight group. Nothing was left but shattered pieces of the limestone blocks which had made up the walls. Christ. His mind felt numb. Everyone he'd worked with for the past year was probably in there—most of them at least. The consul lived there, with his family. Captain Suthers. Andy Milson . , . The instructors were right. Masonry doesn't have much resistance to blast damage. "Christ," he said aloud. He looked over at Lucretzia. She was looking at him. CHAPTSR F=IVS Telegraph center under control, Captain," the runner said. Gerta nodded. The troops assigned to that task included several who could duplicate the "fist" of the Imperial Navy signalmen. She dabbed at the wound on her cheek with the back of her hand. Not serious, just a slice from a grenade fragment—you had to follow on quickly, to catch the opposition while they were still stunned from the blast She'd been a little too quick, that was all. It just stung a little, no real damage, not worth taking time to bandage. A deep breath. The Imperial commandant's office— he was an admiral, technically—was a segment of a wedge, one level down from the top of the tower. A window was dogged shut; the shutter was a half-meter of armorplate, but it was still a silly thing to do, weakening the structural integrity of the building that way. Hiere was a fine Union rug, an ornate desk with several telephones—Imperial technology didn't run to efficient exchanges yet—and a smaller desk for the admiral's aide. He sprawled backward over it, most of his face missing and his brains leaking over the edge in a gelatinous puddle. The thin harsh smell of the new nftro powder was heavy in the room, under the stink of death. "Bro signalers were working at the locking wheel of tibe window. They got it open, sliding it back like a pie-wedge of steel, and set up a heliograph. 83 84 S.M. Stirling ir David Drake "Send phases one and ttoo completed on schedule," Gerta said. A telephone rang, three sharp clatters. She picked it up. "Yes, Vice-Admiral del'Gaspari," she said, holding a neckerchief over the pickup and pitching her voice low. With luck, her soprano would come across as a bad connection. "Admiral del'Fanfani will be here shortly. Speak louder, please, I cannot—" She pushed the receiver down. It began to ring again immediately. Her Imperial was good enough, at least, complete with Ciano upper-class accent. But she hoped—ah. The admiral came through the door, hands bound behind him; he was a tall thin man, balding, with white walrus mustaches. His eyes were fixed and blank, the stare of a man who is rejecting all the input his senses deliver. Behind him was a short fat woman, and a dark slim girl in her mid-teens. His wife and daughter; she recognized them from the files. Half a dozen troopers followed them. "Sir. Commandant's quarters are secure." Gerta nodded. The whole complex was in Chosen hands now. She looked at her watch. Twenty-seven minutes from start to finish. Amazing; it had actually gone better than planned. She'd expected it to take an hour at least. "Good work, Sergeant." Then, more sharply: "Admiral del'Fanfani." The old man straightened and blinked. "What is the meaning of this?" he said. "I demand—" Gerta gestured. A trooper slammed the butt of his rifle home over the Imperial officer's kidneys; not too hard, but the man collapsed forward, his mouth working. The Chosen commandos hauled him upward. She stepped closer. "It is necessary that you cooperate with us," she said. Or at least be itseful Nothing vital depended on it, but it would be handy. "You will speak as I direct." THE CHOSEN 85 The admiral drew himself up. "Never!" he said hoarsely. Gerta shrugged. One of the ones holding the Imperial drew her knife and raise her eyebrows. "No, I don't think a shank will make him sufficiently cooperative,*' she said. "We'll stick with the plan." Intelligence had very complete dossiers on the Imperial command staff, and a fair grasp of their psychology. Imperials were odd about certain bodily functions. One of her troopers swept a table clear of documents and oddments; they crashed to the floor with a tinkle of glass. Two more picked the daughter up and slammed her down on it, on her back. "Papa!" she screamed, flailing and kicking her legs. Then just screamed, as the troopers each grabbed a leg and bent them back until die knees nearly touched her shoulders. Another stepped up and grabbed the collar of her dress, running his dagger under it and slitting the heavy fabric down until it peeled off her. A few more strokes and the undergarments were cut. The soldier grinned, sliding the knife back into its sheath and unbuttoning his fly. He spat into one hand Gerta spared them a glance—the girl was quite pretty, but female bodies did nothing for her eroticalry, and besides, this was business—and then turned back to the Imperial officer. The girl's mother hit the ground with a heavy thud, . her eyes rolling up in her head in a dead feint The admiral was quivering like a racehorse in the starting gate, opening and closing his mouth. "I will—" he began. The girl gave a shrill cry. "Stop," Gerta said. The soldier did, which said a good deal for Chosen discipline. "I will speak! Leave her alone!" Gerta made a gesture, and the commandos released his daughter. The girl jackknifed into a fetal shrimp-curl on her side, face to knees, whimpering quietly. Gerta put a hand on the telephone. 86 S.M. Stirling 6- David Drake "As long as you cooperate," she said. "You will speak as follows . . ." "Damn!" Jeffrey said. There was a barricade ahead, wagons and furniture and ripped-up paving blocks. Behind it were fifty or so Imperial soldiers and some sailors in their striped jerseys and berets. They all had rifles, and there was a six-barrel gathng on a field-gun mount. He looked up at the buildings on either side. More men there. Somebody around here had some faint conception of what he was supposed to be doing, but it was probably a junior officer. He braked and began to turn the car around. "Alto!" Men ran out from either side, pointing rifles. Single-shot rifles, but it only took one, and there were half a dozen pointing at him. "Here's one of the Chosen dog-suckers now!" Hie Imperial seaman who shouted that and poked his bayonet close had probably never seen a Land military uniform. On the other hand, he'd probably never seen one from the Republic of Santander, either. Take me to your officer!" Jeffrey said, loudly and clearly. "Immediately." Reflex warred with hysteria in the young man's face. Jeffrey stepped down from the car, keeping his movements brisk but not threatening, and handed Lucretzia down to the pavement. She was a little pale, but she adjusted her hat and laid her hand on his arm in fine style. That probably pulled the soldiers out of their combination of funk and bloodlust; their mental picture of an invader didn't include a young Imperial woman dressed like a lady—not quite like a lady, but they wouldn't have the social skills to pick that up. They walked behind the pair up to the barricade, not quite hustling them. The Imperial in charge was a naval lieutenant, about nineteen, with INS Emperor Umberto on his cuff. He THE CHOSEN 87 also had acne, a pathetic attempt at a mustache, and the fixed look of a man doing his damndest in a situation he knew was utterly beyond him. Lucky feUow, Jeffrey thought. For now. "Lieutenant," he said. "Captain Jeffrey Fair, Republic of Santander Army." "Captain," the young man said, saluting. "You will excuse me, but—" "I understand," Jeffrey said smoothly. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm responsible for this young lady's safety and the consulate has been destroyed." "The consulate? The Chosen have declared war on the Republic?" The young Imperial lieutenant looked hopeful for a moment. Jeffrey felt slightly guilty. "No, I'm afraid not—accident of war, but the rest of the consular staff are dead enough for all that. My government will doubtless lodge a complaint, but in the meantime, I'm a neutral." Then I will not detain you, sir," the lieutenant said. Jeffrey hesitated for an instant. "Lieutenant ... as one fighting man to another, are you in contact with your superiors?" The lieutenant swallowed "No, sir, I am not. The city telegraph and telephone lines appear to be inoperable or under enemy control." The Chosen are landing in force at the docks." That was less than half a kilometer away. "Lieutenant, without support, you haven't a prayer. I'd strongly advise you withdraw until you do get in contact with your chain of command." It would be an even better idea to ditch the uniforms and weapons and hide in a cellar, then pretend to be harmless laborers, but he didn't think the young Imperial would take that sort of advice. "If I have no orders, I have my duty; but thank you, Captain Farr. There are better than thirty thousand Imperial military personnel in Corona. If we all do 88 S.M. Stirling 6- David Drake something, the situation may yet be salvaged. You'd better go, this isn't your fight." The neU it isn't. It wasn't his battle, though. If every Imperial officer had this one's aggression and instincts, Corona could have been saved. That was very unlikely. He looked over his shoulder. Two of die Imperial soldiers were driving the car up to the barricade, and others were pushing aside a cart to give it room to pass. "You understand, of course," the lieutenant went on, "I must commandeer your vehicle." Jeffrey hadn't understood anything of the sort— although it would be invaluable, particularly with the communications network down. Cars weren't common in Corona And it didn't make much sense to object, not when the Imperial had fifty or sixty armed men at his back. Lucretzia seemed more inclined to argue; Jeffrey took her by the arm arid hurried her past. "Where can we go without the car?" she hissed. "Where could we go with it? The main roads are blocked. I'm trying to get to a safe house. Now move." They walked quickly up the street. The crowds were thicker here, but milling around as if they weren't sure where to go. That included numbers in Imperial military uniforms. Columns of smoke were rising to the air from dozens of points in the city now. He looked at his watch. 11:00 hours. BAAAAMM. A volley from the barricade a hundred meters behind them. The gatling there cut loose with a slow braaaap . . . braaaap as the operators turned its crank. Jeffrey half-turned, then recognized the next sound. "Down!" he shouted, and pancaked, carrying the woman with him. The whistling screech ended in a sharp crack about twenty meters back. Someone fell thrashing across Jeffrey's legs. He pushed at them with his feet, but the body resisted with the boneless slackness of a sack of rice; he had to roll onto his back and push with one boot THE CHOSEN 89 to get the twitching weight free. That gave him an excellent view of what was coming up the roadway. Even at several hundred meters it looked huge, a rhomboid shape of riveted steel armor leaking steam along its flanks, with the Land's sunburst on its bow. Endless belts of linked metal plates supported it on either side. Between the top and bottom track each flank held a sponson-mounted cannon; 50mm by the look, light naval quick-firers. On the top of the boxy hull was a round turret mounting two thick shapes that must be the new water-cooled automatic machine-guns Intelligence had been reporting. They were. The turret swiveled and the muzzles of the automatics flashed, with a sound like endless ripping canvas. Bullets chewed into the Imperial's barricade in a continuous stream, ripping wood into splinters and silencing the ineffectual rifles. Men turned and ran; the lieutenant waved his sword in their faces, trying to rally them. Then the other side-mounted cannon in the Chosen tank cut loose. The shell landed nearly at the Imperial officer's feet, exploding in a puff of smoke with a malignant red snap at its core. One of the lieutenant's boots was left, toppling over slowly. The rest of him was splashed across die paving blocks. In the silence that followed they could hear the tooth-grating squeal of steel on stone as the Chosen fighting vehicle ground up the slope towards them. For a long moment, he was paralyzed. Instinct tugged at the small hairs along his spine. He'd seen war machines far worse in Center's scenarios, but this was here, lurching and grinding its way towards him. He didn't blame the Imperials for bugging out at all. "Come on!" Lucretzia was tugging at his sleeve. Good idea. Jeffrey took her hand and ran. The basement room was hot and close, stuffy with their breath and sweat. Jeffrey put a cautious eye to the slat-covered cellar window, looking out. The firing had 90 S.&f. Stirling ir David Drake stopped, the slow banging of the Imperial rifles and die fast fiat cracks of the Land repeaters. He could see one Imperial soldier trying to crawl away in the kitchen-garden outside, dragging his limp legs. Boots stepped up behind him, jackboots with gray uniform trousers tucked into them. A rifle with a knife-bayonet attached followed, pointed to the back of the wounded man's head. It barked, and the body slumped forward, hidden by the thigh-high corn. Damn. It was pure bad luck, to get right to the edge of town—they were in a straggling suburb of market-gardens and villas—and then get caught up in a skirmish. The Land soldier kneeled and went through his victim's pockets; then he paused to Teload his rifle, pulling the bolt back and up, then thumbing in two stripper-clips of five rounds from the pouches on his webbing. He was a dark-tanned man of medium height, the helmet clipped to his belt revealing a shaven skull. The face below it was beetle-browed and hard; he looked to be exactly what he was, a highly-trained human pit bull. Savage, not too bright, but abundantly deadly. He smacked the bolt forward, chambering a round, and turned to shout a question over his shoulder Someone answered in the same Protege-accented Landisch, and three more joined him. Unseen others pounded away in lockstep, a platoon column by the sound of it. Lucretzia had her hands locked over her mouth, eyes wide. Been a hard day for her. Hell, for both of us. He sincerely hoped she wouldn't scream. They heard a door burst open above. Things .smashed, crockery, glass. There was a sudden overpowering smell of wine. Bad. The Protege soldiers must be so wrought up they weren't even stopping to loot more booze. He eased the revolver out of his holster and slowly, quietly thumbed back the hammer. It was a double-action, but saving a fraction of a second on the pull might be worthwhile. Jeffrey swallowed through a mouth gone cotton-dry. When they didn't find anything upstairs, they might THE CHOSEN 91 just move along, probably they had a lot of territory to cover . . . they might not shoot at someone in the uniform of a neutral third country . . . probability 8%, ±2. Thanks. Just about his own calculation of the odds on Protege's understanding what "neutral" meant, or caring if they did. Jackboots walked over tlie kitchen floor above them, making the planking creak and sending little trickles of dust down into the cellar. Slowly, die fight in the basement took on a flat, silvery tone. Jeffrey set his teeth; he'd experienced what Center could do with his perceptions before, but he'd never liked it. Neither did I, but you use what's to hand. Raj said. To the right of the door. That stood at the top of a flight of stairs. It was dlin pine boards; if there had been only one Land soldier, Jeffrey would have fired through them when the knob began to turn. But there were at least four. The catch clicked, but the door didn't open immediately. Instead there was a slight shink sound ... exactly what the point of a bayonet would sound like, touching on dry planking. Jeffrey's hand reached out to the knob, moving with an automatic precision diat seemed detached and slow. He jerked it backward, and the Land soldier stumbled through. A grid dropped down over his sight, outlining the enemy. A green dot appeared right under the angle of the man's jaw. His finger stroked the trigger, squeezing. Cracfc The soldier's head snapped sideways as if he'd been kicked by a horse. His helmet went flying off into the dimness of die cellar, dimness that made the muzzle flash strobe like a spear of reddish fire. It hid die flow of brain and bone that followed, but blood spattered back into Jeffrey's face. He was turning, turning, die pistol coming up. Ine second Land soldier was levelling ner rifle, but the green dot setded on her throat 92 S Af. Stiriing 6- David Drake THE CHOSEN 93 Crack. The woman fell back and writhed for an instant, blood spraying over everything, him, the stairs, die ceiling . . . The soldier behind her was jumping back, face slack with alarm. Out of sight, almost, but the green dot settled on his leg. Crack. A scream as the Land soldier tumbled out of sight. The grid outlined a prone figure against the planks of die entranceway and an aiming-poult strobed. Jeffrey squeezed the trigger four times. Oh skit. There was another one— The bark of the rifle was much deeper than his pistol. The nickel-jacketed bullet was also much heavier and faster; it punched through the thin planking and rico-chetted, whining around the stones of the cellar like a giant lethal wasp. Jeffrey tumbled back down the stairs, snapping open the cylinder of his revolver and shaking out the spent brass. He snapped the three-round speedloaders into the cylinder and flipped it closed— bad practice normally, but he was in a hurry—and skipped back two steps before firing again through the overhead planks. The soldier fired back the same way, three rounds rapid, and Jeffrey threw himself down again as the ricochettes spun through the cramped confines of the basement before thumping home into the piled-up firewood and potatoes. Lueretzia was scrambling at the belt of die fallen Land soldier. Damn, what's she doing? Then: Damnation, 1 should have taken his rifle! He scrabbled over to die corpse, ignoring what he was crawling through. Just before he reached it, Lueretzia figured out how to pull the tab on one of die potato-masher grenades die dead soldier had been carrying in loops at his belt. Her toss was underhand and rather weak; die grenade landed spinning on the top step of die cellar stairs and hung for a moment before it tumbled over die lip of the doorsill into die kitchen. . . . three, four, five— The confined space of the room upstairs magnified the blast, not nearly as much as having it go off in the cellar would have, of course. Jeffrey pounded up the stairs on the heels of the sound, caromed off the doorway and into the kitchen. The Land soldier was just staggering to her feet, blood running from her nose and ears. The green spot setded on the bridge of her nose, and Jeffrey's finger tightened. Crack. The flat brightness faded from his eyes. "Christ," he muttered, staggering. I just killed five human foetngs. He'd been in skirmishes before, minor stuff, but diis . . . this is what the world will be, for the rest of your life, Center said. "You sure?" Jeffrey said. Lueretzia nodded, looking down die street. "I am a ', danger to you. And you to me. Alone, I can fade into ~ the city. Alone, you can move quickly—or find an enemy officer who will respect your neutrality." The Imperial woman leaned forward and kissed him lighdy. "I have die code. I will be in touch, Jeffrey. And thank you." "You're welcome," he muttered, shaking his head. a prudent decision, Center observed, chances of survival are optimized for both individuals. "I still don't like it," Jeffrey said. You'll like what comes next even less, lad, Raj said at die back of his mind. You'd better find an officer .. and turn yourself in. chances of personal survival roughly equivalent to attempted flight in that scenario, Center said, mission parameters— "I know, I know, mission first," he said. "Let's do it." Reluctandy, he laid down the rifle he'd taken from the body of tile Prote"g6 trooper. Logically, he should already be inside die Chosen unit's skirmisher screen. 94 SM Stirling, 6- David Drake Depending on how closely they were following Land doctrine, and how screwed up things had gotten . . . He began ghosting down the street, staying close to die buildings and pausing to listen. It was late afternoon, the sun cruelly beautiful as it slanted through the hazy air. He could hear the heavy crumping of explosions from the south, down towards the river basin and the factory district. And closer, a rhythmic tramping. He ducked into a doorway, the carved jamb and edge providing a little cover. A platoon of Land infantry were coming down the street, on alternate sides by eight-trooper squads; jog-trotting effortlessly with their bay-onetted rifles across their chests at the port. And yes, an officer with them. "Gestan!" he called out in Landisch. "Wait! Nie shessn! Don't shoot!" A whisle blew, and the platoon went to earth in trained unison, weapons bristling outward. He stepped forward, hands in the air and uneasily conscious of how his testicles were trying to crawl up into his stomach. "Attention!" he barked at the two Prote'ge' riflemen who came running up at a crouch. They stiffened instinctively at the bark in upper-class Landisch. Take me to your officer immediately," he went on, walking past them at a brisk stride and tucking his swagger stick under his left arm. He could hear the silence of hesitation behind him, and then the clack of hobnails on the brick pathway as they followed. Doubtless the points of the bayonets were hovering an inch or so from his kidneys. Got to maintain the momentum, The officer was waiting with a folded map in her hand and a bulky automatic pistol in the other. Blue eyes narrowed as they recognized his brown Santander uniform, and he could sense thoughts moving behind them. She's in the middle of a mission and doesn't need complications. Jeffrey thought. The hand holding the pistol gave a slight unconscious twitch. One bullet in the head, and THE CHOSEN 95 I there's no complication at att. If anyone found his body, it would be an unfortunate accident. "Captain, Jeffrey Fair, Army of the Republic," he said, staluting casually with a touch of the swagger stick to the brim of his peaked cap. "Congratulations, fahnrich, on a soldierly job of work—taking a city this size by storm is quite an accomplishment!" He extended his hand. The Chosen officer took it automatically; at dose range he could see that she wasn't more than twenty, under the cropped hair and hard muscularity. There was a trace of baffled hesitation at this glib stranger who spoke the tongue of the Chosen like a native. He gave a firm squeeze and pumped the hand up and down once. Good work. Raj said. Personal contact always makes it a little more difficult to shoot someone. "Most impressive. Now, since you've got the situation well in hand, if I could trouble you for an escort to your colonel?" "Jeffrey Farr?" the Chosen colonel said. His square, blond-stubbled face split in an unexpected smile. "Well, I'll be cursed. We're relatives, of a sort—Colonel Heinrich Hosten, at your service, Captain." The command post was set up in a small park, a few officers grouped around tables carried out from nearby houses. Heinrich Hosten was a big man, easily an inch or two over Jeffrey's six feet, and broad-shouldered, slab-built. A pair of field glasses were hanging around his neck, and there was a square of surgical gauze lightly spotted with blood taped to the side of his bull neck. He spoke fairly loudly; a battery of mule-drawn field guns was trotting by on the stone-block pavement beyond the park; Jeffrey's mind catalogued them automatically, M-298's, the new standard piece—75mm calibre, split trail, shield, hydropneumatic recuperators that returned the tube to battery position after every round. Behind them came a brace of field ambulances, also 96 S.M. Stirling 6 David Drake mule-drawn—die animals looked as if they'd been com-andeered locally—that pulled aside to let stretcher-bearers take their contents to a church being used as an aid station. More troops were marching up from the harbor, passing the banner and waiting motorcycle couriers of the regimental HQ. Jeffrey smiled back at the Chosen colonel. Damned dangerous man, he thought, remembering John's description. Not at all the guileless bruiser he looked. Smart. Dedicated. Bet he* glad of an audience, Raj said. These johnnies haven't fought a war in a long time. They're good9 but they want to show off, too. "Looks like you caught the dagoes asleep at the tiller," Jeffrey said, turning and shading his eyes with his hand. He touched the cased glasses at his side with his hand. "If you don't mind?" "K/tm-Mm," Heinrich said; a useful Chosen expression which could mean anything from affirmative to ofl's right with the world. Jeffrey focused the glasses. Nothing was left of the Imperial fleet that he could see; black stains on the surface, the protruding masts of a couple of battlewagons. Fire and billowing columns of dark smoke marked the naval basin; warships and merchantmen were burning, sinking, or listing all over the harbor. Black flags with golden sunbursts marked both the great fortresses at the entrance to the harbor, although Fort Ricardo on the south had die burnt-out skeleton of a dirigible draped over it The Land's flag also flew over the governor's palace off to die west, and the city hall and railway station direcdy south. Fires were burning out of control in a dozen places, vivid against the dusk of evening, and there was a continuous staccato crackle of small-arms fire over die mass of tile rooftops. "Looks like you've cut them up into pockets," Jeffrey said. "Jo. Easier than we anticipated. Speed and planning THE CHOSEN 97 and impact. There were a lot of them, but we had the jump from the beginning. Light casualties." "And you had those . . . what are tiiey called, those moving fortresses?" "Tanks." Heinrich snorted, and a few of the other officers smiled sourly. Terrifying when they work, which is less than half the time. We're supposed to have one here." Jeffrey turned his glasses northward; the city suburbs thinned out from here, although it was harder to see since there wasn't a slope over the intervening ground. "You're preparing for counterattack?" he said. Heinrich laughed again and jerked a thumb at the dirigible passing overhead. "I love those dungs," he said. "We dropped battalion-sized task forces with lots of automatic weapons at the road-rail junctions halfway to Veron. The wops have something like six divisions concentrating there, but there's no way they can do a damned thing for a week—and by ttien we'll have linked up with die airborne forces, plus we'll have landed die better part of an army corps." Jeffrey nodded, pasting a smile on his face, That seemed like a very good analysis. But diere were times when you wanted so btutty to be wrong. "Impressive," he said. Heinrich laughed heartily. "Stay widi us for a while," he said. "And we'll show you impressive." CHARTER SIX "In the sight of Almighty God, God die Parent, God the Child, God the Spirit, I pronounce these two as one. What God has joined, let none dare put asunder." John Hosten gripped Pia's hand, conscious that his own was slightly damp and sweaty. The long embroidered cord was bound around their joined hands and wrists in the ritual knot. Incense rose towards the tall vaulted ceiling of the cathedral. The wedding party was small and sparse, old Count del'Guomo in his dress outfit, a few other men in Imperial field uniform, some friends from the embassy. They rattled like a handful of peas in the huge, dim, scented stone bulk of the place, lost in the patterns of light from the stained-glass windows that occupied most of its walls. He raised her veil and kissed her, soft contact and a scent of verbena. The priest raised his staff for the blessing, then halted, listening. They all did, and looked upward. A dull crump . . . crump . . . came in the distance; everyone in Ciano knew chat sound now. Hundred-kilo bombs from a Chosen dirigible bomber, working its way across the sty at two thousand meters. "Down by the docks," John whispered to himself, "trying for the gasworks." probability 93%, ±2, Center said. "John!" He looked down at Pia. Her lips were fixed in 98 THE CHOSEN 99 determination. "This is my wedding day. I will not let those tedeschi pigs interfere with it." Pia's tone was conversational, but it carried in the stillness of the cathedral. A murmur of approval went through the watchers. John could feel Raj smiling at the back of his mind. You're a lucky man. "I am a lucky man," John murmured aloud. count no man lucky until he is dead, Center observed. The open-topped car hummed down the roadway, gravel crunching under the hard rubber of its wire-spoked wheels, throwing a rooster-tail of dust behind it. Shade Sicked welcome across John's face from the plane trees planted beside it, each one whitewashed to the height of a man's chest. Through die gaps he could see the fields, mostly wheat in this district, with die harvest just finishing. Stocks of shocked grain drew a lacy pattern across the level fields; here and there peasants were finishing off a corner of a poplar-lined field with flashing sickles. Ox-drawn carts were in the field, piled high with yellow grain, hauling the harvest to the barns and threshing floors; the laborers would spend the rainy winter beating out the grain with flails. Damn, but that's backward, John thought, holding the map across his knees with his hands to keep the wind from fluttering it. At home in Santander, all the bigger farms had horse-drawn reapers these days, and portable steam threshing machines had been around for a generation. Downright homelike for me, Raj said. Except that there weren't many places on Beuevue 09 fertile as ffcfe. Fattest peasants I've ever seen. The road climbed slightly, through fields planted to alfalfa, and then into hilly vineyards around a white-village. He scrubbed at his driving goggles with tail-end of his silk scarf and squinted. The guidebooks 100 S.M. Stirling 6- David Drake said the village had a "notable square bell tower" and a minor palazzo. "Castello Formaso," John called ahead to the driver. This ought to be it." It was; most of an Imperial cavalry brigade were camped in and around the town. Cavalry wore tight scarlet pants and bottle-green jackets, with a high-combed brass helmet topped with plumes, and they were armed with sabers, revolvers, and short single-shot carbines. You could follow those polished brass helmets a long way; there were patrols out all across the plain to the west of town, riding down laneways and across fields and pastures, disappearing into the shade of orchards and coming out again on the other side. The troopers closer to hand were watering their horses or working on tack or doing the other thousand and one chores a mounted unit needed. The road was thick with mounted men, parting reluctantly to the insistent squeeee-beepl of the car's horn. Animals shied or kicked at the unfamiliar sound; one connected with the bodywork in an expensive and tooth-grating crunch of varnished ashwood. Then the car swerved under a brutal wrench at the wheel. John looked up from his map in the back seat as it flung him against the sidewall; bis broad-brimmed hat went over into the roadside dust. A dirigible was passing overhead, nosing out of a patch of cloud at about six thousand feet. A six-hundred-footer, Eagle-class, reconaissance model. Some of the Imperial cavalry were popping away at the airship with their carbines, and in the village square ahead they had an improvised antiaircraft mounting for a gatling gun—a U-shaped iron framework on a set of gears and cams. The carbines were merely a nuisance, but letting off six hundred rounds a minute straight up was a menace. "You there!" John barked, tapping the shoulder of his driver. The car came to a halt with a tail-wagging emphasis as the man stood on the brakes. John vaulted THE CHOSEN 101 out over the rear door and strode towards the gat-ling. "You there!" John continued, rapping at the frame with his cane for emphasis. The Imperial NCO in charge looked up. That thing is out of range, and you'd be dropping spent rounds all over town. Do not open fire." The soldier braced to attention at a gentleman's voice. John nodded curtly and turned to where the cavalry brigade's command group were sitting under a vine-grown pergola in the courtyard of the village taverna. Nothing wrong with their nerves, John thought. The portly brigadier had his uniform jacket unbuttoned, his half-cloak across the back of his chair, and a huge plate of pasta and breaded veal in front of him. Several straw-wrapped bottles of die local vintage kept die food company. He looked up as John rapped out his orders at the gatling crew, his face purpling with rage as the stranger strode over to his table. "And who the hell are you? Teniente, get this civilian out of here!" John bowed with a quick jerk of his head, supress-ing an impulse to click heels. Showing Chosen habits was not die way to make yourself popular around here right now. "I am John Hosten, accredited charge d'affairs with die Embassy of the Republic of Santander," he said crisply. He pulled out a sheaf of documents. "Here are my credentials." "I don't care shit for—" The Imperial officer stopped, paling sligfrdy under his five o'clock shadow. The signore John Hosten who married Pia derCuomor" Who is the favorite daughter of the Minister of War, yes, John diought. The same, sir," he continued aloud. "Here to observe die course of die war." "Excellent!" die brigadier said, a little too heartily, mopping his mouth on a checkered linen napkin. "We drove diese pig-grunting beasts into die sea once before centuries ago, and you can watch it done again!" 102 S.M. Stirling 6- David Drake A murmur of agreement came from the other officers around the table, in a wave of wineglasses and elegant cigarette holders. Polished boots struck the flagstones in emphasis. John inclined his head. Considering that we're four hundred kilometers west of Corona and he doesn't know jvck-att about where the enemy's main force is, Fa say that was just a little over-optimistic, Raj commented dryly. "Brigadier Count Damiano del'Ostro," the portly cavalryman said, extending a hand. "At your service, sigwre." John shook the plump, beautifully manicured hand extended to him in a waft of cologne and garlic, and looked up. The Land dirigible was gliding away on a curving pathway that would take it miles to the east, down die road to the capital and then back towards the Pada River near Veron. According to the newspapers, a strong Imperial garrison was holding out in that river port, preventing the Land's forces from using it to supply their forward elements. You could believe as much of that as you wanted to. John did know that at least ten Imperial infantry divisions and two of cavalry were concentrating—slowly— at a rail junction about fifty miles east; he'd driven through them that morning. The dirigible was doing about seventy-five miles an hour. It would be there in three-quarters of an hour, and reporting back in two. John looked back at the cavalry commander, who was supposed to be locating the Land's armies and screening the Imperial forces from observation. "You've located die enemy force, Brigadier del'Ostro?" he said. "Hie brigadier twirled at one of his waxed mustachios. "Soon, soon—our cavalry screen is bound to make contact soon. The cowards refuse to engage our cavalry under any circumstances. Why, their cavalry are mounted on mules, if you can believe it." "Hie Land doesn't have any cavalry, strictly speaking,'' THE CHOSEN 103 John pointed out gently. "They have some mounted infantry units on mules, yes. One mule to two men; they take turns riding. They march very quickly." Del'Ostro laughed heartily and slapped a hand to his saber. "Without cavalry, they will be blind and helpless. Desperate they must already be; do you know, they let women into their army?" John smiled politely with the chorus of laughter. / hope you never meet my foster-sister, he thought. Then again, considering that you're partly responsible for this, I hope you do meet Gerta. "Come, I'll show you how my men scout!" del'Ostro said. He threw the napkin to the table and strode out, buckling his tunic and calling orders. He and his staff headed towards four Santander-made touring cars, evidently the mechanized element of this outfit. Guards crashed to attention, a drum rolled, a bugle sounded, and Brigadier Count del'Ostro mounted to the backseat, standing and holding the pole of a standard mounted in a bracket at the side of the car. "Hate to think what those spurs are doing to the upholstery," John murmured to himself—in Santander English, which the driver did not speak. "Follow," he added in Imperial. "But not too close." "Si, signore" the driver said. John opened a wicker container bolted to the rear of the front seat and brought out his field glasses; big bulky things, Sierra-made, the best on the market. "Halt," he said after a moment. Steam chuffed, and the engine hissed to a stop. The car coasted and then braked to one side of die road, under the shade of a plane tree. John pushed up his driving goggles again and leaned his elbows on the padded leather of the chauffeur's seat. Brigadier del'Ostro had forgotten his foreign audience in his enthusiasm. His party swept down the long straight road in a plume of dust and a chorus of loyal cries; toe 104 . S.M. Stirling 6 David Drake mounted units using the road scattered into the ditches, not a few troopers losing their seats. One light field gun went over on its side, taking half its team with it, and lay with the upper wheel spinning in the cars' wake. John ignored them, scanning to the west over the rolling patchwork of grainfields and pasture. There weren't any peasants in that direction; he supposed they were too sensible to linger when the Imperial cavalry screen arrived. There were spots of smoke on the skyline: burning grain-ricks, perhaps, or buildings. He didn't think that the Land's forces would be burning as they came, too wasteful and conspicuous, but fires followed combat as surely as vultures did. Ah. A dull thudding noise, like a very large door being slammed some distance away. It repeated again ana again, at slow intervals. Artillery. Over a rise a mile away came a bright spray of Imperial cavalry; some of them were turning to fire behind them with their carbines. Little white puffs of smoke rose from their position. Then came a long rattling crackle. A shape lurched over the rise, and two more behind it. John focused his glasses; it was a big touring car, with a carapace of bolted steel plate on its chassis, and a hatbox-shaped turret on top. Two fat barrels sprouted from the turret's face: water-cooled machine guns. They fired again, a long ripping sound, faint with distance. Men and horses fell in a tangled, kicking mass, and the screaming of the wounded animals carried clearly. The Sierra binoculars were excellent; he could see carbine slugs ricochetting off the gray-painted metal in sparking impacts, leaving smears of soft lead and bright patches where bare metal was exposed. "Driver, reverse," John said calmly. Because this is no longer near the front. I think it's just become a salient about to be pinched off. Nothing happened. He looked down; the driver was staring westward, too, hands white-knuckled on the wheel of the car. THE CHOSEN 105 "Driver!" He rapped a shoulder, and the chauffeur came out of his funk like a man broaching deep water, shaking his head. "Get us out of here, man. Now." "Si, signore!" He wrenched at the wheel and reversing lever, got the long touring car around without putting it into either of the roadside ditches although one wheel hung on the edge for a heart-stopping moment. John reversed himself, kneeling and looking back along the road. More and more of the Imperial cavalry were pouring back towards the village of Castello Formaso; the ones there were streaming out of town heading east, or dismounting and deploying around the town. The party with Brigadier del'Ostro were trying to backtrack as well, but two of the cars had collided and blocked the road. As he watched, machine-gun fire raked the tangle, punching through the wood and thin sheet metal of the vehicles as easily as it did the brightly uniformed bodies that flopped and tumbled around them. Brigadier del'Ostro was still standing on the seat, waving his sword when his car exploded in a shower of parts and burning gasoline. The wreckage settled back, rocking on the bare rims of the wheels, and men ran flaming from the mass. And over the hill where the armored cars had appeared came a column. John focused on it: Land troops, half mounted on mules, the other hah0 trotting alongside, each soldier holding on to a stirrup leather. As he watched they halted, the mounted half dismounted, handlers took the mules by the reins, and the whole column shook itself out into a line advancing in extended order. Behind them, teams were unloading machine guns with their tripods and boxes of ammunition bete from pack mules. He could imagine the dink-clank-snap sounds as the heavy weapons with their fat water-filled jackets were 106 S.M. Stirling 6- David Drake dropped onto the fastenings and clamped home; the operators raising the slides, feeding the tab at the end of the belt through, snapping the slide back down, jerking back the cocking lever and settling in with their hands on the spade grips and thumbs on the butterfly trigger while the officer looked through his split-view range finder . . . "Faster," he said to die driver, licking salt off his upper lip. His hand went to check die revolver under his left armpit; there was a pump-action shotgun in a scabbard on die back of the drivers seat. Nothing much, but it might come in handy if worst came to worst. "Uh-oh," he mumbled involuntarily, looking ahead. Castello Formoso was a solid jammed mass of riders, horses, carriages and carts and field guns and ambulances. Shoomp. His head came up and looked eastward, beyond the village. Whonk! An explosion on the road; nomine dramatic, not nearly as large as a field-gun shell, but definitely something exploding. John tracked left and right with the binoculars. More armored cars. Those things couldn't mount a cannon! he thought. examine mem again, please. Center thought. The war machines were insectile dots, even with the powerful glasses. A square appeared before John's eyes, and the image of the car leaped into it, ^nagnified until it seemed only a few yards away. The picture was grainy, fuzzy, but grew clearer as if waves of precision were washing across it several times a second maximum enhancement, Center said. The round cheesebox turrets of these held only one machine gun; beside it was a tube, canted up at a forty-five degree mortar, Center said, probable design— A schematic replaced the picture of the armored car. A simple smoothbore tube, breaking open at the breech like a shotgun, with a brass cup to seal it, firing a finned bomb with rings of propellant clipped on around the base. THE CHOSEN 107 Shoomp. Whonk! They were dropping mortar shells on the main road, stopping the outflow of men and carts from the village. The mounted troopers were spilling out into the vineyards on either side in a great disorderly bulge, but the trellised vines were a substantial obstacle even to horses. A few officers were trying to organize, and a field gun was being wheeled out to return fire at the war-cars. And as sure as death, there's a flanking force ready to put in an attack to follow up those armored cars, Raj thought. It aU happened so quickly! John thought. ft always does, when somebody jucks the dog big-time, Raj thought grimly. I knew officers Uke deTOstro well. Mostly because 1 broke so many of them out of the service; and whoever's running the show on the enemy side is a professional. Those aren't bad troops, but they're dogmeat now. Get out while you can, son. Good advice, but it looked easier said than done. John took two deep breaths, then stood in the base of die car and held onto one of the hoops that held the canvas top when it was up. "Driver," he said. Take that laneway." It was narrow and rutted, but it led east—and at at an angle, southeast, away from where the Land war-cars had appeared. "Signore—" "Do it" It would not be a good thing to be captured, particularly given what was strapped up in the luggage in the rear boot of the car. He doubted, somehow, that diplomatic immunity would extend to not searching him, and Land Military Intelligence would be very interested to find out what he had planned. "Jeffrey, I hope you're doing better than I am," he muttered. CHARTER SSVSN "Watch this," Heinrich said. "This is going to be funny, the first bit." Jeffrey Farr took a swig from his canteen—four-fifths water and one-fifth wine, just enough to loll most of the bacteria. The machine gunner ahead of them made a final adjustment to her weapon by thumping it with the heel of her hand, then stroked the bright brass belt of ammunition running down to the tin box on the right of the weapon. The command staff of the Fifteenth Light Infantry (Prote'ge') was set up not far behind the firing line, on a small knoll covered in long grass and scrub evergreen oak. The infantry companies of the regiment were fanning out on either side, taking open-order-prone positions; many were unlimbering the folding entrenching tool from their harnesses, mounding earth in front of themselves, as protection and to give good firing rests. He looked behind. An aid station was setting up, a heavy weapons company was putting their 82mm mortars in place, a reserve company was waiting spread out and prone, ammunition was coming down off the packmules and being carried forward. . . . "Very professional," he said. Heinrich nodded, beaming, as pleased as a child with an intricate toy. "]a. Although this hasn't been much of a challenge so far. I do wish we still had those armored cars assigned to us, though." Jeffrey took another swig at the canteen. He was parched, and his feet hurt like blazes, even worse than 108 THE CHOSEN 109 the muscles in his calves and thighs. The weather was hot and dry, and the spearhead of the Land forces had been moving fast. Everyone was supposed to be able to do thirty miles a day, day in and day out, with full load, and the Chosen officers were supposed to do better than their Protege enlisted soldiers. After four weeks with them, he was starting to believe some of the things the Chosen said about themselves. Company-grade officers and up were entitled to a riding animal—mules, in this outfit—but he'd rarely seen one using a saddle except to get around more quickly during an engagement. Heinrich's light-infantry regiment moved even faster than the rest, and they treated the dry, dusty heat of a mainland summer as a holiday from the steambath mugginess of the Land. Through his field glasses, the approaching Imperial force looked professional too, in its way. The cavalry were maintaining their alignment neatly, despite the losses they'd had in the last few engagements, in blocks a hundred wide and three ranks deep, with a pennant at the center of each, advancing at a trot. Light field guns and gatlings bounced and rattled forward between each regiment of horse; the whole Imperial line covered better than two kilometers, and infantry were deployed behind it, coming forward at the double in a loose swarm. "How many would you say?" Jeffrey asked. "Oh, four thousand mounted," Heinrich said. 'The foot—" He turned to another officer, one stooping to look through a tripod-mounted optical instrument. "Better part of two brigades, from the standards, sir," she said. "Say seven to nine thousand, depending on whether they were part of the bunch that tried to force the line of the Volturno." Jeffrey looked left and right; three battalions, less losses; say fifteen hundred rifles, with one machine gun to a company and a dozen mortars. "Rather long odds, wouldn't you say?" he said. 110 S.M. Stirling 6 David Drake "Oh, it'll do," Heinrich replied. He began stuffing tobacco into a long curved pipe with a flared lip and a hinged pewter cover. "Mind you" — he struck a match with his thumbnail and puffed die pipe alight, speaking around the stem — "I wouldn't mind if the rest of the brigade came up, or at least \hatferdammt artillery we're supposed to have, but it'll do." Hie Chosen colonel turned his head slightly. "Fahnrich Klinghoffer; mortars to concentrate on enemy crew-served weapons, commencing at two thousand meters. Automatic weapons at fifteen hundred, infantry at eight hundred; flank companies to be ready to swing back. Runner to General Summelworden, and we're engaged to our front; attempted enemy break-out. Dispositions as follows — " Messengers trotted off on foot; one stamped a motorcycle into braying life and went rearward in a spray of dust and gravel. That would be the message to rear HQ — there were only three of the little machines attached to the regiment and they were saved for the most important communications. "Wouldn't a wireless set be useful?" Jeffrey asked. Heinrich gestured with his pipe. "Not really. Too heavy and temperamental to be worth the trouble; telegraphs are bad enough — the last thing any competent field commander wants is to have an elecric wire from Supreme HQ stuck up his arse. Let diem do their jobs, and we'll do ours." I wouldn't have minded hoeing this fellow working for me, Raj thought. chosen staff training ensures uniformity of method, Center noted, this reduces the need for Twenty-two hundred," die officer at the optical said. Ticking up die pace." "Still, twelve thousand to two . . ." Jeffrey said. Heinrich grinned disarmingly. "We're holding the neck of die bag. All we have to do is delay diem long enough THE CHOSEN 111 fe for die rest of the corps to come up, and they've lost better than two hundred thousand men. Worth a risk." Jeffrey nodded. Down below die riflemen finished digging and were snuggling die stocks of their weapons into their shoulders; a tew pessimists were setting out grenades close to hand. The machine gunners sat behind their weapons, elbows on knees, bending to look througji die sights: all Chosen, he noticed—one Chosen NCO as gunner, five Protege" privates to fetch and carry and keep die weapon supplied with ammunition and water. The Imperial field gunners halted their teams, wheeling die guns and running them off the limbers. The clang of die breechblocks was lost under the growing, drumming diunder of thousands of hooves. Elevating wheels spun. The Imperial guns were simple black-powder models with no recoil gear; diey'd have to be pushed back into battery after every shot, but there were a lot of them. Behind Jeffrey, hands poised mortar bombs over die muzzles. The Chosen officer at die optical raised her hand, then chopped it downward. Schoonk. Schoonk. Schoonk. Twelve times repeated. The mortar shells began dropping. Each threw up a minor shower of dirt, like a gigantic raindrop hftting silt .The first rounds dropped all across die axis of the Imperial advance, some ahead of it, some behind; four or five plowed into die mass of cantering horsemen, sending animals and men to die ground. The ranks expanded around die casualties, then closed up again with a long ripple. The observers called corrections. Sc7wwn&. Sc/wonft.. . This bracket landed much closer to die Imperial field guns. One landed on a limber, which went up in a giant globe of orange fire, shells whistling across the sky like fireworks. The noise was loud even at tliis distance. Anodier went up a second later. "Tsk, tsk," Heinrich said. "Sympathetic detonation— too close togedier. Careless." 112 S.M. Stirling 6 David Drake In Landisch, saying someone was sloppy was a serious moral criticism, worse than theft, although not quite as bad as eating your children. The Chosen assumed courage; what they realty respected was an infinite capacity for taking pains. An Imperial gun cut loose in an enormous puff of off-white smoke. Something went overhead in a tearing rising-pitch whistle and exploded behind them, sending a poplar tree shape of dirt into die air. The next shell hammered short, just beyond the Land infantry line. One over, one under, which meant. . . Heinrich made a small gesture with one hand; everyone whose job permitted it went to ground, including Jeffrey Fair. He wished he had one of the Land helmets; even a thin layer of stamped manganese-nickel steel was a comforting thing to have between you and an airburst. Crack. The next shell was an airburst, a little off-center and a bit high up. Imperial fuses weren't very modern, either, so that was good shooting with what they had available. Somebody screamed nearby, and a call went up for stretcher-bearers. Guns were firing all along the Imperial line now, but the hooves were louder. Much louder. Ihe cavalry were swinging into a gallop, and as he watched the sabers came out, a thousandfold twinkling in the hot sunlight, like slivers of mirrored glass. The troopers swung the swords down, holding them forward along the horses* necks with the blades parallel to the ground. On his belly, Jeffrey could feel the thunder of thousands of tons of horseflesh thudding into the ground on metal-shod hooves. "Steady now, steady," Heinrich murmured to himself, glancing left and right at his regiment. Jeffrey stared at the approching Imperials with a complex mixture of emotions. If they overran this position, he'd probably die ... and he'd like nothing better than to see the Chosen stamped into the earth by the hooves, THE CHOSEN 113 cut apart by those sabers, pistoled, annihilated. But he didn't want to share the experience, if possible. Beneath that his mind was calculating, measuring distances by the old trick of how much you could see— so many yards when a man was a dot, so many when you could make out his arms, his legs, the belts of his equipment. The Land soldiers were doing the same. Behind them the mortars kept up a steady schoonk . . . schoonk , . . stopping now and then to adjust their aim. The machine gun cut loose with a stuttering rattle, faster and more rhythmic than the gatlings he was familiar with. Every fourth round was tracer, and they arched out pale in the bright sunlight More of the automatics opened up along the regiment's line. The closest gunner traversed smoothly, tapping off four-second bursts, smiling broadly to herself. Jam, Jeffrey prayed. Jam, damn you, jam tight! But they didn't jam. The cavalry charge disintegrated instead, hundreds of horses and men falling in a few seconds. At the gallop there was no time to halt, no chance to pull aside. The first rank went down as if a giant scythe had cut their legs from beneath them, and the succeeding ones piled into them in a lacking, rolling, tumbling wave of thousand-pound bodies that reached three layers high in places. He could see men thrown twenty feet and more as their mounts ran into that long hillock of living flesh, saw them crushed under tons of thrashing horse. The sound was indescribable, the shrill womanish shrieking of the horses and the desperate wailing of men. Tacktacktacktacktacktacktack— A shell landed near one of the machine guns, probably by sheer chance, leaving a tangle of flesh and twisted metal The others continued, concentrating on the main mass of stalled horsemen; individual riders came forward, and dismounted men—horses were bigger targets than humans. Some of them were firing their carbines as they came. Far beyond their range, but not that of the 114 SM Stirling 6- David Drake Landisch magazine-rifles, with high-velocity jacketed slugs and smokeless powder. Land riflemen opened up, the slower crack . . . crack ... of their weapons contrasting with the rapid chatter of the machine guns. Imperials fell; the Land infantry could fire ten or twelve aimed rounds a minute, and they were all good shots. More green-uniformed soldiers crowded forward, some crawling, others running in short dashes. There were infantry in peaked caps among them now, as well as the dismounted cavalry. One of the big soft-lead slugs whipcracked by Jeffrey, uncomfortably close; he hugged the dirt tighter. Not far away a Land soldier sprawled backwards kicking and blowing a froth of air and blood through his smashed jaw. Others crawled forward to drag the wounded back to where the stretcher-bearers could get at them, then crawled back to their firing positions. "Hot work," Hemrich said, propping himself up on his elbows. "Ah, I expected that." More and more Imperials were filtering up, taking cover behind the piles of dead horses and men, working around the edges of the Land regment Steam hissed from the safety cap on the top of the jacket of the machine gun in front of the knoll; a Proteg6 soldier rose to fetch more water and pitched back with a grunt like a man belly-punched, curling around the wound in his stomach. He sprawled open-eyed after a second's heel-drumming spasm, and another rose to take his place. The Chosen gunner wrapped her hand in a cloth and unscrewed the cap. Boiling water heaved upward and pattered down on the thirsty soil, disappearing instantly and leaving only a stain that looked exactly like that left by the soldier's blood. Soldiers poured their canteens into the weapons thirsty maw, and the gunner took the opportunity to switch barrels. "Sir! Hauptman Fedrof reports enemy moving to our left in force—several thousand of them. Infantry, with guns in support." Jeffrey saw Hemrich frown, then unconsciously look THE CHOSEN 115 behind to where the supports would be coming from ... if they came. "Move one company of the reserve to the left. Refuse the flank, pull back a little to that irrigation ditch and laneway. Tell the mortars to fire in support on request. And Fahnrich Klinghoffer, get me a report on our ammunition reserves." "Hot work," Jeffrey said. "Watch it!" John barked involuntarily as the left wheels of his car nearly went into the ditch. The refugees were swarming on both sides of the road, trampling through the maize fields on both sides and gardens. Every once and a while they surged uncontrollably back onto the roadway, blocking the westbound troops in an inextricable snarl of handcarts, two- and four-wheeled oxcarts, mule-drawn military supply wagons, guns, Umbers . . . "Take the tumoff up ahead," he said, as the vehicle inched by a stalled sixteen-pounder field gun. The gun had a six-horse hitch, with a trooper riding on the off horse of every pair. They looked at him with incurious eyes, glazed with fatigue, bloodshot in stubbled, dirt-caked faces. The horses' heads drooped likewise, lips blowing out in weary resignation. From the looks of them, tile men had already been in action, and somebody had gotten this column organized and heading back towards the fight. For that matter, there were plenty of Imperial soldiers in the vast shapeless mob of refugees heading eastward away from the fighting—some in uniform and carrying their weapons, others shambling along in bits and pieces of battledress, a few bandaged, most not The car crept along the column, the driver squeezing the bulb of the horn every few feet, heading west and towards die blood-red clouds of sunset. It was risky—the chances of meeting an officer who wasn't particularly impressed with the son-in-law of the war 116 S.M. Stirling 6- David Drake minister increased with every day, and a car was valuable, even one with hoof-marks in the bodywork. Better than going the other way. When he was heading away from the fighting, the refugees kept trying to get aboard. It was really baa when the mothers held up their children; a few had even tried to toss the infants into the car. They turned up a farm lane, over a low hill that hid them from the road, past the encampments of the refugees; some were lighting fires, others simply collapsing where they stood. The sun was dropping below die horizon, light turning purple, throwing long shadows from the grain-ricks across the stubblefields. The lane turned down by a shallow streambed, into a hollow fringed with trees. An old farmhouse stood there, the sort of thing a very well-to-do peasant farmer would have, built of ashlar limestone blocks, with four rooms and a kitchen. Outbuildings stood around a walled courtyard at the back; a big dog came up barking and snarling as the car pulled into the stretch of graveled dirt in front of the house. Two men followed it, both carrying shotguns. One shone a bull's-eye lantern in John's face. "You are?" the man behind the lantern said. "John Hosten," he said. "Arturo Bianci," the man with the lantern said. His hand was firm and callused, a workingmans grip. "Come." They went into the farmhouse, through a hallway and into the kitchen; there was a big fireplace in one end, with a tile stove built into the side, and a kerosene lantern hanging from a rafter. Strings of garlic and onions and chilies hung also; hams in sacks, slabs of dried fish scenting the air; there were copper pans on the walls. Four men and a woman greeted him. "No more names," John said, sitting at the plank table. "This group is big enough as it is, by the way." Silence fell as the woman put a plate before him: THE CHOSEN 117 sliced tomatoes, cured ham, bread, cheese, a mug of watered wine. John picked up a slab of the bread and folded it around some ham; it was an important rite of hospitality, and besides that, meals had been irregular this last week or so. "We wondered if you could get through, with the refugees," Arturo said slowly, obviously thinking over the implications of John's remark. "Fools." Unexpectedly, that was the woman; she had Arturo's looks in a feminine version, earthy and strong, but much younger. "Do they think they can run faster than the tedeschi? All they do is block the roads and hamper the army." John nodded; it was a good point. "They're afraid,'* he said. "Rightly afraid, although they're doing the wrong thing." "Not only them," Arturo said. "Our lords and masters have—" he used a local dialect phrase; John thought he identified "sodomy" and "pig," but he wasn't sure. "You think we will lose this war, signore?" "Yes," John confirmed. "The chances are about—" 92%, ±3, Center said helpfully. "—nine to one against you, barring a miracle." The other men looked at each other, some of them a little pale. "I don't understand it—we are so many, compared to them. It must be treason!" one said. "Never attribute to treason or conspiracy what can be accounted for by incompetence and stupidity," John said. Arturo rubbed a hand over his five o'clock shadow, blue-black and bristly. The sound was like sandpaper. "I knew we had fallen behind other countries," he said "I have relatives who moved to Santander, to Chasson City, to work in the factories there. I might have myself, if I had not inherited this land from my father. That was why I joined the Reform party"—somewhat illegal, but not persecuted very stringently—"so that we might have what others do, and not spend every year as our grand- 118 S.M. Stirling b- David Drake THE CHOSEN 119 fathers did. I did not know we had become so primitive. These devil-machines the Chosen have . . ." "Their organization is more important, their training, their attitude," John said. "They've been planning for this for a long time. Your leadership has what it desires, and just wants to keep things the way they are. The Chosen .. . the Chosen are hungry, and eating the whole world wouldn't satisfy them." Arturo nodded. "AH that remains is to decide whether we submit, or fight from the shadows," he said. "We fight. Are we agreed?" "We are agreed," one of the men said; he was older, and his breeches and floppy jacket were patched. "But I don't know how many others we can convince. They will say, what does it matter who the master is, if you must pay your rent and taxes anyway?" The woman spoke again. "The Chosen will convince tibem, better than we." The men looked at her; she scowled and banged a coffe pot down on one of the metal plates set into the top of the stove. "It is true," Arturo said. "If half of what I have heard is so, that is true." "It's probably worse than what you've heard," John said grimly. "Hie Chosen don't look on you as social inferiors; they look on you as animals, to be milked and sheared as convenient, then slaughtered." Arturo slapped his hand on the plank. "It is agreed. And now, come and see how we nave cared for what you sent us I" He took up the bull's-eye and clicked the shutter open. They went out the back door, into a farmyard with a strong smell of chickens and ducks, past a muddy pond and into a barn. Several milch-cows mooed from their stalls, and a pair of big white-coated oxen with brass balls on the tips of their horns. Their huge mild eyes blinked at the ligjit, and then went back to meditatively chewing their cuds. The cart they hauled was pushed just inside die door, its pole pointing at the rafters; tendrils of loose hay stuck down through the wide-spaced boards of the loft. Towards the rear of the bam were stacked pyramids of crates, one type long and thin, the other square and rectangular. Arturo opened one whose nails had been pulled. "Enough of us know how to use these," he said, throwing John a rifle. It was the standard Imperial issue, but factory-new, still a little greasy from the preservative oil. A single-shot breechloader, with a tilting block action and a spring-driven ejector that automatically tipped the block down and shot the spent cartridge out to die rear when the trigger was pulled all the way back. Not a bad weapon at all, in its day, and it could still kill a man just as dead as the latest magazine rifle. The smaller crates were marked AMMUNITION IOMM STANDARD 1000 ROUNDS. 'Two hundred rifles, and revolvers, blasting powder, a small printing press," Arturo said. "Where were you planning on hiding them?" John said, looking around at the set peasant faces, underlit by die lamp Arturo had set down on the packed earth floor of die barn. "The sheep pen. Under hard dung, six inches diick." "Good idea, for some of diem," John said, easing back the hammer of the rifle. The action went dick. "But you shouldn't put more than a dozen in one place. Nor should any one of you know where die rest are. You understand me?" Arturo seemed to, and his daughter, possibly a few of die odiers. John went on. "You know what die Chosen penalty is for unauthorized possession of weapons—so much as one cartridge, or a knife widi a blade longer than the regulations allow?" "A bullet?" one of die peasants asked. "Not unless they're in a real hurry. Generally, diey hang you up by the thumbs and dien flog you to death 120 S.M. Stirling if David Drake with jointed steel whips made out of chain links with hooks on them. Small hooks, about the size of a fishhook, and barbed. I've seen it done; it can take hours, with an expert." Silence fell again. "You want to frighten us?" one of the men asked. "Damned right," John replied. "You'll stay alive longer, that way; and hurt the Chosen more." Watch out, lad—you want to get them thinking, not terrorize them, Raj said. Time enough for realism when they're committed. Arturo nodded thoughtfully. "We will have to organize . . . differently. Nothing in writing. Small groups, with only one knowing anyone else, and that as little as possible." Good. We don't have to explain the cett system to him, at least, John thought. Although the idea of the Fourth Bureau getting its hands on these amateurs , . . needs must. If nobody fought the Chosen, they'd win. That meant you had to accept the consequences. "And then," Arturo said, "when we are ready—when enough are ready to follow us—we can start to hurt them. Blowing up bridges, picking off patrols, perhaps their clerks and tallymen, sabotage. We will have some advantages: we know the ground, the people will hide us." "You'll have to strike fairly far from your homes, though," John said. "Why?" "Because the Chosen reprisals will fall hardest on the location where guerilla activity flares up. You strike away from where you live, and it lolls two birds with one stone; you get the people who suffer the reprisals hating the Chosen, and you protect your base." Arturo tilted the lantern to shine the light on John's face. That emphasized the structure of it, the slabs and angles. "You are a hard man, signore," he said. "As hard as THE CHOSEN 121 the Chosen themselves, perhaps." John nodded. "As we all will need to be, before this is over," he said. Those of us still alive. The Chosen officer's blue eyes stared unblinking up at the moonlit night sky. It was bright, full moon, the disk nearly as large as the sun to the naked eye and almost too bright to look at, so Jeffrey could see them clearly. Her helmet had rolled away when the bullet went in through the angle of her jaw and out the top of her head; fortunately the shadow hid most of what the soft lead slug had done when it lifted off the top of her skull. Jeffrey was glad of that, and the bit of extra cover the body provided Bullets thudded into the loam of the little hillock, or keened off stones with a wicka-wicka sound like miniature lead Frisbees. Every minute or so a shell would burst along the Chosen gunline, stretched back now into a U-shape with the blunt end towards the enemy. The shellbursts were malignant red snaps in the night, a flash of light and the crack on its heels. Every few minutes a Land hand-grenade would explode where the Imperials had gotten close, but the invaders were running short on them. Short on everything. The night air was colder, damper, and it carried the smell of cordite, gunpowder and the feces-and-copper scent of violent death. Bodies lay scattered out from the line, sometimes two-thick where automatic weapons or concentrated riflefire had caught groups charging forward—the Imperials' training kept betraying them, making them clump together. The field of the dead seemed to move and heave as wounded men screamed or whimpered or wept, calling for water or their mothers or simply moaned in wordless pain. Through it darted the living, more and more of them filtering in. Their firepower was diffuse compared to the Land's rapid-fire weapons, but ft was huge, and the sheer weight of it was beating 122 S.M. Stirling 6- David Drake down resistance. Goddamn ironic if I die here, Jeffrey thought. He'd devoted his whole life to the defeat of the Chosen. . . . "I think the next push may make it this far," Heinrich said. "You can't claim our hospitality's been dull." He was chewing the stem of his long-dead pipe as he unbuckled the flap of his sidearm. Most of the surviving command group had armed themselves with the rifles and bayonets of dead Protege" soldiers, those who hadn't gone out to take charge of units with no officers left alive. "Damn," Heinrich went on. "We must have lolled or crippled a good third of them. Didn't think they'd keep it up this long." "Here they come again," someone said quietly. The forward Imperial postions were no more than a hundred yards away. The firefly twinkling of muzzle flashes sparkled harder, concentrating on the surviving machine guns, and men rose to charge. A bugle sounded, thin and reedy. The machine guns were fewer now, firing in short tapping bursts to conserve ammunition. Jeffrey could feel something shift, a balance in his gut. This time they would make it to close quarters. Listen, Raj said. Is that— airship engines, Center said, probability approaching unity, approaching from the southwest, throttled down tor concealment; die wind is from that direction, four kilometers and closing. Heinrich turned his head. A light flashed in die darkness above die ground, a powerful signal-lamp clicking a sequence of four dots and dashes. "Damn," Gerta Hosten said mildly. The muzzle flashes down below and ahead outlined die Land position as clearly as a map in a war-college kriegspiel session; you could even tell the players, because the Imperials' black-powder discharges were duller and redder. It was fortunate that dirigibles had THE CHOSEN 123 proven to be more resistant to fire than expected; punctures in the gas cells tended to leak up, rather than lingering and mixing with oxygen . . . usually. A night drop—another first. Well, orders were orders, and it was Heinrich down there. She'd really regret losing Heinrich. "We could do better with a bombing run," the commander of the dirigible muttered. "And parachuting in the ammunition they need." "With a four-thousand-meter error radius, Horstr" Gerta asked absently, tightening a buckle on her har- ness. "That's only an average," he said defensively. "The Sieg usually does better than that." Airdrops of supplies to cut off forces had proven invaluable; uirfortunately, an embarassing percentage had dropped into enemy positions. "Behfel ist behfel," she said, which was an unanswerable argument among the Chosen. "Coming up on drop," the helm said. "Five minutes." The Sieg was drifting with the wind and would come right in over the position, if the wind stayed cooperative. This is going to be tricky, she thought as she ducked back down the corridor and into the hold. The lights cast a faint greenish glow over it; there was little spare space, even though her unit had taken heavy casualties— the problem with being a fire brigade was that you got sent to a lot of hot places. A good deal of the crowding was the cargo load: rifle ammunition, boxes of machine-gun belts, mortar shells, grenades. Just what you wanted to drop with you into the darkness and a firefight, "Ready for it. On the dropmaster's signal," she said. The waiting . . . she'd expected it to get better, after the first time. It didn't; you didn't ever get used to it. "Now!" A brief roar of propellers as the engines backed to 124 S.M. Stirling ir David Drake loll the Sieg's drift. They all swayed, and the pallets of crates creaked dangerously. Then the hatchways in the floor of the gondola snapped open. The ground was dose below, even in the gloom. Crates strapped to cushioned pallets slid out the gaping holes in the decking, to crash down and set the airship surging upward. Gas valved with a hollow booming roar as she leaped for the dangling line and slid downward, the ridged sisal of the cable biting into gloved hands and the composition soles of her boots. "Oh, shays," she muttered. It was a good thing that Land military doctrine called for decentralized command, particularly in all-Chosen units, because unless her eyes deceived her she was sliding right down on top of an Imperial gatling-gun crew. An alert one, because they were turning the muzzle of their weapon towards her, the line of flashes strobing as it turned . . . Thump. She hit the ground and rolled reflexively, then rolled again, trying for dead ground where the gatling could not bear. Chosen died behind her, seconds too slow. The gatling ceased fire for an instant as another group hit the ground and opened up with rifles and machine carbines. Gerta unsfung her own weapon and jacked the slide. "Hell!" Jeffrey Farr rolled frantically as a one-ton pallet of cargo crashed out of the sky towards him. It landed, slithered downslope, and pitched on its side, resting against a gnarled dead grapevine. The outline of the dirigible was suddenly clear against the stars, the diesels bellowing and the exhausts red spikes in the night. For an instant the heavy oily stink of the exhaust overrode the other smells of the night battle, the fireworks scent of black powder and death. He rolled again as a dark figure lunged out of the shadows at him behind the point of an eighteen-inch THE CHOSEN 125 socket bayonet, an Imperial infantryman. Jeffrey's pistol came free in his hand as the bayonet went shtmk into the rocky clay next to him, and his finger tightened on the trigger. In the red light of the muzzle blast he could see the contorted face of the Imperial soldier for a flickering second, before the man dropped away, folding around his belly. Jeffrey froze for an instant; he'd just killed a man, an ally . . . Happens more often than you'd think, Raj thought/ said crisply. Get moving, lad. Time enough for night' mares later. Something went pop overhead. Actinic blue-white light flooded the field. The man behind the gatling pitched forward; his face jammed the mechanism as the cranker kept grinding for an instant. Several of tire crew turned, snatching up their carbines. Gerta went down on one knee, snuggled the butt of the machine-carbine into her shoulder, and began shooting. The range was less than thirty meters, point-blank if you knew the weapon. Someone was shooting at the crew from the other side, a rifle by the sound of it. That distracted them the few seconds necessary to cut down half of them with four short bursts. Muzzle flare from the Koegelman was blinding in the darkness, enough to make her eyes water and leave afterimages of a bar of fire dancing before them. The drum of the machine-carbine clicked empty just as the parachute flare went off overhead; whoever had been supporting her wasn't anymore, and the Imperials stopped trying to get their jammed gatling going again. Six of them charged her; no time to reload one of the cumbersome drums. She blinked her eyes frantically in the jerky shadows, waiting tensely. They were trying for her with cold steel, probably out of ammunition or saving their last shots for point-blank range in this uncertain light. The first lunged, almost throwing himself forward behind the point, eyes wild. 126 S.M. Stirling 6- David Druke Gerta buttstroked aside the bayonet and slammed the steel plate into his throat. Cartilage crunched in and he fell backward, choking, knocked off his feet by the combined impetus of her blow and his own rush. She dropped die carbine and drew the long fighting knife slung at the small of her back with one hand and her automatic with the other. One. Coming at her with his carbine clubbed, grasped by Ae barrel. Wait, wait. She went in under the blow, felt it fan die air inches from her forehead, and ripped the long blade upward. It slid in under the left ribs, sawing upward until the point was through lung and heart. Weight slumped onto her right hand. Gerta pivoted with the body before her, and the man behind hesitated an instant. She shot over the shoulder of the twitching corpse. The bullet hit the bridge of the Imperial's nose and snapped his head backward as if it had been kicked by a mule. A bullet thumped into her meat-shield; she fired again, again, until the twelve rounds in her automatic were exhausted. I'm dive, she thought, staggering and letting the dead weight slip off the end of her knife. She took a step and stumbled; something had gouged a groove across her left thigh and she hadn't even noticed. Gerta pushed away the pain while her hands automatically ejected the spent clip and reloaded the pistol. She moved forward, limping, up the slope to where the bulk of her unit should-—should—be. Another parachute flare burst, and she threw herself down and crawled as machine-gun bullets whipcracked through the air where she had been. Spurts of sand and rock flicked into her face, and the wound was starting to hurt. The Land position ought to be just ahead . . . assuming there was anyone left alive besides that trigger-happy gunner who'd just come within a hair of sawing her in half. "What a ratfuck." * * * Boots nearly landed on him as the dirigible turned THE CHOSEN 127 away. Something whipped across his body, hard enough to hurt: a sisal cable. Dozens of others were dropping down out of the night, and human forms were sliding down them. Two more nearly trampled on him, ignoring Jeffrey and the corpse in their rush; they did use the body of the man he'd just lolled as a springboard. A half-dozen grappled with the big pallet that had nearly crushed him. Seconds later they were stripping out a heavy water-cooled machine gun with its tripod and ammunition, slapping it down and opening up on the masses of Imperial infantry caught charging to finish off the Land blocking force. Tracers whipped out tfirough the darkness, irridescent green, like bars of St. Elmo's fire. Infantry shook themselves out into their units and swept down the Land line, winkling out Imperials who'd made it that far. Damn, I've never seen troops move that fast, he thought. They were in full marching kit, and they moved like leopards. an all-chosen unit, Center observed. Jeffrey's vision took on a flat brightness, identifying markers— The brightness strobed over unit badges. They've been culling out the weakest ten percent of their own breed every generation for four hundred years, Raj said. And skimming off the top one or two percent of their Proteges at the same time. You'd expect it to show. Jeffrey shuddered, even with rounds still splitting the air above him. It's a good thing there aren't more of them, he thought. Tkere'd be no stopping them. if there were more, Center observed, it would be impossible to support so large and so specialized a nonproductive class. Always a lot fewer carnosauroids than grazers, Raj amplified. The image that came with the thought made him shudder a moment even then: something man-sized and whip-slender, leaping to slash a bloody gouge in an ox's 128 S.M. Stirling b David Drake side with a sickle-shaped claw on its hind foot, like a fighting cock grown big enough to scythe his belly open. Heinrich was back on his feet, bellowing orders. Protege" troopers broke open boxes of ammunition, dashing back to their positions with cotton bandoliers around their necks and boxes of machine-gun belts in then-hands. Jeffrey did a three-point spin at a sound behind him, landing on hip and one hand. He froze as he found himself looking down the use-pitted muzzle of a Land automatic. A Chosen woman with captain's insignia on her field-gray rose; short for one of that race, and dark, he could tefl that even in the moonlight. Blood was runnel-ing black down one thigh, where the unform had been ripped open by a grazing shot. "What the hell is a Sanry doing here?" she said, standing, favoring the wounded leg a little. "You!" Heinrich said, turning, a broad grin on his square face. "I might have known." "I was the closest—the marching reliefs ought to get here about dawn," the woman said. "What me hell is a Santy officer doing with you, Heinrich?" Closer, he could see the General Staff Intelligence Commando flashes on cuff and collar. Must be— gerta hosten, captain, intelligence branch, Center supplied helpfully. A dangerous one, son, Raj said. Be very careful. Jeffrey could have told that The eyes fastened on him were the coldest he'd ever seen, colder than the for side of the moon. "Oh, we picked him up in Corona," Heinrich said. "You should have turned him over to us, or the Fourth Bureau." "Well, he's a neutral—and a relative of sorts, Johan's foster-brother. At loose ends, the Santy legation in Corona stopped a couple of thousand-kilo bombs with its roof." "Jeffrey Farr," Gerta said; she seemed to be filing and THE CHOSEN 129 sorting information behind her eyes. "He's a spook, Heinrich. You ought to shoot him." "I haven't been showing him the plans for the new torpedo," Heinrich said, a slight exasperation in his voice. Gerta shrugged, and holstered her automatic. Jeffrey felt a slight prickle of relief. Unlikely that she'd just shoot him down as he stood— probability 27%, ±7, Center said. —but it was still a relief. She shrugged. "It's your command. Let's get this ratfuck organized, shall we?" "Ya." Heinrich turned his head slightly, towards Jeffrey: "My wife, Captain Gerta Hosten." Back to her: "What's the theater situation?" "FUBAR, but we're winning—not exactly the way we expected to, but we are. Once this position's blocked, General Summelwordens got them in the kettle and we can turn up the heat; Ciano next. Where do you want my machine guns? And get me something to stop this leak, would you? I can't keel over just yet." "Automatics over by—" The conversation slid into technicalities. Heinrich waved at a passing medic who then knelt to put a pressure bandage on Gerta's thigh. Ciano next, Jeffrey thought. That's going to be ugly. :HARTSR SIGHT Everything was calm and unhurried in the Imperial situation room. There was a huge map of the Empire on one wall, stuck with black pins to represent Land forces and green ones for Imperial. A relief map of the same territory stood in a sunken area in the center of the floor, with a polished mahogany rail around it, and enlisted men pushed unit counters with long-handled wooden rakes. One wall of the big room was all telephones and telegraphs, their operators scribbling on pads and handing them to decoders. Aides in polished boots and neat, colorful uniforms strode back and forth; generals frowned at the maps; the Emperor tugged at his white whiskers and blinked sleepy, pouched eyes. Behind him stood guards in ceremonial uniform, and several civilians . . . No, John Hosten thought, appraising them. Their eyes flickered ceaselessly over the room, appraising, watching. Waiting. The real guards. And by their looks, the only people in this room who're doing their jobs. John Hosten approached, flanked by two ushers, and made his bow. Behind the surface of his mind he could feel Raj and Center examining the maps, the computers passionless appraisal and Raj's cold scorn. Systematic lying,, Raj thought. All the way up the chain of command. It's always the commander's fault when that happens. Once you let people start tetting you what you want to hear, you're fucked— and everyone else with you. 130 THE CHOSEN 131 "Rise, Signore Hosten," the Emperor said. He was an old man, but John was slightly shocked at his appearance; there was a perceptible tremble to his hands now, and a faint smell of sickness. Count del'Cuomo beside him looked even worse, if possible— but then, he probably had better information available, as Minister of War. "Your Majesty," John said. He handed over the folder of documents, neady tied with a green-and-red ribbon. "My credentials, Your Majesty. And my regrets, but my government requires my services at home. I will be returning to Santander City." The Emperor smiled absently. "And taking one of our fairest flowers with you . . . where is young Pia?" "Currently, she's working as a volunteer nurse," John said. Against my advice. The Emperor frowned. "Not . . . not really suitable, I'd have thought," he murmured. Count deTCuomo shrugged "She was always too much for me, your Majesty," he said. He looked up at John. "But my son-in-law will take good care of her, and return in happier times, when we have driven the tedeschi back to their island, as we did before." John bowed again, more deeply, and took the required four paces backward. That nearly ran him into an aide with a stack of telegrams, but he ignored the man. Ignored everything, until a turn down the corridor gave him a view down over the city. Then he took in a sharp breath. It was early morning, still almost dark. The news of the fall of Mflana must have reached die people in die hour or so he'd spent waiting. Not from a courier or coded message, surely; the Imperial armies hadn't fallen apart quite mat drastically . . . yet. More probably from a refugee on a fast riverboat. As for official statements, by this time they just confirmed what diey denied. Even when they were sincere, and he'd bet it just meant diat 132 S.M. Stirling 6- David Drake the lower-level functionaries writing them had been suck-ered by their own propaganda. John Hosten stood for a moment looking down at the rioting and the fires, past the gardens of the palace and the cordon of Guard troops stationed along the perimeter. A man of thirty, tall and a hard-faced, in a diplomat's black morning coat, wing collar and dark-striped trousers. A servant almost walked into him, saw his face and silently stood aside. "Back to the embassy," John said to himself; then aloud, to the driver of his car. "Don't know if we can, sir," the driver said. He was an embassy man himself, diplomatic service, and quite capable. Harry. Harry Smith, John reminded himself. It was too easy to forget about people, when you spent time looking at the world through Center's eyes. Too true, son, Raj said. And if you think it's a problem for you . . . "Lot of the streets looked to be blocked," Smith went on. He shrugged. "Kin find m' way through, maybe." "Mr. Smith/1 John said. The driver twisted around to look at him; he was a slight, grizzled man, with blue eyes and wrinkles beside them. There was a slight eastern twang in his Santan-der. John recognized it, and the manner. "My wife is down near the train station, working in the emergency hospital," he said. "I have to get to the embassy to get some help so I can get through to her. If you don't think you can make it through, I'll drive." The blue eyes squinted at him. "Nossir. You watch our back, I'll drive." He reached under die front seat and pulled out a pump-action shotgun. "You know how to use one of these, sir?" Smiling, John took it and racked the action. A shell popped out; he caught it one-handed and fed it back into the gate in front of the trigger. A wary respect came into Smith's eyes; it increased when John tucked the weapon under a traveling rug on the seat beside him. THE CHOSEN 133 "I'll bring it out if we need to use it, or show it to somebody," he said. "Now let's get going." "I need some volunteers," John said. "To get someone out of the city." He nearly had to shout over the clamor of the crowd outside the gilded wrought-iron gates of the embassy compound. There were thousands of them, more crowded down the street, surging and screaming. Marine guards in blue dress uniforms were stationed inside the gate and along the walls, carrying rifles with fixed bayonets. A little ceremonial saluting cannon had been wheeled out and faced the main entranceway, just as a hint in case the crowd decided to try and batter the metal down. That was unlikely; under the gilding the bars were as thick as a woman's wrist. The Marines were discouraging those trying to break through with the butts of their rifles, or short jabs with their bayonets. Nothing more was needed, not yet. A slow triclde was getting in, through the postern gate beside the main ones; people with valid Santander papers, or spouses, or embassy personnel who'd gotten trapped out in the city. "Sir?" The Marine captain looked around incredulously. "Captain, my wife is out there, and I need some volunteers to help me get through the crowd." The captain opened his mouth; John could see the snap of refusal forming. He looked the man in the eye. 'This is very important duty," he said meaningfully. It wasn't much of a secret in the compound that John was with the Secret Service. Nor that he was immensely rich, or that he had connections at the highest levels, military and civilian. "I'm not sending any of my men out into that," the officer said bluntly, jerking a hand towards the near-riot beyond the gate. Just then was a barked order, and the dozen troopers by the gate fired a volley into the air. 134 S.Af. Stirling 6- David Drake The crowd surged back with screams of panic, then ran forward again when nobody fell. "I wouldn't ask you to," John said. "I'm going, whether anyone wants to come with me or not. I'd appreciate some help, but I don't expect you to order anyone out." The Marine officer hesitated. "My responsibility is to guard the perimeter." "And to assist the staff in their functions." Decision crystallized. "All right, sir. You can ask. Sergeant!" A thickset man with a shaven head covered in a network of scars looked up. The Santander Marines saw a lot of travel, mostly to places where the locals didn't like them. "Sir!" "Mr. Hosten needs some volunteers to accompany him into die city and pull someone out. See if anybody feels like it." What was left of the sergeant's eyebrows—they'd evidently been burned off his face at some point—rose. He looked appraisingly at John and smiled like a dog worrying a bone. "Hey, Sarge." John looked around; it was the driver. "Yeah, Harry?" "It's righteous, Sarge. I'm going." The noncom looked down at the driver's legs, and the graying man shrugged. "Hey, we're driving—I don't have to sprint." "You always were a natural-born damned fool, Harry," the sergeant said. He looked back at John. "I'll pass the word, sir." John stripped off the morning coat as he waited, switching to the four-pocket hunting jacket his valet brought and gratefufly throwing aside the starched collar of his dress shirt. Smith glanced at the shoulder rig that lay exposed. THE CHOSEN 135 "Guess I shouldn't have asked about the scattergun, sir," he said. "How could you know?" John pointed out. "Look, am I likely to get anyone?" "Besides me?" Harry shrugged. "I've been out of the corps a while now, but Berker knows me—hell, Berker carried me out when I got a slug through both legs. He'll—The bald sergeant returned, with five men behind him. They were all armed, and several of them were stuffing gear into field packs. "Sir!" he said. "Corporal Wilton, privates Goms, Barrjen, Sinders, and Maken." In a whisper: "Ah, sir, I sort of hinted there'd be some sort of reward, you know?" "There certainly will be," John said. To the men: "All right, here's the drill. We're heading for the main train station and the emergency hospital that's been set up there. We're going to pick up Mrs. Hosten—Lady Pia Hosten—and then we're either coming back here, or getting out the city to the east, depending on which looks most practical. I expect anyone who comes with me to follow orders and not be nervous about risks. Understood?* A chorus of yessirs, a couple of grins. None of the men looked like angels, but then they were Marines, and assignment to the embassy guard in Ciano had been something of a plum, reserved for men with something on their records besides a decade of well-polished boots. He looked up. Something was flying through the pillars of smoke that reached up into the sky over Ciano. A huge shark-shape, three hundred meters long, a shining teardrop droning through the air to the sound of motors. Dozens more followed it, a loose wedge coming in from the west like the thrust of a spearpoint. "Let's do it, then." Wounded men screamed in fear as the building shook. Pia Hosten grabbed a pillar and held on as the stick of 136 S.M. Stirling 6 David Drake bombs rattled the iron girders of the roof. The fitted stone swayed slightly under her touch, a queasy feeling. Half the nursing sisters were gone, and there were wounded everywhere—hundreds in this room, thousands in the building, the heat mounting under the tall arches and the smell of puss and gangrene mounting, and more still coming in. The gas was off, and the mains. "Water . . . water . . ." 7 should have done as John said, she thought, hurrying over with a dipper. She raised the man's head and put the rim to his lips. He drank, then choked and began to thrash. "Sister Maria!" Pia called. The man arched, then slumped; his eyes rolled up and went still. The nun arrived, then scowled. "He is dead." "He wasn't when I called you!" Pia snapped, then leaped up to hold the older woman as she sagged. "I am sorry, Sister." There are so many," the nun whispered. "My God, my God, why have you forsaken us?" "Where is Doctor Chicurso?" "Gone—most of them are gone. The guards at the entrances, they are gone also. Only the ambulances keep arriving." "The guards are gone?" Pia asked sharply. "Yes, yes. An officer came, and said they were needed. But many had just left, I think, taken off their uniforms and , . ." She made a weary gesture towards the rest of the city. Pia swallowed and stood, walking quickly towards her work station, taking off the hideously stained apron that covered her plain gray dress. If the guards were gone, it would be very bad. John was right. I should have left for the embassy yesterday. There was no more she could do here. But it was hard, very hard, to leave the Sister standing slumped amid the impossible need of the hurt. THE CHOSEN 137 She walked quickly along the aisle that separated the rows of men lying on the floor, through to the cubicle that had served her and a dozen other volunteers and nurses. She heard a scream and a crash before she arrived, and men's voices. The door was half-open; she slammed it back. The sharp reek of medical alcohol hit her like a wave; the three army hospital orderlies had been drinking it. The scream had come from Lola Chiavri, one of the volunteers; two of them had her pressed down on a table, her dress ripped open to the waist. The third was wrestling with her thrashing legs, trying to rip down her underdrawers, laughing and staggering. They turned to stare at her, open-mouthed. One sniggered. "Hey, Gio", somebody new for d'party." Pia drew herself up. "Release that lady at once! Where is your officer?" The one at the foot of the table was a litde less drunk than the others. He released the other woman's legs and turned, grinning like a dog worrying a bone. "Officers all run away, missy, 'fore the tedeschi gets here. Why shou' the tedeschi get all the liker an* cooze? C'mere!" He turned towards her, his pants obscenely unbuttoned, laughing and fondling himself with one hand and reaching for her with the other. Pia drew the four-barrel derringer from her pocket and pointed it. "Y'gonna hurt me with that little thing?" the man laughed. "Oh, don' hurt me, missy!" Snap. The sound was like a piece of glass breaking in the tiny room. A black dot appeared between the would-be rapist's eyes, precisely 5.6mm in diameter, turning red as she watched. The expression slid off his face like rancid gelatin, and he toppled forward to lie at her feet. His skull struck the stone floor with a final-sounding thock. Pia hid her surprise. She'd been aiming at his stomach, and he was only four feet away. The other two 138 S.M. Stirling 6- David Drake orderlies were backing towards the far wall, their hands held out palm-up, making incoherent sounds. "There are three more bullets in this gun," she said crisply, backing up two paces and standing aside. "Go!" They hesistated, unwilling to approach any closer. "Go now, or I will shoot." The two men sidled past her and ran blundering down die corridor, eyes fixed on the four muzzles of the little gun. Pia waited until they were out of sight before letting the hand that held the derringer drop. Acrid-tasting bile forced itself up her throat as she looked down at the man she'd killed. "It was so quick" she whispered, and forced herself to swallow. Just then Lola struck her, clinging and whimpering. Pia shook her sharply. "Get dressed! We have to get out of here!" Back to the palace district; the embassy was there, or at least there wouldn't be total anarchy. Pia remembered John pleading with her not to go to the hospital today. / should have listened. "Sweet Jesus on a crutch," Harry Smith muttered. A thousand yards down the hill a crowd was tipping a car over. It was an aristocrat's vehicle—few others could afford them, in the Empire, and this was a huge six-wheeler—strapped all over with luggage. The owners were still inside; a woman tried to crawl out one of the rear windows and was met with sticks, fists, pieces of cobblestone. She screamed and slumped, and hands dragged her limp and bleeding body back inside. A gun spoke; die noise covered the report, but John could see the puff of smoke. "Stupid," he whispered. Half a dozen rifles answered the shot; there were scores of Imperial army deserters in the crowd, many with their weapons. John could see sparks flying as bullets hit the metalwork of die car. Some ricochetted into THE CHOSEN 139 the densely packed ranks of the rioters. One must have punctured the fuel tanks, because a deep soft whump and billow of orange flame drove the mob back, some of them on fire. Both the figures that tried to crawl out of the burning automobile were on fire, and probably would have died even without the hail of rocks that beat them back. "All right, Harry," he went on. "What's your plan?" "Well, sir, there's a side route," die driver said thoughtfully. "But it's a bit narrow." "You're die expert," John said. For once, he was glad that diplomatic corps conservatism stuck die embassy widi steamers; dtey had less pickup than die latest petrol-engine jobs, but diey were quiet. Smith spun die wheel away from the main avenue, down a side-street, and into a maze of alleyways. Some of diem were old enough to date back to the founding of Ciano, to die centuries right after die Collapse, when men first started building again in stone. The wheels drummed on cobbles and splashed dirough refuse and waste, throwing him lurching into die four Marines packed into die rear of die touring car. Normally the district would have been crowded, but most of the people were missing. Probably out rioting. Not diat it would do diem any good when die Chosen • showed up, but he supposed it was more tolerable than sitting and waiting. The ones who were left were mostiy children, or old. They slammed shutters and ducked aside at die sight of an automobile filled with uniforms and armed men. "Ufc-oh." The hill was steeper here, and it gave diem an excellent view south over die river to die industrial section— the prevailing winds in die central Empire were always from die iiorth, which meant that residential properties were on die north bank of die Pada. They could see die Land airships coming in over die flatter soudiern 140 S.M. Stirling 6- David Drake shore at two thousand feet, only a thousand feet above their own position. Probably aligning on landmarks, Raj thought at the back of his mind. probability near unity, Center confirmed. John felt a spurt of anger. God damn it, that's my wife down there, he thought coldly. I could never keep mine out of it, either, Raj thought. And she was a lot less of a romantic than yours. The dirigibles were coming in fast, seventy miles an hour or better; the lead craft seemed to be aimed straight at him. The bomb bay doors were open, but nothing was coming out. John looked out of the corners of his eyes; the Marines looked a little tense, but not visibly upset. They kept their eyes on the buildings around them, only occasionally flicking to the approaching bombers. "Smith, pull in here. We'll wait it out and then continue." Here was a nook between two walls, both solid Bad if the buildings come down, good otherwise. You paid your money and you took your chances. . . . "Anyone who wants to can get out and take cover," John said in a conversational tone. Nobody did, although they squatted down. The dirigibles were over the river now, moving into the railyards and the residential sections of Ciano. Their shadows ghosted ahead of them, black whale-shapes over the whitewashed buildings and tile roofs. "Hey," one of the Marines said. "Why aren't they bombing south? That's where the factories and stuff are." Smiths hands.were tight on the wheel. "Because, asshole, they don't want to damage their own stuff— they'll have it all in couple of days. Shit!" Crump. Crump. Crump . . , The bombs were falling in steady streams from the airships; the massive craft bounced higher as the weight was removed. THE CHOSEN 141 "Fifty tons load," John whispered, bracing his hand on the roof-strut of the car and looking up. "Fifty tons each, thirty-five ships . . . seventeen hundred tons all up." "Mother," someone said. "Won't kill y'any deader here than back at the embassy." "They wouldn't bomb the embassy." 'Teah, sure. They're gonna be real careful about that." "Can it," the corporal said. "For what we are about to receive . . ." The sound grew louder, the drone of the engines rasping down through the air. John could see the Land sunburst flag painted on their sides, and then the horseshoe-shaped glass windows of the control gondolas. A few black puffs of smoke appeared beneath and around the airships; some Imperial gunners were still sticking to their improvised antiairship weapons, showing more courage than sense. The pavement beneath the car shook with the impact of the explosions. Dust began to smoke out of the trembling walls of the tenements on either side. The crashing continued, an endless roar of impacts and failing masonry. "Here—" someone began. The shadow of a dirigible passed over them, throwing a chill that rippled down his spine. There was a moment of white light— —and someone was screaming. John tried to turn, and realized he was lying prone. Prone on rubble that was digging into his chest and belly and face. He pushed at the stone with his hands, spitting out dust and blood in a thick reddish-brown clot; more blood was running into his left eye from a cut on his forehead, but everything else seemed to be functional. And -someone was still shouting. One of the Marines, lying and clutching his arm. John came erect and staggered over to the car, which was lying canted at a three-quarter angle. The 142 S.M. Stirling 6- David Drake intersecting walls of the nook they'd stopped in still stood, but the buildings they'd been attached to were gone, spread in a pile of broken blocks across what had been the street. the angle of the walls acted to deflect die blast, Center said, chaotic effect, and not predictable. Good thing for the plan it did what it did, John thought as he rummaged for the first-aid kit. your death at this point would decrease the probability of an optimum outcome from 57% ±3 to 41% ±4, Center said obligingly. "Nice to know you're needed," John said. The ringing in his ears was less, and he could see properly. Good, no severe concussion; he squatted beside the wounded Marine. "Hold him," he said to the others. "Let's take a look at this." Two men held die shoulders down. The arm was not broken, but it was bleeding freely, a steady drip rather than an arterial pulse. He supped the punch-dagger out of his collar and used it to cut off the sleeve of the uniform jacket; not the ideal tool—it was designed as a weapon—but it would do. The flesh of the man's forearm was torn, and something was sticking out if it. John closed his fingers on it. A splinter of wood, probably oak, from a structural beam. Longer than a handspan, and driven in deep. This is going to hurt," John said. "Do it," the Marine gasped, gray-faced. One of the others put a rifle sling between his teeth. John gripped firmly, put his weight on the hand that held the man's wrist to the ground, and pulled. The Marine convulsed, arching, his teeth sinking into the tough leather. The finger-thick dagger of oak slid free. John held it up; no ragged edges, so there probably wasn't much left in the wound—hopefully not too much dirty cloth, either; since there was no time to debride it. THE CHOSEN 143 "Let it bleed for a second," he said. "It'll wash it clean." There was medicinal alcohol and iodine powder in the kit. John waited, then swabbed the wound clear with cotton wool and poured in both. This time the Marine simply swore, and John grinned. "You must be recovering." He packed the wound, bandaged it, and rigged a sling. "Try not to put too much strain on this, trooper." "Yessir. Ah ... what the hell do we do now, sir?" They all looked at him, battered, bruised, a few bleeding from superficial cuts, but all functional. He looked down the street; there was a breastwork of stones four feet high in front of them, and more behind, but the road downslope looked fairly dear. Smoke was mounting up rapidly, though; the fires were out of control; the waterworks were probably hit and the mains out of operation. It lay thick on the air, thick between him and Pia. "First we'll get this road cleared," he said brisldy, spitting again. "Corns"—who looked worst injured—"there's some water in the boot of the car, see to it. Smith, check the car and see what it needs. Wilton, Sinders, Barrjen, Maken, you come with me." He studied the way die rocks interlocked in the barrier ahead of them. "We'll shift this one first." "Sir? Prybar?" corporal Wilton said. The crusted block probably weighed twice what John did, and he was the heaviest man there. "No time. Barrjen, you on the other side, there's room for two."' Barrjen was three inches shorter than John, but just as broad across the shoulders, and thick through the beDy and hips as well; his arms were massive, and the backs of his hands covered in reddish hair. He grinned, showing broad square teeth. "If'n you say so, sor," he said, and bent his knees, working his fingers under the edges of the block. 144 S.M. Stirling 6- David Drake John did likewise and took a deep, careful breath. "Now." He lifted, taking the strain on back and legs, exhaling with the effort until red lights swam before his eyes and something in his gut was just on the edge of tearing. His coat did tear across the back, the tough seam parting with a long ripping sound. The stone resisted, and then he felt it shift. Shift again, his feet straining to keep their balance in the loose rubble, and then it was tumbling away down the other side like a dice from the box of a god, hammering into the pavement and falling into the gutter with a final tock sound. Barrjen staggered backward, still grinning as he panted. "You diplomats is tougher'n you looks, sor," he said, in a thick eastern accent. John spat on his hands. Center traced a glowing network of stress lines across the rockfall, showing the path of least resistance for clearing it. "Let's get to work." "I want to go home," Lola said—whimpered, really. Pia fought an urge to slap her. The other woman's eyes were still round with shock; understandable, and she was less than twenty, but . . . "Up here." The staircase was empty; it filled die interior of the square tower, with a switchback every story and narrow windows in the cream-colored limestone. Smoke was drifting through them, enough to haze the air a little. The light poured in, scattering on the dust and smoke, incongrously beautiful shafts of gold bringing out the highlights and fossil shells in the stone. Pia labored upward, feeling the sweat running down her face and soaking the nurses headress she wore, thanking God that skirts had gone so high this year—barely anlde-length. "Come on," she said. "We'll be safe up here." "Safe for a little while," Lola said. Then: "Mother of God," as they came out onto die flat roof of the tower. THE CHOSEN 145 Ciano was burning. The pillars of fire had merged into columns that covered half the area they could see. Heavy and black, smoke drifted down from the hillsides, covering the highways that wound through the valleys running down to the Pada. The warehouse districts along the river were fully involved, the great storage tanks oT olive oil and brandy bellowing upward in ruddy flame like so many giant torches, "Nobody's fighting the fires at all," Pia whispered to herself. The waterworks must have been finally destroyed. And the streets by the docks, they were stuffed with timber, coal, cotton, so much tinder. She could feel the heat on her face, worse even in the few moments since they had come out onto the flat rooftop. Lola looked around. "What can we dor" "Wait," Pia said. "Wait and pray." Thunder rumbled from the eastward. Pia's head came around slowly. The sky was summer blue, save for the great pillars of black smoke. Rain would be a mercy, but God had withheld His mercy from the people of the Empire. The sound rumbled again, then again—too regularly spaced for thunder, in any case. The rain was not coming. The Chosen were, and those were their guns. She slipped to her knees and crossed herself, bringing the rosary to her lips. Come to me, John, she thought. Come quickly, my love. Then she began to plan. CHARTER MINI "Ciano's burning," Jeffrey Fair said, opening his eyes. Get out of there, he added silently to his brother. Afterimages of buildings sliding into streets in sheets of fiery rubble washed across his vision as the link through Center faded. "Ya,a Heinrich Hosten said cheerfully. "Maybe we shouldn't have bombed it quite so heavy." He looked eastward, toward the smoke that hazed the horizon. The distant thump . . . thump ... of artillery sounded, slow and regular. "Street fighting," the Chosen officer went on. "We may have trapped them too well—there are a quarter of a million troops in there, less what's getting out, the net's not watertight." "Why not just let it burn?" Jeffrey asked. The High Command may do that for a while. Praise the Powers That Be, we won't be pitchforked into it right away." "The survivors of Heinrich's regiment had been pulled into reserve, not completely out of action, but things would have to take a decided turn for the worse before they were put back into the line any time soon. More than a third of the roster had died blocking the Imperial breakout for those crucial hours, and as many again were wounded. The survivors were billeted now in the grounds of a nobleman's country estate; they could see the smoke-shadowed buildings of Ciano in die distance to the east. Heinrich had spent the last couple of days rounding up supplies for the celebration that bellowed 146 THE CHOSEN 147 and sprawled across die gardens: oxen and whole pigs roasted on spits, barrels stood at the ends of tables heaped with food. A roar went up from the troops— the male majority, at least—as a crowd of women were herded through the gates. Jeffrey averted his eyes and ignored the screams. Nothing he could do, nothing at all... for now. Heinrich beamed indulgently down at die scene below the terrace and bit the last meat off the turkey drumstick in his hand. "They've earned a little rest," he said, idly stroking the hip of the naked girl who poured his glass full again. "Did damned well." The rest of the surviving officers were grouped around the tables on the balustraded terrace, paying serious attention to the feast the villa's staff had prepared for the new overlords. Most Chosen ate rather sparingly at home; in the food-poor Land red meat was a luxury except for the wealthiest among tne upper caste. Jeffrey remembered John telling him how the Friday pork roast was the high point of the week, and that was for an up-and-coming general's family. Now that they had the biggest area of rich farmland on Visager under their control, the Chosen were making up for lost time. The thought made die food taste a little better. Maybe they'U get sq/fc. probability 87% ±3, defining "soft" as significantly reduced milHechnic functionality, Center supplied. After more than a decade, Jeffrey could sense overtones of meaning in the words, even though they seemed machined out of thought the way engine parts were ladied from bar stock. But? he supplied. significant reduction would require 7 generations, phis or minus— Never mind. 148 S.M. Stirling 6- David Drake Heinrich tore off another drumstick and pulled the girl into his lap. "Victory, it is wonderful!" he said. Teah," Jeffrey Farr replied. It will be. "Are you sure this is a good idea?" Lola asked, ripping up the last of her petticoat. "No," Pia said. "But die only other diing I can diink of is to wait here for the Chosen. My Giovanni will come—but look at that out there!" Ciano was the largest city in the world; for centuries, it had been die capital of the world, when the Universal Empire had been what its name claimed for it, leading humanity on Visager back from the Fall. Now it was dying, and mostiy by its own hand. "We've gotta find some broad in this?" Corns said. Probably more crowded a couple of hours ago, John thought. "Jesus," the marine finished, coughing in the thick air, a compound of smoke and explosion-powdered brick and stone. "Back! Back!" the driver shouted, as half a dozen men in Imperial uniforms rushed towards die car. They ignored him, if they heard at all; their faces had the fixed, carved-wood look of utter desperation sighting a chance of survival. A marine raised his rifle, cursed, lowered it again. "If they get to die car, we're all dead," John said. "He's right," Harry said. "Shit . . ." The rifle blasted uncomfortably close to John's ear. He stood motionless, his hand resting on die top of the windscreen. It had been a warning shot; he could hear die sick whine of die ricochet, see die bright momentary spark where jacketed metal hit the cobblestones. The Imperials ignored it. More from die milling crowd were following; none of diem looked to be armed—die Imperial army had regarded this as die ultimate rear area until a day or two ago—but there were a lot of them, all 1 I THE CHOSEN 149 convinced that die car represented their chance to get out. They probably weren't dunking much beyond that. "Damn," the marine said softly, and worked the bolt. "Five rounds rapid!" Corporal Wilton said. The marines had been waiting with their second finger on the trigger and their index lying under die boh. BAM and five rounds blasted out. Click and the index ringer flipped up the rear-mounted bolt handle of the rifles. Spring tension shot the bolt back halfway through its cycle as soon as the turning bolt released the locking lugs; a quick pull back and the shell was ejected; a slap with the palm of the hand and chick-Chock! the next round was in. Well-trained men could fire twelve aimed rounds a minute that way, and all the marines had "marksman" Sashes on their shoulders. Face frozen, John watched the first Imperial double over like a man punched in the belly—even at point-blank range the marines were aiming for die center of mass, as they'd been taught The Imperial slumped forward and slid facedown, blood flowing over die cobbles. The shots cracked quick careful firing widi a half-second pause to aim. He didn't have to order cease-fire when the survivors turned and ran. Wilton pulled the bolt of his rifle back and pushed a five-round stripper clip into the magazine with his thumb. The zinc strip that had held the cartridges tinkled against the side of the car. The crowd surged away from the car, milling aimlessly. John didn't think anyone else would try to steal it for a while. It stood in one of the narrower laneways leading into die big plaza that stood before the train station; the station building itself wasn't burning . . . yet . . . but a stick of bombs had left a series of craters across the plaza, leading towards die twenty-meter high columns of the facade like an arrow on a map. The plaza had been crowded with mule- and horse-drawn wagons and ambulances, supply vehicles, even a few powered staff cars. 150 S.M. Stirling 6- David Drake Most of the vehicles were abandoned, some burning or overturned. Wounded animals screamed, their voices shrill over the calling of hundreds—thousands—from within the great building, adding the last touch of hell. Wounded men were pouring out of the tall blushwood portals and out into tne square, all of them who could move. Or could stagger along grasping at the walls, or support each other, or crawl. The stink of death and gangrene came with them in waves, strong enough that even a few of the marines gagged at it. "Sir," Henry said, "we'd never have made it down if we'd left half an hour later. And there's no way in hell we're going to drive back to the embassy." "No," John said, smiling slightly as he checked his pistol and then slid it back into the shoulder-holster under his frock coat. "But I don't think we'll have much of a problem finding my wife." He nodded towards the left-hand tower. Someone on top had strung two strips of brightly colored cloth from corner windows to the middle of the front facing, and another straight down from the point at which they met. Together they formed an arrow —>, pointing upward at the tower-top. He took his binoculars out of the dashboard compartment and focused on the tiny figure waving at the apex of the signal. "Let's go," he said. The driver cleared his throat. John released Pia and stepped back; even then, in that charnel house of a place, the Marines were grinning. Pia blushed and tucked strands of hair back under her snood. "Sir," Harry said. "We're not going to get back to the embassy," "No, we have to get out of the city entirely," John said thoughtfully. They were in one of the loading bays of the station; fewer bodies here, fewer of the moaning, fevered wounded. None of the Marines was what you'd call THE CHOSEN 151 j squeamish—they'd all seen action in the Southern Islands—but several of them were looking pale. So did Pia s friend; a couple of the troopers were courteously handing her safety pins to help fasten up her ripped dress. "Sure you're all right?" John asked again. "As right as can be," Pia said stoutly. "We cannot go to the embassy?" John shook his head. "The fires are out of control, and there's fighting in the streets. The Chosen are close to the western end of the city, too." Pia shivered and nodded. John turned his head slightly. "Sinders," he said, "didn't you say you worked for the North Central Rail before you joined the corps?" Sinders blinked at him. "Lord love you, sir, so I did," he said. "Locomotive driver. Had a bit of a falling out with the section foreman, like." Someone spoke sotto voce: "Had a bit of a falling down with his daughter, you mean." "Follow me," John said. He hopped down from the platform; cinders crunched under his boots. They handed down the women and walked over the tracks to the other side of the vast shed. "There, that one. Could you drive it?" 7 A steam engine and its fuel car stood pointing eastward; vapor leaked from several places, hiding the green-and-gold livery of the Imperial Pada Valley Line. "Sure, sir. It's Santander made, anyway—standard 4-4-2, rebuilt for the Imperial broad gauge. That's if we got time to raise steam, that could take a while." "It has steam up," John said. Center drew a thermal schematic over his sight. "But where would we go on it, sir?" "East a ways, at least." The Marines looked uncertain. "Ah, beggin' yer pardon, sir," the corporal said. "But ain't those Land buggers all around?" "Maybe not to the east. And if we do run into them, 152 S.M. Stirling 6- David Drake we've got a better chance of standing on diplomatic immunity when they're in the field and under control by their officers than when they're turned loose on the city. I can speak Landisch and I've got the necessary papers." And code words to prove he was a double agent working for Land Military Intelligence, if it came to that. Useful with the army, although the Fourth Bureau would probably kill him. Military Intelligence was as much the Fourth Bureaus enemy as anything in Santander was. "Let's go," he finished. They jogged over to the engine, grateful when its clean smell of hot iron, oil and soot overcame the slaughterhouse stink of tiie abandoned dying. John lifted Pia up with both hands on her waist, then her friend. Three of the Marines scrambled up onto the heap of broken coal that filled the fuel car; the rest of the party jammed themselves into the cab. "Going to be a bit crowded," Sinders said, tapping at gauges and studying the swing of dials and the level of fluid in segmented glass tubes. "She's hot, though— plenty of steam. Could use a little coal. . . not that way, ye daft pennyworth!" One of the marines jerked his hand back from the handle of the firebox set into the forward arch of the cab's surface. "Use the shovel!" Sinders said. "Lay me down some, and I'll get this bitch movin'—beggin' your pardon, ma'am," he said to Pia. John took die worn, long-handled tool down from the rack, sliding through the press of men and women. The ashwood was silky-smooth under his hands; he flicked the handle of the firedoor up and to the side, swinging the tray-sized oblong of cast iron open until it caught on the hook opposite. Hot dry air blasted back into the cab of the locomotive, with a smell of sulfur and scorched metal. "Wilton, you get back with the others on the fuel car, THE CHOSEN 153 I'm going to need some room here. Darling, could you and—" "Lola. Lola Chiavri," the other woman said. "Miss Chiavri get on those benches." Short iron seats were bolted under the angled windows at the rear sides of the cab, so that an off-duty fireman or stoker could sit and watch the track ahead. John spat on his hands and dug the shovel into the coal that puddled out of the transfer chute at the very rear of the cab. "Spread it around, like, sir," Sinders said, turning valve wheels and laying a hand on one of the long levers. "Not too much. Kind of bounce it off that-there arch of firebrick at the front of the furnace, you know?" John grunted in reply. The second and.third shovelfuls showed him the trick of it, a flicking turn of the wrists. Have to get someone to spell me, he thought. He was amply strong and fit for the task, but his hands didn't have the inch-thick crust of callus that anyone who did this for a living would develop. WHUFF. WHUFF. Steam billowed out from the driving cylinders at the front of the locomotive. "Keep it comin', sir. She's about ready." Sinders braced a foot and hauled back on another of the levers. "Damn, they shoulda greased this fresh days ago. Goddam wop maintenance." There was a tooth-grating squeal of metal on metal as the driving wheels spun once against the rails, the smell of ozone, a quick shower of sparks. Then the engine lurched forward, slowed, lurched again and gathered speed with a regular chuff. . . chuff. . . of escaping steam. Pia grinned at John as he turned for another shovelful of coal; he found himself grinning back. "Did it, by God," he said, then rapped his knuckles against tile haft of the shovel in propitiation. Sunlight fell bright across them as they pulled out of the train station; he flipped the firedoor shut and slapped Sinders on the shoulder. 154 S.M. SttrBng 6- David Drake "Halt just before that signal tower and let me down for a moment," he half-shouted over the noise into the Marine's ear. "I'll switch us onto the mainline." The trooper looked dubiously at the complex web of rail. "Sure you . . . yessir." John leaped down with the prybar in hand. The gravel crunched under his feet, pungent with tar and ash. A film of it settled across the filthy surface of what had once been dress shoes; he found himself smiling wryly at that. He looked up for an instant and met Pia's eyes. She was smiling too, and he knew it was at the same jape. That's some woman, he told himself, as he turned and let Center's glowing map settle over his vision. She recovered fast. connections are here . . . and here. Thanks, he thought absently. you are welcome. He drove the steel into the gap between the rails and heaved. After aU. these years, I'm still not sure if Center has a sense of humor. Neither am I, if it's any consolation, Raj replied. Chunk. The points slid into contact. He sprinted down the line a hundred yards and repeated the process, then waved. The locomotive responded with a puff of steam and a screech of steel on steel as Sinders let out the throttle. At his wave, it kept going; he sprinted alongside and grabbed at the bracket, grunted, took two more steps and swung himself up into the crowded cabin. He looked ahead, southeastward. The track was clear. "Let's go home," he said. "Home," Pia whispered. She buried her head against John's chest, and his arm went around her shoulders. Pia went pale as she slid down from the saddle, biting her lip against the pain. Lola was weeping, but silently, and he was feeling the effects of days of hard riding THE CHOSEN 155 himself. The Marines were in worse condition than John; they were fit men, but they were footsoldiers, not accustomed to spending much time in the saddle. "See to the horses," John said, looking upslope to the copse of evergreen oaks. They were only a hundred miles from the Gut, and the landscape was getting hillier; the deep-soiled plain of the central lowlands was behind them, and they were in a harder, drier land. Thyme and arbutus scented the air as he climbed quickly to the crest of the hill; the other side showed rolling hills, mostly covered in scrub with an occasional olive grove or terraced vineyard or hollow filled with pale barley stubble. Occasional stands of spike grass waved ten meters in the air. The rhizome-spread native plant was almost impossible to eradicate, but individual clumps never expanded beyond pockets where tile moisture level and soil minerals were precisely correct. And a dusty gray-white road, winding a couple of thousand yards below them. On it, coming down from tile north . . . John relaxed. That was no Chosen column. A shapeless clot of humanity grouped around half a dozen two-wheeled ox carts, a few men on horseback, mostly civilians on foot, some pulling handcarts heaped with their possessions. "Refugees," he said, as Pia and several of the Marines came up. "We can cut—wait." He pressed himself flat again and raised his field glasses. There was no need to say more to the others; four weeks struggling south through the dying Empire had been education enough for all of them. The troops pouring over the hills on the other side of the road were ant-tiny, but there was no mistaking the smooth efficiency with which they shook themselves out from column into line. Half were mounted—on mules—the other half trotting on foot beside, holding on to a stirrup iron with one hand. Chosen mobile-force unit, Raj said. Ton can move 156 S.M. Stirling 6- David Drake fart that way, about a third again as fast as marching infantry. The Land troops were all dismounting now, mule-holders to the rear, riflemen deploying into extended line. There was a bright blinking ripple as they fixed bayonets. Others were lifting something from panniers on the backs of supply mules, bending over the shapes they lifted down. machine guns, Center commented. "Christ on a crutch," Smith whispered. They're gonna—" The refugees had finally noticed the Chosen troops, A spray of them began to run eastward off the road about die same time that the Land soldiers opened fire. The machine guns played on the ones running at first; the tiny figures jerked and tumbled and fell. The rest of the refugees milled in place, or threw themselves into the ditches. Two mounted men made it halfway to where John lay, one with a woman sitting on the saddlebow before him. The bullets lacked up dust all around them, sparking on rocks. The single man went down, and his horse rolled across him, lacking. The second horse crumpled more slowly. A group of soldiers loped out toward it, and the male rider stood and fired a pistol. The long jet of black-powder smoke drifted away. Before it did the man staggered backward; three Land rifles had cracked, and John saw two strike. He dropped limply. The woman tried to run, holding something that slowed her, but die Protege" troopers caught her before she went a dozen strides. She seemed to stumble, then fell forward with a limp finality. There was a small sound One of the troopers slammed his bayonet throug her back and wrenched it free with a twist; the body jerked and kicked its heels. Another kicked something out of her outstretched hand, picked it up, then flung it away with an irritable gesture. It landed close enough to the ridge for him to see what it was—a pocket derringer, a lady's toy in gilt steel and ivory. THE CHOSEN 157 John turned his head aside, shutting his ears to the screams from the road, and to the whispered curses of Smith and the Marines. That showed him Pia's face. It might have been carved from ivory, and for a moment he knew what she would look like as an old woman—with the face sunk in on the strong bones, one of those black-clad matriarchs he'd met so often at Imperial soirees, and as often thought would do better at running the Empire than their bemedalled spouses. The Land soldiers kept enough of the refugees alive to help drag the bodies and wrecked vehicles off the roadway. Then they lined them up with the compulsive neatness of the Chosen and a final volley rang out. The column formed up on the gravel as the slow crack . . , crack ... of an officer's automatic sounded, finishing the wounded. Then they moved off to the Santander party's left, heading north up the winding road through the dun-colored hills. John waited, motioning the others down with an extended palm. Five minutes passed, then ten.. The sun was hot; sweat dripped from his chin, stinging in a scrape, and dripped dark spots into the dust inches below his face with dull plop sounds. Then . . . "Right," he muttered. Two squads of Land soldiers rose from where they'd hidden among the tumbled dead and wagons, fell into line with their rifles over their shoulders and moved off after their comrades at the quickstep. "Tricky," Smith said. "What'll we do now, sir?" "We go down there," John said, standing and extending a hand to help Pia up. "Pick up supplies and head south along that road toward Salini just as fast as the horses can stand." Pia looked down towards the road and quickly away. Smith hesitated. "Ah, sir ... if it's all the same . . ." "Do it," John said. Smith shrugged and turned to call out to the others. 158 S.M. Stirling 6- David Drake No harm in explaining,, as long as it isn't a question of discipline. Raj prompted him. John nodded; to Raj, but Smith caught the gesture and paused. "We can move faster on the road," John said. "Also if we don't have to stop for food, including oats for the horses. That detachment was clearing the way for a regimental combat team. With our remounts, we can outrun them." Smith blinked in thought, then drew himself up. "Yessir," he said, with a small difficult smile. "Just didn't like the idea of, well—" Pia's hand tightened in John's. "That was what happens to the weak," she said unexpectedly. "We're all going to have to become . . . very strong, Mr. Smith. Very strong, indeed." The Santander party moved forward over the crest and down the slope towards the road, leading their horses over the rough uneven surface speckled with thorny bushes. The shod hoofs thumped on dirt, clattered against rocks with an occasional spark. None of the humans spoke. Then John's head came up. What's that noise? he thought. A thin piping. Pia stopped. "Quiet!" she said. John put up his hand and the party halted. That made the sound clearer, but it had that odd property some noises did, of seeming to come from all directions. the sound is— Center began. Pia released John's hand and walked over to the body of the woman who'd shot herself rather than be captured by the Land soldiers. John opened his mouth to call her back, then shut it; Pia had probably—certainly— seen worse than this in the emergency hospital back in Ciano. The Imperial girl rolled the woman's body back John could see her pale; the soft-nosed slug from the derringer had gone up under the dead woman's chin and exited through the bridge of her nose, taking most of THE CHOSEN 159 the center of her face with it Not instantly fatal, ahhougji it would have been a toss-up whether she bled out from that first or from the bayonet wound through the kidneys. —an infant, Center concluded, as Pia picked up a cloth-wrapped bundle from where the woman's body had concealed it. She knelt and unbound the swaddlings. John came closer, close enough to see that it was a healthy, uninjured boychild of about three months—and reassured enough by the contact to let out an unmistakable wail. Also badly in need of a change; Pia ripped a square from the outer covering and improvised. "There's a carrying cradle on the saddle of that horse, I think," she said, without looking up. "Why doesn't someone get it for me and save the time?" Don't even try, lad, Raj said at the back of John's mind. Nightmare images of himself trying to convince Pia that it was impossible to carry a suckling infant on a forced-march journey through the disintegrating Empire flitted through John's mind. He smiled wryly, even then. Besides, he thought, looking down at the road, there's been enough death here. "Binders, do that," he said aloud. "Let's get moving. And if there's a live nanny goat down there, somebody truss it and put it over one of the spare horses." TGN The throng filling the Salmi waterfront had the voice of surf on a gravel beach: harsh, sometimes louder or softer, but never silent. A mindless, inhuman snarl. The bridge of the protected cruiser McCormicA; City was crowded as well. Many of those present were civilians whose only business was to speak with Commodore Maurice Fair, Officer Commanding the First Scouting Squadron. The situation didn't please Fair. Captain Dundonald, the flagship's captain, was coldly livid, though openly he'd merely pointed out that die admirals bridge and cabin in die aft superstructure would provide the commodore with more space. Farr sympathized with his subordinate, but "subordinate" was the key word here. He had no intention of removing himself to relative isolation while trying to untangle a mares nest like the evacuation of Santander citizens and their dependents from Saliiii. Farr was sleeping in the captain's sea cabin off the bridge, forcing Dundonald to set up a cot in the officers' library on the deck below. "Commodore Farr," said Cooley, spokesman for the captains of the five Santander freighters anchored in die jaws of the shallow bay that served Salini for a harbor, **I want you to know that if you don't help us citizens like your orders say to, you'll answer to some damned important people! Senator Beemody is a partner in Morgan Trading, and there's other folk invorvea who talk just as loud, though they may do it in private." Three of the other civilian captains nodded 160 THE CHOSEN 161 meaningfully, though grizzled old Fitzwilliams had the decency to look embarrassed. Fitz had left the navy after twelve years as a lieutenant who knew he'd never rise higher in peacetime. That was a long time ago, but listening to a civilian threaten a naval officer with political consequences still affected Fitzwilliams in much the way it did Farr himself. "Thank you, Captain Cooley," Farr said. "I'll give your warning all the consideration it deserves. As for the specifics of your request ..." He turned to face the shore, drawing the civilians' attention to die obvious. The Salini waterfront crawled with ragged, desperate people for as far as die eye could see. The McCormick City and two civilian ferries hired by tibe Santander government were tied up at die West Pier. A hundred Santander Marines and armed sailors guarded die pierhead widi fixed bayonets. Behind them, the six staff members of die Santander consulate in Salini sat at tables made from boards laid on tresdes. The vice-consuls poured over huge ledgers, trying to match die names of applicants to the register of Santander citizens widiin die Empire. The job was next to hopeless. No more dian half die citizens visiting die Union had bothered to register. The consulate staff was reduced to making decisions on die basis of gut instinct and how swarthy die applicant looked. Every human being in Salini—and there must have been diirty thousand of diem as refugees poured south as the shockwave ahead of unstoppable Chosen columns—wanted to board those two ferries. Fait*s guard detachment had used its bayonets already to keep back die crowd. Very soon tiiey would have to tire over die heads of a mob, and even diat wouldn't restrain desperation for long. "Gentlemen," Farr said, "the warehouses on Pier Street might as well be on Old Earth for all the chance you'd have of retrieving their contents for your 162 S.M. Stirling 6- David Drake employers. If I landed every man in my squadron, I still couldn't clear the waterfront for you. And even then what would you do? Wish the merchandise into your holds? There aren't any stevedores in Salini now. There's nothing but panic." Fair's guard detachment daubed the forelocks of applicants with paint as they were admitted to the pier. It was the only way in the confusion to prevent refugees from coming through the line again and again, clogging still further an already cumbersome process. A middle-aged woman with a forehead of superstructure gray leaped atop a table with unexpected agility, then jumped down on the other side despite die attempt of a weary vice-consul to grab her. She sprinted along the pier. Two sailors at the gangway of the nearer ferry stepped out to block her. With an inarticulate cry, die woman flung herself into the harbor. Oily water spurted. One of the Santander cutters patrolling to intercept swimmers stroked to the spot, but Farr didn't see her come up again. "There's a cool two hundred thousand in tobacco aging in die Pax and Morgan Warehouse," Cooley said. "Christ knows what all else. Senator Beemody ain't going to be pleased to hear he waited too long to fetch it over." This time he was making an observation, not offering a threat. Salini s Long Pier was empty. The two vessels along the East Her, itself staggeringly rotten, had sunk at their moorings a decade ago. The wooden-hulled cruiser Imperatora Gitdia Moro still floated beside the Navy Pier across the harbor, but she was noticeably down by the stem. The Moro had put out a week before along with the rest of the Imperial Second Fleet under orders from the Ministry hi Ciano. The Second Fleet was a motley assortment. Besides poor maintenance and inadequate crewing levels, all the vessels had in common was their relatively shallow draft. That made operation in the Gut less of a risk than it THE CHOSEN 163 would have been for heavier ships, since the Imperial Navy's standard of navigation was no higher than that of its gunnery. The Moro had limped back to her dock six hours later. She hadn't been out of sight of the harbor before her stem seams had worked so badly that she was in imminent danger of sinking. Now her decks were packed with refugees to whom the illusion of being on shipboard was preferable to waiting on land for Chosen bayonets. The Moro's crew had vanished in the ship's boats, headed across the Gut to Dubuk in Santander. Farr couldn't really blame them. Those men were likely to be die fleet's only survivors—unless die odier vessels had cut and run also. A steam launch chuffed toward the McCorrmck City's port quarter, opposite the pier. A Sierra flag hung from die jackstaff. Diplomats? At any rate, another complication on a day that had its share already. For the moment, Captain Dundonald's crew could deal widi die matter. The remaining civilian present on die bridge was the one Farr had sent armed guards to summon: Henry Car-gill, Santander's consul in Salini and die official whose operations Farr was tasked to support Turning from the bridge railing—brass at a high polish, warmly comforting in the midst of such chaos—Farr fixed his glare on die haggard-looking consul. "Mr. CargOl," Fair said, "if we don't evacuate diis port shortly diere will be a riot followed by a massacre. I have no desire to shoot unfortunate Imperial citizens, and I have even less desire to watch those citizens trample naval personnel. When can we be out of here?" "I don't know," die consul said He shook his head, dien repeated angrily, "I'm damned if I know, Commodore, but I know it'll be sooner if you let me get back to the tables. I'm supposed to be spelling Hoxley now— for an hour. Which is all die sleep he'll get till midnight tomorrow!" 164 S.M. Stirling 6- David Drake Cargill waved at the waterfront. The refugees stood as dynamically motionless as water behind a dam—and as ready to roar through if a crack appeared in the line of Santander personnel. "They're coming from the north faster than we can process the ones already here," he continued. "Formally, I have orders to aid the return of Santander citizens to the Republic. Off the record, I have an expression of the governments deep concern lest large numbers of penniless refugees flood Santander." A party of armed men had pushed their way through the crowd to the pierhead. Fair tensed for a confrontation, then relaxed as the guard detachment passed die new arrivals without even painting their foreheads. There were women among them, and unless the distance was tricking Farr's eyes, some of the men wore portions of Santander Marine dress uniforms. CargiU bitterly quoted, " 'The Ministry trusts you will use your judgment to prevent a situation that might tend to embarrass the government and draw the Republic into quarrels that are none of our proper affair.' The courier who brought that destroyed the note in front of me after I'd read it, but I'm sure the minister remembers what he wrote. And the president does, too, I shouldn't wonder!" Fair looked at die consul with a flush of sympathy he hadn't expected to feel for the man who was delaying the squadrons departure. Consular officials weren't the only people who were expected to carry the can for their superiors in event an action had negative political repercussions. "I see," he said. "I appreciate your candor, sir. I'll leave you to get back to your—" Ensign Tillingast, the McCormick City's deck officer, stepped onto the bridge widi a look of agitation. -Behind him were a pair of armed marines and a bareheaded civilian wearing an oilskin slicker. Tillingast looked from Fair to Captain Dundonald, who curtly nodded him back to the commodore. Farr THE CHOSEN 165 commanded the squadron, but he didn't directly control the crew of the flagship. He tried to be scrupulous in going through Dundonald when he gave orders, but the natural instinct of the men themselves was to deal direcdy with the highest authority present in a crisis. "Sir, he came on the launch," Ullingast said, "I thought I should bring him right up." The stranger took off his slicker and folded it neady over his left forearm. Under it he wore die black-ana-silver dress uniform of a lieutenant in the Land military service, with the navy's dark blue collar flashes and fourragere dangling from his right epaulet. To complete his transformation he donned the saucer hat he'd carried beneath the raingear. "I am not of course a spy," the Land officer said with a crisp smile to his surprised audience. He was a small, fair man, and as hard as a marble statue. "The ruse was necessary as we could not be sure the animals out there—" He gestured toward the crawling waterfront. "—would recognize a flag of truce." Drawing himself to attention, he continued, "Commodore Fair, I am Leutnant der See Helmut Weiss, flag lieutenant to Unterkapitan der See Elise Eberdorf, commander of die Third Cruiser Squadron." He saluted. Farr returned the salute, feeling his soul return to the stony chill diat had gripped it every day of his duty as military attache in die Land. "I am directed to convey Unterkapitan Eberdorfs compliments," Weiss said, "and to inform you that she is allowing one hour for neutral shipping to leave die port of Salini before we attack." "I see," Fair said without inflection. The ships of Farr's squadron were almost as heterogeneous a group as die Imperial Second Fleet. The McCormick City was a lovely vessel—6,000 tons, twenty knots, and only five years old. She mounted eight-inch guns in twin turrets fore and aft, widi a secondary 166 S.Af. Stirling 6- David Drake battery of five-inch quick-firers in ten individual spon-sons on die superstructure. The Randall was five years older, slower, and carried her four single eight-inch guns behind thin gunshields at bow and stern. Farr was of the school that believed armor which wasn't at least three inches thick only served to detonate shells that might otherwise have passed through doing only minor damage. At least the RandaU's secondary battery had been replaced with five-inch quick-firers during the past year. Guns that used bagged charges instead of metallic cartridges loaded too slowly to fend off torpedo attack. The Lumberton was older yet, with short-barrelled eight-inch guns and a secondary battery of six-inch slow-firers that had been next to useless when they were designed—at about die time Farr was a midshipman. Last and least, the Waccaehee Township wore iron armor over a wooden hull much like the poor Imperatora GtuUa Moro across the harbor. She'd never in her career been able to make thirteen knots. "Attack what?" Captain Dundonald said. "Good God, man! Does this look like a military installation to you?" Lieutenant Weiss chuckled. "Yes, well," he said. "You must understand, gentlemen, that though it will doubtless take a year or two to reduce the animals to a condition of proper docility, we must first close the cage door. Besides, die squadron needs target practice. We were escorting the transports at Corona." He eyed the Moro. The brightly clad refugees gave the impression that the ship was dressed in bunting for a gala naval review of the sort the Empire had so dearly loved. "From what those who were present at Corona say, the Imperial main fleet wasn't much more of a danger than that hulk will be." Farr tried to blank his mind. The image of shells slamming home among the mass of humanity on die Moro was too clear, it would show on his face. And if he spoke, something unprofessional would come out of his mouth. THE CHOSEN 167 "Commodore—" said a breathless Ensign Tillingast, bursting onto the bridge again. "Ensign!" Farr shouted. "What die hett do you think you're doing, breaking in on—" "Your son, sir," Tillingast said. "Jeffrey?" Farr blurted. He wished he could have the word back as it came out, even before John Hosten stepped through the companionway hatch. John was limping slighdy. He'd lost twenty pounds since Farr last saw him; and, Fair thought, die boy had lost his innocence as well. "Sir, I'm sorry," John said. "I became separated from Jeffrey in Ciano. He was in Corona when—" John appeared to be choosing his words with as much care as fatigue and sleeplessness allowed him. Farr had seen his son's eyes flick widiout lighting across Weiss' uniform. "When we last spoke," John resumed, "Jeffrey intended to present himself to a Chosen command group. He felt association widi Land forces was of more benefit to his professional development and that of die Republic's army than remaining widi the Imperials would be." Lieutenant Weiss allowed himself a tight smile. Captain Dundonald ostentatiously turned his back. "I'm confident diat so long as my sons live, they'll do their duty as citizens of die Republic of die Santander," Farr said, his voice as calm as a wave rising on deep water. "As will their father." If at full strength—probable since Weiss said diey hadn't seen action—the Land's Third Cruiser Squadron would be four nearly identical modem vessels. They were excellent sea boats and faster than even die McConrtick City—unless dieir hulls were foul; don't assume the enemy is ten feet tall, though be prepared in case he is. On die other hand, die cruisers were small ships, less dian 3,000 tons standard displacement. The ten ten-centimeter quick-firers each carried in hull sponsons were 168 S.M. Stirling b- David Drake no serious gunnery threat to Fair's squadron . . . but the three torpedo tubes were another matter. Corona had proved how effective Chosen torpedoes could be. "lieutenant Weiss," Farr said. "I have orders to give to my command before I reply to your message. I'd like you to remain present so that you can provide your superior with a full accounting." Weiss clicked his heels to emphasize his nod. "Commander Grisson," Fair said to his staff secretary, "Signal the squadron, 'Under way in ten minutes.'" That was a bluff. His ships had one or at most two boilers lighted to conserve coal at anchor. Peacetime regulations. . . . Still, Eberdorf had kept her cruisers over the horizon, so by the time Weiss returned with Farr's reply more than the "hours deadline" would have passed. "Make it so, Ryan!" Dundonald snapped to his own signals officer, staring wide-eyed from the wheelhouse. The McCormick City's captain had no intention of standing on ceremony now. "Gentlemen," Farr continued to the freighter captains watching from the starboard wing of the bridge, "as senior military officer present, I'm asserting federal control over your vessels. You will dock—" "You can't do that!" Captain Cooley said. "I have done it, Captain," Farr said without raising his voice. "And if you want to return to Santander in the brig of this vessel, just open your mouth once more." Cooley started to speak, took a good look at the commodore's face, and nodded apology. Bells rang through the McCormick City's compartments. A gun fired a blank charge as an attention signal; yeomen tugged at the flag halyards, relaying the commodore's orders to the rest of the squadron. "You will take on board as many civilians as possible," Farr resumed. "By that I mean as many as you can cram on board with a shoehorn. I don't care if you've only got a foot of freeboard showing—it's just eighty miles to Dubuk and the forecast is for calm. Mr. Cargil]—" THE CHOSEN 169 "Yes." There was a trace of a smile on the consul's worn visage, "Your personnel will direct civilians onto the transports. Any processing can be done after we dock in Dubuk. rfi leave you forty men for traffic control, which I trust will be sufficient." "Giving those poor Wops their lives back should be sufficient in itself, sir," Cargill said. "Thank you." "The remainder of the shore party will be broken down into five twelve-man detachments, Grisson," Farr said. "They will board the federalized transports in order to aid the civilian crews in recognizing naval signals." "In view of the need for haste, sir," Grisson said, "I assume the signal detachments will proceed directly to their new assignments rather than returning to their home vessels to deposit their sidearms?" "That's correct," Farr said. Grisson was a nephew of Farr's first wife; a very able boy. "Commodore," Captain Fitzwilliam said, "I don't guess I've forgotten the signal book in the twenty years I been out. Don't short your gun crews for the sake of the Holyoke. We'll be where you put us." Farr returned his attention to Lieutenant Weiss. The Land officers face had somehow managed to become even harder and more pale than it had been when he arrived. "Lieutenant," Fair said, "I regret that I will be unable to comply with Commander Eberdorfs request because it conflicts with my orders to aid the consular authorities to repatriate Santander citizens from Salini. As you've heard, I've taken measures to streamline the process. I'm afraid the loading will nonetheless continue until after nightfall." Weiss' eyes were filled with cold hatred. Farr suppressed a wry smile. His own feeling toward the Chosen officer were loathing, not hatred. "Until the process is complete, I must request that Land military forces treat Salini as an extension of the 170 S.M. Stirling if David Drake Republic of the Santander," Fair continued. With age had come the ability to sound calm when the world was very possibly coming apart. "I regret any inconvenience this causes Commander Eberdorf or her superiors. Do you have any questions?" "I have no questions of a man who doesn't know his duty to his country, Kommodore," Weiss said. "When I have questions about my duty, Lieutenant Weiss," Fair said in a voice that trembled only in his own mind, "it will not be a foreigner I ask for clarification." Weiss began to put on his oilskins methodically. His eyes were focused a thousand miles beyond the bulkhead toward which he stared. The freighter captains had been exchanging looks and whispers. Now Captain Cooley spat over the railing and said, "Commodore? The rest of us reckon we can figure out naval signals, too, until this business gets sorted out back home." He nodded toward die waterfront and added, "Only don't count on that lot being on board by nightfall. If we're not still at the dock at daybreak, then my mother's a virgin." The Land officer strode for the companionway without saluting or being dismissed. "Lieutenant Weiss?" Farr called. Weiss stopped and nodded curdy, but he didn't turn around. "Please inform your superior that if she's dead set on having a battle," Farr said, "we can offer her a better one than her colleagues appear to have found at Corona." Weiss trembled, then stepped down the companion-way. Farr had never felt so tired before in his life. "Commander Grisson," he said, "Signal the squadron, 'Clear for action.'" "This is the first time I've seen Corona, Jeffrey," Heinrich said "The regiment dropped north of town and THE CHOSEN 171 we never had occasion to work back." He chuckled. "Not such a tourist attraction as I'd been told." A tang of smoke still hung in the air ten weeks after Land forces overran the city. Work gangs had cleared the streets, using rubble from collapsed structures to fill bomb craters, out there'd been no attempt to rebuild. There was no need for reconstruction. Trie port city's surviving civilian population had been removed from what was now a military reservation closed to former citizens of the Empire. Corona was the node which connected the conquering armies to their logistics bases in the Land. Protege's from the Land performed all tasks. Labor here was too sensitive to be entrusted to slaves who hadn't been completely broken to the yoke. Convoys of vehicles were pouring up from die docks: steam trucks, Land military-issue mule wagons, and a medley of impressed Imperial civilian transport pulled by everydung from oxen to commandeered race horses. There was Uttie disorder; military police were out in force directing traffic, wands in their hands and polished metal brassards on chains around their necks. Troops marched by die side of the road, giving way to Heinrich and Jeffrey on their horses. The Chosen officer exchanged salutes with his counterparts as they passed, running a critical eye over die Protege" infantry. It wasn't the smoke that made Jeffrey Parr's nose wrinkle as he dismounted and handed die reins to die Prote"ge" groom who'd run at his stirrup from the remount corral at die edge of town. Nobody'd made an effort to find all the bodies in die wreckage eidier. Some of them must be liquescent by now. Well, he'd smelled plenty of other dead DC-dies in the past weeks. Humans weren't as bad as horses, and nothing was as bad as a ripe mule. "So," die Chosen colonel said with a grin, '1 hope our honored guest found his tour of our new territories to have been an interesting one?" "Radier a change from die round of embassy parties 172 S.M. Stirling 6 David Drake I expected when I was posted to Ciano, that's true, Heinrich," Jeffrey said. Part of him wanted to bolt for the gangplank of the City ofDubuk, the three-stack liner chartered by the Santander government to repatriate its citizens through Corona. There was no need to do that. Heinrich liked him. And, God help him, he liked Heinrich. The blond colonel epitomized the virtues the Land inculcated in its Chosen citizens: courage, steadfastness, self-reliance, and self-sacrifice. You don't have to hate them, lad, said Raj Whitehall in Jeffreys mind. Just crush them the way you would a scorpion. Though Jeffrey'd seen plenty to hate as well. Jeffrey lifted the rucksacks paired to either side of his saddlehorn and threw them over his left shoulder. He'd picked up his kit on the move. Clothing, mostly; all of it Land-issue. Life with Heinrich's fire brigade was dangerous enough without being mistaken for an Imperial infiltrator. He'd replace it on board if possible. Already late arrivals boarding the Dubtik were giving him hard looks. "Very luxurious, no doubt," Heinrich said, eyeing the liner critically. "Well, I don't begrudge you that I'm looking forward to a transient officers' hostel with clean sheets tonight myself. And a few someones to warm them with me, not so?" The City of Dubuk's whistle blew a two-note warning: a minute till the gangplank rose. Crewmen were already taking aboard lines preparatory to undocking. If Jeffrey had missed this ship, he would have had to take a freighter to the Land and there transship to Santander. At least for the present the Chosen had embargoed all regular trade between their newly conquered territories and the rest of Visager. a pity, that, said Center, but clandestine supply routes into die area will be sufficient to support our low-intensity guerrilla operations. THE CHOSEN 173 Jeffrey was very glad he was here to board the Dubttk. After the campaign he'd just watched, he didn't want to be around the Chosen any longer than necessary. "Thank you for your hospitality, Heinrich," he said. "And your help in getting me here in time to save a long swim home." Heinrich laughed and leaned from his saddle to clasp Jeffrey Chosen-fashion, forearm-to-forearm with hands gripping beneath one another's elbow. "An excuse to take my troops out of the field," he said as he straightened. "I'm not the only one who appreciates a little rest and recreation." The Dubuk's whistle blew its full three-note call. Heinrich kicked his horse forward so that its forehooves rested on the gangplank. The animal whickered nervously at the hollow sound. A sailor on the deck above shouted a curse. "Go then, my friend," Heinrich said. He smiled. "And tell the person who just spoke that if his tongue wags again, I will ride aboard and add it to my other trophies." Jeffrey started up before someone on shipboard said the wrong thing in trying to clear the gangplank. He knew Heinrich too well to take the threat as a joke. Nor would I count on the fact he likes you making much difference in the way Heinrich carries out his duties, lad, Raj said. Nor should it, of course. A middle-aged civilian and the Dubuk's purser waited for Jeffrey at the head of the ramp. Their grim expressions faded to guarded question when they viewed the diplomatic passport he offered them. Jeffrey tugged the sleeve of his Land uniform tunic. "I was in the wrong place when the fighting broke out," he said in a low voice. "If you can help me find the sort of clothes human beings wear, I'd be more than grateful." "Jeffrey, my friend?" Heinrich called as he let his nervous horse step back. A hydraulic winch immediately 174 S.M. Stirling 6- David Drake began to haul the gangplank aboard. "When you have rested, come visit me again. These animals wifi be providing sport for years, no matter what the Council says!" Jeffrey waved cheerfully, then moved away from the railing. If Heinrich could no longer see him, he was less likely to shout something that would put Jeffrey even more on the wrong side of an us-and-tiiem divide with everyone else aboard the City of Dubuk. "Needs must when the Devil drives," he murmured to the men beside him. "You're related to John Hosten, I believe, sir?" the civilian asked in a neutral voice. his name is beemer, Center said, he is deputy director of the ministry's research desk, though his cover is consular affairs. "John's my brother," Jeffrey said thankfully. "Stepbrother, really, but we're very close." Beemer nodded. "I'll see about replacing your clothes, sir," he said. To the purser he added, "Fenington? I only need one of the rooms in my suite. I suggest we put Captain Fair in the other one. I know hisbrother." The purser still looked puzzled, but he shrugged and said, "Certainly, Mr. Beemer. Captain Farr? That'll be Suite F on the Boat Deck. Would you like a steward to take your luggage there?" The City of Dubuk blew a deep blast. The pair of tugboats on the vessel's harbor side shrilled an answer. Their propellers churned water, taking up the slack in the hawsers binding them to the liner. Jeffrey hefted his saddlebags with a wan smile. "Thank you, I think I'll be able to manage on my own," he said. "If you gentlemen don't mind, I'll watch the undock-ing from the bow." "Of course," said Beemer equably. "I hope you'll have time during the trip to chat with me about your recent experiences." "Whatever you'd care to do, captain," the purser said. "So far as the crew of the City of Dubuk is concerned, THE CHOSEN 175 this is an ordinary commercial voyage. We're here to assist you." Jeffrey paused. "For a while there," he said, "I didn't think I'd ever see home alive." And that was the truth if he'd ever told it. He bowed to the two men and walked forward. The deck shivered with the vibration of the tugs' engines. Center? he asked. Did Dad think Eberdorf would attack the harbor while he was there? There was no chance of that, lad, Raj said. Commander Eberdorf spent the past three years at a desk in the navy ^8 central offices in Oathtaking. She's too politically savvy to start a second major war while the first one's going on. The City of Dubuk swayed as she came away from the dock. The lead tug signaled with three quick chirps. But did Dad know that? Jeffrey demanded. your father does not have access to the database that informs your decisions—and those of raj, Center replied after a pause that could only be deliberate, nor does he have my capacity for analysis available to him. he viewed the chance of combat as not greater than one in ten, and the risk of all-out war resulting from such combat as in the same order of probability. Jeffrey put his hand on the wooden railing. It had the sticky roughness of salt deposited since a deckhand had wiped it down this morning. Dad thought the risk was better than living with the alternative. At the time Jeffrey's link through Center had showed him the scene on the bridge of the McCormick City, his own eyes had been watching Heinrich and two aides torturing a twelve-year-old boy to learn where his father, the town's mayor, had concealed the arms from the police station. The ship swayed again, this time from the torque of her central propeller as she started ahead dead slow. 176 S.M. Stirling 6- David Drake / was so frightened . . . but I'd never have spoken to Dad again if he'd permitted a massacre like the ones I watched. I had men like your father serving under me, Raj said. They could only guess at the things Center would have known, but they still managed to act the way I'd have done. The City ofDubuk whistled again, long and raucously, as all three propellers began to cnurn water in the direction of home. I've always thought those people were the greatest good fortune of my career. Raj added. CHARTER EU.SVSN Gerta Hosten spat in the dry dust of the village street "Leutnant, just what the flk do you think you're doing?" she asked. "Setting the animals an example!" the young officer said. "An example of what—how to show courage and resistance?" she asked. The subject of their dispute hung head-down from a rope tied around his anHes and looped over a stout limb of the live oak that shaded the village well. He spat, too, in her direction, then returned to a cracked, tuneless rendition of "Imperial Glory," the former Empire's national anthem. Two hundred or so peasants ana artisans stood and watched behind a screen of Prote"g6 infantry; the town's gentry, priests, and other potential troublemakers had already been swept up. The packed villagers smelled of sweat and hatred, their eyes furtive except for a few with the courage to glare. The sun beat down, hot even by Land standards on this late-summer day, but dry enough to make her throat feel gritty. Gerta sighed, drew her Lauter automatic, jacked the slide, and fired one round into the hanging man's head from less than a meter distance. The flat elastic crack echoed back from the whitewashed stone houses surrounding the village square and from the church that dominated it. The civilians jerked back with a rippling murmur; the Prote'ge' troopers watched her with incurious ox-eyed calm. Blood and bone fragments and 177 178 S.M. Stirling 6- David Drake glistening bits of brain spattered across the feet of the Protege" who had been waiting with a barbed whip. He gaped in surprise, lifting one foot and then another in slow bewilderment. "Hauptman—" "Shut up." Gerta ejected the magazine, returned it to the pouch on her belt beside the holster, and snapped a fresh one into the well of the pistol. "Come." She put her hand on the lieutenant s shoulder and guided him aside a few steps, leaning toward him confidentially. Young as he was, she didn't think he mistook the smile on her face for an expression of friendliness; on the other hand, she was a full captain and attached to General Staff Intelligence, so he'd probably listen at least a little. "What exactly did you have planned?" she said. "Why . . . ammunition was found in the animal's dwelling. I was to execute him, shoot five others taken at random, and then burn the village." Gerta sighed again. "Leutnant, the logic of our communication with the animals is simple." She clenched one hand and held it before his nose. "It goes like this: 'Dog, here is my fist. Do what I want, or I will hit you with it.'" "Yo, Hauptman—" "Shut up. Now, there is an inherent limitation to this form of communication. You can only bum their houses down once—thereby reducing agricultural production in this vicinity by one hundred percent. You can only loll them once. Whereupon they cease to be potentially useful units of labor and become so much dead meat. . . and pork is much cheaper. Do you grasp my meaning, boy?" "Nein, Hauptman." This time Gerta repressed the sigh. "Terror is an effective tool of control, but only if it is applied selectively. There is nothing in the universe more dangerous than someone with nothing to lose. If you flog a man to death for having two shotgun shells— THE CHOSEN 179 loaded with birdshot, he probably simply forgot them— then what incentive is left to prevent them from active resistance?" "Oh." The junior officer looked as if he was thinking, which was profoundly reassuring. No Chosen was actually stupid; the Test of Life screened out low IQs quite thoroughly, and had for many generations. That didn't mean mat Chosen couldn't be willfully stupid, though— over-rigid, ossified. "So. You must apply a graduated scale of punishment Remember, we are not here to exterminate these animals, tempting though the prospect is." Gerta looked over at the villagers. It was extremely tempting, the thought of simply herding them all into the church and setting it on fire. Perhaps that would be the best policy: just kill off the Empire's population and fill up the waste space with the natural increase of die Land's Proteges. But no. Behfel ist behfel. That would be far too slow, no telling what the other powers would get up to in the meantime. Besides, it was the destiny of the Chosen to rule all the rest of humankind; first here on Visager, ultimately throughout the universe, for all time. Genocide would be a confession of failure, in that sense. "No doubt the ancestors of our Protege's were just as unruly," the infantry lieutenant said thoughtfully. "However, we domesticated them quite successfully." "Indeed" Although we had three centuries of isolation Jbrthat, and even so I sometimes have my doubts. "Carry on, then." "What would you suggest, Hauptmann?" Gerta blinked against the harsh sunlight. "Have you been in garrison here long?" "Just arrived—the area was lighdy swept six months ago, but nobody's been here since." She nodded; the Empire was so damned big, after the strait confines of the Land. Maps just didn't convey the reatery of it, not the way marching or flying across it did. 180 S.M. Stirling 6- David Drake THE CHOSEN 181 "Well, then ... let your troopers make a selection of the females and have a few hours recreation. Have the rest of the herd watch. From reports, this is an effective punishment of intermediate severity." "It is?" The lieutenant's brows rose in puzzlement. "Animal psychology," Gerta said, drawing herself up and saluting. "Jawohl. Zwm behfel, Hauptman. I will see to it." Gerta watched him stride off and then vaulted into her waiting steanicar, one hand on the rollbar. "West," she said to the driver. The long dusty road stretched out before her, monotonous with rolling hills. Fields of wheat and barley and maize—the corn was tasseling out, the small grains long cut to stubble—and pasture, with every so often a woodlot or orchard, every so often a white-walled village beside a small stream. Dust began to plume up as the driver let out the throttle, and she pulled her neckerchief up over her nose and mouth. The car was coated with the dust and smelled of the peppery-earthy stuff, along with the strong horse-sweat odor of the two Prot£g6 riflemen she had along for escort. Wealth, I suppose, she thought, looking at the countryside she was surveying for her preliminary report. Warm and fertile and sufficiently well-watered, without the Land's problems of leached soil and erosion and tropical insects and blights. Room for the Chosen to grow. "We're in the situation of the python that swallowed the pig," she muttered to herself. "Just a matter of time, but uncomfortable in the interval." That was the optimistic interpretation. Sometimes she thought it was more like the flies who'd conquered the flypaper. "Mama!" Young Maurice Hosten stumped across the grass of the lawn on uncertain eighteen-month legs. Pia Hosten e waited, crouching and smiling, the long gauzy white skirts spread about her, and a floppy, flower-crowned hat held down with one hand. "Mama!" Pia scooped the child up, laughing. John smiled and turned away, back toward the view over the terrace and gardens. Beyond the fence was what had been a sheep pasture, when this house near Ensburg was the headquarters for a ranch. Ensburg had grown since the Civil War, grown into a manufacturing city of half a million souls; most of the ranch had been split up into market gardens and dairy farms as the outskirts approached, and the old manor had become an industrialist's weekend retreat. It still was, the main change being that the owner was John Hosten . . . and that he used it for more than recreation. "Come on, everybody," he said. The party picked up their drinks and walked down toward the fence. It was a mild spring afternoon, just warm enough for shirtsleeves but not enough to make the tailcoats and cravats some of the guests wore uncomfortable. They found places along the white-painted boards, in clumps and groups between the beech trees planted along it. Out in the close-cropped meadow stood a contraption built of wire and canvas and wood, two wings and a canard ahead of them, all resting on a tricycle undercarriage of spoked wheels. A man sat between the wings, his hands and feet on the controls, while two more stood behind on the ground with their hands on the pusher-prop attached to the little radial engine. "For your sake I hope this works, son," Maurice Fan-said sotto voce, as he came up beside John. He took a sip at his wine seltzer and smoothed back his graying mustache with his forefinger. "You don't think this is actually the first trial, do you, Dad?" John said with a quiet smile. The ex-commodore—he had an admiral's stars and anchors on his epaulets now—laughed and slapped John 182 S.M. Stirling ir David Drake on the shoulder. "I'm no longer puzzled at how you became that rich that quickly," he said. If you only knew, Dad, John thought. wind currents are now optimum, Center hinted. "Go!" John called. "Contact!" Jeffrey said from the pilots seat, lowering the goggles from the brow of his leather helmet to his eyes. The long silk scarf around his neck fluttered in die breeze. The two workers spun the prop. The engine cracked, sputtered, and settled to a buzzing roar. Prop-wash fluttered the clothes of the spectators, and a few of the ladies lost their hats. Men leaped after them, and everyone shaded their eyes against flung grit. Jeffrey shouted again, inaudible at this distance over the noise of the engine, and the two helpers pulled blocks from in front of the undercarriage wheels. The little craft began to accelerate into the wind, slowly at first, with the two men holding on to each wing and trotting alongside, then spurting ahead as they released it. The wheels flexed and bounced over slight irregularities in the ground, Despite everything, John found himself holding his breath as they hit one last bump and stayed up ... six inches over the turf . . . eight . . . five feet and rising. He let the breath out with a sigh. The plane soared, banking slowly and gracefully and climbing in a wide spiral until it was five hundred feet over the crowd. Voices and arms were raised, a murmured ahhhh. The two men who'd assisted at the takeoff came over to the fence. John blinked away the vision overlaid on his own of the earth opening out below and people and buildings dwindling to doll-size. "Father, Edgar and William Wong, the inventors," he said. "Fellows, my father—Admiral Farr." "Sir," Edgar said, as they shook his hand. "Your son's far too land. Hah0 the ideas were his, at least, as well as all the money." His brother shook his head. "We'd still be fiddling THE CHOSEN 183 around with warping the wing for control if John hadn't suggested moveable ailerons," he said. "And gotten a better chord ratio on the wings. He's quite a head for math, sir." Maurice Farr smiled acknowledgment without taking his eyes from where his son flew above their heads. The steady droning of the engine buzzed down, like a giant bee. "It works," he said softly. "Well, well." "Damned toy," a new voice said. John turned with a diplomatic bow. General McWriter probably wouldn't have come except for John's wealth and political influence. He stared at the machine and tugged at a white walrus mustache that cut across the boiled-lobster complexion ... or that might be the tight collar of his brown uniform tunic. "Damned toy," he said again. "Another thing for the bloody politicians"—there were ladies present, and you could hear die slight hesitation before the mild expletive as the general remembered it—"to waste money on, when we need every penny for real weapons." "The Chosen found aerial reconnaissance extremely useful in the Empire," he said mildly, turning the uniform cap in his fingers. McWriter grunted. "Perhaps. According to young Farr's reports." "According to aft reports, General. Including those of my own service, and the Ministry." The general's grunt showed what he thought of reports from sailors, or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' Research Bureau. 'They used dirigibles, you'll note," McWriter said, turning to John. "What's the range and speed? How reliable is it?" "Eighty miles an hour, sir," John said with soft politeness. "Range is about an hour, so far. Engine time to failure is about three hours, give or take." The general's face went even more purple. "Then what 184 S.Af. Stirling if David Drake bloody f. . . bloody use is it?" he said, nodding abruptly to the admiral and walking away calling for his aide-decamp. "What use is a baby?" John said. "You're sure it can be improved?" the elder Farr said. "As sure as if I had a vision from God"—or Center— "about it," John said. "Within a decade, they're going to be flying ten times as far and three times as fast, I'D stake everything I own on it." "I hope so," Fair said. "Because we are going to need it, very badly. The navy most of all." "You think so, Admiral?" another man said. Farr started slightly; he hadn't seen the civilian in the brown tailcoat come up. "Senator Beemody," he said cautiously. The politician-financier nodded affably. "Admiral. Good to see you again." He held out a hand. "No hard feelings, eh?" Farr returned the gesture. "Not on my side, sir." "Well, you're not die one who lost half a million," Beemody said genially. He was a slight dapper man, his mustache trimmed to a black thread over his upper lip. "On the other hand, Jesus Christ with an order from the President couldn't have saved those warehouses, from my skipper's reports . . . and you're quite the golden boy these days, after facing down that Chosen bitch at Satini. "We can offer her a better one than her colleagues appear to have found at Corona,'" he quoted with relish. The senator's grin was disarming. "What with one thing and another, grudges would be pretty futile. And I have no time for unproductive gestures, Admiral. You think we'll need these?" "Damned right we will. Knowing your enemy's location is half the battle in naval warfare. Knowing where he is while he doesn't know where you are is the other half. We've relied on fast cruisers and torpedo-boat destroyers to scout and screen for us, but the Chosen dirigibles are four times faster than the fastest hulls afloat. Plus THE CHOSEN 185 they can scout from several thousand feet. We need an equivalent and we need it very badly, or we'll be defeated at sea in the event of war." "Which some think is inevitable," Beemody said thoughtfully. "I'm not entirely sure—but the news out of the Empire certainly seems to support the hypothesis. Admiral. John." "People can surprise you," Farr said reflectively as the senator moved through the crowd, shaking hands and dropping smiles. "Beemody knows when to jump on a bandwagon," John said. "And he's big in steel mills, heavy engineering—a naval buildup will be like a license to print money, to him. And he's no fool; I've done enough business with him to know that." "Darling," Pia's voice broke in. She hugged his arm; the nursemaid was behind her with the child. "Fadier." Her eyes went up to the aircraft that was circling downward above them. "I would love to do that someday." John put an arm around her shoulders. "Maybe in a few years," he said. "Here comes Jeffrey." The plane ghosted down, seemed to float for an instant, then touched with a lurching sway. The Wong brothers ran out to grip the wingtips and keep its head into the wind; other workers brought cords and tarpaulins to stake it down. Jeffrey Farr swung down from the controls, pulling off his helmet and waving to the cheers of the crowd. He vaulted the fence easily with one hand on a post, then walked towards his father and stepbrother. One arm was around the waist of a Eretty dark girl who clung and looked up at him, lughing. "I see you've already found a way to profit from the glamour of flight, Jeff," John said, bending over her hand. "Too late," Jeffrey replied. "Meant to tell you, you're going to be best man." John looked up quickly, to find Pia laughing at him. 186 S.M. Stirling 6- David Drake "Some things even the wife of your bosom doesn't tell you," he said resignedly. And I told Center not to tell you, either, Raj said. There was a smile in the disembodied voice. "Well, I haven't told Mother yet, either," Jeffrey said There are limits to even my courage." "I'm sure your mother will be delighted," the elder Farr said, bending over Lola's hand in his turn. "But not surprised, after the last year. The Empire has conquered both her sons, it seems." Pia's face went rigid for an instant, and then she forced gaiety back to it. "A fall wedding, perhaps?" Jeffrey nodded. "And John won't escape mine— although I should bar him from the church, the way he got hitched without me there, the inconsiderate bastard." John chuclded. Tm sure you could see it as vividly as if you'd really been there," he said dryly. "How does she fly?" "Too businesslike, that's your problem." Jeffrey shrugged. "Sweet, for a machine that underpowered. Very maneuverable, now that the movement of the flaps is extended. The canard keeps the stalling speed low, but I think it'll have to go when you move to an enclosed cockpit; the eddy currents around it close to the ground are tricky. Apart from that, she needs a better engine and something to cut the wind." "And you must make a speech about it," Pia said, putting her hand through John's elbow. "Damn," he muttered, looking at the assembly. About fifty people. Important people, high-ranking military officers, industrialists, reporters for the major papers and wire services, politicians on the military committees. "It is part of your job," Pia said relentlessly. John sighed and straightened his lapels. Nobody had ever said the job would be agreeable. THE CHOSEN 187 "So much for reports that it could not be done," Karl Hosten said, looking down at the summaries. Gerta Hosten closed her own file folder with a snap. "Well, sir, it was scarcely a secret that powered heavier-than-air flight was possible. We are here, and not on ancient Terra, after all." "But our ancestors did not arrive in winged vehicles with propellers," the Chosen general said with a sigh. Gerta looked up with concern. There was more white than gray in her foster-father's face now, and his face looked tired even at ten in the morning. Duty is duty, she reminded herself. Not all the work of conquest was done out on the battlefield. She was back in Corpenik for a while herself. There wasn't much in the way of fighting left in the Empire— former Empire, now the New Territories—for one thing, and for another she was pregnant again, enough months along to rate desk duty for a while. The whitewashed office in the General Staff HQ building was on the third floor; she could see out over the courtyard wall from here, to a vast construction site where gangs of slave labor from the New Territories dug at the red volcanic earth of the central plateau, filling the warm damp air with the scent of mud. Some office building, she supposed; bureaucrats were a growth industry these days. The Land's government had always been tightly centralized and omnicompetent, and there was a lot more for ft to do. Or it might be factories. A lot of those were going up, too. She looked down at the folder. "According to John's report, the Santies are going to push these heavier-than-air craft mainly because their experiments with dirigibles have been such a disaster." General Hosten nodded and pushed a ringer at a photograph. It was a grainy newspaper print, showing the ghost outline of a wrecked and burned airship strewn across a bare grassy hillside with mountains in the distance. 188 S.M. Stirling b David Drake "I am not surprised. Success or failure in airship design is mostly a matter of details, and an infinite capacity for taking pains is our great strength." Whereas our great weakness is obsession with details at the expense of the larger picture, Gerta thought, silently. There were things you didn't say to a General Staff panjandrum, even if he was your father. "Still, we'll have to follow suit," Gerta said "Dirigibles are potentially very vulnerable to aircraft of this type, and they could be very useful in themselves." Karl nodded thoughtfully, running a finger along his heavy jawline. "I wilt raise the matter in the next staff meeting," he said. "The Air Council must be informed, of course." Looking down at the folder: "Johan has done good service here." He was frowning, nonetheless. Gerta noted the expression and looked quickly away. Not completely comfortable with it, she thought. Didn't expect Johnny ever to be false to a cause, even for the Chosen. She agreed, for completely different reasons, but again, it wasn't the time to mention it. "Sir, the next item is the Far Western Islands appropriation." Karl nodded and opened the file. "It seems clearcut," he said. "The islands have a climate that is, if anything, more difficult than the Land; the distance is extreme"— over eight thousand miles—"and the value of the minerals barely more than the cost of extraction." Gerta licked her lips. "Sir, with respect, I would strongly advise against abandoning the base there at present." Karls eyebrows rose. "Why? It scarcely seems cost-effective, now that the Empire is ours.'* "Sir, the Empire is poor in minerals, particularly energy sources. Our processing industries here in the Lanowifl be expanding dramatically and the petroleum in the Islands may come in very useful. Besides, I just don't like giving up territory we've spent lives in taking." THE CHOSEN 189 He nodded slowly. "Perhaps. I will take the matter under advisement. Next, we the report on our agents in the Union del Est." He smiled bleaWy. "Trie Republic of Santander is not the only party who can play the game of stirring up trouble on the borders." "Fuck it!" Jeffrey Farr swore into the sudden ringing silence within the tank. The only sound was a dying clatter as something beat itself into oblivion against something equally metallic and unyielding. He pushed up the greasy goggles and stuck his head out of the top deck. Black oily smoke was pouring up out of the grillwork over the rear deck; luckily there was a stiff breeze from the east, carrying most of it away. The rest of the four-man crew bailed out with a haste bred of several months experience with Dirty Gerty and her foibles, standing at a respectful distance with their football-style leather helmets in their hands. Jeffrey climbed down himself, conscious that he was thirty-one years old, not the late teens of the other crewmen. Not that he wasn't as agile, it just hurt a little more; and he was tired, mortally tired. "Filter again?" said the head mechanic of Pokips Motors, the civilian contractors. "I think," Jeffrey replied, spitting the smell of burning gasoline and lubricating oil out of his mouth and taking a swig from the canteen someone offered. "Then that tore a fuel line or broke the oil reservoir." The military reservation they were using was on the southern edge of the Santander River valley, two hundred miles west of the capital. A stretch of flatland, then some tree-covered loess hills leading down to the floodplain, ten thousand acres or so. A holdover from days before land prices rose so high; this was prime corn-and-hog country—cattle, too—aU around. Most of this section was now torn up by the jointed-metal tracks of 190 S.M. Stirling b Daoid Drake Gerty and her kindred, and by the huge wheels of the steam traction engines that winched them home when they broke, down, which was incessantly. Gerty was the latest model a riveted steel box on tracks, about twenty feet long and eight wide, with a stationary round pillbox on top meant to represent a turret. The engineers were still working on the turret ring and traversing mechanism, and hopefully close to finishing them. Th' prollem is," the mechanic said, "yer overstrainin' the engines somethin' fierce. Got enough horsepower, right enough—two seventy-five-horsepower saloon-car engines, right enough. But the torque load's more'n they wuz designed to stand." "Well, we'll have to redesign them, won't we?" Jeffrey kept his voice neutral. The man was trying his best to do his job; it wasn't his fault that engineering talent was so much thinner on the ground here in the western provinces of Santander. It was yeoman-and-squire country here, and always had been. Outside the eastern uplands, manufacturing was mostly limited to the port cities and focused on maritime trade and textiles. The problem was that this was prime tank country; the provincial militias here were actually interested in the prospect of armored warfare. Nobody but a few dinosaurs like General McWriter thought much of the prospects of horsed cavalry anymore, not after what had happened in the Empire. Jeffrey felt his skin roughen. The machine guns flickered in his mind, and tie long rows of horsemen collapsed in kicking, screaming chaos . . . "Transmission," he said. "We need a more robust transmission.'' "What've yer got in mind?" Jeffrey pulled out a diagram. "Friction plate," he said. "It's not elegant, but I think it won't keep breaking like this chain drive setup. like you say, these tanks just have too much inertia for a system designed for three-ton touring cars." THE CHOSEN 191 "Hmmmm." The mechanic studied the diagram. "Interestm'." He looked up at Gerty. A couple of his men had gotten the engine grille up and were spraying water on the flames flickering there. "How'd them Chosen bastids keep theirs going?" he asked. "Heavier'n this, I hears." "They use steam engines and mostly they don't keep going," Jeffrey said. "We need something reliable enough to do exploitation as well as breakthrough." The mechanic looked down at the diagram again. "Need some fancy machinin' fer this." "Hosten Engineering can do you up a model, and jigs," Jeffrey said. "They've got the plans." John Hosten leaned back in the chair and sipped his lemonade. Oathtaking was hot, as usual, and sticky-humid, as usual, and toe air was thick with coal smoke. The hotel was dose by the docks; they'd extended hugely since his last visit, new berths extending further into what had been coastal forest reserve and farmland. In fact, he could see one freighter unloading now from this fourth-floor veranda. It was a smallish ship of fifteen hundred tons, swinging sacks of grain ashore with its own booms and steam winches. As he watched the net fell the last four feet to the granite paving blocks of the wharf. Half the bottom layer split, spraying wheat across the stone and into the harbor. Screams and curses rang faintly as the cable paid out limply on top of the heap. Stevedores scurried about, overseers lashing with then-rubber truncheons. Eventually a line formed, trotting off with the undamaged sacks on their backs. Others started sweeping up the remainder with brooms and dumping it in a collection of boxes and barrels. God, I'm glad I don't have to eat that, he thought silently. In mis heat and humidity, they'd be lucky not to get ergot all over it. He nodded towards the dock "You'd get less spoilage 192 S.M. Stirling 6- David Drake if you moved to bulk-handling facilities," he said mildly. "Elevators, screw-tube systems, that sort of thing." Gerta Hosten raised her eyes from the diagrams before her. "We're not short of labor," she said, with a smile that didn't reach the cold, dark eyes. Meaning they are short of the type of labor that bulk transport would needy Raj said thoughtfully. An image drew itself at the back of John's consciousness: short, dark-skinned men with iron collars around their necks loading a train—an unbelievably primitive train, with an engine like something out of a museum, an open platform and a tall, thin smokestack topped with sheet-metal petals. Each staggered sweating under a bundle of dried fish secured in netting, heaving it painfully onto tihe flatcars. Other men watched them, soldiers with single-shot rifles mounted on giant dogs. Occasionally a dog would snap its great jaws with a door-slamming sound and the laborers would shuffle a little faster. Who needs wheelbarrows when you've got enough slaves? Raj said with ironic distaste. We got over that, eventually. Thanks to Center. and to you, raj Whitehall, Center replied. John reached into the inner pocket of his light cotton jacket and took out his cigarette case. From what he'd described, the centralized god-king autocracy Raj Whitehall had been born into had been almost as nasty as the Chosen—more desirable only because Center and Raj could put their own man on the throne and use that as the fulcrum to move society off dead center. There -seem to be more wrong paths than right, he thought. correct, high-coercion societies locked in stasis alternating with barbarism are the maximum probability for postneolithic humanity, Center observed dispassionately, the original breakthrough to modernity on earth was the result of multiple low-probability historical accidents, observe— Later we may have time for lectures., Raj observed. Meanwhile., John has a job of work to do. THE CHOSEN 193 Gerta looked up again, stacking the reports neatly on the hotel room's table, and took a long drink of water. "This . . . Whippet?" "It's a type of racing clog," John said helpfully. "This Whippet looks like a very useful panzer, if you ... if the Santies can get it working," she observed. 'True enough," John said. 'There's a lot of controversy. The western provinces are pushing it, but the easterners want more effort to go into aircraft. And they have most of the internal-combustion manufacturing capacity." "Yes, I read the speech of this . . . Senator Darman? The representative from Ensburg, in any case—you thoughtfully supplied it with the latest reports. 'I put my faith in our mountains'; a very colorful phrase." Her strong, calloused fingers turned the sheaf of papers over. "Now, this, this Land-Cruiser, it's going to give the Army Council's engineers hives." The blueprints on the table showed a massive boxy machine, mounting a six-inch gun on its centerline, a two-inch quick-firer in a turret above, and six machine-guns in sponsons on either side. "What a monstrosity," she went on. "If the Santies are having trouble making the Whippet go, how do they expect this . . . this thing to move?" John leaned forward. A lot of work, mostly Center's, had gone into the Land-Cruiser. It was no easy task to design something beyond Visager's current technological level, but just beyond, close enough that competent engineers would be kept busy on the tantalizing quest for this particular Holy Grail. Disinformation was much more than simple lying. "Each bogie has its own engine," he pointed out. The huge machine rested on four bogies on either side, each riding on a pivot with bell-crank springs. "See, there's a drive train run through this flexible shaft coupling, and then through meshed gears to the toothed sprocket here between the load-bearing wheels." "Porschmidt will love this. Unfortunately." 194 S.M. Stirling hours straight—and he was tired. What he wanted, .though, was reconnaissance. 254 S.Af. Stirling 6- David Drake As always, the view through his brother's eyes was a little disconcerting, even after nearly twenty years of practice. The colors were all a little off, from the difference in perceptions. And the way the view moved under someone else's control was difficult, too. Your own kept trying to linger, or to focus on something different. At least most of the time. Right now they both had their eyes glued to the view of the dirigible through the binoculars John was holding. A few sprays of pine bough hid a little of it, but the rest was all too plain. Hundreds of soldiers in Union Legion khaki were dinging to ropes that ran to loops along its lower sides, holding it a few yards from the stretch of country road ten miles west of Bassin du Sud. It hobbled and jerked against their hold; he could see the valves on the top centerline opening and closing as it vented hydrogen. The men leaping out of the cargo doors were not in khaki. They wore the long striped and hooded kaftans of Errife warriors. Over each robe was Unionaise standard field harness and pack with canteen, entrenching tool, bayonet and cartridge pouches, but the barbarian mercenaries also tucked the sheaths of their long curved knives through the waistbelts. John swung the glasses to catch a grinning brown hawk-face as one stumbled on landing and picked himself up. The Errife were happy; their officers had given them orders to do something they'd longed to do for generations: invade the mainland, slaughter the faranj, kill, rape, and-loot. How many? Jeffrey asked. / think tfiey've landed at least three thousand since dawn, maybe Jive. Hard to tell, they were deploying a perimeter by the time I got here. Jeffrey thought for a moment. What chance of getting the Unionaise in Bassin du Sud to mount a counterattack on the landing zone? Somewhere between zip and fucking none, John THE CHOSEN 255 thought; the overtones of bitterness came through well in the mental link, they all took two days off to party when the forts in the city surrendered. Plus having a celebratory massacre of anyone they could even imagine having supported the coup. Don't worry, Jeffrey said. // Libert's men take the town, there'U be a slaughter to make that look like a Staff College bun fight. What chance do you have of getting the locals to hold them outside the port? Somewhere between . . . no, that's not fair. We've finally gotten the ship unloaded, and there's bad terrain between here and there. Maybe we can make them break their teeth. Slow them down, Jeffrey said. / need time, brother. Buy me time. He opened his eyes. The space around the map table was crowded and stinging blue with the smoke of the vile tobacco Unionaise preferred. Some of the people there were Unionaise military, both the red armbands on their sleeves and the rank tabs on their collars new. Their predecessors were being tumbled into mass graves outside Unionvil's suburbs even now. The rest were politicians of various types; there were even a few women. About the only thing everyone had in common was the suspicion with which they looked at each other, and a tendency to shout and wave their fists. "Gentlemen," he said. A bit more sharply: "Gentlemen!" Relative silence fell, and the eyes swung to him. Christ, he thought. I'm a goddamned foreigner, j»r God's sake. That's the point, lad. You're outside their faction*, or most of mem. Use it. "Gentlemen, the situation is grave. We have defeated the uprising here in Unionvil, Borreaux, and Nanes." His ringer traced from the northwestern coast to the high plateau of the central Union and the provinces to the east along the Santander border. 256 S.M. Sttrfing 6 David Drake "But the rebels hold Islvert, Sanmere, Marsai on the southeast coast, and are landing troops from Errife near Bassin du Sud." "Are you sure?" His little friend Vincen Deshambres had ended up as a senior member of the Emergency Committee of Public Safety, which wasn't surprising at all "Citizen Comrade Deshambres, I'm dead certain. Troops of the Legion and Errife regulars are being shuttled across from Errif by Land dirigibles. Over ten thousand are ashore now, and they'll have the equivalent of two divisions by the end of the week." The shouting started again; this time it was Vincen who quieted it. "Go on, General Farr." Colonel, Jeffrey thought; but then, Vincen was probably trying to impress the rest of the people around the table. He knew the politics better. "We hold the center of the country. The enemy hold a block in the northeast and portions of the south coast They also hold an excellent port, Marsai, situated in a stretch of country that's strongly clerical and antigovern-ment, yet instead of shipping their troops from Errif to Marsai, the rebel generals are bringing them in by auto Bassin du Sud. That indicates—" He traced a line north from Bassin du Sud. There was a railway, and what passed in the Union for a main road, up from the coastal plain and through the Monts du Diable to the central plateau. "Name of a dog," Vincen said "An attack on the capital?" "It's the logical move," Jeffery said. "They've got Libert, who's a competent tactician and a better man competent organizer—" "A traitor swine!" someone burst out. The anarchist . . . well, not really leader, but something close. De Villers, that was his name. Jeffrey held up a hand. "I'm describing his abilities, not his morals," he said. "As I said, they've got Libert, THE CHOSEN 257 Land help with supplies and transport, and thirty to forty thousand first-rate, well-equipped troops in formed units. Which is more than anyone else has at the moment." There were glum looks. The Unionaise regular army had never been large, the government's purge-by-retirement policy had deprived it of most of its senior officers, and most of the remainder had gone over to the rebels in the week since the uprising started. The army as a whole had shattered like a day crock heated too high. "What can we do?" Vincen asked. "Stop them." Jeffrey's finger stabbed down on the rough country north of Bassin du Sud. "Get everything we can out here and stop them. If we can keep their pockets from linking up, we buy time to organize. With time, we can win. But we have to stop Libert from linking up with the rebel pocket around Islvert." "An excellent analysis," Vincen said. "I'm sure the Committee of Public Safety will agree." That produced more nervous glances. The Committee was more selective than the mobs who'd been running down rebels, rebel sympathizers, and anyone else they didn't like. But not much. De Viflers glared at him, mouth working like a hound that had just had its bone snatched away. "And I'm sure there's only one man to take charge of such a vital task." Everyone looked at Jeffrey. Oh, shit, he thought. "What now, mercenary?" De Villers asked, coming up to the staff car and climbing onto the running board. "Volunteer," Jeffrey said, standing up in the open-topped car. It was obvious now why the train was held up. A solid flow of men, carts, mules, and the odd motor vehicle had been moving south down the double-lane gravel road. Yow certainly couldn't call it a march, he thought. Annies moved with wheeled transport in the center and infantry marching on either verge in column. This bunch 258 S.M. Stirling b- David Drake sprawled and bunched and straggled, leaving the road to squat behind a bush, to drink water out of ditches— which meant they'd have an epidemic of dysentery within a couple of days—to take a snooze under a tree, to steal chickens and pick half-ripe cherries from die orchards that covered many of the hills. . . . That wasn't the worst of it, nor the fact that every third village they passed was empty, meaning that the villagers had decided they liked the priest and squire better than the local travaitteur or anarchist school-teacher or cobbler-organizer. Those villages had the school burnt rather than the church, and the people were undoubtedly hiding in the hills getting ready to ambush the government supply lines, such as they were. What was really bad was the solid column of refugees pouring north up the road and tying everything up in an inextricable femde. Only die pressure from both sides kept up as those behind tried to push through, so the whole thing was bulging the way two hoses would if you joined diem together and pumped in water from both ends. And they'd blocked die train, which held his artillery and supplies, and the men on the train were starting to get off and mingle with the shouting, milling, pushing crowd as well. A haze of reddish-yellow dust hung over the crossroads village, mingling with the stink of coal smoke, unwashed humanity, and human and animal wastes. "We've got to get some order here," Jeffrey muttered The anarchist political officer looked at him sharply. True order emerges spontaneously from the people, not from an authoritarian hierarchy which crushes their spirit!" De Villers began heatedly. "The only thing emerging spontaneously from this bunch is shit and noise," Jeffrey said, leaving the man staring at him open-mouthed. Not used to being cut off in midspeech. "Brigadier Gerard," Jeffrey went on, to the Union-aise Loyalist officer in the car. "If you would come with me for a moment?" THE CHOSEN 259 Gerard stepped out of the car. The anarchist made to foflow, but stopped at a look from Jeffrey. They walked a few paces into the crowd, more than enough for the ambient sound to make their voices indaudible. "Brigadier Gerard," Jeffrey began. "That's Citizen Comrade Brigadier Gerard," the officer said deadpan. He was a short man, broad-shouldered and muscular, with a horseman's walk—light cavalry, originally, Jeffrey remembered. About thirty-five or a little more, a few gray hairs in his neatly trimmed mustache, a wary look in his brown eyes. "Horseshit. Look, Gerard, you should have this job. You're the senior Loyalist officer here." "But they do not trust me," Gerard said. "No, they don't. Better than half the professional officers went over to the rebels, I was available, and they do trust me ... a little. So I'm stuck with it. The question is, are you going to help me do what we were sent to do, or not? I'm going to do my job, whether you help or not. But if you don't, it goes from being nearly impossible to completely impossible. If I get Tolled, I'd like it to be in aid of something." Gerard stared at him impassively for a moment, then inclined his head slightly. "Bon," he said, holding out his hand. "Because appearances to the contrary, mon ami"—he indicated the milling mob around them—"this is the better side." Jeffrey returned the handshake and took a map out of the case hanging from his webbing belt. "All right, here's what I want done," he said. "First, I'm going to leave you the Assault Guards—" "You're putting me in command here?" Gerard said, surprised. "You're now my chief of staff, and yes, you'll com-mand this position, for what it's worth. The Assault i- Guards are organized, at least, and they're used to keeping civilians in line. Use them to clear the roads. Offload the artillery and send the train back north for more of 260 S.M. Stirling 6- David Drake everything. Meanwhile, use your . . . well, troops, I suppose ... to dig in here." He waved to either side. The narrow valley wound through a region of tumbled low hills, mostly covered in olive orchards. On either side reached sheer fault mountains, with near-vertical sides covered in scrub at the lower altitudes, cork-oak, and then pine forest higjier up. "Don't neglect the high ground. The Errife are half mountain goat themselves, and Libert knows how to use them." "And what will you do, Citiz—General Fair?" "I'm going to take . . . what's his name?" He jerked a thumb towards the car. "Antoine De Villers." "Citizen Comrade De Villers and his anarchist militia down die valley and buy you the time you need to dig in." Gerard stared, then slowly drew himself up and saluted. "I can use all the time you can find," he said sincerely. Jeffrey smiled bleakly. "That's usually the case," he said. "Oh, and while you're at it—start preparing fallback positions up the valley as well." Gerard nodded. De Villers finally vaulted out of the car and strode over to them, hitching at the rifle on his shoulder, his eyes darting from one soldier to the other. "What are you gentlemen discussing?" he said. "Gentleman" was not a compliment in the government-held zone, not anymore. In some places it was a sentence of death. "How to stop Libert," Jeffrey said. 'The main force will entrench here. Your militia brigade, Citizen Comrade De Villers, will move forward to"—he looked at the map—"Vincennes." De Villers' eyes narrowed. "You'll send us ahead as the sacrificial lambs?" "No, I'll lead you ahead," Jeffrey said, meeting his gaze THE CHOSEN 261 steadily. The Committee of Public Safety has given me the command, and I lead from the front. Any questions?" After a moment, De Villers shook his head. "Then go see that your men have three days rations; there's hardtack and jerked beef on the last cars of that train. Then we'll get them moving south." When De Villers had left, Gerard leaned a little closer. "My friend, I admire your choice . . . but there are unlikely to be many survivors from the anarchists." He flinched a litde at Jeffrey's smile. Tin fully aware of that, Brigadier Gerard. My strategy is intended to improve die governments chances in this war, after all." "So." General Libert walked around the aircraft, hands clenched behind his back. It was a biplane, a wood-framed oval fuselage covered in doped fabric, with similar wings joined by wires and struts. The Land sunburst had been hastily painted over on the wings and showed faintly through the overlay, which was the double-headed ax symbol of Libert's Nationalists. A single engine at the front drove a two-bladed wooden prop, and there was a light machine gun mounted on the upper wing over the cockpit. It smelled strongly of gasoline and the castor oil lubricant that shone on the cylinders of the little rotary engine where they protruded through the foreward body. Two more like it stood nearby, swarming with technicians as the Chosen "volunteers" gave their equipment a final going-over. "So," Libert said again. "What is the advantage over your airships?" Gerta Hosten paused in working on her gloves. She was sweating heavily in the summer heat, her glazed leather jacket and trousers far too warm for the sea-level summer heat. Soon she'd be out of it. "General, it's a smaller target—and much faster, about a hundred and forty miles an hour. Also more 262 S.M. Stirling 6- David Drake THE CHOSEN 263 maneuverable; one of these can skim along at treetop level. Both have their uses." **I see," Libert said thoughtfully. "Very useful for reconnaissance, if they function as specified." "Oh, they will," Gerta said cheerfully. The Unionaise general gave her a curt nod and strode away. She vaulted onto the lower wing and then into the cockpit, fastening the straps across her chest and checking that the goggles pushed up on her leather helmet were clean. Two Prote'ge' crewmen gripped the propeller. She checkecl the simple control pane£ fighting down an un-Chosen gleeful grin, and worked the pedals and stick to give a final visual on the ailerons and rudder / love these things, she thought. One good mark on John's ledger; he'd delivered the plans on request. And the Technical Research Council had improved them considerably. "Check!" she shouted. "Check!" "Contact!" "Contact!" The Proteges spun the prop. The engine coughed, sputtered, spat acrid blue smoke, then caught with a droning roar. Gerta looked up at the wind streamer on Its pole at a corner of the field and made hand signals to the ground crew. They turned the aircraft into die wind; she looked behind to check that the other two were ready. Then she swung her left hand in a circle over her head, while her right eased the throttle forward. The engine's buzz went higher, and she could feel the light fabric of the machine straining against the Hocks before its wheels and the hands of die crew hanging on to tail ancl wing. Now. She chopped the hand forward. The airplane bounced forward as the crew's grip released, then bounced again as die hard unsprung wheels met the uneven surface of die cow pasture. The speed built, and the jouncing ride became softer, mushy. When the •. tailwheel lifted off the ground she eased back on the stick, and the biplane slid free into the sky. It nearly slid sideways as well; this model had a bad torque problem. She corrected with a foot on the rudder pedals and •• banked to gain altitude, the other two planes following • her to either side. Her scarf streamed behind her in die slipstream, and the wind sang through the wires and stays, counterpoint to the steady drone of die engines. Bassin du Sud opened beneath her; scattered houses t here in the suburbs, clustering around the electric trolley lines; a tangle of taller stone buildings and tenements closer to the harbor. Pillars of smoke still rose from die 7 oty center and the harbor; she could hear the occasional .popping of small-arms fire. Mopping up, or execution • .squads. There were Chosen ships in the harbor, mer-/ .chantmen widi die golden sunburst on their funnels, > unloading into lighters. Gangs of laborers were trans-.. fering die cargo from die lighters to the docks, or work-: ing on clearing die obstacles and wreckage diat pre-J: vented full-sized ships from coming up to die quays; she was low enough to see a guard smash his rifle butt into die head of one who worked too slowly, and dien boot die body into die water. The engines labored, and the Land aircraft gained another thousand feet of altitude. From this height she •; could see the big soccer stadium at the edge of town, 5 and die huge crowd of prisoners squatting around it. ;,;j: Every few minutes another few hundred would be pushed in through the big entrance gates, and the ^machine guns would rattle. General Libert didn't believe wasting time; anyone with a bruise on tiieir shoul-from a rifle butt went straight to die stadium, plus on dieir list of suspects, or who had a trade union ibership card in his wallet. Anyone who still has one 'those is too stupid to live, Gerta diought cheerfully, ig die plane north. .Tiiere were more columns of smoke from die roll-coastal plain, places where die wheat wasn't fully 264 S.M. Stirling ve them top cover was in place. Ahead, the squadron commander waggled his wings three times and then banked into a dive. At precise ten-secend intervals the others followed. Gerta grinned sharldike as she flipped up the cover on the joystick and put her thumb lighdy on the firing button. Those aren't ours," Gerard said sharply, standing. No, they aren't, Jeffrey thought with sharp alarm. The Loyalists and Brigades didn't use that double-arrowhead formation. "Get me some reports," Gerard said sharply to the communications technician. She—die Union forces had a Women's Auxiliary now, too—fiddled with the big crackle-finished Santander wireless set that occupied one side of the great car. Tnere weren't many other sets for the tech to talk to; wireless small enough to get into a land vehicle was a recent development . . . courtesy of Center. Jeffrey kept his THE CHOSEN 301 eyes on the growing swarm of dots along the western horizon, but he could hear the pattern of dots and dashes through the tech's headphones. Center translated them for him effortlessly, but he waited until the tech finished scribbling on a pad and handed the result to Gerard. "Sir. Enemy planes in strengdi attacking the following positions." Gerard took it and flipped through die maps on the tabfe. "Artillery parks and shell storage areas and fuel dumps behind our lines." Anodier series of dots and dashes. "And our airfields. Fortunate that most of our planes are already up." Jeffrey whisded, leaning against one of die overhead bars and bracing his binoculars. "I make that over two hundred," he said. "Fighters . . . and diere are two-engined craft as well." "The new Von Nelsings we've heard about. That puts a stake through the heart of diis offensive." "I'd say we've run right into a rebel offensive," Jeffrey said. "Exacdy. And I will advance no further into the jaws of a trap. Driver! Pull over!" The big car nosed over to die side of die road. Several smaller ones rull of aides and staff officers drew up around it. "No clumping!" Gerard ordered sharply. "You, you, you, come here—die rest of you spread out, hundred-yard intervals." He began to rap out orders. A fighter cut dirough the Land formation, die red-white-and-blue spandrels on its wines marking it as a Freedom Brigades craft. The twin machine guns sparkled, and a series of holes punctured die wing toner right; one bullet spanged off die steel-plate cowling of die engine. Behind Gerta, the Protege" gunner screamed with rage as she wresded die twin-gun mount around, tracer hammering out in die enemy fighter's wake. The Von Nels-ing next to her dove after it, but die more nimble pursuit 302 S.M. Stirling 6- David Drake plane turned in a beautifully tight circle, far tighter than the twin-engine craft could manage. However, Gerta thought, and dove. Tnat cut across the cord of the Brigades fighter's circle; the heavier Von Nelsing dove fast. For a moment the wire circle gunsight behind her windscreen slid just enough ahead of the Santy Mark II. Her thumb stabbed on the button, and the six machine guns ahead of her hammered. Over a hundred rounds struck the little biplane fighter in the second that her burst lasted, ripping it open from nose to tail like a knife through wrapping paper. It staggered in the air, collapsed in the middle, and exploded into flame all in the same instant. The burning debris fluttered groundward in pieces, die dense mass of the engine falling fastest. "And fuck you very much!" Gerta shouted, banking sharply to the right and heading groundward. Tne Brigader had interrupted her mission. There was the road, still crowded with troops and transport. The men were running out into the fields on either side, or taking cover in the ditches, but the vehicles were less mobile. She lined up carefully, coming down to less than two hundred feet, ignoring the rifles and machine guns spitting at her. You'd have to be dead lucky to hit a target luce this from the ground, plus being a very good shot, and the engines were protected. Now. She yanked at the bomb release and fought to hold the plane steady as the fifty pounders dropped fitom beneath each wing. The explosions in her wake were heavier than shells of the same weight; less had to go into a strong casing, leaving more room for explosives. They straddled the roadway, raising poplar shapes of dirt and rock, also wood and metal and flesh. The guns in die nose of her airplane stammered, drawing a cone of fire up die center of die road. Jeffrey dove for the floor of die car, pulling Gerard after him. Hot brass from the twin mounting fountained THE CHOSEN 303 over them both. Bullets cracked by and pinged from die metal of the car. There was a fountain of sparks from the wireless and die operator gave a choked cry and slumped down on them with a boneless finality that Jeffrey recognized all too well, even before die blood confirmed it. It was amazing how much blood even a small human body contained. A second later there was another explosion, huge but somehow soft and followed by a pillow of hot air; a wagon of galvanized iron gasoline cans had gone up. The two men heaved themselves erect; Gerard paused for an instant to close the staring eyes of the wireless operator. Henri was still swinging die twin-barrel mount, hoping for anodier target. The driver slumped in the front seat, lying backward with die top dipped off his head and his brains spattered back through die com-parment. Other vehicles were burning up and down die road, and some of die roadside trees as well. A riderless horse ran by, its eyes staring in terror. Other animals were screaming in uncomprehending pain. The officers who'd gadiered around Gerard were bandaging their wounded and counting their dead. "You all right?" Jeffrey asked. Gerard daubed at his spattered uniform tunic and dien abandoned the effort. "Bien, suffisient. Yourself?" "None of it's mine." "Then let us see what we can do to remedy this— what is it, your expression?" "Ratfuck." This ratfack, then." "Damn, they actually got them to work," Jeffrey said, scratching. Damn. Lice again. I may be a lousy general, but I'd rather it wasn't literal. Two weeks into die latest offensive, and die Loyalists were already back nearly a hundred miles from their start-lines. One of the reasons was parked in the valley below them. It was a rhomboid shape more than forty 304 S.M. Stirling 6- David urake feet long and twenty wide, thick plates of cast steel massively bolted together. The top held a boxy turret with a naval four-inch gun mounted in it, and each corner of the machine had a smaller turret with two machine guns; a field mortar's stubby barrel showed from the top as well, to deal with targets out of direct line of sight. There were drive sprockets in four places along the top of each tread, and steam leaked from half a dozen apertures. The long shadows of evening made it look even larger than it was, gave a hulking, prehistoric menace to the outline. A Loyalist field-gun lay tilted on one wheel in front of the Land tank, its horses and men dead around it. Three lighter tanks had clanked on by up the valley towards the tableland, and only a few infantry and crew stood around the monster, the crew pulling maintenance through open panels, inspecting the tracks, or just enjoying spring air that must be like wine from heaven after the black, dank heat of the interior. A thick hose extended from its rear deck to the village well, jerking and bulging occasionally as the pump filled its tanks with water. "That thing must weight fifty tons." And we gave them the idea. Some disinformation. You had to hand it to the Chosen engineers; they were perennially overoptimis-tic, but their hubris brought some amazing tour-de-force technical feats at times. the vehicle weighs sixty one point four three tons, Center said, maximum armor thickness is four inches at thirty degrees slope, estimated range eighty miles under optimum conditions, mechanical reliability and ergonomics are poor, cost effectiveness is low. Beside him on the ridge Henri was staring at the Land tank, his mouth making small chewing motions. Jeffrey had a hundred-odd men with him, Brigade troops and Loyalists, whatever had been left when the front broke. Many of them were taking a look and beginning to sidle backwards. There was a phrase for it now: "tank panic." THE CHOSEN 305 The ordinary ones were bad enough, but these new monsters were worse. "No movement," he snapped. Discipline held enough to keep his makeshift battle group from dissolving right there. Then again, the ones who'd felt like quitting had mostly gone in the days since the rebel counterattack and its Land spearheads had broken through the Loyalist front. These were the ones with some stick to them. "Gather around, everyone but the scouts." He waited while the quiet movement went on; the men had good fieldcraft, at least. "All right, there's a heavy tank down there. They're dangerous, but they're also slow and clumsy, and the enemy doesn't have very many of them. We're behind their lines now, and they feel fairly safe. As soon as it's dark, I'm leading a forlorn hope down there to take it out with explosives. I need some volunteers. The rest will cover our retreat, and we'll break out to our own front. Who's with me?^ He waited a moment, then blinked in surprise as more than half lifted their hands. A nod of thanks; there was nothing much to say at a time like this. "Ten men, no more. Henri, Duquesne, Smith, Woolstone, McAndrews—" Night fell swiftly, and the highland air chilled. The commandos spent the time checking over their weapons, and making up grenade bundles—taking one stick grenade and tying the heads of a dozen more around it. Those who thought several days stubble and grime insufficient blacked their faces and hands with mud; a few prayed. "How does a general keep getting himself into this merde, sir?" Henri asked, grinning. "Going up to the front to see what's going on," Jeffrey said. "It's a fault, but then so are women and wine." He looked up; it was full dark, and still early enough in spring to be overcast. Bain? he asked. 306 S.M. Stirling 6 David Drake chance of precipitation is 53%, ±5, Center replied. "We'll go with it," he said aloud. "Spread out. Avoid the sentries if you can; if you can't, keep it quiet." The commandos moved down from the ridge, through the aromatic scrub and into the stubblefields of the valley bottom. There was little noise; the men with him had all been at the front for long enough to learn night-patrol work. I'd have had more posts and a roving patrol here, he thought. Whoever was in charge wanted to keep pursuing as fast as he could, Raj said. He left the minimum possible with the tank when it broke down. Sound thinking. The chances of a Loyalist band big enough to cause trouble being bypassed are low. But even low probabilities happen sometimes. There was a low choked cry from off to the left in the darkness, and a wet thudding sound. We're going to— A rifle cracked, the muzzle flash bright in the darkness. Jeffrey could see the crew around the tank scrambling up out of their blankets and heading for their machine; half or better of them would be Chosen and deadly dangerous even surprised in their sleep. He tossed his pistol into his left hand and drew the bundle of grenades out of the cloth satchel at his side, running forward, stumbling and cursing as clods and brush caught at his feet. Abruptly the landscape went brighter, to something like twilight level. Thanks, he thought; Center was reprocessing the input of his eyes and feeding it back to his visual cortex. It no longer felt eerie after more than twenty-five years with Center in his brain. A red aiming dot settled on a panicked Protege" soldier staring wildly about him in the near-complete darkness. Jeffrey fired, then dove and rolled to avoid the bullets that cracked out at the muzzle flash of his weapon. He didn't need to check on the enemy soldier. The dot had been resting right above one ear. A series of vis-cdous blindsided firelights was crackling around the rebel encampment, men firing at sounds and movement THE CHOSEN 307 glimpsed in split seconds. Or firing at what they thought Was sound or movement. Chooonk. The mortar in the turret of the Land heavy tank fired. Jeffrey dove to the ground again, squeezing his eyes shut. Reflected light from the ground still dazzled him for an instant as the starshell went off. What was really frightening was a high-pitched chuff and squeal of steel on steel. The tank was live; they must have kept the flash-boilers warm for quick readiness. He'd counted on the half hour it took to bring the huge machine on-line. One of the corner turrets cut loose, beating the ground with a twin flail of lead and green tracer. Then die four-inch gun in the main turret fired. That must be more for intimidation than anything else, since they didn't have a target worth a heavy shell. It was intimidating, a huge leaf-shaped blade of flame, the ripping crash and the crump of high explosive from the hillside where the load struck. He couldn't fault the men he'd left behind on the ridge. They opened fire on the camp and the Chosen tank, dozens of winking fireflies showing from their rifles. Sparks danced over the heavy armor of the panzer as it shed the small-arms bullets hlce so many hailstones ... but it did force the commander to stay buttoned up, vision limited to whatever showed through the narrow vision blocks that ringed the cupola on top of the tank. Schoonk. Another starshell. Tne machine-gun turrets were beating at the ridge, trying to supress the rifle- i & 1 l . ° i .1 &<- . «-* . r men there, and o.oing a good job ot it. The enemy infantry were taking cover behind the tank, firing around it. Then it began to move, grinding across the little valley towards die ridge. Towards him. Stupid, Jeffrey thought as he hugged the dusty earth, blinking it out of his eyes. The Loyalist force didn't have anything that could threaten the four-inch armor plate of die Land war machine. That's the Chosen for you. Aggressive to a fault, ready to attack whether it was necessary or not 308 S.M. Stirling 6- David Drake Of course, if he was unlucky they'd reduce his own personal ass to a grease spot in this stubblefield. The earth shook as the massive weight ground slowly, slowly towards him. The machine gun bursts from the four turrets and the coaxial weapon blended together into a continuous chattering punctuated by the occasional chugging of the mortar, firing illuminating rounds or high explosive to probe the dead ground behind the ridge. Closer. Closer. Now it was looming over him. Good. No one had noticed him in the dark and the flickering shadows of die descending starshells as they wobbled on their parachutes. Steel screamed in protest and the earth groaned with a creaking sound as the walking fortress rolled towards him, lurching as the driver tried to keep the treads working at equal speeds. His stomach felt watery, and his testicles were trying to crawl up into it for comfort: "tank panic" felt a lot more understandable, even sensible, right now. Black shadow passed over him as the prow moved by. There should be more than two feet of clearance between the tank's belly and the dirt. More than enough for him, if this was one of the ones without hinged blades fitted to the bottom. He rolled on his back, despite the voice at the back of his head screaming that he should bury his face in the dirt. The pitted, rusty surface of the hull was moving only inches from his face, closer when a bolthead went by. And there were the big eyebolt rings near the rear, fitted for use with a towing line. He dropped his pistol on his stomach and reached out with both hands. There. He pushed the handle of the stick grenade through the bolt. His cap stuffed in beside it snugged it close enough not to move for a few seconds. He scooped up the pistol again with his right hand, and kept hold of the pull-tab at the base of the stick grenade with his left, letting the motion of die tank pull it loose, arming die weapon. THE CHOSEN 309 Don't stop now, baby, please, he diought. It didn't. The commander must have been waiting until he was closer to use the main gun again, and die automatic weapons were reasonably effective on die move. The weight rolled from overhead, like freedom from die grave. Jeffrey began to crawl frantically, tlien rose and ran two dozen paces. The first explosion was muffled by die bulk of die tank. It seemed absurdly small beneath the huge bulk of die Land vehicle, but even on somediing weighing sixty tons die armor couldn't be diick everywhere. The tank came to a lurching halt, although one machine-gun turret continued to fire for fifteen seconds. Then diere was a second explosion, tiiis one inside die tank. Steam jetted from die back deck, dien a few seconds later from every opening and crack in the hull, squealing into die night like so many locomotive whisdes. Jeffrey could feel his skin crawl slighdy at the thought of what it must have been like inside, die sudden wash of superheated vapor flaying die crew alive. That did not stop his pumping run. A low wall of crumbling stone and adobe showed ahead of him; he hurdled it and went to the ground with his face pressed to die dirt. Hot metal was in contact widi ruptured shell casings and vaporized gasoline, and right about— W/iump. The fuel and ammunition went off togedier, and die Land panzer came apart along the lines where die sheets of cast and rolled armor were riveted togedier. Chunks plowed into die wall a few feet from him, showering powdered dirt and small stones with painful force. He raised his head cautiously; he could see nothing near the twisted wreckage of die tank, although movrnt die light from die burning remnants was bright enough to read by. The turret lay on its side a few yards distant; further out still were bodies diat lay still. Mostly still. "I hope none of diem were mine," he muttered. His voice sounded faint and faraway in his ringing ears. Louder: "Rally here! Rally here!" CHARTER "Those are their final orders?" Jeffrey asked. "Out. Unionvil is to be held at all costs. No troops may be diverted; instead we are to committ our strategic reserve. Chairman Deschambre assures me that the political consequences of losing the capital would be 'disastrous,' quote unquote. Minister of Public Education and Security Lebars tells me that they shall not pass." "Quote unquote," Jeffrey supplied. "What strategic reserve, by the way?" "The one we pissed away with that misbegotten offensive towards die Eboreaux last year and have never been able to replace," Gerard said. Jeffrey nodded. His eyes felt sandy from lack of sleep, and his ears rang from too many cups of strong black coffee, the taste sour on his tongue. Outside the tent light flickered and stuttered along the horizon; it might have been thunder and heat lightning, but it wasn't. It was heavy artillery, firing all along the buckling front south and east of Unionvil. The traffic on the road outside was heavy, troops and supply wagons moving up to the front, wounded men coming back—some in ambulances, more hobbling along supporting each other, their bandages glistening in the light of the portable floods outside the HQ tents. A convoy of trucks came through, flatbeds crowded with reinforcements whose faces seemed pathetically young under their helmets. At least the mud wasn't too bad, despite spring rains heavier than usual. They'd had three years to improve the roads 310 THE CHOSEN 311 around here, three years with the front running through what had been the outermost satellite villages of Unionvil. That didn't look like being true much longer. "Baaaaaa." Gerard's head came up, trying to find the man who'd bleated like a sheep. It was fifty yards to the road, and dark. "Baa. Baaaa. Baaaa." More and more of the wounded along the sides of the road were bleating at the reinforcements, mocking the lambs going to the slaughter. Gerard walked to the door of the big tent. "Captain Labushange. This is to stop." Whistles blew and feet pounded; there was always a company of Assault Guards and another of military police attached to the regional headquarters. "And now I must use the Assatdteaux against wounded men for telling the truth," Gerard said. "By the way, my friend, Minister Lebars also assures me that it is better to die on your feet rather than live on your knees," "Does the woman always talk like thatr™ "Invariably. It's not just the speeches." Gerard looked down at the map table. "Leave us," he said to the other officers. "So I have no choice," he went on, touching a red plaque with a fingertip. It fell on its side, tying behind an arrowhead of black markers. "And how am I different from Libert, now?" "Libert started it," Jeffrey said, putting a hand on the other man's shoulders. "You couldn't be like him if you tried. We'll do what's necessary." "I will," Gerard said. "Keep the Freedom Brigade troops in the line. This is a Union matter." Jeffrey nodded. "Don't hesitate," he warned. It was probably wise to keep the Brigade troops out of Gerard's coup, although they were just as rabid about the Committee of Public Safety as the native Union soldiers of the Loyalist army. Still, they were foreigners. 312 S.M. StiHing 6- David Drake "Hesitate? My friend, I have been hesitating for six months. Now I will act." He strode out of the room, calling for aides and staff officers. Jeffrey remained, looking down at the map. Uni-onvil was a bulge set into the rebel line, a bulge joined to the rest of the Loyalist sector by a narrow bridge of secure territory. "I hope you're not acting too late," he said, reaching for his greatcoat. Heinrich Hosten was in charge on the other side, looking at the same map. Jeffrey knew Heinrich, and he also knew exactly what he'd do in Heinrich's boots at this moment. Jeffrey ducked out into the chilly night. "Senator McRuther?" The meeting was relatively informal. At least, John wasn't being grilled in front of the Foreign Affairs Committee in full, in the House of Assembly, with a dozen reporters following every word. This oak-paneled meeting room was much quieter, redolent of polish and old cigars, not even a stenographer taking notes. Most of die races across the mahogany table were formidable enough, age and power sitting on them like invisible cloaks. Senator McRuther was nearing seventy, and he still wore the ruffled white shirts and black clawhammer jackets that had been modish when he was a young man, He represented the Pokips Provincial District in the western lowlands, and he'd done that since he was a young man, too. "Mr. Hosten," he said—turning the V sound almost into a "z" with malice aforethought, the Chosen pronunciation. "What exactly have you accomplished with your policy of 'constructive engagement," except to get us into a war?" John nodded "You're right, Senator We are in A war, although not a declared one. However, I might point out that the Land of the Chosen has over forty thousand THE CHOSEN 313 of its regular army troops in the Union del Est. They're backing General Labert, and they're winning. I suggest that this is not in the national interests of the Republic of the Santander." "Hear, hear," Senator Beemody said. A few others nodded or murmured agreement; not all of them were from the eastern highlands, either. John's eyes took tally of them. Beemodyis eastern Progressive bloc; a number from the western seacoast cities, which were growing fat on new naval contracts. And a scattering from the rural districts of the western lowlands, some of them McRuther s own Conservatives. The elderly senator hadn't kept office for fifty years by being stupid, even if he was set in his ways. "As you say, they're winning. Never do an enemy a small injury; you've succeeded in antagonizing the Land without stopping them. If Libert and his Nationalists win we'll have a close ally of the Land on our eastern frontier, a powerful garrison of Land troops keeping him loyal, and we'll have to support this grossly inflated standing army forever. I realize that you and the rest of the high-lander industrialists would love that, but my constituents pay the taxes to keep soldiers in idleness." "Senator," John said quietly, "the Land is not antagonistic to Santander because we've backed the Loyalist side in the Union civil war. It's antagonistic to us because we're the only thing that keeps the Land from overruning the whole of Visager. And I hope I don't have to go into further detail about what rule by the Chosen means." More murmurs of agreement. John's newspapers had been publicizing exactly what that meant for years. Refugees from the Empire, and now from the Union, had been driving home the same message. Militia had had to be called out to put down anti-Chosen rioting when the pictures of the Bassin du Sud massacre came out. Senator Beemody coughed discreetly. "General Farr"—the high command had confirmed his promotion as soon as he'd stepped back on Santander soil—"I 314 S.M. Stiriing b David Drake gather you do not recommend an immediate declara- f tion of war." "No," Jeffrey said. McRuther bunked in surprise, his eyes narrowing warily. "We're not ready," the younger Fair went on. Beside him in his rear admiral's uniform, his father nodded. The family resemblance was much closer now that there was gray at Jeffrey's temples and streaking his mustache. The lines scoring down from either side of his nose added to it as well. "We're much stronger now than we were four or five years ago," Jeffrey went on. "Military production of all types is up sharply, and now we've got field-tested models. Our latest aircraft are as good as the Land models, and we're gradually getting production organized. Hie Freedom BrigadesVe given us a lot of men with combat experience, including a lot of officers; besides that, they're thirty-five thousand veterans as formed troops, and if the Union falls they'll retreat over the border. So will a lot of die Loyalist Army. But we're still not mobilized, a lot of the new Regular Army formations are weak, and the Provincial militias need to be better integrated. Admiral Farr can speak to the naval situation." Jeffrey's father nodded. "We have a tonnage advantage of three to two," he said. "More in battleships. The Land Navy has more experience, particularly in cruiser and torpedo-boat operations in the Gut, which could be crucial. Still, I'm fairly confident we could dominate the Gut. The problem is that operating further north, in the Passage, we'd be sticking our ... ah, necks into a potential meatgrinder, with strong Land bases on either side and a long way from our own. If we lose our fleet, we'd be a long way towards losing the war itself. Furthermore, nobody knows what aircraft will mean to naval war. The Chosen have more experience, but only with dirigibles. We need time to finish the aircraft carriers and to train the fleet hi their use." THE CHOSEN 315 "Senators," Beemody said, "the Republic of the Santander cannot tolerate a Union which is satellite to the Land. Are we agreed?" One by one the men on the other side of the table lifted their hands. McRuther sighed and followed suit, last and most reluctant. "Then that is the sense of the Foreign Affairs Committee," Beemody said. "On the other hand, we are not yet ready for full-scale conflict. I therefore suggest that we recommend to the Premier that in the event of the fall of the Loyalist government in the Union, the Republic should declare a naval blockade of all Union ports pending the removal of foreign forces from Union soil." "But that means war!" McRuther burst out. "Not necessarily. As Admiral Farr has pointed out, we do have more heavy warships than the Land. The Gut is closer to our bases than theirs; we can blockade the Union and they'd be in no position to retaliate without risking their seaborne communications across the Passage. And while losing command of the sea might be disaster for us, it would certainly be a disaster for them. They can lose a war in an afternoon, in a fleet action. With the Union blockaded, they'd be forced to pull in their horns. They can't afford to isolate the expeditionary force they've committed to the Union. It's our hostage." McRuther pointed to the map on the easel at the end of the table. "They can supply through the Sierra—and the Sierra is neutral." Senator Beemody looked to the three men sitting across the table, in naval blue, army brown, and the diplomatic service's formal black tailcoat. "Sirs, there's only a single track line from north to south through the Sierra," Jeffrey said. "Besides that, its narrow gage, so you'd have to break bulk at both ends, the old Imperial net and the Union's." "General?" Beemody prompted. "Assuming that the Union was fully under Libert's control, and that the Chosen went along with a naval 316 SM Stirling 6 David Drake blockade?" Beemody nodded. "Supplying their forces would be just possible. Daily demand would go down and they could supply more from Union resources. It would certainly take some time for a squeeze to be effective, in terms of logistics." "We can interdict the Gut," Admiral Fair said. "That I can assure you gentlemen." "But the role of the Sierra will be crucial," Beemody said. "Senators, I move that the Foreign Ministry be directed to dispach a special envoy with sealed plenipotentiary powers to secure the assistance of the Sierra Democratica y Populara in a preemptive blockade of tile Union to enforce the neutralization and removal of all foreign troops. It's risky," he said to their grave looks, "but I sincerely believe it's our only chance. Otherwise in six months time we'll be confronted with a choice between a war that might destroy us and accepting a Land protectorate on our border, which is intolerable. A show of hands, please, Senators." This time the vote was less than unanimous. McRuther kept his hand obstinately down, switching his pouched and hooded blue eyes between Beemody and the Fairs. "Fifteen ayes. Five nays. The ayes have it. The recommendation will be made. I remind the honorable senators that this meeting of the Foreign Affairs Committee is strictly confidential." "Agreed," McRuther said sourly. "It's no time for a war of leaks." Then if that's all, Senators?' Hie big room seemed larger and more shadowy when only Beemody, Farr, and his sons were left. The faces of past premiers looked down somberly from oil paintings on die walls; the old-fashioned small-paned windows were streaked with rain. Branches from the oaks around the building tapped against the glass Bke skeletal fingers. John Hosten had a sudden image of men— men not yet dead, the dead of the greater war to come— rising from their graves and traveling back to this THE CHOSEN 317 moment, tap-tap-tapping at the windows, pleading for their lives. Tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions. observe: Center showed him a vision he'd seen times beyond number, since that year on the docks of Oathtaking. Visa-ger from space, the globes of fire expanding over cities, rising in shells of cracked white until they flattened against the upper edge of the atmosphere and the whole globe turned dirty white with the clouds. . . . His stepfather cleared his throat. "You don't really think the Chosen will swallow a blockade of the Union?" he said to the head of the Foreign Affairs Committee. Beemody shook his head. "About as likely as a hyena giving up a bone," he said frankly. "But it's as good a casus betti as any, the Senate will swallow it because they're desperate and desperate men believe what they want to, and the public will go along, too. Even McRuther will gp along; he knows we can't dodge this much longer. But we do need more time, and we do need the Sierrans to come in on our side. They should; if we fall, they're next." "But it's easier to see that when you don't have someone ahead of you in the lineup to the abbatoir," Jeffrey said with brutal frankness. "Hope springs eternal—and the Sierrans aren't just decentralized, they've got the political nervous system of an amoeba. Getting them to agree where the sun comes up is an accomplishment." "Perhaps," John said slowly, "we could get the Chosen to do our arguing for us." His foster-father frowned in puzzlement. Jeffrey shot him a glance, then tilted his head slightly towards the older men. There comes a time when you have to use an asset, John said. If you won't risk it, what bloody use is it? Center? Jeffrey asked. probability of success is in the fifty percent 318 S.M. Stirling 6 David Drake range, the machine voice said, chaotic factors render closer analysis futile at this point, success would increase the probability of a favorable outcome to the struggle as a whole by 10%, ±3. John nodded mentally. "Here's what I propose," he said. "First, sir"—he nodded to Admiral Farr—"Senator, you should be aware that we have a very highly placed double agent who the Chosen—Land Military Intelligence, to be precise—think is their mole and who they rely on imphcmy for analysis of the Republic's intentions. I can't be more specific, of course. And this is entirely confidential." The Admiral and Senator Beemody nodded in unison. There was no telling where the real moles were, of course. "Here's what I think we should do—" Gerta Hosten was walking stiffly when she entered the room. John stood. "Are you all right?" he asked, surprised to find die concern genuine, even after all these years. "Flying accident," she said, looking around. The little house was a gem, in its own way, patterned silk wallpaper, Errife rugs, inlaid furniture, all discreetly tucked away in a leafy suburb north of the embassy section of Santander City. Just what a millionaire industrialist would use for assignations he wanted to keep thoroughly secret from his wife, which was the cover John was using. Good tradecrafc, she thought grudgingly; John could read that on her face, even without Center's supremely educated guesses. "Not serious, I hope." John sat and poured the coffee and brandy. "Just a wrenched back for me. Thankfully, the plane totaled itself in front of half the Chosen Council. That damned bomber is a flying—just barely flying—abortion. If rt'd had a full fuel load, much less bombs, I'd be in bits just large enough to'plug a rat's ass." THE CHOSEN 319 "The Air Council's finally given up on using airships as strategic bombers?" "I should hope so, after we lost a dozen trying to hit Unionvil in the last offensive," she said "But those eight-engine monsters Porschmidt came up with, they're no better. Only marginally faster, the bomb load is a joke, they're unbelievably expensive to build and maintain, and landing them's more dangerous than combat. The bugger's got the Councils ear, though, him and his backers. Now he's throwing good money after bad, trying to improve die fuckers." She sighed. 'To business." "Here," John said, sliding the folder across the ivory-and-tortoise-shell of the table. It had three separate sets of 'Top Secret" and "Eyes Only" stamps on it, Army General Staff, Naval Staff, and Premier's Office, the latter a miniature of the Great Seal that only he and his chief aide could use. Gerta whistled silently as she picked it up. Her face went totally unreadable as she finally looked up at him. "This is serious?" Totally Note the Premier's sign-off." She flipped to the end. To be implemented, as soon as possible. "I'll be damned," she said. "I wouldn't have thought the Santies could get their shit together like this." "Jeff advised it, strongly," John said. "He's quite the fair-haired boy right now, and not just with the general public." "He deserves it," Gerta said, refilling her cup. "Heinrich was extremely impressed with the way he got most of the Brigades out of Unionvil before we pinched off the pocket there. Excuse me, before General libert pinched off the pocket with the assistance of volunteer contractors from the Land operating without the approval of the Chosen Council." She grinned like a wolf. "Heinrich picked up some very pretty things there when we sacked the city." John matched her expression, although in his case it wasn't a smile. "What'll you recommend?" "Me? I'm just Millnt's messenger girl," Gerta said. "You're also the daughter of the Chief of the General 320 S.M. Stirling ir David Drake Staff," John pointed out. "And you've been carrying the hatchet for them for fifteen years now." "That's between me and the voter, Johnnie," Gerta said, taking out a camera the size of a palm from the street purse resting beside her chair. She opened it, checked the ambient light, and began photographing each page of the folder with swift, methodical care. "Besides, all doing a good job gets you is more jobs— you know how it works. "I'll tell you, though," she said as she worked, "that I told him we shouldn't get involved in the Union, and that if we had to make another grab so soon it should be die Sierra instead." Tougher nut," John observed. "True, but not one we had to swim to get to," she replied. "Frankly I think the navy flatters its chances when die balloon goes up. The Union thing could leave our tits in the wringer if things go wrong. This"—she nodded to die papers between snaps—"is exactly what the Santies should do, after all. But the Union was just too tempting, the political situation. I wish there were more women on the Chosen Council." John looked up at the irrelevancy. The Chosen had equality of the sexes, but males did predominate slightly at the higher ranks. "Men never can resist the chance to stick it in an inviting orifice," Gerta said, and finished her pictures. "Heinrich's as smart as a whip, for example, but he spends an unbelievable amount of time and effort improving the Union's genetic material. It's the same with politics. No patience." "Do I detect a certain note of complaint?" They both laughed. "Plenty left over," Gerta said. She rose and saluted. "Thanks, Johnnie ... if it's genuine." CHARTER TWSNTV "It's like something out of th' Bible," Harry Smith blurted, looking down from where the car rested on a high track beside a customs station. Belton Pass was the main overland route between die Union and the Republic of die Santander. The saddle was only seven diousand feet high, and hilly rather dian mountainous; on eidier side the Border Range reared up to twenty diousand feet or better, capped by glaciers and eternal snow above the treeline. There were enigmatic Federation ruins on die slopes, built of substances no scientist could even identify, and tunnels where strange machines crouched like trolls in an ancient tale— some as pristine as die day they were last used, some crumbling like salt when exposed to air or sunlight. In die centuries after die Fall mule trains had used die pass, and border barons had built stone keeps whose tumbled stone had supplied material for shepherd's huts in later years. Wars between the two countries had left dieir legacy of forts, die more recent sunken deep in die rock and covered in ferroconcrete and steel. There was a motorable road now, too, and a double-tracked railway built with immense labor and expense all die way from Alai in die western foothills. Trains had been coming out of die Union for weeks now. The first had carried the last gold reserves of the Loyalist government, and the most precious records. Later ones had carried everything diat could be salvaged from the factories of the Union's western provinces, some with die labor forces sitting on 321 322 S.M. Stirling 6- David Drake the machine tools. More and more carried people, shuttling back and forth with crowds riding packed so tightly that smothered bodies were unloaded at every stop, and the roofs of the freight cars black with refugees. Even more poured by cart and horse and ox-wagon, scores of thousands more on foot carrying their few possessions on their backs or in handcarts and wheelbarrows. They packed the lowlands in a moving mass of black and dun-brown, dust hanging over mem like an eternal cloud. Only behind the Santander border posts with their tall flagpoles did they begin to fray out, as soldiers and volunteers directed them. Pia- Hosten leaned against her husbands long limousine, dark circles of fatigue under her eyes. She pulled off the kerchief that covered her hair and shuddered. "It will be like a plague out of the Bible if we do not get more of the delousing stations set up. Typhus and cholera, those people are all half-starved and filthy and they have had no chance to wash in weeks." "We'll do it," John said. "The government's sending in more troops to set up the camps and keep order, and we're shipping hi food and medical supplies as fast as the roads and rail net will bear." He looked at his wife, and brushed back a strand of hair that fell down her forehead. "There would be thousands dead, if it weren't for your Auxiliaries," he said. "Nobody else was ready." She turned and buried her face in his shoulder. "I feel as if I am trying to bail the ocean with a spoon," she said. "You're exhausted. You've done an enormous job of work, and I'm proud of you." "Dad!" Maurice Farr came bounding up the slope, handsome young olive face alight, trim and slender in the sky-blue uniform of the Air Cadets, "Dad—I mean, sir—Uncle Jeff, I mean General Farr, is coming. With General Gerard!" He stopped. "Mom, are you all right?" THE CHOSEN 323 She straightened. "Of course." Then she looked down at her plain dress, stained with sweat and her work. "My God, I can't—" "It's not a diplomatic reception, darling," John said soothingly. "And I don't think Jeff or Pierre will care much about appearances. Not after what you've been doing." The car that drew a trail of dust up the gravel road was much less elegant than John's, although it was the same big six-wheeled model. It had patched bullet holes in several places, a few fresh ones, and three whip antennae waving overhead. Rock crunched under the wheels as it drew to a stop and stood, the engine pinging and wheezing as metal cooled and contracted. The men who climbed down were ragged and smelled strongly of stale sweat, and there was dust caked in the stubble on their faces. Pierre Gerard drew himself up, saluted, and held out his pistol butt-first. "As representative of the Union del Est—" he began. John took the weapon and reversed it, handing it back to the Union general. And head of state, don't forget that, he reminded himself. "General Gerard, as representative of the Republic of the Santander, it is my privilege to welcome you, your government, your armed forces and your people to our territory. I am instructed to assure you that you will all be welcome until the day when you can return to restore your country's independence, and in the interim the government and people of the Republic will extend every aid, and every courtesy, within their power." He smiled and held out his hand. "That goes for me, too, of course, Pierre." The other man took his hand in a strong dry grip for an instant. Then he clicked heels and bent over Pia's. "We've heard what you and your ladies have done for my people," he said quietly. "We are in your debt, forever." 324 S.M. Stirling 6- David Drake "We're in your debt," John said. "You've been fighting the common enemy for five years. And you'll see more fighting before long, if I'm any judge of events," Jeffrey Fair nodded. "Damned right." Both men twisted sharply at the sound of aircraft engine. The planes coming up the valley from the west were Hawk Hi's, over a dozen of them. They relaxed. "Most of the aircraft will be crossing further north," Gerard said. "All the troops that are going to make it out here will be across by tomorrow. Except for the rearguard." John nodded with silent grimness. Those would have to fight where they were until overrun, to let the civilians and what was left of the Brigades and the Loyalist armies break contact and retreat over the border. The perimeter around Borreaux's holding for now," he said. "We've got ships shuttling continuously from there to Dubuk with refugees. Navy ships, too. My father created a precedent for that at Salmi." Gerard smiled wryly. "Wars are not won by evacuations, however heroic," he said. John nodded. "I assume Jeffrey's filled you in on the deployments for your troops?" "Oui. Rather far forward." Jeffrey spread his hands in embarassment. "If— when—the enemy attack, we'll need men who can be relied on not to break," he said. "The Brigades won't, and neither will your men." Gerard nodded. 'The civilians, though?" "We're setting up temporary camps around Alai, Ens-burg, and Dubuk," John said. "From there we'll try to move people where there's housing and jobs." Gerard looked down on the mass of humanity filhng the great pass below and the roads to the east. "We come as beggars, but we can fight, and work. Everyone but the children and cripples will. We have a debt to collect, from Libert and his allies" He spat the last word. "Does Libert know he's a puppet, yet?" THE CHOSEN 325 John shook his head. "There's an old saying," he replied. "If you owe the bank a thousand and can't pay, you're in trouble. If you owe a million and can't pay, the bank is in trouble. Libert and his army are saving the Chosen a great deal of trouble and expense, just by existing. I'm sure he'll use that leverage." Jeffrey nodded. "I think that's why the pursuit hasn't been pressed more vigorously," he said thoughtfully. "Libert wants us to get enough men over the border to be a standing menace. That means that the Chosen have to keep him on, or risk having the whole population go over to the Loyalist side who're waiting to return. They don't have enough troops in the Union to hold it down by themselves, not and keep an offensive capacity. Not yet, at least." Gerard shrugged and saluted. "I must get back to my men. John shook his head again. "Visit my home soon," he said. "You won't do your people any good by collapsing." The shrewd brown eyes studied him. "You will not be there?" he said. "No. There's . . . trouble brewing. Exactly what I can't say, but I can say that the board's going to be reshuffled thoroughly, and soon." "Citizens!" The sixth of the twelve-man Executive Council of the Sierra Democratica y Populara stood to address the seven hundred members of the Board of Cantonal Delegates. One of his colleagues passed him a ceremonial spear, the mark of the speaker, and pushed the button on top of a very modern timer clock. / do not believe this, Gerta Hosten thought to herself. She and the Land delegation were sitting in the visitors' seats to one side of the Executive Council. An extremely ancient oak in the middle of the beaten dirt of the circle hid many of the delegates from her, and from each other. This was where the first repre- 326 S.M. Stirling it David Drake sentatives of the people-in-arms had met four hundred years ago to proclaim the Sierra, probably under the parent of this very tree, and so here they still met, where the city of Nueva Madrid had grown up. And met, and met, and met; the speeches had been going on for a week and looked good for another two. Every one of them carried a rifle and wore a bandolier. That was about the only uniformity. Dress ranged from fringed leather to Santander-style business suits, with a predominance of berets and ferocious waxed mustaches. There were no women, since females didn't have the vote in any of the Sierran cantons, although they weren't badly treated otherwise. Every adult male did have the vote, and every delegate here could be recalled at any time by the cantonal voters meeting in open assembly. Any hundred men could call an assembly. The delegates chose the twelve-man executive, but the voters could recall them at any time, and often did. / do not believe anything this absurd has survived this long, she thought. Whenever 1 think our councils are cumbersome, I should remind myself of this. The speaker shouted in an untrained bellow, with a strong up-country peasant accent to his Ispanyol: "Citizens! For four hundred years, no enemy has gotten anything but disaster from attacking us. We drove out the Imperials!" Wett, that's no particular accomplishment, she thought. Then: To be fair, that was when the Empire was a real power. They drove us into the ocean back then, "We drove out the Union! We threw the Enife back into the sea when their ships ranged every coast! We made the Republic withdraw from our island of Trois! In the Sierra, every one of us is a fighting man, every one!" Funny, in most places half the population are women, Gerta thought as the delegates cheered wildly. "So let the cunt-whipped Chosen perverts fuck THE CHOSEN 327 themselves!" The speaker's mountain-peasant accent grew thicker. "Let the dirty money-grubbing Santanders ruck themselves! The Sierra pisses on all of them!" Eventually the timer rang, loud and insistant. The president pro tern of the Executive Council—each member held the office in rotation for a week—cleared his throat as he took back the spear. "We must, in courtesy, listen to the arguments of the honorable Thomas Beemer, Ambassador Plenipotenit-ary to the Sierra from the Republic of the Santander." Assistant head of the Research Department of the Foreign Ministry, Gerta reminded herself. That made him the equivalent of the second-in-command of the Fourth Bureau back home, although the Research Department didn't have the internal security functions the Fourth Bureau did. A very high-powered spook. A rabbity-looking little man, bald and peering out through thick glasses. Important not to underestimate him because of that. "Honorable delegates," Beemer said. "The Chosen took the Empire fifteen years ago. Over the last five they have conquered the Union. Only you Sierrans and we in the Republic remain independent. The Republic does not intend to let the Chosen eat the world, not all in one gulp or one nibble at a time. I am here to announce that from this midnight, the Republic of the Santander declares a total naval blockade of the Union. This blockade will be maintained until all foreign troops are withdrawn and a legitimate government chosen by free elections under Santander supervision. The Republic will regard it as a grave breach of friendly relations if the Democratic and Popular Sierra allows overland transit to evade this blockade." Johnny was telling the truth, Gerta thought, still mildly suprised. First a blockade, and then the seizure of the Sierra in cooperation with pro-Santander and anti-Chosen factions among the cantons. Those slightly outnumbered the neutralists, which wasn't surprising 328 S.M. Stirling & David Drake considering the position the Sierra found itself in. Nobody here was actually pro-Chosen, of course. That would be like expecting a pig to be pro-leopard. This time the roar went on for twenty minutes. Delegates milled, shouted into each others faces, shook their fists or used them and were clubbed down by their neighbors. Occasionally someone would fire his rifle, into the air, thankfully, although the bullet had to come down somewhere. The Chosen embassy sat in stolid silence, upright and expressionless, their round uniform caps resting on their knees. When the noise eventually died down, Ebert Meitzerhagen stood, walked forward three precise steps and stood at parade rest. He was a vivid contrast to Beemer, one reason he'd been chosen for the role. His cropped pale hair and light eyes stood out the more vividly for the deep mahogany tan of his skin; his face and bull-neck were seamed with scar tissue, and the massive shoulders strained at his uniform jacket. The great hands dangling at his sides were equally worn and battered, huge spatulate things that looked capable of ripping apart oxen without bothering with tools. All in all, he looked to be exactly what he was: a brutal, methodical, merciless killer. The Sierrans wouldn't necessarily be intimidated, but they weren't fools enough to believe all their own bombast, either. "Sierrans," Meitzerhagen said. "We wish no war with you. We have no territorial demands on you." Yet, Gerta thought. General Meitzerhagen was being truthful enough: the Chosen Council wanted a decade of peace now. If they could get it on their own terms, which did not include giving up the fruits of victory in the Union. "If you join with Santander in attacking us and our allies, do not expect us to meekly endure it. When someone strikes us a blow, we do not just strike back— we crush them." He held out a hand palm up and slowly closed it into THE CHOSEN 329 a fist, letting the delegates look at the knuckles, scarred and enlarged. Gerta called up a mental map of the Sierra. Mountains north and south, high ones—too high for dirigibles, except in a few passes, and they'd have to come uncomfortably close to the ground even there. A spine of lower mountains down the center, joining the two transverse ranges and separating two wedges of fertile lowland on the west and east coasts. The eastern wedge was drained by the Rio Arena, from here at Nueva Madrid to Barclon at the rivers mouth. The Arena valley was the heartland of the Sierra, where most of the agriculture and population and trade lay, although the national mythology centered on the shepherds and hill farmers of the mountain forests. This is going to be very tricky, she thought. And we don't have much time. Fortunately, good staff work was a Chosen specialty. Admiral Maurice Farr tapped the end of the polished oak pointer he'd been using on the map into his free hand. "Gentlemen, that concludes the briefing. The blockade begins as of midnight tonight." He looked out over the assembled captains of the Northern Fleet. "Any questions?" "Admiral Farr." Commodore Jenkins, commander of the Scout Squadron of torpedo-boat destroyers spoke. A thickset, capable-looking man, missing one ear from a skirmish in the Southern Islands. "Could you clarify the rules of engagement?" "Certainly, Commodore. No ships, except Unionaise fishing vessels, aje to be allowed within four miles of any of the Union ports on the list, or to within five miles of the coast, or to offload or load any cargo. You will issue warnings; if the warning is ignored you will fire over the vessel's bow. If the warning shot is disregarded, you may either board or sink the vessel in question at your discretion." 330 S.M. Stirling 6- David Drake "And if the violator is a warship?" "You will proceed as I have outlined." There was a slight rustle among the blue-uniformed men in the flagship's conference room. "Yes, gentlemen, I am aware that this may very well mean war. So is the Premier." And not a moment too soon, if there's going to be a war, he thought. The Republic's lead in capital ships was shrinking, as the Chosen finally got their building program under way. At a fairly leisurely pace, since they'd been planning on war a decade hence, but they had some first-rate designs on their drawing boards. One in particular had struck his eye, a huge all-big-gun ship with twelve twelve-inch rifles in four superimposed triple turrets fore and ait of the central island, and a daunting turn of speed. If it worked the way John's intelligence report said it would, nothing else on Visager's oceans could go near it and live. Fortunately, they hadn't even laid down the keel, and this conflict would be fought with existing fleets. Santander's fleet was as ready as he could make it. That left only the personal question. Am I too old? Fleet command in wartime needed a man who could make quick decisions under fatigue and stress. Maurice Fair was within a year of the mandatory retirement age. Should he be at a desk in Charsson, or at home working on the book? I'm a grandfather with teenage grandchildren. He took stock of himself. He'd kept himself in trim, and he didn't need to shovel coal or heave pro-pellant charges into a breech. No failure of memory and will that he could detect. No. I can do it. He spoke again, into the hush his words had made. "You will accordingly keep your ships on full alert at all times, with steam raised and ready to weigh anchor at one hour's notice. All leaves are cancelled, and naval and other reservists have been notified to report to their duty stations." Jenkins nodded. "If I may, Admiral, how are we THE CHOSEN 331 going to maintain a blocking squadron along the Union's south coast? Bassin du Sud and Marsai are the only good harbors or fully equipped ports between Fursten and Sircusa." "The Southern Fleet"—a grand name for a collection of candidates for the knacker's yard and armed civilian vessels, with only two modern cruisers—"will blockade Bassin du Sud and Marsai. At need, they can be reinforced from the Northern Fleet. Any more questions? No?" Mess stewards entered, with trays of the traditional watered rum, one for each of the officers. The toast offered by the senior officer present was equally a matter of tradition. "Gentlemen—the Republic and Liberty!" "The Republic!" CHART6R TWefMTY-ONie "Dammit!" Commodore Peter Grisson raised his binoculars again. The dawn light was painting the Chosen dirigible an attractive pink, a tiny toy airship at the limit of visibility to the north. Far out of range of anything the ships below it could do. They all had the new high-angle antiaircraft guns, but the distance was far too great. 1 hate that bloody thing, he thought, wishing for a storm. You could get some monsters down here south of the main continent, with nothing but the islands between here and the antarctic ice and nothing at all all the way around the planet east or west to break the winds. His ships, some of them at least, could keep station better than that floating gasbag. But the ocean was like a millpond, only a trace of white at the tops of the long dark blue waves. The McCormick City and the RandaU steamed on, heading east-northeast for their blockade stations off the southern Union coast. They were making eight knots, well below their best cruising speed, because most of the gunboats and naval reserve yachts and whatnot around them couldn't do any better. Certainly the pathetic hermaphrodite—wood-hulled and iron-armored—relics that made up the other six cruisers couldn't. Neither of his two best ships were new, but at least they were steel-hulled and armored, and they'd both had extensive refits recently, virtual rebuilding. Then a light began to flicker on the nose of the Land dirigible. Grisson smoothed his mustache with a nervous 332 THE CHOSEN 333 gesture. What would Uncle Maurice do? he thought, and looked at the captain of the McCormick City. The captain lowered his own binoculars. "Coded, of course," he said neutrally. "Of course. But Land scout dirigibles carry wireless." The Land's armed forces didn't make as much use of that on land as the Republic's did, but they had plenty for sea service. "So whoever He's signaling is close." Grisson thought for a moment. The rules of engagement and his own orders from the Admiralty gave him virtually complete discretion. One thing Uncle Maurice wouldn't do was sit with his thumb up his ass waiting for things to happen to him. I can't run, he knew. Intelligence on the Land naval forces in the area and their Unionaise allies was scanty, but whatever they had was likely to have the legs on his motley squadron. Therefore , . . "Squadron to come about," he said, giving the new heading. "Signal battle stations and sound general quarters. My compliments to Commander Huskinson, and the torpedo-boat destroyers are to deploy. Tell him I have full confidence in his ships' scouting ability. No ship is to fire unless fired upon or on my order." Bells rang, signal guns fired, yeomen hoisted signals to the tripod mast of the McCormick City. "Oh, and general signal: The Republic expects every man to do his duty." Armored panels winched up across the horseshoe shape of the fighting bridge, leaving slits for viewing all around. A signals yeoman bent over his pad near the wireless station, decoding a message. "Sir. From the destroyers." Grisson took the yellow flimsy. Am under attack by Land heavier-than~air twin engine models stop more than a dozen stop smoke plumes detected to northeast eight ships minimum approaching fast stop. For a moment Grisson's mind gibbered at him. The 334 S.M. Stirling 6- David Drake distance to shore was more than twice the maximum range of any Land-made airplane. Stop that, he told himself. It's happening. Deal with it. "Signal: Wait for me stop am proceeding your position best speed stop." The key of the wireless clicked as the operator rattled it off. Eyes were fixed on him from all over the bridge; he could taste salt sweat on his upper lip. He'd known this moment had to come all his professional life—ever since he was a snot-nosed teenage ensign on this very ship, when Maurice Fair faced down the Chosen at Salini and saved fifty thousand lives. 7 expected this, but not so soon. "Signal to die fleet. Maximum speed." AH of ten knots, if they were to keep together. "Add: We are at war. Expect hostile aircraft before we engage enemy surface forces. Plan alpha. Acknowledge. Stop. Repeat signal until all units have acknowledged receipt." Some of the reservists would probably be a little slow on signals, and he didn't want anyone haring off on his own. There was a collective sigh, half of relief. "Yeoman," he went on to the wireless operator, "do you have contact with Karlton?" "Yessir." "Then send: Commodore Grisson to Naval HQ. Southern Fleet in contact with Land and Libertist-Unionaise naval forces. Have received unprovoked attack in international waters. Am engaging enemy. Enemy twin engine heavier-than-air attack aircraft sighted at distances exceeding two hundred nautical miles from shore. Long live the Republic. Grisson, Commander, Southern Fleet. Stop. Repeat until you have acknowledgment," "Yessir." The rhythm of the engines hammered more swiftly under his feet. The black gang would probably be cursing his name. Insubordinate bastards, Grisson thought, the THE CHOSEN 335 irrelevancy breaking through the tension that gripped his gut. It'd be a relief when the fleet all finally converted to oil-firing and turbine engines. A few score stokers could contribute more disciplinary offenses and CaptahVs Mast hearings than the entire crew of a bat-tlewagon. Neither side was going to have heavy ships here . . . at least, that was what the reports said. The Chosen had a complete squadron of modern protected cruisers in Bassin du Sud: six ships, von Spee-class, the name ship and five consorts. Seventy-five hundred tons, turbine engines—coal-fired though, the Land was short of petroleum—four eight-inch guns in twin turrets fore and aft, each with a triple six-inch turret behind it superimposed on a pedestal mount. They carried pom-poms and quick-firers as well, of course. There would be a squadron of twelve torpedo-boat destroyers as well, and the cruisers carried torpedo tubes, too. Land torpedos were excellent. "Captain," he said. "All right; we're going to be at a disadvantage in weight of gun metal and torpedoes both, but less so in gunpower. We'll try to maintain optimum firing distance with the heavier ships and slug it out, while the lighter craft with torpedo capacity close in. Gunboats and others are to engage their destroyers." "What about our destroyers, sir?" "I'm going to send them in at the cruisers. They're outnumbered by their equivalents; we'll just have to hope one of them gets lucky. A couple of hits could decide the action, one way or another." And thank God the practice ammunition allowance was raised last year. Somebody at Navy HQ had insisted on not putting all the increased appropriation into new building. The McCormick City began to pitch more heavily as the northward turn put the sea on her beam. In less than fifteen minutes he could see the smoke from his quartet of three-stacker destroyers, and beyond them 336 S.M. Stirling 6- David Drake a gray-black smudge that must be the enemy. Black dots were circling in the sky over the destroyers, stooping and diving in turn. The little scout ships were curving and twisting to avoid them, their wakes drawing circles of white froth against the dark blue of the ocean. Their pompoms and high-elevation quick-firers were probing skyward, scattering puffs of black smoke against the cerulean blue of the sky. "Signal to the destroyers," Grisson said. "Ignore those planes and go for the cruisers." Aircraft couldn't carry enough bombs to be really dangerous, and their chance of hitting a moving target wasn't big enough to be worth worrying about. The Land cruisers were hull-up now, their own screen of turtleback destroyers lunging ahead. The smaller Santander craft swarmed forward, disorderly but as willing as a terrier facing a mastiff. The signal," Grisson said quietly, "is fire as you bear." If you only knew how I begged and pleaded to save your sorry ass, Gerta thought, smiling at the dictator of the Union. At least General Libert had learned to ignore her gender—she suspected he thought of Chosen as belonging to a different species, in any event. He was being polite, today, here in Unionvil. No reason not to; he'd achieved his objectives. "In short, the Council of the Land expects me to declare war on Santander," he said dryly. "What incentives do you offer?" Not shooting you and taking this place over directly, Gerta thought. / used every debt and favor owed me to help convince the General Staff that it wasn't cost-effective. Don't prove me wrong. "General Libert, if you don't, and we lose this war, the Santies have a certain General Gerard waiting in the wings to replace you. With his army, now deployed along the Santander-Union frontier. I very much doubt that THE CHOSEN 337 the Republic is going to distinguish you from us in Us formal declaration of war, which should get through the House of Assembly any hour now." Libert nodded. He looked an insignificant little lump againt the splendors of carved and gilded wood in the presidential palace, beneath the high ceilings painted in allegorical frescos. The place had die air of a church, the more so since Libert had had endless processions of thanksgiving going through with incense and swarming priests; most of his popular support came from the more devout areas of the Union. His eyes were cold and infinitely shrewd. "And if you win, Brigadier, what bargaining power or leverage do I retainr^ "You have your army," Gerta pointed out. "Expensively equipped and armed by us." Libert stayed silent. "And you'll have additional territory. I am authorized to offer you the entire area formerly known as the Sierra Democratica y Populara. Provided you assist to the limit of your powers in its pacification, and subject to rigjits of military transit, mining concessions, investment, and naval bases during and after the war. We get Santander. It's a fair exchange, considering the relative degrees of military effort." Libert's eyebrows rose. "You offer to turn over a territory you will have conquered yourselves? Generous." "Quid pro quo," Gerta said. Now, the question is, does Libert realize that we'd turn on him as soon as the Santies are disposed of? He was more than realistic enough, but he might not understand the absoluteness of Chosen ambition. Libert sipped from the glass of water before him. "The Sierrans have a reputation for ... stubborness," he said. "I have studied the histories of the old Union-Sierran wars. This may be comparable to the gift of a honeycomb, without first removing the bees and their stings." "We Intend to smoke out the bees," Gerta said. "Or 338 S.M. Stirling 6- David Drake to put it less poetically, we intend to depopulate the Sierra, with your assistance. Your people aren't fond of the Sierrans"—that was an understatment, if she'd ever made one—"and after the war, you can colonize with your own subjects. There will be land grants for your soldiers, estates for your officers, a virgin field for your business supporters—including intact factories, mines and buildings. We'll leave enough Sierrans for the labor camps." "Ah." Labert's face was expressionless. "But in die meantime, the Union would need considerable support in order to undertake a foreign war so soon after our civil conflict." "Could you be more specific?1' Gerta said wearily. "As a matter of fact, Brigadier . . ," He slid a folder across the table to her, frictionless on the polished mahogany. She opened it and fought not to choke. Oil, wheat, beef, steel, chemicals, machine tools, trucks, weapons—including tanks and aircraft. "I'm . . ." Gerta ground her teeth and fought to keep her voice normal. "I'm sure something can be arranged. But as you must appeciate, General, we need to strike now." That would indeed be the optimum military course," Libert said. And so you must giue me what I ask, or risk unacceptable delay, followed unspoken. "I will consult with my superiors," she said. "We must, however, have a definite answer by dawn." Or we'U kill you and take this place over ourselves, equally unspoken and equally well understood. Gerta rose, saluted, and walked out. "Why do we tolerate this animal's insolence?" young Johan Hosten hissed to her as their boot heels echoed in step through the rococo elegance of the palace's halls. "Because with Libert cooperating, we gain an additional two hundred thousand troops," she said. "Most of them are fit only for Ime-of-oommunication work, but that's still nine divisional equivalents we don't have THE CHOSEN 339 to detach for garrison work. Plus another hundred thousand that we don't have to use to hold down the Union in our rear while we fight the Santies." Her aide subsided into disciplined silence—disciplined, but sullen. I'm going to enjoy our final reckoning with Libert myself, she thought. Aloud: "I'd rather have three teeth drilled than go through another negotiating session with him, that's true," she said. «fl"_ T Sir ... Gerta looked aside. "Speak. You can't learn if you don't ask." "Sir, you were against opening our war with Santan-der this early. Have you changed your mind?" "That's irrelevant," she said. "We're committed now. Conquer or die." She sighed. "At least my next job is a straightforward combat assignment." Air assault was no longer a radical new idea. Most of the troops filing into the dirigibles nestled in the landing cradles of the base were ordinary Protege" infantry, moving with stolid patience in the cool predawn air. A few of the most important targets still rated a visit from the General Staff Commando, and she'd ended up on overall command. Gerta looked around at the faces of the officers; they seemed obscenely young. No younger than she'd been at Corona, mostly. It's dejd vu all over again, she thought to herself. "Hiat concludes the briefing. Are there any questions?" "Sir, no sir!" they chorused. Confident. That was good, as long as you didn't overdo it Most of them had more experience than she'd had, her first trip to see the elephant. Policy had been to rotate officers through the war in the Union, as many as possible without doing too much damage to unit cohesion. "One final thing. The Sierrans have much the same line of bluster that the animals did here, before we conquered the Empire. "They have a word for it in their 340 S.M. Stirling 6- David Drake language . . . machismo, I think it is. There's one crucial difference between the two, though." She looked around, meeting their eyes. The Sierrans actually mean it. They couldn't organize an, orgy in a whorehouse, but they're not going to roll over at the first tap of die whip either. Don't fuck up because you expect them to run." "Sir, yes Sir/" As they scattered to their units she wondered briefly if they'd take the warning seriously. Probably. Most of them had enough experience not to take the legends about Chosen invincibility too literally. "All over again," she murmured aloud. "Sir?" her aide said. Fairly formal considering that they were alone and that Johan Hosten was her eldest son, but they were in a military situation, not a social one. And Johan was still stiffly conscious of being an adult, just past the Test of Life. She remembered that feeling, too. "It reminds me of the drop on Corona," she said. Half my lifetime ago. Why do I get this feeling that I keep doing the same things over and over again, only every time it's more difficult and the results are less? All die same, down to the smell of burnt diesel oil. The tension was worse; now she knew what they were heading into. She buckled on her helmet, slung the machine-carbine and began drawing on thin, black leather gloves as they walked through the loading zone. Wood boomed under their boots as they climbed the mobile ramp to a side-door of the gondola built into the hull beneath the great gasbags. Crew dodged around them as she walked back to the main cargo bay; Horst Raske wasn't in charge this time, he was with the new aircraft carrier working-up with the Home Fleet based out of Oathtaking. What a ratfuck, she thought. The Santies build aircraft carriers, and we waste six months in a pissing match over who gets to build ours. The Councils had THE CHOSEN 341 finally decided, in truly Solomonic wisdom—she'd read the Christian Bible as part of her Intelligence training— to split the whole operation. Building the hull was to be Navy; the airplanes and the personnel, plus logistics, training and operations, were done by the Air Council. The Navy would command when the fleet was at sea. How truly good that's going to be for operational efficiency, she thought. At least she'd managed to persuade Father to appoint Raske, who didn't confuse territorial spats and service loyalties with duty to the Chosen. There were a company of the General Staff Commando in the cargo bay, plus a light armored car on a padded cradle that rested on a specially strengthened section of hull. It was one of the new internal-combustion models, and someone had the starter's crank ready in its socket at the front, below the slotted louvers of the armored radiator. Somehow it looked out of place in the hold of an airship, a brutal block of steel in a craft at once massive and gossamer-fragile. They were tasked with taking out the Sierran central command, such as it was. Although she frankly doubted whether that would help or hinder the resistance. "Make safe," she said. "Lift in five minutes." They squatted, resting by the packsacks and gripping brackets in the walls and floor. Gerta's station was by an emergency exit; that gave her a view out a narrow slit window. Booming and popping sounds came from above, as hot air from the engine exhausts was vented into the ballonets in the gasbags. More rumbling from below as water poured out of me ballast tanks. The long teardrop shape of the airship quivered and shook, then bounced upwards as the grapnels in the loading cradles released. The dirigibles were out in force this time; she could see them rising in ordered flocks, one after another turning and rising into the lighter upper sky. The air was calm, giving the airship the motion of a boat on rnillpond-stiU water, no more than a slight heeling as it 342 S.M. Stir-Zing ir Daii/id Drake circled for altitude. Down below the airbase was a pattern of harsh arc lights across the flat coastal plain on the Gut's northern shore. The surface fleet with the main army wasn't in sight. They'd left port nearly a day before, to synchronize the attacks. There were biplane fighters and twin-engine support aircraft escorting the airships; as she peered through the small square window in the side of the hull she could see a flight of them dropping back to refuel from the tankers at the rear of the fleet. You put on a safety line and climbed out on the upper wing with the wind trying to pitch you off—sometimes you did, and had to haul yourself back on. In a single-seater, someone from the airship had to slide on a body-hoop down the flexing, whipping hose. Then you had to fasten the valves, dog them tight, and keep die tiny airplane and huge airship at precisely matching speeds, because if you didn't the hose broke, or the valve tore out of the wing by the roots. If that happened the entire aircraft was likely to be drenched in half-vaporized gasoline and turn into an exploding fireball when it hit the red-hot metal surfaces of the engine. . . . She raised her voice: "Listen up! They were over the surface fleet now; hundreds of transports from ports all along the northern shore of the Gut, escorted by squadrons of cruisers and destroyers. The ships cut white arrowheads on the green-blue water six thousand feet below. "Magnificent," Johan Hosten whispered. This time Gerta nodded. It was a magnificent accomplishment, throwing a hundred thousand troops and supporting arms into action, fully equipped and briefed, at such short notice. But we were supposed to fight Santarider in another five to eight years. With our new battleship fleet ready, and another fifty divisions and a thousand tanks. Now... we're reacting, not initiating. The enemy should be responding to our moves, not us to theirs. "Thirty minutes to drop!" THE CHOSEN 343 "This is a new one," Jeffrey shouted over the explo- sions. Too damned familiar, if you ask me," John said grimly, checking his rifle. It was a Sierran-made copy of the Chosen weapon. They'd managed a few improvements, mostly because everything was expensively machined. No cost-cutting use of stampings here, by God—which meant that only about half of the Sierrans had them. The rest were making do with a tube-magazine black-powder weapon, also a fine example of its type. "I've been caught in far too many goddamned Land invasions.'' "Yes, but it's the first time we've been in one together," Jeffrey pointed out. There was gray in his rust-colored hair, but the grin took years off him. "Let's go make ourselves useful." "YufX No hiding in embassies this time." Jeffrey sobered. "Damned bad news about Grisson. He was a good man; Dad thought a lot of him." "Going to be a lot of good men die before this one's over," John said. "Hopefully not us. ... Watch it!" The room shook from a near-miss. Dust and bits of plaster fell around them. The Santander embassy was in coastal Barclon, where most of the business was done, rather than in inland Nueva Madrid, the ceremonial capital. Right now that meant it was within range of the eight-inch guns of the offshore Land cruisers, as well as the aircraft. The Sierran antiaircraft militia was putting a lot of metal into the air; too much for dirigibles to sail calmly overhead and drop their enormous bombloads, which was something to be thankful for. An embassy staffer ran down the stairs. Her face was paler than the plaster dust that spattered her face and dress, and she waved a notepad. "They're dropping troops on Nueva Madrid," she 344 S.M. Stirling 6- David Drake said, her voice rising a little. "And they're attacking from north and south over the mountains, too. Sanlucar has fallen—the last message said shells were bursting inside the fortress." Johns eyebrows went up. That was the main fortress-city guarding the passes from the old Empire south into the Sierra. The staffer went on: "And the Chosen Council has issued a statement, demanding that we declare ourselves strictly neutral in the Sierran-Land war, and 'cease all hostile and unfriendly actions.'" Ambassador Beemer nodded, checking the old-fashioned revolver in the shoulder holster beneath his formal morning coat. "Not a chance," he said. He looked up at John and Jeffrey. "Admiral Farr is never going to forgive me. I should have sent you home yesterday," "We both thought the Chosen would wait until the Sierrans voted," John said. "Why? It was obvious which way it was going to go." He hesitated. "They'll be landing troops herer "Sure as they grow corn in Pokips," Jeffrey said. "Coordination is a strong point of theirs. In fact, I'd e£ve you odds they're landing on both sides of the city right now." Nobody was going to fall for the "merchantmen" full of soldiers, not after the attack on Corona. There wasn't any way to prevent ships loitering offshore, though. "Then I suppose . . . well, according to diplomatic practice, the Chosen should intern us and exchange us for their own embassy personnel in Santander City." Beemer didn't sound very confident. John nodded. "Sir, I'd recommend suicide before falling into Chosen hands—and that's assuming you get past the kill-crazy Prote'ge's in the first wave. If the Chosen win, international law won't exist anymore, because there will be only one nation. And if they lose, they don't expect to be around to take the blame." Beemer's head turned, as if calculating their chances. THE CHOSEN 345 North and south the armies of the Land were pouring over the mountain passes into the Sierra. West was the Chosen . . . "Sir, I made arrangements, just in case. If we can get to the docks ..." Beemer started to object, then nodded. "You're a resourceful young man," he said mildly. "I'll get our people together." Luckily there were only about half a dozen Santander citizen staff on hand; most of them had been sent home last week, when the crisis began. None of the Sier-ran employees were here; they'd all headed for their militia stations and the fighting half an hour ago. Two of the embassy limousines could hold them all, with a little crowding. John took his seat beside Harry Smith, sitting up on one knee with the rifle ready. "Just like old times, eh?" he said. Smith grinned tautly. "Barrjen is going to be mad as hell," he said. "I talked him into staying home for this one." Another salvo of heavy shells went by overhead just as the limousines cleared die gates of the embassy compound. They struck upslope, and blast and debris rattled off the thin metal of the cars' roofs. John had a panoramic view of Barclon burning, pillars of familiar greasy black smoke rising into the air. He could also see the Land naval gunline out in the harbor, cruising slowly along the riverside town. There weren't any battleships, but there were a couple of extremely odd-looking ships, more like huge armored barges than conventional warships. Each had a barbette with a raised edge in the center and the stubby muzzle of a heavy fortress howitzer protruding from it. 'Well, I guess that explains what happened to the harbor forts, John thought. Coastal forts were designed to shoot it out with high-velocity naval rifles, weapons with flat trajectories. They'd be extremely vuler-able to plunging fire. We'd better move fast. 346 SM. Stirling, 6- David Drake estimated time to chosen landing in bardon itself is less than thirty minutes, Center said. Land aircraft were circling the city, spotting for the naval guns. John looked up at them with a silent snarl of hatred. I'd have sworn that dirigible aircraft carrier idea was completely worthless, he thought. It was, lad. Raj said quietly. At a guess, I'cJ say they retreated to something less ambitious—using the dirigibles to carry fuel and arranging some sort of midair hookup. correct, probability approaches unity. The streets were surprisingly free of crowds; what there were seemed to be moving to some purpose: armed men heading for the docks or the suburbs to the south, women with first-aid armbands or the civil-defense blue dot. Smith kept his foot on the throttle and made good use of the air horn. More barges were appearing from behind the Land fleet, coastal craft hastily converted to military use. They were black with men. Behind them lighter ships, gunboats and destroyers, moved in to give point-blank support to the landing parties with their quick-firers and pom-poms. "Here!" John shouted. The limousines lurched to a stop and the Santander citizens tumbled out, white-faced but moving quickly. Jeffrey and Henri brought up the rear; John stopped to drop grenades down the fuel tanks of both. Their pins were pulled, but the spoons were wrapped in tape. John hoped some Land patrol was using the cars by the time the gasoline dissolved the adhesive tape. They had stopped in front of a boaihouse in die fishing section of die port, a typical long shed with doors opening onto the water where a boat could be hauled out on rollers. This one was more substantial than most but just as rundown. "Do you think a boat can make it out past the Land Navy?" Beemer asked dubiously. THE CHOSEN 347 John unlocked the doors. "No, I don't, sir," he said. "Therefore—" Even with the sound of the bombardment in their ears, a few of the embassy staff paused to gawk. Within the dim barnlike space of the shed was a large biplane; each lower wing bore two engines back to back, with props at the leading and trailing edge. The body of the craft was a smooth oval of stressed plywood, broken by circular windows; the cockpit was separate, with only a windscreen ahead of it. Two air-cooled machine guns were mounted on a scarf ring in the center of the fuselage, where the upper wing merged with it. Bearing the planes weight were two long floats, like decked-over canoes. "Fueled and ready to go," John said. "Prototype— the navy's ordering a dozen. Jeff! Get some liana's on the props!" Bright sunlight made him blink as the big sliding doors were thrown back. The body of the airplane began to quiver as men spun the props and the engines coughed into life in puffs of blue smoke. He looked back into the body of the aircraft; Jeffs Uni-onaise bodyguard was stepping up into the firing rest beneath the machine guns. His foster-brother slid into the other seat in front of the controls, while Smith showed frightened embassy staff how to snap their seatbehs shut as they took their places along either side of the big biplane. "Good thinking," Jeffrey said. "I like gadgets," John said. He looked ahead. "I didn't think the Chosen could get aircraft here to support a landing, though." "Neither did I." He ran his hands over the controls. "Shall I?" "You're the expert, Jeff." Jeffrey Fair had run up quite a score in the aerial fighting over the Union. It was partly innate talent, but also because Center could put an absolutely accurate 348 S.M. Stirling 6- David Drake gunsight in front of his eyes, one that effortlessly calculated the complex ballistics of firing from one fast-moving plane and hitting an equally elusive target, The engines bellowed, and the biplane wallowed out onto the surface of Barclon's harbor. The sun was behind them, still low in the east, but the wind was coming directly down the Gut; the corsairs wind, they'd called it in the old days. Right now it meant charging straight into the line of muzzle flashes from the heavy guns of the Land fleet. One landed not three hundred yards away; the undershot produced a momentary tower of white water and black mud, and a wave that rocked the seaplane on its floats. "Time's a-wasting," Jeffrey said, and opened the throttles. The line of gray-painted warships grew with terrifying speed, closer and closer. Nice spacing, Jeffrey thought absently. Dad would approve. It wasn't easy to get warships moving so precisely and keeping such good station in the midst of action. He supposed this was action, although he couldn't see much in the way of shooting back—just an occasional burst from a field-gun shell, militia firing from the harbor mouth streets. The floatplane skipped across the slight harbor swell, throwing roostertails of spray from the prows of the floats. It was odd and a little unsettling to taxi in a plane that was horizonal and not down at the rear where the tail wheel rested. The craft felt a little sluggish; probably loaded to capacity with all these people, and the fuel tanks were full, too. But it was feeling lighter, the salt spray on his lips less as the floats began to flick across the surface of the waves rather than resting fully in the water. The controls bucked a little in his hands, and he drew back on the yoke. Bounce. Bounce. Bounce, and up. He climbed slowly, not trying to avoid the Chosen ships. Let 'em think we're one of theirs. There certainly weren't any Sier-ran aircraft in the air today. For that matter there THE CHOSEN 349 hadn't been more than a couple of dozen of them to begin with, and he'd bet the Chosen had taken them all out in the first few minutes of the strike, somehow. Infiltrated a strike commando days ago and activated them at a predetermined time, at a guess. correct, probability 87%, ±5. The sheer numbers of ships behind the gunline was stunning, and their upperworks were all gray-black with troops. "Must be a hundred thousand of them," he said. That's a big gamble; over fifteen percent of their total strength." John had worries more immediate than strategy. "Fighter coming down to look us over," he shouted back over the thundering roar of the airsteam. The biplane swooping towards them had the rounded cowling of a von Nelsing, but the wings looked a little different, plywood covered and with teardrop-section struts insteaa of the old bracing wires and angle-iron. "How fast is this thing?" he asked. one hundred fourteen miles an hour in level flight at three thousand feet, Center said, the latest mark of von nelsing pursuit plane has a maximum speed of one hundred forty miles an hour. Thank you so much," Jeffrey said. No chance of outrunning it. He looked down; they were over the tail end of the Chosen fleet, the last straggle of commandeered trawlers rigged for minesweeping or laying, and a screen of four-stacKer destroyers. Ahead he could just make out a line of dirigibles, keeping watch up the Gut. Another thirty miles or so and he'd be in sight of the Isle of Trois, the big island that filled most of the eastern end of the narrow sea. "How long do you think it'll take—" "For the pilot to twig that we aren't Land Air Service?" John said. "About three minutes." Land pilots were all Chosen, trained to use their initiative. Not much doubt about what this one would chose to do. 350 S.M. Stirling 6- David Drake "You tell Henri," Jeffrey said. "We'd better be quick about this." He pushed the stick forward, putting the big plane on a downward slope. Its weight made it faster thus, and reducing the dimensions the nimble enemy fighter could use also improved the situation. The higher buzz of the von Nelsing's engine grew stronger. He could almost hear the chick-chock sound as the pilot armed the twin machine guns in the nose. The water came closer, until he could see the thick white tines along the tops of the waves, running west to east as they almost always did in the Gut this time of year. The wind was more variable here, gristing and falling away. His hands were busy on stick and rudder pedals, keeping the big aircraft level. In the rearview mirror the machine-gun position was empty, with the guns pointing backward as if locked in their rest positions. John came back. "He's ready," he said. Reaching down the side of the cockpit, he came up with a pump-action shotgun and held it across his lap. "Whenever you signal." Jeffrey wished he could spit to clear the gummy texture out of his mouth. This was like trying to fight while stuck neck-deep down a whale's blowhole. Tne fighter crept up from behind them, a hundred feet or so above. He could see the goggled face craning and bending to get a glimpse of them, and waved cheerfully up at him. Or her. Who knew, that might even be Gerta Hosten. . , . probability 3%, ±1, Center said. Shut up. The aircraft grew closer. The Chosen pilot waggled his wings and pointed backward with an exaggerated gesture; he was getting impatient. So— "Now!" He banked the plane sideways, towards the enemy. The Chosen pilot acted the way pilots did, on instinct, pulling up sharply for height. Henri erupted out of the THE CHOSEN 351 open gun mount, slamming the guns up to their maximum ninety degrees. For a moment the bigger biplane seemed joined to the fighter above it by twin bars of tracer, then the von Nelsing staggered in the air and peeled away trailing smoke. John stood in the open cockpit, shielding his eyes with one hand and grabbing at the edge of the cowling to brace the blocky strength of his upper torso against the savage pull of the slipstream. "Pilot's dead or unconscious," he said aloud as he dropped back. Seconds later the fighter plowed into the surface of the water at full diving speed and a seventy-degree angle. It disintegrated, the engine continuing its plunge towards the shallow bottom of the Gut and the fuselage and wings scattering in fragments of wood, some burning. Henri shouted in triumph, and the passengers cheered. John continued to crane his head backward and around. "Hope nobody saw that," he said. Jeffrey nodded. "By the way, brother of mine, where the hell are we headed?" "I've got a couple of trawlers spotted up the Gut with fuel under the hatches," John said. "All just in case. If they're not there, there's an inflatable dinghy in the baggage compartment." "And if that doesn't work, we'll swim," Jeffrey said, flying one-handed while he felt in the pockets of his tunic for his cigarettes. "No, actually, I've got a motor launch hidden in a cove on the east coast of Trois," John said seriously. Jeffrey laughed. "And a slingshot in your underwear," he said. More soberly: "I hate like hell being cut off like this. What's going on, and who's doing what?" "I suspect the Chosen are doing most of the doing right now," John replied. "I just hope we're not the only ones keeping our heads while all about are losing theirs." "If we are, they'll blame it on us," Jeffrey said. "I'll bet Dad's doing something constructive, though." CHARTSR TWeiXTTV-TWO Maurice Farr stood at the head of the table in the admiral's quarters of the Great Republic, pride of the Northern Fleet, and stared at the messenger. The captains and commodores along either side looked up from their turtle soup, some of them spilling drops on their ceremonial summer-white uniforms. The overhead electrics blazed on the polished silver, the gold epaulets, the snowy linen of the tablecloth, and the starched jackets of the stewards serving the dinner. It would take news of real importance to interrupt this occasion. "Gentlemen," Farr said, quickly scanning the message, "Land forces have attacked the Sierra. Preliminary reports are sketchy, but it looks like they caught them completely flat-footed. Hundreds of transports escorted by squadrons of cruisers and destroyers have landed troops around Barclon in the Rio Arena estuary, and up and down the coast. Air assault troops are landing in Nueva Madrid, and the mountain passes on the northern and southern borders are under simultaneous attack."* Another messenger came in and passed a flimsy to the admiral. He opened it and read: Brothers Katzen-jammer have flown the coop. Stop. Never again. Stop. Love, J&J. Fair's shoulders kept their habitual stiffness, but he sighed imperceptibly. One less thing to worry about personally . . . and the Republic was going to need both his sons in the time ahead. A babble of conversation had broken out around the 352 THE CHOSEN 353 table. "Gentlemen!" Silence fell. "Gentlemen, we knew we were at war yesterday." When the news of Grisson's disaster had come through. And the politicians will blame it on him. Two modern ships and a score of relics and converted yachts against a dozen first-rate cruisers with full support. One of the Land craft had made it back to Bassin du Sud with her pumps running overtime, and several of the others had taken damage. All things considered, it was a miracle the Southern Fleet had been able to inflict that much harm before it was destroyed. "Now we have a large target. Silence, please." The tension grew thicker as Maurice Farr sat with his eyes closed, gripping the bridge of his nose between thumb and forefinger. "All right, gentlemen," he said at last. One or two of the hardier had gone on eating their soup, and now paused with their spoons poised. "Here's what we'll do. I'm assuming that all of you have steam up"—you'd better went unspoken—"and we can get under way tonight." That raised a few brows; a night passage up the Gut would be a definite risk, even after the exercises Farr had put die Northern Fleet through after assuming command six months ago. "Steaming at fourteen knots, that should place us"— he turned to the map behind him—"here by dawn tomorrow. Then . . ." Admiral der See Elise Eberdorf bunked at the communications technician. "They report what?" she said. "Sir, the entire Santander Navy Northern Fleet is steaming down the Gut towards us at flank speed, better than fifteen knots. Distance is less than forty miles." Eberdorf blinked again, staring blindly out the narrow armored windows of the Grossvolk. "Sixteen battleships, twenty-two fast protected cruisers, S.M. Stirling 6- David Drake 354 auxiliaries in proportion," the man read on. "Approaching—" That is the entire Northern Fleet, she thought. Less the Constitution, which was downlined with a warped main drive shaft according to the latest intelligence. They were approaching through the southern strait around Trois; they must have left their base last night and made maximum speed all night, ignoring the chance of grounding or mines. Which meant . . . She looked out at the chaos that covered the waters before Barclon. The Land's gold sunburst on black was flying over most of the city's nigher buildings, those still standing. The fires were still burning out of control in some districts, and the forts guarding the harbor mouth were ruins full of rotting flesh. The water was speckled with half the Land's merchant fleet and about a third of its navy, many of them working shore-support and punching out enemy bunkers for the army. Two-thirds of the Republic's navy was heading this way, and the Republic had a bigger navy to start with. Fools, she thought with cold anger. / told them that toe should concentrate on building battleships. Enough. Duty was duty; and her duty here was clear. "Signals," she said crisply. They had waited motionless, but she could sense the slight relief when she began to rap out orders. "To all transports in waves A and B." Those closest to the dock. "Enemy fleet approaching. Beach yourselves upriver." That way the crews and troops could get off the ships, at least. "All transports drawing less than five feet are to proceed upriver." Where they'd be safe from the shells of Santander battlewagons, at least. The animals still held parts of the river not far inland, but that was a lesser risk. "Waves C through F are to make maximum speed northward" With luck, most of them would have enough time to get under the protection of the guns of the THE CHOSEN 355 fortresses that marked the seaward junction of the old Sierran border. Imperial forts, but adequately manned and upgunned since the conquest. "Order to the fleet," she said. Sixty miles . . . just time enough. "Captains to report on board the flagship, with the following exceptions. Battleships Adelreich and Eisenrede are to make all speed north and rendezvous at Corona." Sending them out of harm's way; the navy would need every heavy ship it had to keep control of the vital passage. "Mine-laying vessels are to proceed to the harbor channels and dump their cargos overboard. Maximum speed; ignore spacing, just do it. End. Oh, and transmit to Naval HQ." "Sir." Her chief of staff stepped up beside her, speaking quietly into her ear. "Sir, the enemy will have seven times our weight of broadside. What do you intend to dor" Eberoorfs face was skull-like at the best of times, thin weathered skin lying right on the harsh bones. It looked even more like a death's-head as she smiled. "Do, Helmut?" she said. "We're going to buy some time. And then we're all going to die, I think." "Watch it!" someone said on the bridge. Maurice Fair didn't look around. He also didn't flinch as the Land twin-engine swept overhead, not fifty feet above the tripod mast of the Great Republic. He was looking through the slide-mounted binoculars of the combat bridge as the bombs dropped. One hit squarely on A turret, the forward double twelve-inch gun mount. The ship groaned and twisted, but when the smoke cleared he could see only a star-shaped scar on the hardened surface of the thick rolled and cast armor. Behind him a voice murmured: "A turret reports one casualty, sir." That was to the Great Republic's captain. Turret ready for action." "Give me the ranges," Fair said. 356 S.M. Stirling 6- David Drake "Eleven thousand, sir. Closing." Fair nodded. They were slanting in towards the Land ships, like not-quite-parallel lines, but there was shoal water between the fleets, far too shallow for his heavy ships, or even for most cruisers. "Admiral," the captain of the Great Republic said, "at maximum elevation, I could be making some hits by now with my twelve-inchers." "As you were, Gridley," Farr said emotionlessly. "Yes, sir." Two more Land aircraft were making runs at the Santander flagship, both twin-engine models. One was carrying a torpedo clamped underneath it; the other carried more of the sixty-pound bombs. He stiffened ever so slightly; the torpedo was a real menace, and he hadn't know that aircraft could be rigged for— The torpedo splashed into the shallow green water. Seconds later it detonated in a huge shower of mud. The Land biplane flew through the column of spray, its engines stuttering. Just then one of the four-barrel pom-poms on the side of the central superstructure cut loose. It was loud even in comparison to the general racket of battle, and the glowing globes of the one-pound shells seemed to flick out and then float, slowing, as they approached it. That was an optical illusion. The explosion when the aircraft flew into a dozen of the little shells was very real; it vanished in a fireball from which bits of smoking debris fell seaward. The stick of bombs from the next aircraft fell in a neat bracket over the Santander battleship, raising gouts of spray that fell back on the deck. Tentacled things floated limply on the water, or landed on die deck and lashed their barbed organic whips at the riveted steel. Thud. Flash. Thud. Flash. The eight-inch guns of the Land cruisers on the other side of the shoal were opening up on him. He smiled thinly, observing the fall of shot. Water gouted up, just short of the leading elements of his seventeen battleships—die eighteenth, THE CHOSEN 357 the President Cwnmings, was aground on a mudbank back half a kilometer and working frantically to it. The shell splashes were colored, green and orange and bright blue, dye injected into the bursting charges to let observers spot the point of impact. All were just a little short, although the foremost Santander battleship had probably been splashed. Another flotilla of four-stacker destroyers was darting out from behind the Land heavy ships, surging forward over the shoal water impassable to the deeper keels. For a moment, he abstractly admired their courage. Then he spoke: "Secondary batteries only, if you please." "Yes, sir. Admiral, there may be mines in the channel ahead." "I don't think so; we rushed them. In any case, damn the mines, continue course ahead." "Yes, sir." The Great Republic had her weapons arranged as most modern warships did: two heavy turrets fore and aft, in this case twin twelve-inch rifles, and four turrets for the secondary armament, two on either side just forward and abaft the central superstructure. That meant each of the battleships could fire a broadside of four eight-inch secondaries. They bellowed, the muzzle blasts enough to rock every man on the bridge and remind them to keep their mouths open to avoide pressure-flux damage to the eardrums. Shells fell among the Land destroyers, sixty-eight at a time. Four destroyers were fait in the first salvo, disappearing in fire and black smoke and spray as the heavy armor-piercing shells tore into their fragile plate structures. One destroyer came close enough to the Great Republic to begin to heel aside, the center-mounted three-tube torpedo launcher swinging on its center pivot. Every pom-pom on the battleship cut loose at it, hundreds of one-pounder shells striking from stem to stern of the destroyer's long slender hull. So did 358 S.M. Stirling 6- David Drake the six five-inch quick-firers in sponson mounts along the armored side. Afterwards, Farr decided that it had probably been a pom-pom shell hitting a torpedo warhead that started the explosions, but it might have been a five-incher penetrating into a magazine. The light was blinding, out when he blinked back his sight and threw up a hand against the radiant heat there was still a crater in the water, shrinking as the liquid rushed back into the giant bubble the shock wave had created. Of the destroyer there was very little to see. Another salvo of Land eight-inch shells went by, overhead this time. All along the line of Santander battlewagons the main gun turrets were turning, muzzles fairly low—they were close enough now that the flat trajectories of the high-velocity rifles would strike without much elevation. Fair didn't trust high-angle fire at long range; it was deadly when it hit, but the probabilities were low given the current state of fleet gunnery. He smiled bleakly. I've waited a long time for this, he thought. Aloud: "You may fire when ready, Gridley." Sixty-eight twelve-inch guns spoke within two seconds of each other, a line of flame and water rippling away from the muzzle blast all along the two-mile stretch of the Santander gunline. The Great Republic shivered and groaned, her eighteen-thousand-ton mass twisting in protest. The massive projectiles slapped out over the furrows the propellant gasses had dug in the water, reaching the height of their trajectory as the sea flowed back. Then they began to fall towards the Chosen, multiple tons of steel and high explosive avalanching down. When their hardened heads struck armor plate, it would flow aside like a liquid. Heinrich Hosten looked out over the harbor of Barclon with throttled fury. The surface of the water was burning, floating gasoline and heavier oils from the THE CHOSEN 359 sunken tankers still drifting in flaming patches. The masts of sunken freighters slanted up out of the filthy water, among the floating debris and bodies. A few hulls protruded above the surface, nose-down with the bronze propellers dripping into the filth below. Other columns of smoke showed low on the western horizon, where the Santander battleships and their consorts were heading for home. The air stank of death and burnt petroleum, with the oily reek of the latter far more unpleasant. "At feast the enemy are withdrawing," the naval attache' said. Heinrich swallowed bile. "Captain Gruenwald, the enemy are withdrawing because they have accomplished their mission and there are no targets left which warrant risking a capital ship. Now, get down there and see what assets we have left—if any. Or get a rifle and make yourself useful. But in either case, get out of my sight." "Jawohl." The naval officer clicked heels, did a perfect about-face, and left. Heinrich's head turned like a gun turret to his chief of staff. "Report?" "We got about ninety percent of the troops and support personnel off the transports," he said. "Half tne ilies, mostiy ammunition. Very little of the food" it had been in the last convoys—"and only about one-quarter of the motor fuel. We may be able to recover a little more from tankers sunk in shallow water." So much for the masterpiece of my career, Heinrich thought An operation going absolutely according to plan, which was a minor miracle—until the Santander fleet showed up. It could have been worse. A day earlier, and they'd have slaughtered the entire army at sea. Aloud: "Well, then. Immediate general order: All motor fuel to be reserved for armored fighting vehicles. The officers can walk or ride horses. Next, the reports from the other elements." 360 S.M. Stirling 6- Daoid Drake This was a four-pronged invasion: his, down here in the coastal plain; an air assault on Nueva Madrid and points between here and there; and the two overland drives into the mountains on the Sierra's northern and southern flanks. "Sir. Brigadier Hosten reports successful seizure of the central government complex in Nueva Madrid, most of the personnel on the critical list, of the National Armory, and the refinery. The refinery will be operational within six to ten days. She anticipates no problem holding her perimeter until linkup with the main force. All me other air-landing forces report objectives achieved." Heinrich grunted with qualified relief. The rhythm of operations would be badly disrupted still, but at least he wouldn't run completely dry of fuel when what he had on hand was gone. When he held the triangle of territory based on the Gut and reaching to Nueva Madrid, the bulk of Sierra's population and industry would be under Chosen control. The aide went on: "General Meitzerhagen reports that the northern passes are now secured and he is advancing south along the line of the railway. Resistance is disorganized but heavy and consistent. Also, there have already been raids on his line of communication," Heinrich grunted again, running a thick finger down the line of rail leading towards the central lowlands, with a branch westward along the Rio Arena. "My compliments to General Meitzerhagen, and his followup elements are to secure the line of rail by liquidating the entire population within two days foot-march of the railways." The aide blinked; that was a little drastic, even by Chosen standards. Cautiously, he asked, "Herr General, will that not distract from our primary mission?" "No. Santander can interdict the Gut, but they cannot land significant forces here—they don't have enough THE CHOSEN 361 to spare from the Union border. Hence, the outcome of this campaign is not in doubt, given the forces available here. For reasons you have no need to know, it is now absolutely imperative that we secure the rail passage across the Sierra to our forces in the Union. Guerillas cannot operate without a civilian populace to shelter and feed them. These Sierrans are stubborn animals, and I have no time to tame them by gentle means. Their corpses will give us no trouble except as a public health problem." "Zum behfel, Herr General." "And my compliments to Brigadier Hosten: signal Well done." "Why, thank you, Heinrich," Gerta muttered to herself, tossing the telegraph form onto her desk. That had belonged to one of the Executive Council of the Sierra until yesterday morning. There was still a spatter of dried blood across it where a submachine-gun burst had ended that particular politician's term of office; it was beginning to smell pretty high, too. The windows were permenantly opened—grenade—which cut it a little; it also let her listen to mop-up squads finishing off the pockets of resistance all across Nueva Madrid. "Enter," she said; the words were blurred by the bandages across one side of her face, and by the pain of the long gash underneath. Her son snapped to attention. "Sir. The last fires in the refinery are out. Here are the casualty reports. The technicians say that the water supply can be restarted as soon as we hold the reservoir; Colonel von Seedow asks permission to—" Colonel von Seedow came in, walking rather stiffly. "You may go, Fahnrich" she said. Johan was young enough to still be entranced by military formality. Von Seedow saluted more casually. "It's an easy enough target," she said. "My scouts report that the 362 S.M. Stirftog 6 David Drake enemy aren't holding it in force, and I'd rather we didn't give them time to think of poisoning it." Gerta considered; she was tasked with taking the capital and a set surrounding area and holding until relieved. On the other hand, she had considerable latitude, resistance had been light, and just sitting on her behind waiting had never been her long suit. Speaking of which . . . "That a wound, Maxine?" she said, as the otfier Chosen officer sat in a gingerly fashion. "In a manner of speaking, Brigadier. You don't like girls, do you? Gerta blinked; it was a rather odd question at this point. "No. About as entertaining as a gynecological exam, for me. Why?" "Well, in that case my warning is superfluous, but watch out for the ones here. They bite." They shared a chuckle, and Gerta pulled out the appropriate map. "Through here?" she said, drawing a line with her finger to the irregular blue circle of me reservoir. To. And a couple of companies around here. Can you spare me some armored cars?" "That's no problem, we only lost two in action." Maxine von Seedow ran a hand over the blond stubble that topped her long, rather boney face. "Good. We did lose more infantry than I anticipated." "Stubborn beasts, locally." Von Seedow rose, wincing slightly. Tell me about it, Brigadier. In my opinion, we should exterminate them. I should have the reservoir by nightfall." > o "Good. The last thing I want is an epidemic of dys-entry. Or rather, the last tiling you want is an epidemic of dysentry." Maxine raised her pale eyebrows. "In their infinite wisdom, the General Staff are pulling me out. They've got another hole and need a cork." CHARTSR TWENTY-THRee "War! Extra, extra, read all about it—Republic at war with Chosen! Admiral Fair smashes Chosen fleet!" "Well, part of it," Jeffrey Farr said, snatching a copy thrust into his hands and flipping a fifty-cent piece back. The car was moving slowly enough for that; the streets of Santander City were packed. Militiamen were rushing to their mobilization stations, air-raid wardens in their new armbands and helmets were standing on stepladders to tape over the streetlights, and everybody and his Aunt Sally were milling around talking to each other. Smith pulled the car over to the curb for ten minutes while a unit of Regulars—Premier's Guard, but in field kit—headed towards the main railway station. The newspaper was full of screaming headlines three inches high, and so were the mobilization notices being pasted up on every flat surface by members of the Women's Auxiliary, who also wore armbands. The crowds cheered the soldiers as they marched. John nodded. "Hope they're still as enthusiastic in a year," he said grimly. "Hope we're alive in a year," Jeffrey replied, scanning the article. His lips shaped a soundless whistle. "Hot damn, but it looks like Dad completely cleaned their clocks. Eight cruisers, a battleship, and half their transports. Good way to start the war." "Improves our chances," John said. "I wonder if Center—" admiral farr's actions indicate the limit of 363 364 S.Af. Stirling 6- David Drake stochastic multivarient analysis, Center said, in your terms: a pleasant surprise, probability of favorable outcome to the struggle as a whole is increased by 7%, ±1. Jeffrey nodded. "Wonder what they'll do now," he mused. "What'd you do, in their boots?" "Stand pat," John said at once. "Fortify the line of the Union-Santander border, concentrate on pacifying the occupied territories, and build ships and aircraft like crazy—taking Chosen personnel out of the armies to do it, if I had to. Absolutely no way we could fight our way through the mountains." Good lad, Raj said. That would make their tactics serve their strategy. correct, Center replied, dispassionate as always, the stragety John hosten has outlined would give probability of chosen victory within a decade of over 75%; probability of long-term stalemate 10%; probability of santander victory 15%. in addition, in this scenario there is a distinct possibility of immediate and long-term setback to human civilization on visager, as the effort of prolonged total war and the development of weapons of mass destruction undermines the viability of both parties. "Fortunately, they're not likely to do that," Jeffrey said. The Chosen always did tend to mistake operations for strategy." probability of full-scale chosen attack on santander border is 85%, ±7, Center confirmed. "They'U try to roll right over us," John said. "The question is, can we hold them?" "We'd better," Jeffrey said. "If we don't hold them in the passes, if they break through into the open basin country west of Alai, we're royally fucked. The provincial militias just don't have die experience or cohesion to fight open-field battles of maneuver yet." "The Regulars will have to hold them, then." Jeffrey's face was tired and stubbled; now it looked THE CHOSEN 365 old. "And Gerard's men," he said softly. "There in the front line." John looked at him. "That'll be pretty brutal," he warned. "They'll be facing the Land's army—in the civil war, it was mostly Libert's troops with a few Land units as stiffeners." Jeffreys lips thinned "Gerard's men are half the formed, regular units we have," he said. "We need time. If we spend all our cadre resisting the first attacks, who's going to teach the rush of volunteers? We've split up the Freedom Brigades people to the training camps, too." John sighed and nodded. "Behfel ist behfel" "Good God, what is that?" the HQ staffer said. Jeffrey Farr looked up from the table. All across the eastern horizon light flickered and died, flickered and died, bright against the morning. The continuous thudding rumble was a background to everything, not so much loud as all-pervasive. "That's the Land artillery," he said quietly, "Hurricane bombardment. Start sweating when it stops, because the troops will come in on the heels of it." He turned back to the other men around the table, most in Santander brown, and many looking uncomfortable in it. "General Parks, your division was federalized two weeks ago. It should be here by now." "Sir . . ." Parks had a smooth western accent. "It's corn planting season, as I'm sure you're aware, and—" "And the Chosen will eat the harvest if we don't stop them," Jeffrey said. "General Parks, get what's at the concentration points here, and do it fast. Or turn your command over to your 2-IC." Who, unlike Parks, was a regular, one of the skeleton cadre that first-line provincial militia units had been ordered to maintain several years ago, when the Union civil war began ratcheting up tensions. "I think that'll be all; you may return to your units, gentlemen." 366 S.M. Stirftng 6 David Drake He looked down at the map, took a cup of coffee from the orderly and scalded his lips slightly, barely noticing. The markers for the units under his command were accurate as of last night. Fifty thousand veterans of the Unionaise civil war; another hundred thousand regulars from the Republic's standing army, and many of the officers and NCO's had experience in that war, too. Two hundred and fifty thousand fed-eralized militia units; they were well equipped, but their training ranging from almost as good as the Regulars to abysmal. More arriving every hour. Half a million Land troops were going to hit them in a couple of hours, supported by scores of heavy tanks, hundreds of light ones, thousands of aircraft. "None of Libert's men?" Gerard said quietly, tracing the unit designators for the enemy forces. "No. They're moving east—east and north, into the Sierra." "Good," Gerard said quietly. Jeffrey looked up at him. The compact little Unionaise was smiling. "Not pleasant, fighting one's own countrymen." "Rerre ..." Jeffrey said. Gerard picked up his helmet and gloves, saluted. "My friend, we must win this war. To this, everything else is subordinate." They shook hands. Gerard went on; "libert thinks he can ride the tiger. It is only a matter of time until he joins the other victims in the meat locker." "I think he's counting on us breaking the tiger's teeth," Jeffrey said. "God go with you." "How not? If there was ever anyone who fought with His blessing, it is here and now." "Damn," Jeffrey said softly, watching the Unionaise 5 • walk towards his staff car. "I hate sending men out to die." If you didn't, you wouldn't be the man you ore, Raj said. But you'll do &, nonetheless. THE CHOSEN 367 Maurice Hosten stamped on the rudder pedal and wrenched the joystick sideways. His biplane stood on one wing, nose down, and dove into a curve. The Land fighter shot past him with its machine guns stuttering, banking itself to try and follow his turn. He spiraled up into an Immelmann and his plane cartwheeled, cutting the cord of his opponent's circle. His finger clenched down on the firing stud. "Fuck!" The deflection angle wasn't right; he could feel it even before the guns stuttered. Spent brass spun behind him, sparkling in the sunlight, falling through thin air to the jagged mountain foothills six thousand feet below. Acrid propellant mingled with the smells of exhaust fumes and castor oil blowing back into his face. Land and cloud heeled cra-zily below him as he pulled the stick back into stomach, pulled until gravity rippled his face bad on the bone and vision became edged with gray. Got the bastard, sot him— Something warned him. It was too .quick for thoug stick hard right, rudder right. . . and another Land plane lanced through the space he'd been in, dh out of the sun. His leather-helmeted head jerked " and forth, hard enough to saw his skin if it hadn't for the silk scarf. The rest of his squadron were goi not just his wingman—he'd seen the Land fight bounce Tom—but all the rest as well. The sky was except for his own plane and the two Chosen pilots. Nothing for it. He pushed the throttles home dove into cloud, thankful it was close. Careful, Easy to get turned around in here. Easy even to track of which way was up and end up flying "~ down into a hillside convinced you were cfii There was just enough visibility to see his ins radium glow: horizon, compass, airspeed indicator. One! hundred thirty-eight; the Mark IV was a sweet bird When he came out of the cloudbank there was 368 S.M. Stirling 6- David Drake nobody in sight. He kept twisting backward to check the sun; that was the most dangerous angle, always. The ground below looked strange, but then, it usually did. Check for mountain peaks, check for rivers, roads, the spaces between them. "That's the Slander," he decided, looking at the twisting river. "Ensburg's thataway." Ensburg had been under siege from the Chosen for a month. So that train of wagons on the road was undoubtedly a righteous target. And he still had more than half a tank of fuel. Maurice pushed the stick forward and put his finger back on the firing button. Every shell and box of hardtack that didn't make it to the lines outside Ensburg counted. "Damn, that's ugly," Jeffrey said, swinging down from his staff car. The huge Land tank was burnt out, smelling of human fat melted into the ground and turning rancid in the summer heat. The commander still stood in the main gun turret, turned to a calcined statue of charcoal, roughly human-shaped. "This way, sir," the major . . . Carruthers, that's his name . . . said. "And careful—there are Lander snipers on that ridge back there." The major was young, stubble-chinned and filthy, with a peeling sunburn on his nose. From the way he scratched, he was never alone these days. He'd probably been a small-town lawyer or banker three months ago; he was also fairly cheerful, which was a good sign. "We caught it with a field-gun back in that farmhouse," he said, waving over one shoulder. Jeffrey looked back; die building was stone blocks, gutted and roofless, marked with long black streaks above the windows where the fire has risen. There was a barn nearby, reduced to charred stumps of THE CHOSEN 369 timbers and a big stone water tank. The orchard was ragged stumps. "Caught it in the side as it went by." He pointed; one of the powered bogies that held the massive war machine up was shattered and twisted. "Then we hit it with teams carrying satchel charges, while the rest of us gave covering nre." The ex-militia major sobered. "Lost a lot of good men doing it, sir. But I can tell you, we were relieved. Those things are so cursed hard to stop!" "I know," Jeffrey said dryly, looking to his right down the eastward reach of the valley. The Santander positions had been a mile up that way, before the Chosen brought up the tank. "This is dead ground, sir. You can straighten up." Jeffrey did so, watching the engineers swarming over the tank, checking for improvements and modifications. "The good news about these monsters, major, comes in threes," he said, tapping its flank, "There aren't very many of them; they break down a lot; and now that the lines aren't moving much, the enemy don't get to recover and repair them very often." "Well, that's some consolation, sir," Carruthers said dubiously. 'They're still a cursed serious problem out here." "We all have problems, Major Carruthers." The factory room was long, lit by grimy glass-paned skylights, open now to let in a little air; the air of Oathtaking, heavy and thick at the best of times, and laden with a sour acid smog of coal smoke and chemicals when the wind was from the sea. Right now it also smelled of the man who was hanging on an iron hook driven into the base of his skull. The hook was set over the entrance door, where the workers passed each morning and evening as they were taken from the camp on the city's outskirts. The body had been there for two days now, ever since the shop fell below 370 S.M. Stirling 6- David Drake quota for an entire week. Sometimes it moved a little as the maggots did their work. Th^fe was a blackboard beside the door, with cfaalfesd numbers on it. This week's production was ftearly eight percent over quota. A cheerful banner announced the prizes that the production group would receive if they could sustain that for another seven days: a pint of wine for each man, beef and fresh fruit, tobacco, and two hours each with an inmate from the women's camp. Tomaso Guiardini smiled as he looked at the banner. He smiled again as he looked down at the bearing race in the clamp before him. It was a metal circle; the inner surface moved smoothly under his hand, where it rested on the ball-bearings in the race formed by die outer U-shaped portion. Very smoothly. Nothing to tell that there were metal filings mixed with the lubricating matrix inside. Nothing except the way the bearing race would seize up and burn when subjected to heavy use, in about one-tenth the normal time. He looked up again at the banner. Perhaps the woman would be pretty, maybe with long, soft hair. Mostly die Chosen shaved the inmates' scalps, though. He glanced around. The foreman was looking over somebody else's shoulder. Tomaso took two steps and swept a handful of metal shavings from the lathe across die aisle, dropping them into the pocket of his grease-stained overall, and was back at his bench before the Protege" foreman—he was a one-eyed veteran widi a limp, and a steel-cored rubber truncheon dionged to his wrist—could turn around. "Dad!" Maurice Hosten checked his step. "I mean, sir. Ah, just a second." He pulled off the leather flyer's helmet and turned to give some directions to die ground crew; die blue-black curls of his hair caught the sun, and the strong THE CHOSEN 371 line of his jaw showed a faint shadow of dense beard of exactly die same color. His plane had more bullet holes in die upper wing, and part of the tail looked as if it had been chewed. There were a row of markings on the fuselage below the cockpit, too—Chosen sunbursts widi a red line drawn duxmgh of them. Eight hi all, and die outline of an airship. John Hosten's blond hair was broadly streaked with gray now, and as he watched the young man's springy step he was abrupdy conscious that he was no longer anything but unambiguously middle-aged. He still buckled his belt at die same notch, he could do most of what he had been able to—hell, his biological father was running the Land's General Staff with ruthless competence and he was durty years older—but doing it took a higher price every passing year. Maurice, though, he certainly isn't a boy any longer. War doesn't give you much chance at youth., Raj agreed, widi an edge of sadness to his mental voice. The young pilot turned back. "Good to see you, Dad." "And you, son." He pulled the young man into a brief embrace. That's from your modier." "How is she?" "Still working too hard," John said. "We meet at breakfast, most days." Maurice chuckled and shook his head. "Doing wonders, diough. The food's actually edible since die Auxiliary took over the mess." They began walking back towards the pine-board buildings to one side of the dirt strip. "I wish everything was going as well," he said, widi a quick scowl. "I'm listening," John said. "You always cud, Dad," Maurice said. He ran a hand through his hair. "Look, die war's less than six months old—and there are only three other pilots in this squadron besides me who were in at the start. And one of them had experience in the Union civil war." 372 S.M. Stirling ir David Drake "Bad, I know." "Dad, we're losing nearly two-thirds of the new pilots in the first week they're assigned to active patrols." 60% in the first ten days, Center said inside his head, a slight exaggeration. "The Chosen pilots, they're good. And they've got experience. Our planes are about as good now, but Christ, the new chums, they've got maybe twenty hours flying time when they get here. It's like sending puppies up against Dobermans! I have to force myself to learn their f— sorry, their goddamned names." "You were almost as green," John pointed out. "Dad, that's not the same tiling, and you know it. I had Uncle Jeff teaching me before the war, and I'm . . . lucky." He's a natural., Raj said clinically. It's the same with any type of combat—-swords, pistols, bayonet fighting. Novices do most of the dying, experienced men do most of the fc*Zitng, and a jew learn faster than anyone else. This boy of yours is a fast learner; I know the type. "What do you suggest, son?" "I—" Maurice hesitated, and ran his fingers through his hair again. "What we really need is more instructors—experienced instructors—back at the flying schools." "You want the job?" John said. "Christ no! I ... oh." He trailed off uncertainly. "Well, that's one reason," John said. "For another, we don't have time to stretch the training. The Chosen were getting ready for this war for a long time. Our men have to learn on the job, and they pay for it in blood; not just you pilots, but the ground troops as well. We've lost two hundred and fifty thousand casualties." Maurice's eyes went wide, and he gave a small grunt of incredulous horror. "Yes, we don't publicize the overall figures; and that doesn't count the Union Loyalist troops; they were THE CHOSEN 373 virtually wiped out. The weekly dead-and-missing list in the newspapers is bad enough. In Ensburg, they're eating rats and their own dead. We estimate half the population of the Sierra is gone, and in the Empire, we're supplying guerillas who keep operating even though they know a hundred hostages will be shot for every soldier killed, five hundred for every Chosen. But we stopped them. They thought they could run right over us the way they did the Empire, or the Sierra . . . and they didn't. They've nowhere gotten more than a hundred miles in from the old Union border, and our numbers are starting to mount. The Chosen are butchers, and we're paying a high butchers bill, but we're learning." Maurice shook his head. "Dad," he said slowly, "I wouldn't have your job for anything." "Not many of us are doing what we'd really like," John said, "Duty's duty." He clapped his hand on his son's shoulder. "But we're doing our best—and you're doing damned well." None of the command group was surprised when Gerta Hosten arrived; if they had been, she'd have put in a report that would ensure their next command was of a rifle platoon on the Confrontation Line. The pickets and ambush patrols passed her through after due checks, and she found the brigade commander consulting with his subordinates next to two parked vehicles in what had been Pueblo Vieho before the forces of the Land arrived in the Sierra the previous spring. A lieutenant was talking, pointing out the path her command had taken through the pine woods further up the mountain slopes, above the high pastures. Gerta vaulted out of her command car—it was a six-wheeled armored car chassis with the turret and top deck removed—and exchanged salutes and clasped wrists with the commander. " 'Tag, Ektar," she said. "How are things in the quiet sector? Missed you by about an hour at your headquarters." 374 S.M Stirling 6- David Drake "Just coming up to see how things are going at the business end," Ektar Feldenkopf said. "Not a bad bag: seventeen men, twenty-four women, and a round dozen of their brats. The yield from these sweeps has been falling off." The air of the high Sierran valley was cool and crisp even in late summer. Most of it had been pasture, growing rank now. The burnt snags of the village's log nouses didn't smell any more, or the bodies underneath them. There were still traces of gingerbread carving around the eaves. Several skeletons lay on die dirt road leading to the lowlands, where the clean-up squad had shot them as they fled into the darkness from their burning houses. The bodies laid out in the overgrown mud of the street had probably run the other way, up into the forests and the mountains, to survive a little longer and steal down to try and raid the conqueror's supply lines. The women and children taken alive knelt in a row beyond the corpses, hands secured behind their backs. "Which means either they're getting thinner on die ground, or better at hiding, or both." "Both, I think—the interrogations will tell us something. The males had a rifle each and about twenty rounds, plus some handguns, but no explosives." Johan was looking at one of the prisoners, a blond who probably looked extremely pretty when she was better fed and didn't have dried blood from a blow to the nose over most of her face. Gerta smiled indulgently; young men had single-track minds, and he'd been doing his work very well. He had some scars of his own now, although nothing like the one that seamed the side of her face since the drop on Nueva Madrid, and drew the left corner of her face up in a permanent slight smile. "All right," she said. "But don't undo her hands and watch out for the teeth. Remember Hauptman von Seedow." THE CHOSEN 375 The three Chosen shared a brief chuckle; poor Maxine had been laid up in a field hospital for a month with her infected bite, and the joke was still doing the rounds of every officer's mess in the Lands armed forces. She'd nearly punched one wit who offered her a recipe for a poultice. She'll never live it down, Gerta thought, as her son walked over to the prisoners. Still chucloine, he hauled the girl—she was about his own age—to her feet by her hair and marched her off behind the ruins of one of the buildings. "How are they surviving?" Gerta asked. None of them were what you'd call well-fleshed, but they weren't on the verge of starvation either. "These mountain villages, they store cheese and dried milk and so on up in the caves," the officer said, waving towards the jagged snow-capped mountains to the north. "There are a lot of caves up there. And there's game, deer and bison, rabbits and so forth, and a lot of cattle and sheep and pigs gone wild in the woods. Half-wild to begin with. Stiff, they're getting hungrier, and we're whittling them down. It's good rest and recreation for units pulled out of the line." "How do the Unionaise shape?" she asked. There was a brigade of them down die valley a ways, at the crossroads twenty miles west of the railroad, under their own officers, but also under die operational control of the Land regional command. "Not bad," die officer said, as a shrill scream sounded from behind the wrecked building. It trailed off into sobs. "Not as energetic at dieir patrolling as I'd like. Good enough for this work, I'd say; I couldn't swear how they'd do in heavy combat. Settling in to tiiat town as if they owned die place." "They think they do," Gerta replied. "Well, diings appear to be under control here. Which is more than I can say about some odier places." The garrison commander frowned and lowered his 376 S.M. Stirling 6 David Drake voice. "How does the Confrontation Line develop? The official reports seem , . . overly optimistic." Gerta spoke quietly as well. "Not so well. We're killing the Santies by the shitload, that part of die offi-cal story is true enough. They keep attacking us with more enthusiasm than sense, but it's getting more expensive, and we're not taking much territory. EnsburgiS still holding out." "Still?" The man's brows rose. "They must be starving." They are. I was in the siege lines last week; nothing left inside but rubble, and you can smell the stink of their funeral pyres. Starvation, typhus, whatever—but they're not giving up." She spat into the dirt. "If that monomaniac imbecile Meitzerhagen hadn't killed the garrison of Fort William after they surrendered and bellowed the fact to the world, they might have been more inclined to give up. So would a lot of the other garrisons we cut off in the first push; mopping them up took time the Santies used to get themselves organized. We lost momentum." The other officer nodded. "Meitzerhagen's a sledgehammer," he said. "The problem is—" "—not all problems are nails," she finished. "Stalemate, for the present, then." "Jo. We can push them, but we outrun our supplies. And even when we beat them, they don't run, and there are always more of them. Their equipments good, too. Now that they're learning how to use it ..." She shrugged. "How is our logistical situation, then?" "It sucks wet dogshit. We can't move dirigibles within a hundred miles of the front in daylight, the road net's terrible, the terrain favors defense ... and the Santies are right in the middle of their main industrial area, with their best farmlands only a few hundred miles away on first-class rails and roads.** "I presume the staff is evolving a counterstrategy." THE CHOSEN 377 *"Yo. No details of course, but let's just say that we're going to encourage their enthusiasm and prepare to receive it. Also if we can't use the Gut, there's no reason they should be able to either." The officer sighed and nodded. "Well, you can tell them that my brigade at least is doing its job," he said. "Trying to keep the rail lines through the Sierra working would have been a nightmare if we'd used conventional occupation techniques. Bad enough as it is." Young Johan returned, pushing the dazed and naked Sierran girl before him. He dropped into parade rest behind Gerta, smiling faintly as the prisoner stumbled back to kneel with the others. "In a year or two, there won't be any left to speak of. ... Speaking of which, you said there was a new directive?" Gerta nodded. "Ya, we're running short of labor for the construction gangs, importing from the New Territories is inconvenient, big projects all over, and the local animals might as well give some value before they die," she said. "Send down noncombatant adults fit for heavy work—ones that give up when you catch them. Keep killing all those found in arms or not useful. Except children under about five. As an experiment, we're sending those back to the Land to be raised by senior Prote'ge'-soldier families." Long-serving Prote'ge' soldiers were allowed to marry, as a special privilege for good service. "They might be useful, that way, in the long term. At your discretion, though; don't tie up transport if you're busy." The other Chosen nodded. Jawohl. Odd to think of us running short of manual workers, though." "Well, even the New Territories' population has dropped considerably," she said. "We'll have to be less wasteful after the war." Gerta returned his salute and turned to her open-topped armored car. When you carried a hatchet for the General Staff, your work was never done. TWSNITV-POUR Jeffrey Farr whistled soundlessly. Not that anyone could have heard him in the rear seat of the observation plane; the noise of the engine and the slipstream was too loud. He reached forward and tapped the pilot on the shoulder, circling his hand with the index finger up and pointing it downwards. The pilot nodded and circled, coming down to four thousand feet. A couple of light pom-poms opened up, winking up at them from the huge piles of turned earth below; then a heavier antiaircraft gun, that stood some chance of reaching them. Black puffs of smoke erupted in the air below, each with a momentary snap of fire at its heart before it lost shape and began to drift away. Ant-tiny, hordes of laborers dove for the shelter of the trenches they had been digging, leaving their tools among the piles of timber, steel sheet and reinforcing rod. There was a big camera fastened to brackets ahead of the observer's position, but Jeffrey ignored it. He'd seen pictures; this trip was for a personal look. Att right, he thought. Nice job of field engineering. Everything laid out to command the ground to the east, but not just simple positions on ridge tops. Machine-gun bunkers at the base of the ridges, giving maximum fields of fire; heavier bunkers for field guns, revetted positions for heavy mortars on the reverse slopes, with communications trenches and even tunnels to bring reserves forward quickly without leaving them exposed to direct-fire weapons. All-round 378 THE CHOSEN 379 fields of fire, so that each position could hold out if cut off, and heavier redoubts further back, layer upon layer of them. They must have half a miUion men working on this, Jeffrey thought, impressed. correct to within ten thousand ±6, Center said. assuming an equivalent effort in other sectors of die front, as intelligence reports indicate. "Well, we'll have to take this into account," Jeffrey said. He tapped the pilot's shoulder again; despite their two-squadron escort, the man was looking nervously east and upward, to where Land attackers would come diving out of the morning sun. The plane banked westward. "Thank you gentlemen for meeting on such short notice," Jeffrey said. They were in the Premier's bunker beneath the hilltop Executive Mansion, nearly a hundred yards underground, as deep as you could get near Santander City without hitting groundwater. The impact of the bombs, a dull crump . . . crump . . . was felt more through the soles of their feet than heard through their ears. Every now and then the overhead electric light flickered, and dust filtered down, making men sneeze at its acrid scent. "I thought you'd made it suicidal for dirigibles to fly over our territory," Maurice Farr said dryly to the Air Force commander. The commander flushed and pulled at his mustache. "In daylight, yes. But the speed and altitude advantage of our fighters is fairly narrow. At night, it's much harder. Those might be their new long-range eight-engine bomber planes, too. We're having more of a problem with those." At the head of the table, Jeffrey held up a hand. "In any case, the error radius of night bombing is so huge that it consumes more of their resources to do it than it does of ours to endure it." 380 S.M. Stirling 6- David Drake The Premier tapped a pencil sharply on the table. "General, we're losing hundreds, perhaps thousands of civilian every time one of those raids breaks through." Jeffrey dipped his head slightly. "With all due respect, sir, there were a hundred and fifty thousand people in Ensburg—and I doubt ten thousand of them are alive now, and those are in Chosen labor camps." A pall of silence fell around the table. The siege of Ensburg had been a morale-booster for the whole Republic. Its fall had been a correspondingly serious blow. Jeffrey went on: "So with all due respect, Mr. Premier, anything that helps keep the enemy back is a postive factor, and that includes attacks that hurt us but hurt him more." "There's the effect of bombing on civilian morale," the politician pointed out. observe: Scenes floated before Jeffreys eyes: cities reduced to street patterns amid tumbled scorched brick, airraid shelters full of unmarked corpses asphyxiated as the firestorms above sucked the oxygen from their lungs, fleets of huge four-engined bombers sleeker and more deadly than anything Visager knew raining down incendiaries on a town of half-timbered buildings crowded with refugees while odd-looking monoplane fighters tried to beat them off. "Sir, our citizens could take a lot more pain than this and still keep going. In any case, if we could turn to the matter at hand?" The men around die table—generals, admirals, heads of ministries—opened the folders that lay before diem. Heading each bundle of documents were aerial photographs of enormous twisting chains of fortifications. Maps followed, and intelligence summaries. "Is this reliable?" the Premier asked. "Sir, I've seen a good deal of it with my own eyes,*" Jeffrey said. "And we have the labor gangs working THE CHOSEN 381 on it penetrated to a fare-thee-well. It's genuine, and it's a major effort. Not just the labor, they've got plenty of that, but the transport capacity it's tying up and the materials. Steel, cement, explosives for the minefields." "So you're right. They're going to withdraw," the Premier said. "We're beating them!" "Sir." The elected leader of the Republic looked up at Jeffrey's tone. "Sir, we're making them retreat—and that's not the same thing. We have to consider the strategic consequences. If you'll all turn to Report Four?" They did; it started with a map. "That line—they're code-naming it the Gothic Line, for some reason—is cursed well laid-out. When it's finished, they'll make a fighting retreat and then sit and wait for us." "We've pushed them back once, we can do it again!" the Premier said. "No invader can be left on the Republics soil, whatever the cost." Christ. Usually the Premier's aggressive pugnacity was a plus for Jeffrey and the conduct of the war; he'd trampled the political opposition into dust, and the people had rallied around him as a symbol of the national will—they were calling him "the Tiger," now. But if he got the bit between his teeth on this— observe: Men in khaki uniforms and odd soup-bowl helmets clambered out of trenches and advanced into a moonscape of craters and bits of trees, ends of twisted barbed wire, mud, rotting fragments of once-human flesh. They walked in long neat lines, precisely spaced. From ahead, beyond the uncut barbed wire, the machine guns began to flicker in steady arcs . . . . . . and men in different uniforms, blue, helmets with a ridge down the center, huddled in a shell crater. Bulbous masks hid their faces, turning them into snouted insectile shapes. Bodies bobbed in the thick muddy water at the bottom of the shefl hole, their flesh stained yellow. Somehow he knew that tile air was full 382 S.Af. Stirling 6- David Drake of an invisible drifting death that would burn out lungs and turn them to bags of thick liquid matter . . . . . . and a man in neat officer's uniform with a swagger stick in his hand and the red tabs of the staff looked out over a sea of mud churned to the consistency of porridge. It was too viscous even to hold the shape of craters, although it was dimpled like the face of a smallpox victim. Flank walkways lead off into the steady gray rain; about them lay discarded equipment, sunken in the mire. So was a mule, still feebly struggling with oruV the top quarter of its body showing. "Good God," the man said, his face gray as the churned and poisoned soil. "Did we send men out to fight in this?" His face crumpled into tears. Jeffrey shook his head; the problem with visions like that was that the implications stayed with you. "Sir, right now we've managed to turn the war from one of movement into one of attrition favoring us. This is the Chosen countermove. If we attack their prepared positions, we'll bleed ourselves white; attrition will favor them. Believe me, sir, please—if you've ever trusted my military judgment, trust it now. We'd break ourselves trying. The ground up there favors defense— that's how we survivea their initial attack—and those fieldworks of theirs are as impregnable as the mountains. And that's not all." He stood and took up a pointer, tracing the Gothic Line with its tip. "This shortens their line, and with massive artillery support and good communications from their immediate rear, they can thin out the forces facing us. Which means they can concentrate a real strategic reserve, not just rob Peter to pay Paul, pulling units out of the line to plug in again elsewhere. They haven't had a genuine reserve. If they get one, it frees up the whole situation and concedes a lot of the initiative to them." The Premier looked at John. "Your guerillas were supposed to tie down their forces," he said. THE CHOSEN 383 'They are, Mr. Premier," he said. "They have two hundred thousand men holding their lines of communication in the old Empire, and another hundred thousand in the Sierra, plus most of Libert's Nationalist army. Which, incidentally, is only useful to them as long as Libert's convinced they're going to win. If they had the free use of those forces, we'd have lost the war in their big push last fall." John looked around the table. "Gentlemen?" There was a murmur of agreement, reluctant in some cases. "Guerillas can be crucially useful to us," John went on. "But they can't win the war. They can make it possible for us to win it, though." The Premier smoothed a thumb across his slightly tobacco-stained white mustache; that and his great shock of snow-colored hair were his political trademarks, along with the gray silk gloves he affected. "Neither will sitting and looking at the Chosen forts— Chosen forts on our soil," he growled. "Admiral?" Maurice Fair nodded reluctantly. "We can't risk an attack on the Land Home Fleet in the Passage," he said. "Not at present. It's too far from our bases and too close to theirs. And while our operational efficiency is increasing rapidly, more than theirs—they were already at war readiness—they're building as fast as they can. They've got severe production problems, then-labor force doesn't want to work, but they're also experienced at that. If they can complete their latest shipbuilding cycle, our margin of superiority will be severely reduced." He shrugged. "For the next two years, we have a margin of naval superiority that will remain steady or increase. After that, I can give no assurances." He looked at his sons and shrugged again. If the Premier requested an analysis within his area of expertise, Maurice Farr would give it. Jeffrey coughed. "Well, Mr. Premier, the thing is that while the Gothic Line enables the enemy to regain 384 S.M. Stirling 6- David Drake THE CHOSEN 385 some freedom of action, it does the same for us—and sooner" The Premier looked at him sharply. Jeffrey went on: "They're not going to come out of those fortifications at us, not after going to that much trouble, and not as long as we maintain a reasonable force facing them. That means we can pull most of our experienced divisions out of the line, recruit them back up to strength, and put the new formations in feeing the enemy. That'll give them experience; we don't have to put in full-scale assaults to do that, just patrol aggressively. And so we will have a strategic reserve, and sooner than they will. They don't dare thin their force facing us until those works are complete." The Premier leaned back in his chair. He'd gotten his start in radical politics—and fought several duels with political opponents and what he considered slanderous journalists, back when that was still legal in some of the western provinces. John reminded himself not to underestimate the man; he was not just the pugnacious bull-at-a-gate extremist some made him out. Plenty of brains behind the shrewd little eyes, and plenty of nerve. "So," he said. "You think that we can do something with this strategic reserve of yours, in the two years during which we have . . . what is die military phrase?" "Window of opportunity, Mr. Premier," the military men said. "Your window of opportunity?" the Premier continued, "Yes, sir," Jeffrey said. From our window of opportunity to my window of opportunity? he thought, WeU, that certainly makes it plain who's to blame if anything, goes wrong. He is a politician, Jeff, Raj thought. A brief mental image, of Raj lying facedown on a magnificent mosaic floor, while a man stood above him shouting, dressed in magnificent metallic robes that blazed under arc lights. I know the breed. The political leader looked back at Mauric Farr "What do you say, Admiral?" "We have to take some action in the next two years," he said with clinical detachment. "As I said, for that period, our strength will increase relative to theirs. But they control three-quarters of the planet s useful land area, resources, and population now; while it'll take time for them to make use of what they've grabbed, eventually they will. Then the balance of forces will start to swing against us. Naval and otherwise." Most of the military men around the table nodded, reluctantly. The Premier leaned his elbows on the table, closed one hand into a fist and clasped the other over it, and leaned his chin on his knuckles. The pouched eyes leveled on Jeffrey. "Tell me more," he said. "Well, sir . . ." he began. The elevator was still functioning when the meeting broke up. "God damn, but I hope there aren't any leaks in that bunch," John said, waiting with his foster brother while the first loads went up. "That's why I confined myself to generalities," Jeffrey replied, yawning. "I can remember when these late nights were a pleasure, not something that made your eyes feel as if they'd been boiled, peeled and dredged in cayenne pepper." John shook his head. "Useful generalities, though," he fretted. Jeffrey grinned slightly and punched his arm. "Bro, there's no way we can stop the Fourth Bureau or Militarische Intelligenz from finding out our capabilities, he said. "And from that, deducing our general intentions. What we have to do is keep the precise intentions secret. It'll all depend on that." John nodded unhappily. "I still don't like it." "Of course not," Jeffrey said, his voice mock-soothing. "You're a spook. You're not happy unless you 386 S.M. Stirling 6- David Drake fcnow everything about everybody and nobody else knows anything at all." The elevator rattled to a stop at the bottom of the shaft, and the sliding-mesh doors opened. They stepped in; the little square was decorated in the red plush carpet, mirrors, and carved walnut of the upper part of the Executive Mansion, not like the utilitarian warrens beneath added in the years before the war. The attendant pushed the doors closed and reached for the polished wood and brass of the lever that controlled it. "Ground floor, I presume, gentlemen?" he said, with a slight Imperial accent. John nodded, and said in the man's own language, "How is it up top, Mario?" The elevator operator grinned at the patron who'd found him this job. "Bad, signore" he replied. "The tedeschi swine are out in force tonight. God and Mary and the Saints keep you safe." "Amen," John said, and took his cigarette case out of his jacket. The cigarillos within were dark with a gold band; he offered it to the other men, then snapped his lighter. The smoke was rich and pungent. "Sierran," Jeffrey said. "Punch-punch claros. We won't be seeing any more of those for a while." The elevator operator nodded somberly. "The. tedeschi have gone mad there, signore" he said. "They act as beasts in the Empire, but now in the Sierra . . ." "I think they're mad with frustration," John said. "Ciao, Mario. My regards to your family." "Signore. And many thanks for Antonio's scholarship." "He earned it." "Is there anywhere you don't have them stashed?" Jeffrey said, as they walked out to the entrance—the nonceremonial one, for unofficial guests. "It never hurts to have friends in ..." John began, as they accepted hat and cane, uniform cap, and THE CHOSEN 387 swagger stick, from the attendant. Then he paused on the polished marble of the steps. "Shit." They both stopped on the uppermost stair. The Executive Mansion had an excellent hilltop site. From here they could see for miles: darkened streets, the swift flicker of emergency vehicle headlights with the top halves painted black to make them less visible from above. Fires burned out of control down by the canals and the riverside warehouses, blotches of soft light amid the blackout darkness. Searchlights probed upward like fingers, like hands reaching for the machines that tormented the city below, sliding off the undersides of clouds and vanishing in the gaps between. Every few seconds an antiaircraft gun would fire, a flicker of light and a flat brraack, then the shell would burst far above, sometimes lighting a cloud from within for an instant. When they finally fell silent, sirens spoke all over the great city, a rising-falling wail that signaled the "all clear." As they died, the lesser sirens of fire engines could be heard, and the clangor of bells. "And now they'll sleep for a little while," John said softly. "Those that can. Tomorrow they'll get out of bed and go to work." Jeffrey nodded. "You're right. Center's right, this is hurting the Chosen more than us ... but it's got to stop, nevertheless." Harry Smith was waiting in the car; dozing, actually, with his head resting on his gloved hands. He woke as the two men approached. "Sorry, sir, Mr. Jeffrey." "Why the hell weren't you in the shelter?" John asked, his voice hovering between resignation and annoyance. "Wanted to keep an eye on the car," Smith said. John sighed, "Home." Home was in the North Hill suburbs, beyond Embassy Row. There was little direct damage there; 388 S.M. Stirling 6- David Drake no factories, and none of the densely packed working-class housing common further south on the bank of the river, or across it. The streetlights were still blacked out, and so were the houses. The steamcar slid quietly through die darkened streets, passing an occasional Air Raid Precautions patrol, helmeted but with no uniforms beyond armbands—many of them were Women's Auxiliary volunteers. Once, an ambulance went by with its bell clanging, and once, they had to detour around a random hit, a great crater in the middle of the street with water hissing ten feet high from a broken main. There might be gas, too; sawhorse barricades were already up, and Municipal Services trucks were disgorging men in workman's overalls. "That looks a bit like our place did," Jeffrey said; the younger Fairs household had been the recipient of several Land two hundred and fifty pounders, luckily while everyone was out. 'Thanks again for saving us from the horrors of Government Issue Married Quarters, officers for the use of." John snorted. The car paused for a moment at wrought-iron gates, and then the tires hummed on the brick of a long driveway. "Get some sleep," John said to Smith. "We're going on a trip in a few days." Smith grinned. "With some old friends, sir?" John nodded. Smith put on a good imitation of an upper-class drawl. "Just the time of year one likes a little vacation on the Gut, eh?" A sleepy butler opened the front doors of the big, rambling brick house. He stumbled backward as a four-year-old made a dash past his legs and down the stairs, leaping for Jeffrey. "Daddy!" The girl wound herself around him, clinging to his belt. "Daddy, we all went and sat inna basement and sang!" 'That's good, punkin, but it's past your bedtime," Jeffrey said, hoisting her up. THE CHOSEN 389 E She wrinkled her nose. "You smell funny, Daddy." "Blame the Premier and his tobacco—ah, here's Irene." A nursemaid came out, clutching her sleeping robe around her and clucking anxiously. "There she is, Mr. Jeffrey. Honestly, sometimes I think that child is part ape!" "A born commando. Off to bed, punkin." John was still smiling as he walked up the stairs, fending off the butler's offer to wake the cook. There were advantages to being a very rich man, but a good deal of petty annoyance came with it as well. He might have raided the icebox and made a sandwich himself, if he'd been living in a middle-class apartment, but rousting someone out of bed at one o'clock to slap some chicken between two pieces of bread was more trouble than it was worth and hubristic besides. The light was still on in the bedroom, but Pia was asleep. Her reading glasses were lying on top of a stack of documents on the carved teak sidetable beside a silver-framed picture of Maurice in his pilot's uniform. John smiled; his wife was living proof that not all Imperial woman got heavy after thirty. Just magnificent, he thought, undoing his cravat. She woke, stirred, and smiled at him. "Hello, darling," she said. "I can smell the Premier's tobacco, so I know you told the truth, it was politicians and not a mistress." John grinned. "You can have proof positive in a moment, if you'll stay awake." "Hurry then." Gerta forced her hands to relax from their white-knuckled grip on the armored side of the car. "I hope you're getting every moment of this," she muttered to the cameraman beside her. The Protege" nodded without pulling away from the eyepiece of the big clumsy machine clamped to the 390 S.M. Stirling