Weekly Accountability Report
Please fill out this entire report so we can review your weekly activities in order to support you on your goals.

It will take you around 5 minutes.

toms3d@gmail.com Switch account
The name, email, and photo associated with your Google account will be recorded when you upload files and submit this form
Email *
Name *
What is your GOAL for this week? 
(example: understand delta, set up 25 great paper trades)
What are the daily activities you are going to be executing on to achieve project completions & goal for the month?
(example: set up 3 trades per week, review 1 coaching lecture per day)
What are the biggest problems you are going to be working on outside of the projects/goals you've set out to achieve?
(example: working 8-10 hours a day, need better time management)
How can we support you with your goal, projects or big problems you are facing at the moment? 
(example: need help with my trade tracking sheet)
Is there anything we can do WITHIN the coaching program to help you further grow or are you satisfied with the current progression?
(example: I love the coaching BUT I'd love some accountability check-ins to make sure I get things done..)
Total trades made LAST week?
Paper or real profit/loss last week in US$ and as a percentage of capital used.
(eg. Paper trading: 22 trades, $160 profit on $10,000 capital (1,6%))
Attach a file of all your trades from the last 7 days.
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