tom watson ear problem. last several years I have had to remove excessive wax mostly from my right ear. A few times a year the wax would completely seal canal and using an ear bulb I would wash out wax. A couple of times I noticed that my ear canal was swollen. This was determined by the amount or depth my index finger would go into the ear canal. A couple of few times when I applied pressure it would seem a ??? would pop or burst. the swelling would be pushed down. I also noticed or felt a liquid. Suggesting a zit? cyst? xxx? had burst. In March 2015 I started swimming for exercise. About 30 minutes to 1 hour every other day. I also listen to audio books. Some times for several hours in a day. I was using ear buds mostly. I noticed more and more problems with ear wax impaction. In the last several month I developed a swelling in the ears and as I washed them out it appeared a 1/4 inch by 3/8 inch of skin would come out along with ear wax and ???? a white fat??? I stopped swimming and I swithed to external ear phones. I went so see Dr. Waltsman. He did a culture and perscribed cipro...... I completed persciption and then saw Waltman again, he did another culture He then perscibed another anti biotic and some ear drops. Dr Waltman refused to speak to me about the what and why of the perscriptions. So I chose to seek another doctor. today is mar 08 2016. Both my ear canals seem swollen. I am felling slight periods of mild pain in my ears and brief periods of itch in my right ear. the right ear canal is more swollen. watson@xen1[2151]datename 2016_03_08_09_46_